blob: dc84c98a81ad2f83c49ac68735cd899264b66459 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module modules/input-sk
* @description A custom element that is a styled, labeled input.
* TODO(westont): Move this to infra-sk.
* @attr {Boolean} label - Placeholder style text that moves out of the way
* when element is in focus.
* @attr {string} type - Passed to underlying <input>. e.g. 'number'
* @attr {string} textPrefix - Optional prefix to put before the input box.
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { ifDefined } from 'lit-html/directives/if-defined';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
export class InputSk extends ElementSk {
constructor() {
private static template = (ele: InputSk) => html`
<div class=input-container>
<input autocomplete=off required
<div class=underline-container>
<div class=underline></div>
<div class=underline-background ></div>
connectedCallback(): void {
if (this.hasAttribute('value')) {
this.value = this.getAttribute('value')!;
* @prop {string} value - Content of the input element from typing,
* selection, etc.
get value(): string {
// We back our value with input.value directly, to avoid issues with the
// input value changing without changing our value property, causing
// element re-rendering to be skipped.
return ($$('input', this)! as HTMLInputElement).value;
set value(v: string) {
($$('input', this)! as HTMLInputElement).value = v;
* @prop {string} label - Label to display to guide user input.
* Mirrors the attribute.
get label(): string {
return this.getAttribute('label') || '';
set label(val: string) {
this.setAttribute('label', val);
* @prop {string} type - Type of input. Mirrors the attribute.
get type(): string {
return this.getAttribute('type') || '';
set type(val: string) {
this.setAttribute('type', val);
* @prop {string} textPrefix - Optional prefix to put before the input box.
* Mirrors the attribute.
get textPrefix(): string {
return this.getAttribute('textPrefix') || '';
set textPrefix(val: string) {
this.setAttribute('type', val);
define('input-sk', InputSk);