blob: bf5d43a9cc9679e060907eda5f723a5370eeece4 [file] [log] [blame]
package examiner
import (
const (
// Packages that have been created less than a week ago will be flagged.
packageCreatedTimeCutoff = time.Hour * 24 * 7
// File new examiner issues once a week.
fileExaminerIssueAfterThreshold = time.Hour * 24 * 7
issueSummaryTmpl = "Package %s in %s’s package-lock.json was recently republished"
issueDescriptionTmpl = "Package %s in %s’s package-lock.json was recently republished.\\nThis could indicate that the package was deleted and maliciously republished and may pose a security risk (see for context). Please take a look at the package and remove from your dependencies if necessary.\\n\\nThis issue was automatically filed by the npm-audit-mirror framework (see go/sk-npm-audit-mirror for more information)."
defaultIssueType = "Task"
defaultIssueStatus = "Assigned"
defaultIssuePriority = "High"
defaultCCUser = ""
// DownloadedPackagesExaminer implements types.DownloadedPackagesExaminer
type DownloadedPackagesExaminer struct {
trustedScopes []string
httpClient *http.Client
dbClient types.NpmDB
projectMirror types.ProjectMirror
monorailConfig *config.MonorailConfig
monorailService monorail.IMonorailService
// NewDownloadedPackagesExaminer returns an instance of DownloadedPackagesExaminer.
func NewDownloadedPackagesExaminer(ctx context.Context, trustedScopes []string, httpClient *http.Client, dbClient types.NpmDB, projectMirror types.ProjectMirror, monorailConfig *config.MonorailConfig, serviceAccountFilePath string) (types.DownloadedPackagesExaminer, error) {
// Instantiate monorailService only if we have a monorailConfig.
var monorailService *monorail.MonorailService
var err error
if monorailConfig != nil {
monorailService, err = monorail.New(ctx, serviceAccountFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &DownloadedPackagesExaminer{
trustedScopes: trustedScopes,
httpClient: httpClient,
dbClient: dbClient,
projectMirror: projectMirror,
monorailConfig: monorailConfig,
monorailService: monorailService,
}, nil
// StartExamination will examine all the downloaded packages of the mirror.
// For each downloaded package:
// * Check to see if it has a trusted scope. If it does then continue with next package.
// * Check the package against the global NPM registry to see if has been created less than a week ago.
// * If above check is true then:
// * Check in the DB to see if an examiner issue has been filed for this project+package.
// * If issue has not been filed:
// * File a new issue and add it to the DB.
// * Else if issue has been filed:
// * Check to see if the issue has been closed.
// * If issue is closed:
// * Check to see if the issue is closed more than fileExaminerIssueAfterThreshold duration ago.
// * If it is older then file a new issue and add it to the DB.
// * Else do nothing.
// * Else if issue is still open then do nothing.
func (dpe *DownloadedPackagesExaminer) StartExamination(ctx context.Context, pollInterval time.Duration) {
liveness := metrics2.NewLiveness("npm_examiner", map[string]string{
"project": dpe.projectMirror.GetProjectName(),
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, pollInterval, func(ctx context.Context) {
dpe.oneExaminationCycle(ctx, liveness)
func (dpe *DownloadedPackagesExaminer) oneExaminationCycle(ctx context.Context, liveness metrics2.Liveness) {
projectName := dpe.projectMirror.GetProjectName()
sklog.Infof("Starting examination of %s", projectName)
packages, err := dpe.projectMirror.GetDownloadedPackageNames()
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not get downloaded packages details for %s: %s", projectName, err)
return // return so that liveness is not updated.
for _, p := range packages {
// Check for trusted scopes.
hasTrustedScope := false
for _, trustedScope := range dpe.trustedScopes {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, trustedScope) {
sklog.Infof("The package %s has the trusted scope %s. Skipping downloaded package examination.", p, trustedScope)
hasTrustedScope = true
if hasTrustedScope {
// Examine the package by hitting the global NPM repository.
packageDetails, err := dpe.getPackageDetailsFromGlobalRepo(p)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not get package details of %s: %s", p, err)
return // return so that liveness is not updated.
// See if the package was created < 7 days ago.
createdTime := packageDetails.Time["created"]
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, createdTime)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to RFC3339 parse %s for package %s", createdTime, p)
return // return so that liveness is not updated.
diff := time.Now().Sub(t)
if diff < packageCreatedTimeCutoff {
message := fmt.Sprintf("In project %s package %s was created %s time ago. This is less than 1 week. This could be a malicious deletion+republish.", projectName, p, diff)
if dpe.monorailConfig != nil {
if err := dpe.runBugFilingLogic(ctx, projectName, p); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not run the bug filing logic for project %s and package %s: %s", projectName, p, err)
return // return so that the liveness is not updated
} else {
// If the monorail config was not provided this is still important enough to log as an error message.
sklog.Infof("Done with one examination cycle of the downloaded packages of %s", projectName)
// runBugFilingLogic runs this algorithm:
// * Check in the DB to see if an examiner issue has been filed for this project+package.
// * If issue has not been filed:
// * File a new issue and add it to the DB.
// * Else if issue has been filed:
// * Check to see if the issue has been closed.
// * If issue is closed:
// * Check to see if the issue is closed more than fileExaminerIssueAfterThreshold duration ago.
// * If it is older then file a new issue and add it to the DB.
// * Else do nothing.
// * Else if issue is still open then do nothing.
func (dpe *DownloadedPackagesExaminer) runBugFilingLogic(ctx context.Context, projectName, packageName string) error {
// Construct key to use in the DB. Package names can contain "/" so sanitize the name.
sanitizedPackageName := strings.Replace(packageName, "/", "_", -1)
projectPackageKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", projectName, sanitizedPackageName)
// Check in the DB to see if an examiner issue has been filed.
dbData, err := dpe.dbClient.GetFromDB(ctx, projectPackageKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not get examiner data for %s from the DB: %s", projectPackageKey, err)
if dbData == nil {
// Issue has not been filed yet. File one and add it to the DB.
sklog.Infof("There is no examiner data for project+package %s in firestore. File a new issue.", projectPackageKey)
if err := dpe.fileAndPersistExaminerIssue(ctx, packageName, projectPackageKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not file and persist examiner issue for %s: %s", projectPackageKey, err)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Found examiner data in firestore for project+package %s: %+v", projectPackageKey, dbData)
// Query monorail to see if the issue is closed.
existingIssue, err := dpe.monorailService.GetIssue(dbData.IssueName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not query monorail for %s: %s", dbData.IssueName, err)
if !existingIssue.ClosedTime.IsZero() {
// Check to see when the issue was closed.
closedDuration := time.Now().UTC().Sub(existingIssue.ClosedTime)
sklog.Infof("Previously filed examiner issue %s was closed at %s which is %s ago.", existingIssue.Name, existingIssue.ClosedTime, closedDuration)
if closedDuration > fileExaminerIssueAfterThreshold {
sklog.Infof("Filing new examiner issue since last issue %s was closed longer than the threshold %s.", existingIssue.Name, fileExaminerIssueAfterThreshold)
if err := dpe.fileAndPersistExaminerIssue(ctx, packageName, projectPackageKey); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not file and persist examiner issue for %s: %s", projectPackageKey, err)
} else {
sklog.Infof("Previously filed examiner issue %s is still open. Do nothing.", existingIssue.Name)
return nil
func (dpe *DownloadedPackagesExaminer) getPackageDetailsFromGlobalRepo(packageName string) (*types.NpmPackage, error) {
viewNpmURL := fmt.Sprintf("", packageName)
r, err := dpe.httpClient.Get(viewNpmURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Error getting response from %s", viewNpmURL)
defer r.Body.Close()
var npmPackage types.NpmPackage
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&npmPackage); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to decode response from %s", viewNpmURL)
return &npmPackage, nil
// fileAndPersistExaminerIssue calls the monorail service to file a new monorail
// issue and then adds that issue to the DB.
func (dpe *DownloadedPackagesExaminer) fileAndPersistExaminerIssue(ctx context.Context, packageName, projectPackageKey string) error {
mc := dpe.monorailConfig
projectName := dpe.projectMirror.GetProjectName()
// Create a new monorail issue.
summary := fmt.Sprintf(issueSummaryTmpl, packageName, projectName)
description := fmt.Sprintf(issueDescriptionTmpl, packageName, projectName)
// Always file issues with the Restrict-View-Google label.
labels := []string{monorail.RestrictViewGoogleLabelName}
labels = append(labels, mc.Labels...)
newIssue, err := dpe.monorailService.MakeIssue(mc.InstanceName, mc.Owner, summary, description, defaultIssueStatus, defaultIssuePriority, defaultIssueType, labels, mc.ComponentDefIDs, []string{defaultCCUser})
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not create an issue for project %s and package %s", projectName, packageName)
// Add new issue data to firestore.
if err := dpe.dbClient.PutInDB(ctx, projectPackageKey, newIssue.Name, newIssue.CreatedTime.UTC()); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not put issue data into firestore for project %s and package %s", projectName, packageName)
sklog.Infof("Filed new monorail issue from downloaded_packages_examiner %s for project %s and package %s and put it in DB.", newIssue.Name, projectName, packageName)
return nil