blob: 383b01568516ec1451b14d0ec45590c52c87cc4e [file] [log] [blame]
package logagents
import (
assert ""
func TestNoRollover(t *testing.T) {
log1 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.0")
log2 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.1")
roll := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "dontcare", "test", "test.1")
logger := &mockCloudLogger{}
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log1, "abcd", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return "", "", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// Should be 2 lines here. See parser_test for more thorough assertions.
assert.Equal(t, 2, logger.Count())
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log2, "efgh", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return "", "", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// There are 3 new lines in pylog1.1
assert.Equal(t, 3, logger.Count())
func TestNoRollover2(t *testing.T) {
// Checks rollover with the rollover file actually having something.
log1 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.0")
log2 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.1")
log3 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog2.0")
roll := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "dontcare", "test", "test.1")
logger := &mockCloudLogger{}
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log1, "abcd", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log3, "rofl", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// Should be 2 lines here. See parser_test for more thorough assertions.
assert.Equal(t, 2, logger.Count())
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log2, "efgh", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log3, "rofl", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// There are 3 new lines in pylog1.1
assert.Equal(t, 3, logger.Count())
func TestRolloverToEmpty(t *testing.T) {
log1 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.0")
log2 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.1")
roll := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "dontcare", "test", "test.1")
logger := &mockCloudLogger{}
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log1, "abcd", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return "", "", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// Should be 2 lines here. See parser_test for more thorough assertions.
assert.Equal(t, 2, logger.Count())
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return "", "", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log2, "efgh", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// There are 3 new lines in pylog1.1
assert.Equal(t, 3, logger.Count())
func TestRolloverWithNew(t *testing.T) {
log1 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.0")
log2 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.1")
log3 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog2.0")
roll := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "dontcare", "test", "test.1")
logger := &mockCloudLogger{}
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log1, "abcd", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return "", "", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// Should be 2 lines here. See parser_test for more thorough assertions.
assert.Equal(t, 2, logger.Count())
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log3, "efgh", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log2, "rofl", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// There are 3 new lines in pylog1.1 and 4 new lines in pylog 2.0
assert.Equal(t, 7, logger.Count())
func TestWritePersistence(t *testing.T) {
readFromPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
return nil
log1 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.0")
log2 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog1.1")
log3 := testutils.MustReadFile("pylog2.0")
roll := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "pylog", "test", "test.1")
logger := &mockCloudLogger{}
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log1, "abcd", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log3, "rofl", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
writeToPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
rlog, ok := v.(*rolloverLog)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("The passed in type to write was wrong: %#v", v)
return nil
assert.Equal(t, "abcd", rlog.LogHash)
assert.Equal(t, "rofl", rlog.RolloverHash)
assert.Equal(t, 2, rlog.LastLine)
assert.Equal(t, false, rlog.IsFirstScan)
return nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// Should be 2 lines here. See parser_test for more thorough assertions.
assert.Equal(t, 2, logger.Count())
readAndHashFile = func(path string) (contents, hash string, err error) {
if path == "test" {
return log2, "efgh", nil
if path == "test.1" {
return log3, "rofl", nil
t.Errorf("Unexpected call to readAndhashFile: %s", path)
return "", "", nil
writeToPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
rlog, ok := v.(*rolloverLog)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("The passed in type to write was wrong: %#v", v)
return nil
assert.Equal(t, "efgh", rlog.LogHash)
assert.Equal(t, "rofl", rlog.RolloverHash)
assert.Equal(t, 5, rlog.LastLine)
assert.Equal(t, false, rlog.IsFirstScan)
return nil
assert.NoError(t, roll.Scan(logger))
// There are 3 new lines in pylog1.1
assert.Equal(t, 3, logger.Count())
func TestReadPersistenceHappy(t *testing.T) {
readFromPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
rlog, ok := v.(*rolloverLog)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("The passed in type to write was wrong: %#v", v)
return nil
if reportName != "pylog" {
t.Errorf("Wrong reportName: %s", reportName)
return nil
rlog.LogHash = "abc"
rlog.RolloverHash = "def"
rlog.LastLine = 3
rlog.IsFirstScan = false
return nil
r := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "pylog", "test", "test.1").(*rolloverLog)
assert.Equal(t, "abc", r.LogHash)
assert.Equal(t, "def", r.RolloverHash)
assert.Equal(t, 3, r.LastLine)
assert.Equal(t, false, r.IsFirstScan)
assert.NotNil(t, r.Parse)
func TestReadPersistenceCorrupt(t *testing.T) {
readFromPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
if reportName != "pylog" {
t.Errorf("Wrong reportName: %s", reportName)
return fmt.Errorf("THERE WAS A PROBLEM (for testing purposes)")
r := NewRollover(logparser.ParsePythonLog, "pylog", "test", "test.1").(*rolloverLog)
assert.Equal(t, "", r.LogHash)
assert.Equal(t, "", r.RolloverHash)
assert.Equal(t, 0, r.LastLine)
assert.Equal(t, true, r.IsFirstScan)
type mockCloudLogger struct {
callCount int
func (m *mockCloudLogger) CloudLog(reportName string, payload *sklog.LogPayload) {
func (m *mockCloudLogger) BatchCloudLog(reportName string, payloads ...*sklog.LogPayload) {
m.callCount += len(payloads)
func (m *mockCloudLogger) Count() int {
return m.callCount
func (m *mockCloudLogger) Flush() {
m.callCount = 0
func mockOutPersistence() {
writeToPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
return nil
readFromPersistenceFile = func(reportName string, v interface{}) error {
return nil