blob: 90eea107270cc65b9bf7e5803918a01c786eb0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module bugs-central-sk
* @description <h2><code>bugs-central-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* Displays a table with issue counts for client+source+queries. Also
* displays that information in charts.
* </p>
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import { errorMessage } from 'elements-sk/errorMessage';
import { jsonOrThrow } from 'common-sk/modules/jsonOrThrow';
import { stateReflector } from 'common-sk/modules/stateReflector';
import 'elements-sk/spinner-sk';
import '../bugs-chart-sk';
import '../bugs-slo-popup-sk';
import { HintableObject } from 'common-sk/modules/hintable';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { BugsSLOPopupSk } from '../bugs-slo-popup-sk/bugs-slo-popup-sk';
import {
IssueCountsData, Issue, ClientSourceQueryRequest, GetChartsDataResponse, GetClientsResponse,
} from '../json';
const SKIA_SLO_DOC = '';
function getClientKey(c: string, s: string, q: string) {
if (!c) {
return '';
} if (!s) {
return `${c}`;
} if (!q) {
return `${c}${CLIENT_KEY_DELIMITER}${s}`;
function breakupClientKey(clientKey: string) {
const ret = {
client: '',
source: '',
query: '',
const tokens = clientKey.split(CLIENT_KEY_DELIMITER);
if (tokens.length === 0) {
// Leave all values blank.
} else if (tokens.length === 1) {
ret.client = tokens[0];
} else if (tokens.length === 2) {
ret.client = tokens[0];
ret.source = tokens[1];
} else if (tokens.length === 3) {
ret.client = tokens[0];
ret.source = tokens[1];
ret.query = tokens[2];
return ret;
declare interface PriToSLOIssues{
pri_to_slo_issues: Record<string, Issue[]>;
// State is reflected to the URL via stateReflector.
declare interface State {
client: string,
source: string,
query: string,
export class BugsCentralSk extends ElementSk {
public state: State = {
client: '',
source: '',
query: '',
private clients_to_counts: Record<string, IssueCountsData> = {};
private clients_map: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, boolean> | null> | null> = {};
private open_chart_data: string = '';
private slo_chart_data: string = '';
private untriaged_chart_data: string = '';
private updatingData: boolean = true;
private sloPopup: BugsSLOPopupSk | null = null;
constructor() {
private static template = (el: BugsCentralSk) => html`
<spinner-sk ?active=${el.updatingData}></spinner-sk>
<div class="charts-container">
<div class="chart-div">
<bugs-chart-sk chart_type='open'
chart_title='Bug Count'
<div class="chart-div">
<bugs-chart-sk chart_type='slo'
chart_title='SLO Violations'
<div class="chart-div">
<bugs-chart-sk chart_type='untriaged'
chart_title='Untriaged Bugs'
async connectedCallback(): Promise<void> {
// Populate map of clients to sources to queries.
await this.doImpl('/_/get_clients_sources_queries', {}, async (json: GetClientsResponse) => {
this.clients_map = json.clients || {};
// From this point on reflect the state to the URL.
this.updatingData = true;
await this.populateDataAndRender();
this.updatingData = false;
this.sloPopup = $$<BugsSLOPopupSk>('bugs-slo-popup-sk', this);
// Call this anytime something in private state is changed. Will be replaced
// with the real function once stateReflector has been setup.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
private stateHasChanged = () => {};
private displayClientsTable(): TemplateResult {
return html`
<table class=client-counts>
<col span="1" style="width: 58%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<col span="1" style="width: 6%">
<th><a href="${SKIA_SLO_DOC}">SLO</a></th>
private getTitle(): TemplateResult {
if (!this.state.client) {
return html`Displaying all clients`;
const clientKey = getClientKey(this.state.client, this.state.source, this.state.query);
const clientCounts = this.clients_to_counts[clientKey];
if (clientCounts && clientCounts.query_link) {
return html`
<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.query_link}" target=_blank>open issues</a></span>,
<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.untriaged_query_link}" target=_blank>untriaged issues</a></span>
return html`${clientKey}`;
private displayClientsRows(): TemplateResult[] {
const rowsHTML = [];
const clientKeys = Object.keys(this.clients_to_counts);
for (let i = 0; i < clientKeys.length; i++) {
const clientKey = clientKeys[i];
const clientKeyTokens = breakupClientKey(clientKey);
const clientCounts = this.clients_to_counts[clientKey];
<td @click=${() => this.clickClient(clientKeyTokens.client, clientKeyTokens.source, clientKeyTokens.query)}>
<span class=client-link>${clientKey}</span>
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.p0_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.p0_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.p0_count}`}
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.p1_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.p1_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.p1_count}`}
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.p2_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.p2_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.p2_count}`}
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.p3_and_rest_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.p3_count + clientCounts.p4_count + clientCounts.p5_count + clientCounts.p6_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.p3_count + clientCounts.p4_count + clientCounts.p5_count + clientCounts.p6_count}`}
${this.displaySLOTemplate(clientKeyTokens.client, clientKeyTokens.source, clientKeyTokens.query, clientCounts)}
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.untriaged_query_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.untriaged_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.untriaged_count}`}
? html`<span class=query-link><a href="${clientCounts.query_link}" target=_blank>${clientCounts.open_count}</a></span>`
: html`${clientCounts.open_count}`}
return rowsHTML;
private displaySLOTemplate(client: string, source: string, query: string, clientCounts: IssueCountsData): TemplateResult {
const sloTotal = clientCounts.p0_slo_count + clientCounts.p1_slo_count + clientCounts.p2_slo_count + clientCounts.p3_slo_count;
if (!client || !source || !query || sloTotal === 0) {
// Do not make clickable if we do not have client+source+query or if the total is 0.
return html`${sloTotal}`;
return html`<span class=slo-link @click=${() => this.displaySLOPopup(client, source, query)}>${sloTotal}</span>`;
private async displaySLOPopup(client: string, source: string, query: string) {
const priToSLOIssues = await this.getSLOIssues(client, source, query);
private clickClient(client: string, source: string, query: string) {
this.state.client = client || '';
this.state.source = source || '';
this.state.query = query || '';
// If client is specified and there is only one source then directly display
// it's queries. If there is only one query available then directly set it
// on the status. This saves unnecessary clicks for users.
// Eg: When a user clicks on 'Android' the UI would show 'Android>Buganizer'.
// Clicking on that would then display 'Android>Buganizer>query'. Instead of these
// unnecessary clicks, this function directly displays 'Android>Buganizer>query'
// when 'Android' is clicked.
private addExtraInformationToState(state: State): boolean {
let stateUpdated = false;
if (state.client && !state.source && !state.query) {
const sources = Object.keys(this.clients_map[state.client as string] || {});
if (sources.length === 1) {
state.source = sources[0];
stateUpdated = true;
const queries = Object.keys((this.clients_map[state.client as string] || {})[state.source] || {});
if (queries.length === 1) {
state.query = queries[0];
stateUpdated = true;
return stateUpdated;
private startStateReflector() {
this.stateHasChanged = stateReflector(
/* getState */() => {
return (this.state as unknown) as HintableObject;
/* setState */(newState) => {
this.state = (newState as unknown) as State;
const stateUpdated = this.addExtraInformationToState(this.state);
if (stateUpdated) {
// Common work done for all fetch requests.
private async doImpl(url: string, detail: any, action: (json: any)=> void): Promise<void> {
try {
const resp = await fetch(url, {
body: JSON.stringify(detail),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
credentials: 'include',
method: 'POST',
const json = await jsonOrThrow(resp);
} catch (msg) {
private async getSLOIssues(client: string, source: string, query: string) {
const detail: ClientSourceQueryRequest = {
client: client,
source: source,
query: query,
let priToSLOIssues = {} as Record<string, Issue[]>;
await this.doImpl('/_/get_issues_outside_slo', detail, (json: PriToSLOIssues) => {
priToSLOIssues = json.pri_to_slo_issues;
return priToSLOIssues;
private async getCounts(client: string, source: string, query: string) {
const detail: ClientSourceQueryRequest = {
client: client,
source: source,
query: query,
let countsData = {} as IssueCountsData;
await this.doImpl('/_/get_issue_counts', detail, (json: IssueCountsData) => {
countsData = json;
return countsData;
private async populateChartData() {
const detail: ClientSourceQueryRequest = {
client: this.state.client,
source: this.state.source,
query: this.state.query,
await this.doImpl('/_/get_charts_data', detail, (json: GetChartsDataResponse) => {
this.open_chart_data = JSON.stringify(json.open_data);
this.slo_chart_data = JSON.stringify(json.slo_data);
this.untriaged_chart_data = JSON.stringify(json.untriaged_data);
private async populateDataAndRender() {
this.clients_to_counts = {};
const c = this.state.client;
const s = this.state.source;
const q = this.state.query;
if (!c) {
await Promise.all(Object.keys(this.clients_map).map(async (client) => this.clients_to_counts[getClientKey(client, '', '')] = await this.getCounts(client, '', '')));
} else if (!s) {
await Promise.all(Object.keys(this.clients_map[c] || {}).map(async (source) => this.clients_to_counts[getClientKey(c, source, '')] = await this.getCounts(c, source, '')));
} else if (!q) {
await Promise.all(Object.keys((this.clients_map[c] || {})[s] || {}).map(async (query) => this.clients_to_counts[getClientKey(c, s, query)] = await this.getCounts(c, s, query)));
} else {
this.clients_to_counts[getClientKey(c, s, q)] = await this.getCounts(c, s, q);
// Render counts as soon we have them. Rendering charts will take longer.
// Get chart data and render.
await this.populateChartData();
define('bugs-central-sk', BugsCentralSk);