blob: e65817f8bd3b71303d7b28acfc58f26348482e0e [file] [log] [blame]
package diff
import (
var (
pixelMatchColor = color.Transparent
// Orange gradient.
// These are non-premultiplied RGBA values.
pixelDiffColor = [][]uint8{
{0xfd, 0xd0, 0xa2, 0xff},
{0xfd, 0xae, 0x6b, 0xff},
{0xfd, 0x8d, 0x3c, 0xff},
{0xf1, 0x69, 0x13, 0xff},
{0xd9, 0x48, 0x01, 0xff},
{0xa6, 0x36, 0x03, 0xff},
{0x7f, 0x27, 0x04, 0xff},
// Blue gradient.
// These are non-premultiplied RGBA values.
pixelAlphaDiffColor = [][]uint8{
{0xc6, 0xdb, 0xef, 0xff},
{0x9e, 0xca, 0xe1, 0xff},
{0x6b, 0xae, 0xd6, 0xff},
{0x42, 0x92, 0xc6, 0xff},
{0x21, 0x71, 0xb5, 0xff},
{0x08, 0x51, 0x9c, 0xff},
{0x08, 0x30, 0x6b, 0xff},
// Returns the offset into the color slices (pixelDiffColor,
// or pixelAlphaDiffColor) based on the delta passed in.
// The number passed in is the difference between two colors,
// on a scale from 1 to 1024.
func deltaOffset(n int) int {
ret := int(math.Ceil(math.Log(float64(n))/math.Log(3) + 0.5))
if ret < 1 || ret > 7 {
sklog.Fatalf("Input: %d", n)
return ret - 1
// DiffMetrics contains the diff information between two images.
type DiffMetrics struct {
// NumDiffPixels is the absolute number of pixels that are different.
NumDiffPixels int
// CombinedMetric is a value in [0, 10] that represents how large the diff is between two
// images. It is based off the MaxRGBADiffs and PixelDiffPercent.
CombinedMetric float32
// PixelDiffPercent is the percentage of pixels that are different. The denominator here is
// (maximum width of the two images) * (maximum height of the two images).
PixelDiffPercent float32
// MaxRGBADiffs contains the maximum difference of each channel.
MaxRGBADiffs [4]int
// DimDiffer is true if the dimensions between the two images are different.
DimDiffer bool
// ComputeDiffMetrics computes and returns the diff metrics between two given images.
func ComputeDiffMetrics(leftImg *image.NRGBA, rightImg *image.NRGBA) *DiffMetrics {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
ret, _ := PixelDiff(leftImg, rightImg)
ret.CombinedMetric = CombinedDiffMetric(ret.MaxRGBADiffs, ret.PixelDiffPercent)
return ret
// CombinedDiffMetric returns a value in [0, 10] that represents how large
// the diff is between two images. Implements the MetricFn signature.
func CombinedDiffMetric(channelDiffs [4]int, pixelDiffPercent float32) float32 {
// Turn maxRGBA into a percent by taking the root mean square difference from
// [0, 0, 0, 0].
sum := 0.0
for _, c := range channelDiffs {
sum += float64(c) * float64(c)
normalizedRGBA := math.Sqrt(sum/float64(len(channelDiffs))) / 255.0
// We take the sqrt of (pixelDiffPercent * normalizedRGBA) to straighten out
// the curve, i.e. think about what a plot of x^2 would look like in the
// range [0, 1].
return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(pixelDiffPercent) * normalizedRGBA))
// getPixelDiffPercent returns the percentage of pixels that differ, as a float between 0 and 100
// (inclusive).
func getPixelDiffPercent(numDiffPixels, totalPixels int) float32 {
return (float32(numDiffPixels) * 100) / float32(totalPixels)
func uint8ToColor(c []uint8) color.Color {
return color.NRGBA{R: c[0], G: c[1], B: c[2], A: c[3]}
// diffColors compares two color values and returns a color to indicate the
// difference. If the colors differ it updates maxRGBADiffs to contain the
// maximum difference over multiple calls.
// If the RGB channels are identical, but the alpha differ then
// pixelAlphaDiffColor is returned. This allows to distinguish pixels that
// render the same, but have different alpha values.
func diffColors(color1, color2 color.Color, maxRGBADiffs *[4]int) color.Color {
// We compare them before normalizing to non-premultiplied. If one of the
// original images did not have an alpha channel (but the other did) the
// equality will be false.
if color1 == color2 {
return pixelMatchColor
// Treat all colors as non-premultiplied.
c1 := color.NRGBAModel.Convert(color1).(color.NRGBA)
c2 := color.NRGBAModel.Convert(color2).(color.NRGBA)
rDiff := util.AbsInt(int(c1.R) - int(c2.R))
gDiff := util.AbsInt(int(c1.G) - int(c2.G))
bDiff := util.AbsInt(int(c1.B) - int(c2.B))
aDiff := util.AbsInt(int(c1.A) - int(c2.A))
maxRGBADiffs[0] = util.MaxInt(maxRGBADiffs[0], rDiff)
maxRGBADiffs[1] = util.MaxInt(maxRGBADiffs[1], gDiff)
maxRGBADiffs[2] = util.MaxInt(maxRGBADiffs[2], bDiff)
maxRGBADiffs[3] = util.MaxInt(maxRGBADiffs[3], aDiff)
// If the color channels differ we mark with the diff color.
if (c1.R != c2.R) || (c1.G != c2.G) || (c1.B != c2.B) {
// We use the Manhattan metric for color difference.
return uint8ToColor(pixelDiffColor[deltaOffset(rDiff+gDiff+bDiff+aDiff)])
// If only the alpha channel differs we mark it with the alpha diff color.
if aDiff > 0 {
return uint8ToColor(pixelAlphaDiffColor[deltaOffset(aDiff)])
return pixelMatchColor
// recode creates a new NRGBA image from the given image.
func recode(img image.Image) *image.NRGBA {
ret := image.NewNRGBA(img.Bounds())
draw.Draw(ret, img.Bounds(), img, image.Pt(0, 0), draw.Src)
return ret
// GetNRGBA converts the image to an *image.NRGBA in an efficient manner.
func GetNRGBA(img image.Image) *image.NRGBA {
switch t := img.(type) {
case *image.NRGBA:
return t
case *image.RGBA:
for i := 0; i < len(t.Pix); i += 4 {
if t.Pix[i+3] != 0xff {
sklog.Warning("Unexpected premultiplied image!")
return recode(img)
// If every alpha is 0xff then t.Pix is already in NRGBA format, simply
// share Pix between the RGBA and NRGBA structs.
return &image.NRGBA{
Pix: t.Pix,
Stride: t.Stride,
Rect: t.Rect,
// Some of our tests produce more than 8 bit per channel color.
return recode(img)
// PixelDiff is a utility function that calculates the DiffMetrics and the image of the
// difference for the provided images.
func PixelDiff(img1, img2 image.Image) (*DiffMetrics, *image.NRGBA) {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
img1Bounds := img1.Bounds()
img2Bounds := img2.Bounds()
// Get the bounds we want to compare.
cmpWidth := util.MinInt(img1Bounds.Dx(), img2Bounds.Dx())
cmpHeight := util.MinInt(img1Bounds.Dy(), img2Bounds.Dy())
// Get the bounds of the resulting image. If they dimensions match they
// will be identical to the result bounds. Fill the image with black pixels.
resultWidth := util.MaxInt(img1Bounds.Dx(), img2Bounds.Dx())
resultHeight := util.MaxInt(img1Bounds.Dy(), img2Bounds.Dy())
resultImg := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, resultWidth, resultHeight))
totalPixels := resultWidth * resultHeight
// Loop through all points and compare. We start assuming all pixels are
// wrong. This takes care of the case where the images have different sizes
// and there is an area not inspected by the loop.
numDiffPixels := totalPixels
maxRGBADiffs := [4]int{0, 0, 0, 0}
// Pix is a []uint8 rotating through R, G, B, A, R, G, B, A, ...
p1 := GetNRGBA(img1).Pix
p2 := GetNRGBA(img2).Pix
// Compare the bounds, if they are the same then use this fast path.
// We cast to uint64 to compare 2 pixels at a time, so we also require
// an even number of pixels here. If that's a big deal, we can easily
// fix that up, handling the straggler pixel separately at the end.
if img1Bounds.Eq(img2Bounds) && len(p1)%8 == 0 {
numDiffPixels = 0
// Note the += 8. We're checking two pixels at a time here.
for i := 0; i < len(p1); i += 8 {
// Most pixels we compare will be the same, so from here to
// the 'continue' is the hot path in all this code.
rgba_2x := (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&p1[i]))
RGBA_2x := (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&p2[i]))
if *rgba_2x == *RGBA_2x {
// When off == 0, we check the first pixel of the pair; when 4, the second.
for off := 0; off <= 4; off += 4 {
r, g, b, a := p1[off+i+0], p1[off+i+1], p1[off+i+2], p1[off+i+3]
R, G, B, A := p2[off+i+0], p2[off+i+1], p2[off+i+2], p2[off+i+3]
if r != R || g != G || b != B || a != A {
dr := util.AbsInt(int(r) - int(R))
dg := util.AbsInt(int(g) - int(G))
db := util.AbsInt(int(b) - int(B))
da := util.AbsInt(int(a) - int(A))
maxRGBADiffs[0] = util.MaxInt(dr, maxRGBADiffs[0])
maxRGBADiffs[1] = util.MaxInt(dg, maxRGBADiffs[1])
maxRGBADiffs[2] = util.MaxInt(db, maxRGBADiffs[2])
maxRGBADiffs[3] = util.MaxInt(da, maxRGBADiffs[3])
if dr+dg+db > 0 {
copy(resultImg.Pix[off+i:], pixelDiffColor[deltaOffset(dr+dg+db+da)])
} else {
copy(resultImg.Pix[off+i:], pixelAlphaDiffColor[deltaOffset(da)])
} else {
// Set pixels outside of the comparison area with the maximum diff color.
maxDiffColor := uint8ToColor(pixelDiffColor[deltaOffset(1024)])
for x := 0; x < resultWidth; x++ {
for y := 0; y < resultHeight; y++ {
if x < cmpWidth && y < cmpHeight {
color1 := img1.At(x, y)
color2 := img2.At(x, y)
dc := diffColors(color1, color2, &maxRGBADiffs)
if dc == pixelMatchColor {
resultImg.Set(x, y, dc)
} else {
resultImg.Set(x, y, maxDiffColor)
return &DiffMetrics{
NumDiffPixels: numDiffPixels,
PixelDiffPercent: getPixelDiffPercent(numDiffPixels, totalPixels),
MaxRGBADiffs: maxRGBADiffs,
DimDiffer: (cmpWidth != resultWidth) || (cmpHeight != resultHeight)}, resultImg
type Calculator interface {
// CalculateDiffs recomputes all diffs for the current grouping, including any digests provided.
CalculateDiffs(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, additional []types.Digest) error