blob: c32932820e5c5b7e845af95c0c2364c560eab887 [file] [log] [blame]
build: npm-ci
go install ./go/...
npx webpack --mode=development
serve: npm-ci
npx webpack-dev-server --watch-poll --mode=development
release_build: wasm_libs npm-ci
npx webpack --mode=production
watch: npm-ci
npx webpack --watch --mode=development
docker pull
rm -rf build
mkdir -p build/canvaskit build/pathkit
# Extract them from the most recently built ones. These are built
# using cloudbuild.yaml in the Skia repo.
docker run -u $$(id -u ${USER}):$$(id -g ${USER}) --rm \
--volume `pwd`/build:/OUT \
sh -c "cp -r /tmp/* /OUT/"
echo "export const SKIA_VERSION = '`cat build/VERSION`';" > build/version.js
.PHONY: testjs
testjs: npm-ci
# Run the generated tests just once under Xvfb.
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" npx karma start --single-run
go install -v ./go/jsfiddle
release: release_build
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install -a ./go/jsfiddle
release_ci: npm-ci
# Assumes the environment mounts the wasm outputs to /OUT
rm -rf build
mkdir -p build/canvaskit build/pathkit
cp -r /OUT/* build
echo "export const SKIA_VERSION = '`cat /OUT/VERSION`';" > ./build/version.js
# Now that we have the canvaskit.wasm etc, we can bundle it in with webpack.
npx webpack --mode=production
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install -a ./go/jsfiddle
push: get_latest_skia release
pushk jsfiddle
.PHONY: build serve release_build watch core release wasm_libs get_latest_skia
.PHONY: build-frontend-ci
build-frontend-ci: wasm_libs npm-ci
npx webpack --mode=production
jsfiddle --local
include ../make/