blob: 8840df6ce97d81fdb600f63ec0dfb02640976ee9 [file] [log] [blame]
package caches
import (
type CurrentChangesCache interface {
// Get returns the current cache.
Get() map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange
// Add creates an entry in the changes cache if it does not already
// exist. It returns the cqStartTime of this attempt and a boolean
// indicating whether this is a new CQ attempt.
Add(ctx context.Context, changeEquivalentPatchset, changeSubject, changeOwner, repo, branch string, dryRun, internal bool, changeID, latestPatchsetID int64) (int64, bool, error)
// Remove removes the specified change from the cache.
Remove(ctx context.Context, changeEquivalentPatchset string) error
type CurrentChangesCacheImpl struct {
dbClient db.DB
currentChangesCache map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange
func GetCurrentChangesCache(ctx context.Context, dbClient db.DB) (CurrentChangesCache, error) {
currentChangesCache, err := dbClient.GetCurrentChanges(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not get current changes")
return &CurrentChangesCacheImpl{
dbClient: dbClient,
currentChangesCache: currentChangesCache,
}, nil
// Get implements the CurrentChangesCache interface.
func (c *CurrentChangesCacheImpl) Get() map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange {
return c.currentChangesCache
// Add implements the CurrentChangesCache interface.
func (c *CurrentChangesCacheImpl) Add(ctx context.Context, changeEquivalentPatchset, changeSubject, changeOwner, repo, branch string, dryRun, internal bool, changeID, latestPatchsetID int64) (int64, bool, error) {
newEntry := false
cqStartTime := now.Now(ctx).Unix()
// Add to the changes cache if it is already not there.
cqRecord, ok := c.currentChangesCache[changeEquivalentPatchset]
if ok && cqRecord.DryRun != dryRun {
// Abandon the previous attempt before we put the new one in.
if err := c.dbClient.UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned(ctx, cqRecord.ChangeID, cqRecord.LatestPatchsetID, db.GetChangesCol(internal), cqRecord.StartTs); err != nil {
return -1, false, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Error abandoning change attempt")
ok = false
if !ok {
cqRecord = &types.CurrentlyProcessingChange{
ChangeID: changeID,
LatestPatchsetID: latestPatchsetID,
Repo: repo,
Branch: branch,
StartTs: cqStartTime,
DryRun: dryRun,
Internal: internal,
ChangeSubject: changeSubject,
ChangeOwner: changeOwner,
c.currentChangesCache[changeEquivalentPatchset] = cqRecord
if err := c.dbClient.PutCurrentChanges(ctx, c.currentChangesCache); err != nil {
return -1, false, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Error persisting the current changes cache")
newEntry = true
} else {
cqStartTime = cqRecord.StartTs
return cqStartTime, newEntry, nil
// Remove implements the CurrentChangesCache interface.
func (c *CurrentChangesCacheImpl) Remove(ctx context.Context, changeEquivalentPatchset string) error {
if _, ok := c.currentChangesCache[changeEquivalentPatchset]; ok {
delete(c.currentChangesCache, changeEquivalentPatchset)
if err := c.dbClient.PutCurrentChanges(ctx, c.currentChangesCache); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Error persisting the current changes cache")
return nil