blob: 9bdda358d6dea67f8dbaa7a0f792080a3e0e4c12 [file] [log] [blame]
// allowlist package contains utilities for dealing with allowlists in the config file.
package allowlists
import (
// GetAllowlistWithDeps returns a slice of packages that contains all packages
// explicitly specified in the config file and all of their dependencies.
// Note: This can only find dependencies of packages that use exact versions,
// else we will not know which version to use when querying the global NPM
// registry for dependencies. In other words, packages that use "~,^,-,*" in
// their versions will not have their dependencies added.
func GetAllowlistWithDeps(allowlist []config.PackagesAllowList, httpClient *http.Client) ([]*config.PackagesAllowList, error) {
// New packages found will be added to this slice.
allowListWithDeps := []*config.PackagesAllowList{}
for _, allowedPackage := range allowlist {
// Add the package to the allowlist that will be returned.
allowListWithDeps = append(allowListWithDeps, &config.PackagesAllowList{Name: allowedPackage.Name, Version: allowedPackage.Version})
// Now add all dependencies with exact versioning.
deps, err := getDependencies(allowedPackage.Name, allowedPackage.Version, httpClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
allowListWithDeps = append(allowListWithDeps, deps...)
return allowListWithDeps, nil
// getDependencies recursively gets all dependencies of the specified start packages.
// Note: This can only find dependencies of packages that use exact versions,
// else we will not know which version to use when querying the global NPM
// registry for dependencies. In other words, packages that use "~,^,-,*" in
// their versions will not have their dependencies added.
func getDependencies(startPackageName, startPackageVersion string, httpClient *http.Client) ([]*config.PackagesAllowList, error) {
allowListWithDeps := []*config.PackagesAllowList{}
// Call to get the package's dependencies.
viewNpmURL := fmt.Sprintf("", startPackageName)
r, err := httpClient.Get(viewNpmURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Error getting response from %s", viewNpmURL)
defer r.Body.Close()
var npmPackage types.NpmPackage
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&npmPackage); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Failed to decode response from %s", viewNpmURL)
if versionDetails, ok := npmPackage.Versions[startPackageVersion]; ok {
startPackageDeps := versionDetails.Dependencies
// Iterate through the deps deterministically for consistent behavior.
startPackageDepNames := []string{}
for k := range startPackageDeps {
startPackageDepNames = append(startPackageDepNames, k)
for _, depName := range startPackageDepNames {
depVersion := startPackageDeps[depName]
allowListWithDeps = append(allowListWithDeps, &config.PackagesAllowList{Name: depName, Version: depVersion})
// Recursive call to get all transitive deps.
deps, err := getDependencies(depName, depVersion, httpClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
allowListWithDeps = append(allowListWithDeps, deps...)
} else {
// The specified package was not found. Nothing to do.
// Note: The specified package might not be found if the package
// version used wildcards like "~,^,-,*"..
return allowListWithDeps, nil