blob: 46e6d6ef3f5c4ac859fbd516f878b1f73f999fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
package notifier
import (
const (
// Types of notification message sent by the roller. These can be
// selected via notifier.Config.IncludeMsgTypes.
MSG_TYPE_ISSUE_UPDATE = "issue update"
MSG_TYPE_LAST_N_FAILED = "last n failed"
MSG_TYPE_MODE_CHANGE = "mode change"
MSG_TYPE_NEW_FAILURE = "new failure"
MSG_TYPE_NEW_SUCCESS = "new success"
MSG_TYPE_ROLL_CREATION_FAILED = "cl creation failed"
MSG_TYPE_SAFETY_THROTTLE = "safety throttle"
MSG_TYPE_STRATEGY_CHANGE = "strategy change"
MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS_THROTTLE = "success throttle"
// Templates for messages sent by the roller.
subjectIssueUpdate = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} AutoRoller has uploaded issue {{.IssueID}}"
bodyModeChange = "{{.User}} changed the mode to \"{{.Mode}}\" with message: {{.Message}}"
subjectModeChange = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} AutoRoller mode was changed"
subjectNewFailure = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} roll has failed (issue {{.IssueID}})"
bodyNewFailure = "The most recent roll attempt failed, while the previous attempt succeeded: {{.IssueURL}}"
subjectNewSuccess = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} roll is successful again (issue {{.IssueID}})"
bodyNewSuccess = "The most recent roll attempt succeeded, while the previous attempt failed: {{.IssueURL}}"
subjectLastNFailed = "The last {{.N}} {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} rolls have failed"
bodyLastNFailed = "The roll is failing consistently. Time to investigate. The most recent roll attempt is here: {{.IssueURL}}"
bodyRollCreationFailed = "The roller failed to create a CL with:\n{{.Message}}"
subjectRollCreationFailed = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} AutoRoller failed to create a CL"
bodyStrategyChange = "{{.User}} changed the next-roll-revision strategy to \"{{.Strategy}}\" with message: {{.Message}}"
subjectStrategyChange = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} AutoRoller next-roll-revision strategy was changed"
subjectThrottled = "The {{.ChildName}} into {{.ParentName}} AutoRoller is throttled"
bodySafetyThrottled = "The roller is throttled because it attempted to upload too many CLs in too short a time. The roller will unthrottle at {{.ThrottledUntil}}."
bodySuccessThrottled = "The roller is throttled because it is configured not to land too many rolls within a time period. The roller will unthrottle at {{.ThrottledUntil}}."
footer = "\n\nThe AutoRoll server is located here: {{.ServerURL}}"
var (
subjectTmplIssueUpdate = template.Must(template.New("subjectIssueUpdate").Parse(subjectIssueUpdate))
subjectTmplModeChange = template.Must(template.New("subjectModeChange").Parse(subjectModeChange))
bodyTmplModeChange = template.Must(template.New("bodyModeChange").Parse(bodyModeChange))
subjectTmplNewFailure = template.Must(template.New("subjectNewFailure").Parse(subjectNewFailure))
bodyTmplNewFailure = template.Must(template.New("bodyNewFailure").Parse(bodyNewFailure))
subjectTmplNewSuccess = template.Must(template.New("subjectNewSuccess").Parse(subjectNewSuccess))
bodyTmplNewSuccess = template.Must(template.New("bodyNewSuccess").Parse(bodyNewSuccess))
subjectTmplLastNFailed = template.Must(template.New("subjectLastNFailed").Parse(subjectLastNFailed))
bodyTmplLastNFailed = template.Must(template.New("bodyLastNFailed").Parse(bodyLastNFailed))
bodyTmplRollCreationFailed = template.Must(template.New("bodyRollCreationFailed").Parse(bodyRollCreationFailed))
subjectTmplRollCreationFailed = template.Must(template.New("subjectRollCreationFailed").Parse(subjectRollCreationFailed))
subjectTmplStrategyChange = template.Must(template.New("subjectStrategyChange").Parse(subjectStrategyChange))
bodyTmplStrategyChange = template.Must(template.New("bodyStrategyChange").Parse(bodyStrategyChange))
subjectTmplThrottled = template.Must(template.New("subjectThrottled").Parse(subjectThrottled))
bodyTmplSafetyThrottled = template.Must(template.New("bodySafetyThrottled").Parse(bodySafetyThrottled))
bodyTmplSuccessThrottled = template.Must(template.New("bodySuccessThrottled").Parse(bodySuccessThrottled))
footerTmpl = template.Must(template.New("footer").Parse(footer))
// tmplVars is a struct which contains information used to fill
// text templates in the Subject and Body fields of messages.
type tmplVars struct {
ChildName string
IssueID string
IssueURL string
Mode string
Message string
N int
ParentName string
ServerURL string
Strategy string
ThrottledUntil string
User string
// AutoRollNotifier is a struct used for sending notifications from an
// AutoRoller. It is a convenience wrapper around notifier.Router.
type AutoRollNotifier struct {
childName string
client *http.Client
configReader chatbot.ConfigReader
emailer *email.GMail
n *notifier.Router
parentName string
serverURL string
// Return an AutoRollNotifier instance.
func New(ctx context.Context, childName, parentName, serverURL string, client *http.Client, emailer *email.GMail, chatBotConfigReader chatbot.ConfigReader, configs []*notifier.Config) (*AutoRollNotifier, error) {
n := &AutoRollNotifier{
childName: childName,
client: client,
configReader: chatBotConfigReader,
emailer: emailer,
parentName: parentName,
serverURL: serverURL,
if err := n.ReloadConfigs(ctx, configs); err != nil {
return nil, err
return n, nil
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) ReloadConfigs(ctx context.Context, configs []*notifier.Config) error {
// Create a new router and add the specified configs to it.
n := notifier.NewRouter(a.client, a.emailer, a.configReader)
if err := n.AddFromConfigs(ctx, configs); err != nil {
return err
a.n = n
return nil
// Return the underlying notifier.Router.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) Router() *notifier.Router {
return a.n
// Send a message.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) send(ctx context.Context, vars *tmplVars, subjectTmpl, bodyTmpl *template.Template, severity notifier.Severity, msgType string) {
vars.ChildName = a.childName
vars.ParentName = a.parentName
vars.ServerURL = a.serverURL
var subjectBytes bytes.Buffer
if err := subjectTmpl.Execute(&subjectBytes, vars); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification; failed to execute subject template: %s", err)
var bodyBytes bytes.Buffer
if err := bodyTmpl.Execute(&bodyBytes, vars); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification; failed to execute body template: %s", err)
if err := footerTmpl.Execute(&bodyBytes, vars); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification; failed to execute footer template: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("Sending notification (%s; %s): %s\n\n%s", severity.String(), msgType, subjectBytes.String(), bodyBytes.String())
if err := a.n.Send(ctx, &notifier.Message{
Subject: subjectBytes.String(),
Body: bodyBytes.String(),
Severity: severity,
Type: msgType,
}); err != nil {
// We don't want to block the roller on failure to send
// notifications. Log the error and move on.
// Send an issue update message.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendIssueUpdate(ctx context.Context, id, url, msg string) {
bodyTmpl, err := template.New("body").Parse(msg)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to send notification; failed to parse template from message: %s", err)
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
IssueID: id,
IssueURL: url,
}, subjectTmplIssueUpdate, bodyTmpl, notifier.SEVERITY_INFO, MSG_TYPE_ISSUE_UPDATE)
// Send a mode change message.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendModeChange(ctx context.Context, user, mode, message string) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
Message: message,
Mode: mode,
User: user,
}, subjectTmplModeChange, bodyTmplModeChange, notifier.SEVERITY_WARNING, MSG_TYPE_MODE_CHANGE)
// Send a notification that creation of a roll failed.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendRollCreationFailed(ctx context.Context, err error) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
Message: err.Error(),
}, subjectTmplRollCreationFailed, bodyTmplRollCreationFailed, notifier.SEVERITY_ERROR, MSG_TYPE_ROLL_CREATION_FAILED)
// Send a strategy change message.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendStrategyChange(ctx context.Context, user, strategy, message string) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
Message: message,
Strategy: strategy,
User: user,
}, subjectTmplStrategyChange, bodyTmplStrategyChange, notifier.SEVERITY_WARNING, MSG_TYPE_STRATEGY_CHANGE)
// Send a notification that the roller is safety-throttled.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendSafetyThrottled(ctx context.Context, until time.Time) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
ThrottledUntil: until.Format(time.RFC1123),
}, subjectTmplThrottled, bodyTmplSafetyThrottled, notifier.SEVERITY_ERROR, MSG_TYPE_SAFETY_THROTTLE)
// Send a notification that the roller is success-throttled.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendSuccessThrottled(ctx context.Context, until time.Time) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
ThrottledUntil: until.Format(time.RFC1123),
}, subjectTmplThrottled, bodyTmplSuccessThrottled, notifier.SEVERITY_INFO, MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS_THROTTLE)
// Send a notification that the most recent roll succeeded when the roll before
// it failed.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendNewSuccess(ctx context.Context, id, url string) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
IssueID: id,
IssueURL: url,
}, subjectTmplNewSuccess, bodyTmplNewSuccess, notifier.SEVERITY_WARNING, MSG_TYPE_NEW_SUCCESS)
// Send a notification that the most recent roll failed when the roll before
// it succeeded.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendNewFailure(ctx context.Context, id, url string) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
IssueID: id,
IssueURL: url,
}, subjectTmplNewFailure, bodyTmplNewFailure, notifier.SEVERITY_WARNING, MSG_TYPE_NEW_FAILURE)
// Send a notification that the last N roll attempts have failed.
func (a *AutoRollNotifier) SendLastNFailed(ctx context.Context, n int, url string) {
a.send(ctx, &tmplVars{
IssueURL: url,
N: n,
}, subjectTmplLastNFailed, bodyTmplLastNFailed, notifier.SEVERITY_ERROR, MSG_TYPE_LAST_N_FAILED)