blob: 56f3a3c8acce501b7524724f833901856e2d6692 [file] [log] [blame]
package ingestion_processors
import (
mock_vcs ""
const (
// name of the input file containing test data.
TEST_INGESTION_FILE = "testdata/dm.json"
// Tests parsing and processing of a single file.
// There don't need to be more of these here because we should
// depend on jsonio.ParseGoldResults which has its own test suite.
func TestDMResults(t *testing.T) {
f, err := os.Open(TEST_INGESTION_FILE)
assert.NoError(t, err)
gr, err := parseGoldResultsFromReader(f)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &jsonio.GoldResults{
GitHash: "02cb37309c01506e2552e931efa9c04a569ed266",
Key: map[string]string{
"arch": "x86_64",
"compiler": "MSVC",
"configuration": "Debug",
"cpu_or_gpu": "CPU",
"cpu_or_gpu_value": "AVX2",
"model": "ShuttleB",
"os": "Win8",
Results: []*jsonio.Result{
Key: map[string]string{
"config": "pipe-8888",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: "aaclip",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
Digest: "fa3c371d201d6f88f7a47b41862e2e85",
Options: map[string]string{
"ext": "png",
Key: map[string]string{
"config": "pipe-8888",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: "clipcubic",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
Digest: "64e446d96bebba035887dd7dda6db6c4",
Options: map[string]string{
"ext": "png",
Key: map[string]string{
"config": "pipe-8888",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: "manyarcs",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
Digest: "4d289d13da841e4a2f153bcb61024f42",
Options: map[string]string{
"ext": "pdf",
}, gr)
// TestGetCanonicalCommitHashPrimary tests the case where the commit hash
// was in the primary repo
func TestGetCanonicalCommitHashPrimary(t *testing.T) {
mvs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvs.AssertExpectations(t)
// As long as it returns non-nil and non error, that is sufficient to check
// if the commit exists.
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash, false).Return(&vcsinfo.LongCommit{}, nil)
c, err := getCanonicalCommitHash(context.Background(), mvs, alphaCommitHash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, alphaCommitHash, c)
// TestGetCanonicalCommitHashNewCommit tests the case where a new commit has landed, but
// our VCS does not know about it yet and needs to update.
func TestGetCanonicalCommitHashNewCommit(t *testing.T) {
mvs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvs.AssertExpectations(t)
// First time calling details - we don't know
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash, false).Return(nil, commitNotFound).Once()
mvs.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, true, false).Return(nil)
// As long as it returns non-nil and non error, that is sufficient to check
// if the commit exists.
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash, false).Return(&vcsinfo.LongCommit{}, nil)
c, err := getCanonicalCommitHash(context.Background(), mvs, alphaCommitHash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, alphaCommitHash, c)
// TestGetCanonicalCommitHashSecondary tests the case where the commit hash
// was found in the secondary repo
func TestGetCanonicalCommitHashSecondary(t *testing.T) {
mvs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvs.AssertExpectations(t)
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash, false).Return(nil, commitNotFound)
mvs.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, true, false).Return(nil)
mvs.On("ResolveCommit", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash).Return(betaCommitHash, nil)
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, betaCommitHash, false).Return(&vcsinfo.LongCommit{}, nil)
c, err := getCanonicalCommitHash(context.Background(), mvs, alphaCommitHash)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, betaCommitHash, c)
// TestGetCanonicalCommitHashInvalid tests the case where the commit hash
// was resolved to something that didn't exist in the primary repo.
func TestGetCanonicalCommitHashInvalid(t *testing.T) {
mvs := &mock_vcs.VCS{}
defer mvs.AssertExpectations(t)
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash, false).Return(nil, commitNotFound)
mvs.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, true, false).Return(nil)
mvs.On("ResolveCommit", testutils.AnyContext, alphaCommitHash).Return(betaCommitHash, nil)
mvs.On("Details", testutils.AnyContext, betaCommitHash, false).Return(nil, commitNotFound)
_, err := getCanonicalCommitHash(context.Background(), mvs, alphaCommitHash)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "invalid commit")
const (
alphaCommitHash = "aaa96d8aff4cd689c2e49336d12928a8bd23cdec"
betaCommitHash = "bbbcf37f5bd91f1a7b3f080bf038af8e8fa4cab2"
var (
commitNotFound = errors.New("commit not found")