blob: 3349d735235aadf420da11a3ff2859f7e5af90a1 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// defaultSkiaRepo is the repo to default to when no repos have been specified.
// It is the main "skia.git" repo.
const defaultSkiaRepo = "skia"
// Flags
var (
host = flag.String("host", "", "HTTP service host")
modifyGroup = flag.String("modify_group", "project-skia-committers", "The chrome infra auth group to use for who is allowed to change tree status.")
chromeInfraAuthJWT = flag.String("chrome_infra_auth_jwt", "/var/secrets/skia-public-auth/key.json", "Path to a local file, or name of a GCP secret, containing the JWT key for the service account that has access to chrome infra auth.")
namespace = flag.String("namespace", "tree-status-staging", "The Cloud Datastore namespace.")
dsProject = flag.String("ds-project", "skia-public", "Name of the GCP project used for Datastore.")
repos = common.NewMultiStringFlag("repo", nil, "These repos will have tree status endpoints.")
secretProject = flag.String("secret-project", "skia-infra-public", "Name of the GCP project used for secret management.")
internalPort = flag.String("internal_port", "", "HTTP internal service address (eg: ':8001' for unauthenticated in-cluster requests.")
firestoreInstance = flag.String("firestore_instance", "production", "Firestore instance to use, eg. \"production\"")
var (
// dsClient is the Cloud Datastore client to access tree statuses.
dsClient *datastore.Client
// repoNameRegex matches the format of supported repo names.
repoNameRegex = "{repo:[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+}"
// Server is the state of the server.
type Server struct {
templates *template.Template
autorollDB status.DB
// skiaRepoSpecified is set to true when the main skia has been specified.
// This boolean is used because the main skia repo requires support for
// non-repo specified URLs (for backwards compatibility) and for watching
// autorollers.
skiaRepoSpecified bool
plogin alogin.Login
// New implements baseapp.Constructor.
func New() (baseapp.App, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
ts, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Problem setting up default token source")
dsClient, err = datastore.NewClient(context.Background(), *dsProject, option.WithTokenSource(ts))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to initialize Cloud Datastore for tree status")
// Check to see if the main skia repo has been specified. If it has been
// specified then it will require special handling.
skiaRepoSpecified := IsRepoSupported(defaultSkiaRepo)
var autorollDB status.DB
if skiaRepoSpecified {
// Start watching for statuses with autorollers specified. Only supported for
// the default repo (skia).
autorollDB, err = AutorollersInit(ctx, defaultSkiaRepo, *firestoreInstance, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not init autorollers")
// Load the last status and whether autorollers need to be watched.
s, err := GetLatestStatus(defaultSkiaRepo)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not find latest status")
if s.Rollers != "" {
sklog.Infof("Last status has rollers that need to be watched: %s", s.Rollers)
plogin := proxylogin.NewWithDefaults()
srv := &Server{
autorollDB: autorollDB,
skiaRepoSpecified: skiaRepoSpecified,
plogin: plogin,
liveness := metrics2.NewLiveness("alive", map[string]string{})
return srv, nil
func (srv *Server) loadTemplates() {
blah := *baseapp.ResourcesDir
srv.templates = template.Must(template.New("").Delims("{%", "%}").ParseFiles(
filepath.Join(blah, "index.html"),
// IsEditor returns true if the currently logged in user is an editor.
func (srv *Server) IsEditor(r *http.Request) bool {
ret := true
if !*baseapp.Local {
ret = srv.plogin.Roles(r).Has(roles.Editor)
return ret
// AddHandlers implements baseapp.App.
func (srv *Server) AddHandlers(r chi.Router) {
r.HandleFunc("/_/login/status", alogin.LoginStatusHandler(srv.plogin))
// All endpoints that require authentication should be added to this router. The
// rest of endpoints are left unauthenticated because they are accessed from various
// places like: Skia infra apps, Gerrit plugin, Chrome extensions, presubmits, etc.
appRouter := chi.NewRouter()
if srv.skiaRepoSpecified {
// If the main skia repo has been specified then leave default repo
// handlers around for backwards compatibility.
appRouter.Get("/", srv.treeStateDefaultRepoHandler)
r.Get("/current", httputils.CorsHandler(srv.bannerStatusHandler))
appRouter.Post("/_/get_autorollers", srv.autorollersHandler)
// Add repo-specific endpoints.
appRouter.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", repoNameRegex), srv.treeStateDefaultRepoHandler)
appRouter.Post(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_/add_tree_status", repoNameRegex), srv.addStatusHandler)
appRouter.Post(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/_/recent_statuses", repoNameRegex), srv.recentStatusesHandler)
r.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/current", repoNameRegex), httputils.CorsHandler(srv.bannerStatusHandler))
if *internalPort != "" {
internalRouter := chi.NewRouter()
internalRouter.Get(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/current", repoNameRegex), httputils.CorsHandler(srv.bannerStatusHandler))
internalRouter.Get("/current", srv.bannerStatusHandler)
go func() {
sklog.Infof("Internal server on %q", *internalPort)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*internalPort, internalRouter))
// Use the appRouter as a handler and wrap it into middleware that enforces authentication.
appHandler := http.Handler(appRouter)
r.Handle("/*", appHandler)
// AddMiddleware implements baseapp.App.
func (srv *Server) AddMiddleware() []func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
return []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
// IsRepoSupported is a utility function that returns true if the specified
// repo is a supported repo (i.e. has been specified in the repos flag).
func IsRepoSupported(repo string) bool {
return util.In(repo, *repos)
func main() {
// Parse flags to be able to send *host to baseapp.Serve
baseapp.Serve(New, []string{*host})