blob: 6826f60fece4542f48780a6ffe02ceec4890435a [file] [log] [blame]
package swarming_metrics
import (
const (
MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_LAST_SEEN = "swarming_bots_last_seen"
MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_QUARANTINED = "swarming_bots_quarantined"
MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_LAST_TASK = "swarming_bots_last_task"
// cleanupOldMetrics deletes old metrics, replace with new ones. This fixes the case where
// bots are removed but their metrics hang around, or where dimensions
// change resulting in duplicate metrics with the same bot ID.
func cleanupOldMetrics(oldMetrics []metrics2.Int64Metric) []metrics2.Int64Metric {
failedDelete := []metrics2.Int64Metric{}
for _, m := range oldMetrics {
if err := m.Delete(); err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Failed to delete metric: %s", err)
failedDelete = append(failedDelete, m)
return failedDelete
// reportBotMetrics reports information about the bots in the given pool
// to the metrics client. This includes if the bot is quarantined and
// how long ago we saw the bot.
func reportBotMetrics(now time.Time, client swarming.ApiClient, metricsClient metrics2.Client, pool, server string) ([]metrics2.Int64Metric, error) {
sklog.Infof("Loading Swarming bot data for pool %s", pool)
bots, err := client.ListBotsForPool(pool)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get list of bots for pool %s: %s", pool, err)
newMetrics := []metrics2.Int64Metric{}
for _, bot := range bots {
last, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", bot.LastSeenTs)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Malformed last seen time in bot: %s", err)
tags := map[string]string{
"bot": bot.BotId,
"pool": pool,
"swarming": server,
// Bot last seen <duration> ago.
m1 := metricsClient.GetInt64Metric(MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_LAST_SEEN, tags)
newMetrics = append(newMetrics, m1)
// Bot quarantined status.
quarantined := int64(0)
if bot.Quarantined {
quarantined = int64(1)
m2 := metricsClient.GetInt64Metric(MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_QUARANTINED, tags)
newMetrics = append(newMetrics, m2)
// Last task performed <duration> ago
lastTasks, err := client.ListBotTasks(bot.BotId, 1)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Problem getting tasks that bot %s has run: %s", bot.BotId, err)
ts := ""
if len(lastTasks) == 0 {
ts = bot.FirstSeenTs
} else {
ts = lastTasks[0].ModifiedTs
last, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", ts)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Malformed last modified time in bot %s's last task %q: %s", bot.BotId, ts, err)
m3 := metricsClient.GetInt64Metric(MEASUREMENT_SWARM_BOTS_LAST_TASK, tags)
newMetrics = append(newMetrics, m1)
return newMetrics, nil
// StartSwarmingBotMetrics spins up several go routines to begin reporting
// metrics every 2 minutes.
func StartSwarmingBotMetrics(swarmingClients map[string]swarming.ApiClient, swarmingPools map[string][]string, metricsClient metrics2.Client) {
for swarmingServer, client := range swarmingClients {
for _, pool := range swarmingPools[swarmingServer] {
go func(server, pool string, client swarming.ApiClient) {
oldMetrics := []metrics2.Int64Metric{}
for range time.Tick(2 * time.Minute) {
oldMetrics = cleanupOldMetrics(oldMetrics)
newMetrics, err := reportBotMetrics(time.Now(), client, metricsClient, pool, server)
if err != nil {
oldMetrics = append(oldMetrics, newMetrics...)
}(swarmingServer, pool, client)