blob: c3125397906f1c64bfddc3776160bbffc2677802 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
This program runs all unit tests in the repository.
import (
const (
// This gets filled out and printed when a test fails.
============================= TEST FAILURE =============================
Test: %s
Command: %s
Full output:
var (
// Error message shown when a required executable is not installed.
ERR_NEED_INSTALL = "%s failed to run! Is it installed? Error: %v"
// Directories with these names are skipped when searching for tests.
NO_CRAWL_DIR_NAMES = []string{
// Directories with these paths, relative to the checkout root, are
// skipped when searching for tests.
NO_CRAWL_REL_PATHS = []string{
POLYMER_PATHS = []string{
// goTestRegexp is a regular expression used for finding the durations
// of tests.
goTestRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("--- (\\w+):\\s+(\\w+)\\s+\\((.+)\\)")
// Flags.
race = flag.Bool("race", false, "Whether or not to enable the race flag when running go tests. This flag signals to only run go tests.")
// writeTimings is a file in which to write the test timings in JSON
// format.
writeTimings = flag.String("write_timings", "", "JSON file in which to write the test timings.")
// Every call to cmdTest uses a different KARMA_PORT.
nextKarmaPort = 9876
// ignoreGoImportsFailures is a regular expression that determines which files should be ignored
// if their goimports output differs from what is checked in.
ignoreGoImportsFailures = regexp.MustCompile(`^.*.pb.go`)
// cmdTest returns a test which runs a command and fails if the command fails.
func cmdTest(cmd []string, cwd, name, testType string) *test {
karmaPort := nextKarmaPort
return &test{
Name: name,
Cmd: strings.Join(cmd, " "),
run: func() (string, error) {
command := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...)
if cwd != "" {
command.Dir = cwd
command.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("KARMA_PORT=%d", karmaPort))
output, err := command.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if _, err2 := exec.LookPath(cmd[0]); err2 != nil {
return string(output), fmt.Errorf(ERR_NEED_INSTALL, cmd[0], err)
return string(output), err
Type: testType,
func polylintTest(cwd, fileName string) *test {
cmd := []string{"polylint", "--no-recursion", "--root", cwd, "--input", fileName}
return &test{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("polylint in %s", filepath.Join(cwd, fileName)),
Cmd: strings.Join(cmd, " "),
run: func() (string, error) {
command := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...)
outputBytes, err := command.Output()
if err != nil {
if _, err2 := exec.LookPath(cmd[0]); err2 != nil {
return string(outputBytes), fmt.Errorf(ERR_NEED_INSTALL, cmd[0], err)
return string(outputBytes), err
unresolvedProblems := ""
count := 0
for s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(outputBytes)); s.Scan(); {
badFileLine := s.Text()
if !s.Scan() {
return string(outputBytes), fmt.Errorf("Unexpected end of polylint output after %q:\n%s", badFileLine, string(outputBytes))
problemLine := s.Text()
if !strings.Contains(unresolvedProblems, badFileLine) {
unresolvedProblems = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", unresolvedProblems, badFileLine, problemLine)
if unresolvedProblems == "" {
return "", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("%d unresolved polylint problems:\n%s\n", count, unresolvedProblems)
Type: testutils.LARGE_TEST,
// buildPolymerFolder runs the Makefile in the given folder. This sets up the symbolic links so dependencies can be located for polylint.
func buildPolymerFolder(cwd string) error {
cmd := cmdTest([]string{"make", "deps"}, cwd, fmt.Sprintf("Polymer build in %s", cwd), testutils.LARGE_TEST)
return cmd.Run()
// polylintTestsForDir builds the folder once and then returns a list of tests for each Polymer file in the directory. If the build fails, a dummy test is returned that prints an error message.
func polylintTestsForDir(cwd string, fileNames ...string) []*test {
if err := buildPolymerFolder(cwd); err != nil {
return []*test{
Name: filepath.Join(cwd, "make"),
Cmd: filepath.Join(cwd, "make"),
run: func() (string, error) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not build Polymer files in %s: %s", cwd, err)
Type: testutils.LARGE_TEST,
tests := make([]*test, 0, len(fileNames))
for _, name := range fileNames {
tests = append(tests, polylintTest(cwd, name))
return tests
// findPolymerFiles returns all files that probably contain polymer content
// (i.e. end with sk.html) in a given directory.
func findPolymerFiles(dirPath string) []string {
dir := fileutil.MustOpen(dirPath)
files := make([]string, 0)
for _, info := range fileutil.MustReaddir(dir) {
if n := info.Name(); strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), "sk.html") {
files = append(files, n)
return files
//polylintTests creates a list of *test from all directories in POLYMER_PATHS
func polylintTests() []*test {
tests := make([]*test, 0)
for _, path := range POLYMER_PATHS {
tests = append(tests, polylintTestsForDir(path, findPolymerFiles(path)...)...)
return tests
// goTest returns a test which runs `go test` in the given cwd.
func goTest(cwd string, testType string, args ...string) *test {
cmd := []string{"go", "test", "-v", "./go/...", "-p", "1", "-parallel", "1"}
if *race {
cmd = append(cmd, "-race")
cmd = append(cmd, args...)
t := cmdTest(cmd, cwd, fmt.Sprintf("go tests (%s) in %s", testType, cwd), testType)
// Go tests print out their own timings. Parse them to obtain individual
// test times.
t.duration = func() map[string]time.Duration {
rv := map[string]time.Duration{}
split := strings.Split(t.output, "\n")
for _, line := range split {
m := goTestRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(m) == 4 {
if m[1] == "PASS" || m[1] == "FAIL" {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(m[3])
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Got invalid test duration: %q", m[3])
rv[m[2]] = d
return rv
return t
// goTestSmall returns a test which runs `go test --small` in the given cwd.
func goTestSmall(cwd string) *test {
return goTest(cwd, testutils.SMALL_TEST, "--small", "--timeout", testutils.TIMEOUT_SMALL)
// goTestMedium returns a test which runs `go test --medium` in the given cwd.
func goTestMedium(cwd string) *test {
return goTest(cwd, testutils.MEDIUM_TEST, "--medium", "--timeout", testutils.TIMEOUT_MEDIUM)
// goTestLarge returns a test which runs `go test --large` in the given cwd.
func goTestLarge(cwd string) *test {
return goTest(cwd, testutils.LARGE_TEST, "--large", "--timeout", testutils.TIMEOUT_LARGE)
// pythonTest returns a test which runs the given Python script and fails if
// the script fails.
func pythonTest(testPath string) *test {
return cmdTest([]string{"python", testPath}, ".", path.Base(testPath), testutils.SMALL_TEST)
// Verify that "go generate ./..." produces no diffs.
func goGenerate() *test {
cmd := []string{"go", "generate", "./..."}
return &test{
Name: "go generate",
Cmd: strings.Join(cmd, " "),
run: func() (string, error) {
// Run "git diff" to get a baseline.
diff, err := exec.Command("git", "diff", "--no-ext-diff").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return string(diff), fmt.Errorf("Failed to run git diff: %s", err)
// Run "go generate".
command := exec.Command(cmd[0], cmd[1:]...)
outputBytes, err := command.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return string(outputBytes), fmt.Errorf("Failed to run go generate: %s", err)
// Run "git diff" again and assert that the diff didn't
// change.
diff2, err := exec.Command("git", "diff", "--no-ext-diff").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return string(diff2), fmt.Errorf("Failed to run git diff: %s", err)
if string(diff) != string(diff2) {
return fmt.Sprintf("Diff before:\n%s\n\nDiff after:\n%s", string(diff), string(diff2)), fmt.Errorf("go generate created new diffs!")
return "", nil
Type: testutils.LARGE_TEST,
// test is a struct which represents a single test to run.
type test struct {
// Name is the human-friendly name of the test.
Name string
// Cmd is the command to run.
Cmd string
// duration is a function which returns the duration(s) of the test(s).
duration func() map[string]time.Duration
// output contains the output from the command. It is only populated
// after Run() is called.
output string
// run is a function used to run the test. It returns any error and the
// output of the test.
run func() (string, error)
// totalTime is the duration of the test, populated after Run().
totalTime time.Duration
// Type is the small/medium/large categorization of the test.
Type string
// Run executes the function for the given test and returns an error if it fails.
func (t *test) Run() error {
if !util.In(t.Type, testutils.TEST_TYPES) {
sklog.Fatalf("Test %q has invalid type %q", t.Name, t.Type)
if !testutils.ShouldRun(t.Type) {
sklog.Infof("Not running %s tests; skipping %q", t.Type, t.Name)
return nil
started := time.Now()
defer func() {
t.totalTime = time.Now().Sub(started)
output, err :=
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(TEST_FAILURE, t.Name, t.Cmd, err, output)
t.output = output
return nil
// Duration returns the duration(s) of the test(s) which ran.
func (t *test) Duration() map[string]time.Duration {
if t.duration == nil {
return map[string]time.Duration{t.Name: t.totalTime}
return t.duration()
// Find and run tests.
func main() {
// Ensure that we're actually going to run something.
ok := false
for _, tt := range testutils.TEST_TYPES {
if testutils.ShouldRun(tt) {
ok = true
if !ok {
sklog.Errorf("Must provide --small, --medium, and/or --large. This will cause an error in the future.")
defer timer.New("Finished").Stop()
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
rootDir := path.Dir(filename)
if *race {
// Use alternative timeouts when --race is enabled because the tests
// inherently take longer with the extra instrumentation.
testutils.TIMEOUT_SMALL = testutils.TIMEOUT_RACE
testutils.TIMEOUT_MEDIUM = testutils.TIMEOUT_RACE
testutils.TIMEOUT_LARGE = testutils.TIMEOUT_RACE
// If we are running full tests make sure we have the latest
// pdfium_test installed.
if testutils.ShouldRun(testutils.MEDIUM_TEST) || testutils.ShouldRun(testutils.LARGE_TEST) {
sklog.Info("Installing pdfium_test if necessary.")
pdfiumInstall := path.Join(rootDir, "pdfium", "")
if err := exec.Command(pdfiumInstall).Run(); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Failed to install pdfium_test: %v", err)
sklog.Info("Latest pdfium_test installed successfully.")
// Gather all of the tests to run.
sklog.Info("Searching for tests.")
tests := []*test{goGenerate()}
gotests := []*test{}
// Search for Python tests and Go dirs to test in the repo.
// These tests are blacklisted from running on our bots because they
// depend on packages (django) which are not included with Python in
// CIPD.
pythonTestBlacklist := map[string]bool{
"": true,
"": true,
if err := filepath.Walk(rootDir, func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
basename := path.Base(p)
if info.IsDir() {
// Skip some directories.
for _, skip := range NO_CRAWL_DIR_NAMES {
if basename == skip {
return filepath.SkipDir
for _, skip := range NO_CRAWL_REL_PATHS {
if p == path.Join(rootDir, skip) {
return filepath.SkipDir
if basename == "go" {
gotests = append(gotests, goTestSmall(path.Dir(p)))
gotests = append(gotests, goTestMedium(path.Dir(p)))
gotests = append(gotests, goTestLarge(path.Dir(p)))
if strings.HasSuffix(basename, "") && !pythonTestBlacklist[basename] {
tests = append(tests, pythonTest(p))
return nil
}); err != nil {
// Other tests.
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"go", "vet", "./..."}, ".", "go vet", testutils.SMALL_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"gofmt", "-s", "-d"}, ".", "go simplify (gofmt -s -w .)", testutils.SMALL_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"errcheck", "-ignore", ":Close", ""}, ".", "errcheck", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"go", "run", "prober/go/build_probers_json5/main.go", "--srcdir=.", "--dest=/tmp/allprobers.json5"}, ".", "probers test", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"make", "validate"}, "perf", "perf validator", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"python", "infra/bots/", "test", "run"}, ".", "recipes test", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"go", "run", "infra/bots/gen_tasks.go", "--test"}, ".", "gen_tasks.go --test", testutils.SMALL_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"python", "go/testutils/"}, ".", "uncategorized tests", testutils.SMALL_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"make", "testci"}, "common-sk", "common-sk elements", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"make", "testci"}, "named-fiddles", "named-fiddles elements", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
tests = append(tests, cmdTest([]string{"make", "test"}, "push", "push elements", testutils.MEDIUM_TEST))
if !*race {
// put this behind a flag because polylintTests trys to build the polymer files
tests = append(tests, polylintTests()...)
goimportsCmd := []string{"goimports", "-l", "."}
tests = append(tests, &test{
Name: "goimports",
Cmd: strings.Join(goimportsCmd, " "),
run: func() (string, error) {
command := exec.Command(goimportsCmd[0], goimportsCmd[1:]...)
output, err := command.Output()
outStr := strings.Trim(string(output), "\n")
if err != nil {
if _, err2 := exec.LookPath(goimportsCmd[0]); err2 != nil {
return outStr, fmt.Errorf(ERR_NEED_INSTALL, goimportsCmd[0], err)
// Sometimes goimports returns exit code 2, but gives no reason.
if outStr != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("goimports output: %q", outStr), err
diffFiles := strings.Split(outStr, "\n")
if len(diffFiles) > 0 && !(len(diffFiles) == 1 && diffFiles[0] == "") {
nonGeneratedFound := false
for _, file := range diffFiles {
if !ignoreGoImportsFailures.Match([]byte(file)) {
nonGeneratedFound = true
if nonGeneratedFound {
return outStr, fmt.Errorf("goimports found diffs in the following files:\n - %s", strings.Join(diffFiles, ",\n - "))
return "", nil
Type: testutils.MEDIUM_TEST,
if *race {
tests = gotests
} else {
tests = append(gotests, tests...)
// Run the tests.
sklog.Infof("Found %d tests.", len(tests))
errors := map[string]error{}
if *race {
// Do unit tests one at a time, as the -race can fail when done concurrently with a bunch of other stuff.
for _, t := range gotests {
if err := t.Run(); err != nil {
errors[t.Name] = err
sklog.Infof("Finished %s", t.Name)
} else {
var mutex sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, t := range tests {
go func(t *test) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := t.Run(); err != nil {
errors[t.Name] = err
// Collect test durations.
durations := map[string]time.Duration{}
for _, t := range tests {
for k, v := range t.Duration() {
if _, ok := durations[k]; ok {
sklog.Errorf("Duplicate test name %q; not keeping timing.", k)
durations[k] = v
if *writeTimings != "" {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(durations, "", " ")
if err != nil {
errors["encode output"] = err
} else {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(*writeTimings, b, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
errors["write output"] = err
if len(errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range errors {
sklog.Info("All tests succeeded.")