blob: f0fa3d6feafdea863f883097379dc245a34d77fb [file] [log] [blame]
package cleanup
import (
// Policy represents the configuration of how recently expectations need to be used before being
// cleaned up. If any duration is zero, digests of that type will not be cleaned up. Expectations
// are defined as being "used" when they show up in the recent sliding window of N commits.
type Policy struct {
// PositiveMaxLastUsed is the oldest a Positive expectation will be kept around without being
// used.
PositiveMaxLastUsed time.Duration
// NegativeMaxLastUsed is the oldest a Negative expectation will be kept around without being
// used.
NegativeMaxLastUsed time.Duration
// Validate returns an error if the policy is invalid.
func (p *Policy) Validate() error {
if p.PositiveMaxLastUsed < 0 || p.NegativeMaxLastUsed < 0 {
return skerr.Fmt("durations cannot be negative")
return nil
// Start begins a go routine that will repeat every 24 hours until the context is cancelled. On
// that cycle, it will update the expectations in Firestore that are "in use", which is to say,
// the grouping+digest they represent were observed in the last N commits (the size of the sliding
// window or "tile"). Then, it deletes any expectations that fall outside the policy provided.
func Start(ctx context.Context, ixr *indexer.Indexer, gc expectations.GarbageCollector, classifier expectations.Classifier, policy Policy) error {
if err := policy.Validate(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
lastSuccess := metrics2.NewLiveness("last_expectations_cleanup")
go func() {
util.RepeatCtx(ctx, 24*time.Hour, func(ctx context.Context) {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("context error: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Begin expectations clean cycle")
defer metrics2.NewTimer("gold_cleanup_expectations").Stop()
now := time.Now()
idx := ixr.GetIndex()
if err := update(ctx, idx.DigestCountsByTest(types.IncludeIgnoredTraces), gc, classifier, now); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error updating expectations during clean cycle: %s", err)
if err := cleanup(ctx, gc, policy, now); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error cleaning expectations: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Expectations clean cycle success")
return nil
// update identifies all triaged digests in the last N commits and uses the provided cleaner to
// mark those grouping/digest pairs as used.
func update(ctx context.Context, byTest map[types.TestName]digest_counter.DigestCount, gc expectations.GarbageCollector, classifier expectations.Classifier, now time.Time) error {
var expToUpdate []expectations.ID
for tn, dc := range byTest {
for digest := range dc {
// Untriaged digests will not (usually) be in the DB, so we shouldn't try to
// update them.
if classifier.Classification(tn, digest) == expectations.UntriagedStr {
expToUpdate = append(expToUpdate, expectations.ID{
Grouping: tn,
Digest: digest,
if len(expToUpdate) == 0 {
sklog.Infof("No triaged digests needed touching")
return nil
if err := gc.UpdateLastUsed(ctx, expToUpdate, now); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "setting %d entries used at %s", len(expToUpdate), now)
sklog.Infof("%d expectation entries touched", len(expToUpdate))
return nil
// cleanup marks old positive and negative digests as untriaged and then deletes (prunes) all
// untriaged digests. It uses the provided durations as the threshold for cleanup.
func cleanup(ctx context.Context, gc expectations.GarbageCollector, policy Policy, now time.Time) error {
posMax := policy.PositiveMaxLastUsed
if posMax > 0 {
if n, err := gc.MarkUnusedEntriesForGC(ctx, expectations.Positive, now.Add(-posMax)); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "untriaging positive expectation entries before %s", now.Add(-posMax))
} else {
sklog.Infof("%d positive expectations have aged out", n)
negMax := policy.NegativeMaxLastUsed
if negMax > 0 {
if n, err := gc.MarkUnusedEntriesForGC(ctx, expectations.Negative, now.Add(-negMax)); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "untriaging negative expectation entries before %s", now.Add(-negMax))
} else {
sklog.Infof("%d negative expectations have aged out", n)
// Clean out all untriaged expectations - they don't really need to be in the DB.
if n, err := gc.GarbageCollect(ctx); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "pruning untriaged expectation entries ")
} else {
sklog.Infof("%d untriaged expectations have aged out", n)
return nil