blob: 41fafab182163ced20763983eeab3426275c2178 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package diffstore;
// DiffService implements a service for image diffs. The exposed functions
// mirror the diff.DiffStore interface.
service DiffService {
// Same functionality as Get in the diff.DiffStore interface.
rpc GetDiffs(GetDiffsRequest) returns (GetDiffsResponse) {}
// Same functionality asSee UnavailableDigests in the diff.DiffStore interface.
rpc UnavailableDigests(Empty) returns (UnavailableDigestsResponse) {}
//Same functionality asSee PurgeDigestset in the diff.DiffStore interface.
rpc PurgeDigests(PurgeDigestsRequest) returns (Empty) {}
// Ping is used to test connection.
rpc Ping(Empty) returns (Empty) {}
message Empty {}
message GetDiffsRequest {
string mainDigest = 2;
repeated string rightDigests = 3;
message GetDiffsResponse {
bytes diffs = 1;
message PurgeDigestsRequest {
repeated string digests = 1;
bool purgeGCS = 2;
message UnavailableDigestsResponse {
map<string, DigestFailureResponse> digestFailures = 1;
message DigestFailureResponse {
string Digest = 1;
string Reason = 2;
int64 TS = 3;