blob: c23e35931c6aa823fe347027b09b845c72fcfa1f [file] [log] [blame]
package disk_mapper
import (
// DiskMapper implements the Mapper interface.
// It uses diff.DiffMetrics as the Gold diff metric.
// It stores the images on disk using a two
// level radix prefix (i.e. for digest "abcdefg.png", the
// image will be in ab/cd/abcdefg.png). The use of the radix
// allows us to work around limits in Linux of how many files
// can be in a folder.
type DiskMapper struct {
// New returns a new instance of DiskMapper that uses
// a JSON coded to serialize/deserialize instances of diff.DiffMetrics.
func New(diffInstance interface{}) *DiskMapper {
return &DiskMapper{LRUCodec: util.JSONCodec(diffInstance)}
// DiffFn implements the DiffStoreMapper interface.
func (g *DiskMapper) DiffFn(left *image.NRGBA, right *image.NRGBA) interface{} {
return diff.DefaultDiffFn(left, right)
// Make sure DiskMapper fulfills the Mapper interface
var _ mapper.Mapper = (*DiskMapper)(nil)