blob: 9c6baade7ee95e8577417184b2e9d530fc84f9ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Convenience utilities for testing.
package testutils
import (
assert ""
const (
SMALL_TEST = "small"
MEDIUM_TEST = "medium"
LARGE_TEST = "large"
var (
small = flag.Bool(SMALL_TEST, false, "Whether or not to run small tests.")
medium = flag.Bool(MEDIUM_TEST, false, "Whether or not to run medium tests.")
large = flag.Bool(LARGE_TEST, false, "Whether or not to run large tests.")
uncategorized = flag.Bool("uncategorized", false, "Only run uncategorized tests.")
// DEFAULT_RUN indicates whether the given test type runs by default
// when no filter flag is specified.
DEFAULT_RUN = map[string]bool{
// TEST_TYPES lists all of the types of tests.
TEST_TYPES = []string{
// ShouldRun determines whether the test should run based on the provided flags.
func ShouldRun(testType string) bool {
if *uncategorized {
return false
// Fallback if no test filter is specified.
if !*small && !*medium && !*large {
return DEFAULT_RUN[testType]
switch testType {
return *small
return *medium
return *large
return false
// SmallTest is a function which should be called at the beginning of a small
// test: A test (under 2 seconds) with no dependencies on external databases,
// networks, etc.
func SmallTest(t *testing.T) {
if !ShouldRun(SMALL_TEST) {
t.Skip("Not running small tests.")
// MediumTest is a function which should be called at the beginning of an
// medium-sized test: a test (2-15 seconds) which has dependencies on external
// databases, networks, etc.
func MediumTest(t *testing.T) {
if !ShouldRun(MEDIUM_TEST) {
t.Skip("Not running medium tests.")
// LargeTest is a function which should be called at the beginning of a large
// test: a test (> 15 seconds) with significant reliance on external
// dependencies which makes it too slow or flaky to run as part of the normal
// test suite.
func LargeTest(t *testing.T) {
if !ShouldRun(LARGE_TEST) {
t.Skip("Not running large tests.")
// SkipIfShort causes the test to be skipped when running with -short.
func SkipIfShort(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skipping test with -short")
// AssertDeepEqual fails the test if the two objects do not pass reflect.DeepEqual.
func AssertDeepEqual(t *testing.T, a, b interface{}) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(a, b) {
assert.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("Objects do not match: \na:\n%s\n\nb:\n%s\n", spew.Sprint(a), spew.Sprint(b)))
// AssertCopy is AssertDeepEqual but also checks that none of the direct fields
// have a zero value and none of the direct fields point to the same object.
// This catches regressions where a new field is added without adding that field
// to the Copy method. Arguments must be structs.
func AssertCopy(t *testing.T, a, b interface{}) {
AssertDeepEqual(t, a, b)
// Check that all fields are non-zero.
va := reflect.ValueOf(a)
vb := reflect.ValueOf(b)
assert.Equal(t, va.Type(), vb.Type(), "Arguments are different types.")
for va.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
assert.Equal(t, reflect.Ptr, vb.Kind(), "Arguments are different types (pointer vs. non-pointer)")
va = va.Elem()
vb = vb.Elem()
assert.Equal(t, reflect.Struct, va.Kind(), "Not a struct or pointer to struct.")
assert.Equal(t, reflect.Struct, vb.Kind(), "Arguments are different types (pointer vs. non-pointer)")
for i := 0; i < va.NumField(); i++ {
fa := va.Field(i)
z := reflect.Zero(fa.Type())
if reflect.DeepEqual(fa.Interface(), z.Interface()) {
assert.FailNow(t, fmt.Sprintf("Missing field %q (or set to zero value).", va.Type().Field(i).Name))
if fa.Kind() == reflect.Map || fa.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || fa.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
fb := vb.Field(i)
assert.NotEqual(t, fa.Pointer(), fb.Pointer(), "Field %q not deep-copied.", va.Type().Field(i).Name)
// TestDataDir returns the path to the caller's testdata directory, which
// is assumed to be "<path to caller dir>/testdata".
func TestDataDir() (string, error) {
_, thisFile, _, ok := runtime.Caller(0)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find test data dir: runtime.Caller() failed.")
for skip := 0; ; skip++ {
_, file, _, ok := runtime.Caller(skip)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not find test data dir: runtime.Caller() failed.")
if file != thisFile {
return path.Join(path.Dir(file), "testdata"), nil
func readFile(filename string) (io.Reader, error) {
dir, err := TestDataDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read %s: %v", filename, err)
f, err := os.Open(path.Join(dir, filename))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not read %s: %v", filename, err)
return f, nil
// ReadFile reads a file from the caller's testdata directory.
func ReadFile(filename string) (string, error) {
f, err := readFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return "", err
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not read %s: %v", filename, err)
return string(b), nil
// MustReadFile reads a file from the caller's testdata directory and panics on
// error.
func MustReadFile(filename string) string {
s, err := ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return s
// ReadJsonFile reads a JSON file from the caller's testdata directory into the
// given interface.
func ReadJsonFile(filename string, dest interface{}) error {
f, err := readFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(dest)
// MustReadJsonFile reads a JSON file from the caller's testdata directory into
// the given interface and panics on error.
func MustReadJsonFile(filename string, dest interface{}) {
if err := ReadJsonFile(filename, dest); err != nil {
// WriteFile writes the given contents to the given file path, reporting any
// error.
func WriteFile(t assert.TestingT, filename, contents string) {
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(contents), os.ModePerm))
// CloseInTest takes an ioutil.Closer and Closes it, reporting any error.
func CloseInTest(t assert.TestingT, c io.Closer) {
if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to Close(): %v", err)
// AssertCloses takes an ioutil.Closer and asserts that it closes.
func AssertCloses(t assert.TestingT, c io.Closer) {
assert.NoError(t, c.Close())
// Remove attempts to remove the given file and asserts that no error is returned.
func Remove(t assert.TestingT, fp string) {
assert.NoError(t, os.Remove(fp))
// RemoveAll attempts to remove the given directory and asserts that no error is returned.
func RemoveAll(t assert.TestingT, fp string) {
assert.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(fp))
// TempDir is a wrapper for ioutil.TempDir. Returns the path to the directory and a cleanup
// function to defer.
func TempDir(t assert.TestingT) (string, func()) {
d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "testutils")
assert.NoError(t, err)
return d, func() {
RemoveAll(t, d)
// MarshalJSON encodes the given interface to a JSON string.
func MarshalJSON(t *testing.T, i interface{}) string {
b, err := json.Marshal(i)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return string(b)
// MarshalIndentJSON encodes the given interface to an indented JSON string.
func MarshalIndentJSON(t *testing.T, i interface{}) string {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(i, "", " ")
assert.NoError(t, err)
return string(b)