blob: 7ac6ed5c7db7639f5656d6b71e723a3fa0625a3e [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
const (
// These images are copied from the datakitchensink set
blankDigest = "00000000000000000000000000000000" // all pixels blank
a01Digest = "a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a0" // has a square drawn
a05Digest = "a05a05a05a05a05a05a05a05a05a05a0" // small difference from a01
a09Digest = "a09a09a09a09a09a09a09a09a09a09a0" // large difference from a01
var (
timeOne = time.Date(2021, time.January, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, time.UTC)
timeTwo = time.Date(2021, time.January, 23, 22, 22, 0, 0, time.UTC)
func TestImgTest_Init_LoadKeysFromDisk_WritesProperResultState(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
keysFile := filepath.Join(workDir, "keys.json")
require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(keysFile, []byte(`{"os": "Android"}`), 0644))
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", blankDigest).
Negative("other-test", blankDigest).
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes (both empty).
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
keysFile: keysFile,
passFailStep: true,
workDir: workDir,
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(workDir, "result-state.json"))
require.NoError(t, err)
resultState := string(b)
assert.Contains(t, resultState, `"key":{"os":"Android","source_type":"my_corpus"}`)
assert.Contains(t, resultState, `"KnownHashes":{"00000000000000000000000000000000":true,"11111111111111111111111111111111":true}`)
assert.Contains(t, resultState, `"Expectations":{"other-test":{"00000000000000000000000000000000":"negative"},"pixel-tests":{"00000000000000000000000000000000":"positive"}}`)
func TestImgTest_InitAdd_StreamingPassFail_DoesNotMatchExpectations_NonzeroExitCode(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Build()
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes (both empty).
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
passFailStep: true,
failureFile: filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"),
workDir: workDir,
testKeysStrings: []string{"os:Android"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
bytesMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(b []byte) bool {
assert.Len(t, b, 78) // spot check length
return true
mg.On("UploadBytes", testutils.AnyContext, bytesMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating a test uploading a single
// result for a test called pixel-tests.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 1, logs)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Untriaged or negative image:`)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Test: pixel-tests FAIL`)
fb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"))
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, string(fb), "")
func TestImgTest_InitAdd_StreamingPassFail_MatchesExpectations_ZeroExitCode(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", blankDigest).Build()
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes.
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
passFailStep: true,
failureFile: filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"),
workDir: workDir,
testKeysStrings: []string{"os:Android"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating a test uploading a single
// result for a test called pixel-tests. The digest has already been triaged positive.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
fb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"))
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, fb)
func TestImgTest_InitAdd_StreamingPassFail_SuccessiveCalls_ProperJSONUploaded(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", blankDigest).Build()
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes.
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
passFailStep: true,
workDir: workDir,
testKeysStrings: []string{"os:Android"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating a test uploading a single
// result for a test called pixel-tests. The digest has already been triaged positive.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
mg = &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher = mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "bullhead"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is VERY DIFFERENT", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Call imgtest add for a second device running the same test as above.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeTwo))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:bullhead"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is VERY DIFFERENT"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs = output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
// This tests calling imgtest add without calling imgtest init first.
func TestImgTest_Add_StreamingPassFail_MatchesExpectations_ZeroExitCode(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
keysFile := filepath.Join(workDir, "keys.json")
require.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(keysFile, []byte(`{"os": "Android"}`), 0644))
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", blankDigest).Build()
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler", "source_type": "my_corpus"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating a test uploading a single
// result for a test called pixel-tests. The digest has already been triaged positive.
ctx, output, exit := testContext(mg, mh, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
failureFile: filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"),
instanceID: "my-instance",
keysFile: keysFile,
passFailStep: true,
pngDigest: blankDigest,
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testName: "pixel-tests",
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
workDir: workDir,
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
fb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(workDir, "failures.txt"))
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Empty(t, fb)
func TestImgTest_InitAddFinalize_BatchMode_ExpectationsMatch_ProperJSONUploaded(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", blankDigest).Build()
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes.
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
workDir: workDir,
testKeysStrings: []string{"os:Android"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating adding a result for
// a test called pixel-tests. The digest has been triaged positive for this test.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(nil, nil, nil, nil)
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
// Call imgtest add for a second device running the same test as above.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(nil, nil, nil, nil)
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:bullhead"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is VERY DIFFERENT"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs = output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, {
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "bullhead"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is VERY DIFFERENT", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Call imgtest finalize, expecting to see all data before uploaded.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs = output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
func TestImgTest_InitAddFinalize_BatchMode_ExpectationsDoNotMatch_ProperJSONAndImageUploaded(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Build()
// Call imgtest init with the following flags. We expect it to load the baseline expectations
// and the known hashes.
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, nil, nil)
env := imgTest{
commitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
corpus: "my_corpus",
instanceID: "my-instance",
workDir: workDir,
testKeysStrings: []string{"os:Android"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, output.String())
mg := &mocks.GCSUploader{}
bytesMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(b []byte) bool {
assert.Len(t, b, 78) // spot check length
return true
mg.On("UploadBytes", testutils.AnyContext, bytesMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Now call imgtest add with the following flags. This is simulating adding a result for
// a test called pixel-tests. The digest has not been seen before.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, nil)
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:angler"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is optional"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
// Call imgtest add for a second device running the same test as above.
// TODO(kjlubick) Append to the known digests to prevent a duplicate upload.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, nil)
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
testName: "pixel-tests",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, "00000000000000000000000000000000.png"),
pngDigest: blankDigest,
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:bullhead"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{"some_option:is VERY DIFFERENT"},
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs = output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
mg = &mocks.GCSUploader{}
resultsMatcher := mock.MatchedBy(func(results jsonio.GoldResults) bool {
assert.Equal(t, jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
Key: map[string]string{
"os": "Android",
"source_type": "my_corpus",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{{
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "angler"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is optional", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, {
Key: map[string]string{"name": "pixel-tests", "device": "bullhead"},
Options: map[string]string{"some_option": "is VERY DIFFERENT", "ext": "png"},
Digest: blankDigest,
}, results)
return true
mg.On("UploadJSON", testutils.AnyContext, resultsMatcher, mock.Anything,
// Call imgtest finalize, expecting to see all data before uploaded.
ctx, output, exit = testContext(mg, nil, nil, mockTime(timeOne))
env = imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs = output.String()
// In Batch mode, even though the images were untriaged, we return 0 (not failing).
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
// This test compares image a01 and a05. These images have 2 pixels different, with a maximum
// delta of 7, so the settings are close enough to let those match.
func TestImgTest_Check_CloseEnoughForFuzzyMatch_ExitCodeZero(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", a01Digest).
LatestPositive(a01Digest, paramtools.Params{
"device": "bullhead", "name": "pixel-tests", "source_type": "my-instance",
a01Bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(td, a01Digest+".png"))
require.NoError(t, err)
mi := &mocks.ImageDownloader{}
mi.On("DownloadImage", testutils.AnyContext, "", types.Digest(a01Digest)).Return(a01Bytes, nil)
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, mi, nil)
env := imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
instanceID: "my-instance",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, a05Digest+".png"),
testName: "pixel-tests",
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:bullhead"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{
string(imgmatching.AlgorithmNameOptKey + ":" + imgmatching.FuzzyMatching),
string(imgmatching.MaxDifferentPixels + ":2"),
string(imgmatching.PixelDeltaThreshold + ":10"),
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 0, logs)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Non-exact image comparison using algorithm "fuzzy" against most recent positive digest "a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a0".`)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Test: pixel-tests PASS`)
func TestImgTest_Check_TooDifferentOnChangelist_ExitCodeOne(t *testing.T) {
workDir := t.TempDir()
setupAuthWithGSUtil(t, workDir)
td, err := testutils.TestDataDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
mh := mockRPCResponses().Positive("pixel-tests", a01Digest).
LatestPositive(a01Digest, paramtools.Params{
"device": "bullhead", "name": "pixel-tests", "source_type": "my-instance",
}).BuildForCL("gerritHub", "cl_1234")
a01Bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(td, a01Digest+".png"))
require.NoError(t, err)
mi := &mocks.ImageDownloader{}
mi.On("DownloadImage", testutils.AnyContext, "", types.Digest(a01Digest)).Return(a01Bytes, nil)
ctx, output, exit := testContext(nil, mh, mi, nil)
env := imgTest{
workDir: workDir,
changelistID: "cl_1234",
codeReviewSystem: "gerritHub",
instanceID: "my-instance",
pngFile: filepath.Join(td, a09Digest+".png"),
testName: "pixel-tests",
testKeysStrings: []string{"device:bullhead"},
testOptionalKeysStrings: []string{
string(imgmatching.AlgorithmNameOptKey + ":" + imgmatching.FuzzyMatching),
string(imgmatching.MaxDifferentPixels + ":2"),
string(imgmatching.PixelDeltaThreshold + ":10"),
runUntilExit(t, func() {
logs := output.String()
exit.AssertWasCalledWithCode(t, 1, logs)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Non-exact image comparison using algorithm "fuzzy" against most recent positive digest "a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a01a0".`)
assert.Contains(t, logs, `Test: pixel-tests FAIL`)
func testContext(g gcsuploader.GCSUploader, h httpclient.HTTPClient, i imagedownloader.ImageDownloader, n goldclient.NowSource) (context.Context, *threadSafeBuffer, *exitCodeRecorder) {
output := &threadSafeBuffer{}
exit := &exitCodeRecorder{}
ctx := executionContext(context.Background(), output, output, exit.ExitWithCode)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, goldclient.NowSourceKey, n)
return goldclient.WithContext(ctx, g, h, i), output, exit
type threadSafeBuffer struct {
buf bytes.Buffer
mutex sync.Mutex
func (t *threadSafeBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer t.mutex.Unlock()
return t.buf.Write(p)
func (t *threadSafeBuffer) String() string {
defer t.mutex.Unlock()
return t.buf.String()
func mockTime(ts time.Time) goldclient.NowSource {
mt := mocks.NowSource{}
return &mt
type rpcResponsesBuilder struct {
knownDigests []string
exp *expectations.Expectations
latestPositives map[tiling.TraceID]types.Digest
func mockRPCResponses() *rpcResponsesBuilder {
return &rpcResponsesBuilder{
exp: &expectations.Expectations{},
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) Positive(name string, digest types.Digest) *rpcResponsesBuilder {
r.exp.Set(types.TestName(name), digest, expectations.Positive)
r.knownDigests = append(r.knownDigests, string(digest))
return r
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) Negative(name string, digest types.Digest) *rpcResponsesBuilder {
r.exp.Set(types.TestName(name), digest, expectations.Negative)
r.knownDigests = append(r.knownDigests, string(digest))
return r
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) Known(digest types.Digest) *rpcResponsesBuilder {
r.knownDigests = append(r.knownDigests, string(digest))
return r
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) LatestPositive(digest types.Digest, traceKeys paramtools.Params) *rpcResponsesBuilder {
if len(r.latestPositives) == 0 {
r.latestPositives = map[tiling.TraceID]types.Digest{}
traceID := tiling.TraceIDFromParams(traceKeys)
r.latestPositives[traceID] = digest
return r
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) Build() *mocks.HTTPClient {
mh := &mocks.HTTPClient{}
knownResp := strings.Join(r.knownDigests, "\n")
mh.On("Get", "").Return(httpResponse(knownResp, "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
exp, err := json.Marshal(baseline.Baseline{
MD5: "somemd5",
Expectations: r.exp.AsBaseline(),
if err != nil {
mh.On("Get", "").Return(
httpResponse(string(exp), "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
for traceID, digest := range r.latestPositives {
j, err := json.Marshal(frontend.MostRecentPositiveDigestResponse{Digest: digest})
if err != nil {
url := string("" + traceID)
mh.On("Get", url).Return(
httpResponse(string(j), "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
return mh
func (r *rpcResponsesBuilder) BuildForCL(crs, clID string) *mocks.HTTPClient {
mh := &mocks.HTTPClient{}
knownResp := strings.Join(r.knownDigests, "\n")
mh.On("Get", "").Return(httpResponse(knownResp, "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
exp, err := json.Marshal(baseline.Baseline{
MD5: "somemd5",
Expectations: r.exp.AsBaseline(),
ChangelistID: clID,
CodeReviewSystem: crs,
if err != nil {
url := fmt.Sprintf("", clID, crs)
mh.On("Get", url).Return(
httpResponse(string(exp), "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
for traceID, digest := range r.latestPositives {
j, err := json.Marshal(frontend.MostRecentPositiveDigestResponse{Digest: digest})
if err != nil {
url := string("" + traceID)
mh.On("Get", url).Return(
httpResponse(string(j), "200 OK", http.StatusOK), nil)
return mh
func TestRPCResponsesBuilder_Default_ReturnsBlankValues(t *testing.T) {
mh := mockRPCResponses().Build()
resp, err := mh.Get("")
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "", string(b))
resp, err = mh.Get("")
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `{"md5":"somemd5"}`, string(b))
func TestRPCResponsesBuilder_WithValues_ReturnsValidListsAndJSON(t *testing.T) {
mh := mockRPCResponses().
Positive("alpha test", "second_digest").
Positive("beta test", "third_digest").
Negative("alpha test", "fourth_digest").
LatestPositive("third_digest", paramtools.Params{"alpha": "beta", "gamma": "delta epsilon"}).
resp, err := mh.Get("")
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `first_digest
fifth_digest`, string(b))
resp, err = mh.Get("")
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `{"md5":"somemd5","primary":{"alpha test":{"fourth_digest":"negative","second_digest":"positive"},"beta test":{"third_digest":"positive"}}}`, string(b))
resp, err = mh.Get(",alpha=beta,gamma=delta epsilon,")
require.NoError(t, err)
b, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, `{"digest":"third_digest"}`, string(b))