blob: 2614bde8944970240ecac9bd5fbc5836086774fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Utility that contains methods for dealing with emails.
package util
import (
ctutil ""
const (
emailDisplayName = "Cluster Telemetry"
emailFromAddress = ""
// ParseEmails returns an array containing emails from the provided comma
// separated emails string.
func ParseEmails(emails string) []string {
emailsArr := []string{}
for _, email := range strings.Split(emails, ",") {
emailsArr = append(emailsArr, strings.TrimSpace(email))
return emailsArr
// SendEmail sends an email with the specified header and body to the recipients.
func SendEmail(recipients []string, subject, body string) error {
email := emailclient.New()
if _, err := email.SendWithMarkup(emailDisplayName, emailFromAddress, recipients, subject, body, "", ""); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not send email: %s", err)
return nil
// SendEmailWithMarkup sends an email with the specified header and body to the recipients. It also
// includes gmail markups.
// Documentation about markups supported in gmail are here:
// A go-to action example is here:
func SendEmailWithMarkup(recipients []string, subject, body, markup string) error {
email := emailclient.New()
if _, err := email.SendWithMarkup(emailDisplayName, emailFromAddress, recipients, subject, body, markup, ""); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not send email with markup: %s", err)
return nil
func GetFailureEmailHtml(runID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"<br/>There were <b>failures</b> in the run. "+
"Please check the logs of triggered swarming tasks <a href='%s'>here</a>."+
"<br/>Contact the admins %s for assistance.<br/><br/>",
fmt.Sprintf(ctutil.SWARMING_RUN_ID_ALL_TASKS_LINK_TEMPLATE, runID), ctutil.CtAdmins)
func GetCTPerfEmailHtml(groupName string) string {
if groupName == "" {
return ""
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
<br/>See graphed data for your run on <a href=''></a> by selecting %s for group_name and then selecting a sub_result and/or test.
<br/>Example calculated traces:
Documentation for Perf is available <a href='http://go/perf-user-doc'>here</a>.
func SendTaskStartEmail(taskId int64, recipients []string, taskName, runID, runDescription, additionalDescription string) error {
emailSubject := fmt.Sprintf("%s cluster telemetry task has started (#%d)", taskName, taskId)
swarmingLogsLink := fmt.Sprintf(ctutil.SWARMING_RUN_ID_ALL_TASKS_LINK_TEMPLATE, runID)
viewActionMarkup, err := email.GetViewActionMarkup(swarmingLogsLink, "View Logs", "Direct link to the swarming logs")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get view action markup: %s", err)
descriptionHtml := ""
if runDescription != "" {
descriptionHtml += fmt.Sprintf("Run description: %s<br/><br/>", runDescription)
if additionalDescription != "" {
descriptionHtml += fmt.Sprintf("%s<br/><br/>", additionalDescription)
bodyTemplate := `
The %s queued task has started.<br/>
You can watch the logs of triggered swarming tasks <a href="%s">here</a>.<br/><br/>
emailBody := fmt.Sprintf(bodyTemplate, taskName, descriptionHtml, swarmingLogsLink)
if err := SendEmailWithMarkup(recipients, emailSubject, emailBody, viewActionMarkup); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while sending task start email: %s", err)
return nil
// SendTasksTerminatedEmail informs the recipients that their CT tasks were terminated and that
// they should reschedule.
func SendTasksTerminatedEmail(recipients []string) error {
emailSubject := fmt.Sprintf("Cluster telemetry tasks were terminated (%s)", ctutil.GetCurrentTs())
body := `
The Cluster telemetry server had to be restarted due to a maintenance issue.<br/>
This caused all running tasks to be terminated.<br/><br/>
Please reschedule your tasks. You can redo your tasks by clicking on the redo icon in the 'Runs History' page on<br/><br/>
Sorry for the inconvenience!
if err := SendEmail(recipients, emailSubject, body); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error while sending tasks termination email: %s", err)
return nil
// GetSwarmingLogsLink returns HTML snippet that contains a href to the swarming logs.
func GetSwarmingLogsLink(runID string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Swarming logs <a href='%s'>link</a>", fmt.Sprintf(ctutil.SWARMING_RUN_ID_ALL_TASKS_LINK_TEMPLATE, runID))