blob: 6795a78408f0f160f83a0a7dc74182557923ff38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package regression provides for tracking Perf regressions.
package regression
import (
var ErrNoClusterFound = errors.New("No Cluster.")
// Status is used in TriageStatus.
type Status string
// Status constants.
const (
NONE Status = "" // There is no regression.
POSITIVE Status = "positive" // This change in performance is OK/expected.
NEGATIVE Status = "negative" // This regression is a bug.
UNTRIAGED Status = "untriaged" // The regression has not been triaged.
// AllRegressionsForCommit is a map[alertid]Regression.
type AllRegressionsForCommit struct {
ByAlertID map[string]*Regression `json:"by_query"`
mutex sync.Mutex
type TriageStatus struct {
Status Status `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Regression tracks the status of the Low and High regression clusters, if they
// exist for a given CommitID and alertid.
// Note that Low and High can be nil if no regression has been found in that
// direction.
// TODO(jcgregorio) Now that we can search for regressions using GroupBy it is possible
// that Frame will only be valid for Low or High. Fix by refactoring Regression.
type Regression struct {
Low *clustering2.ClusterSummary `json:"low"` // Can be nil.
High *clustering2.ClusterSummary `json:"high"` // Can be nil.
Frame *dataframe.FrameResponse `json:"frame"` // Describes the Low and High ClusterSummary's.
LowStatus TriageStatus `json:"low_status"`
HighStatus TriageStatus `json:"high_status"`
// NewRegression returns a new *Regression.
func NewRegression() *Regression {
return &Regression{
LowStatus: TriageStatus{
Status: NONE,
HighStatus: TriageStatus{
Status: NONE,
// New returns a new *Regressions.
func New() *AllRegressionsForCommit {
return &AllRegressionsForCommit{
ByAlertID: map[string]*Regression{},
// Merge the results from rhs into this Regression.
func (r *Regression) Merge(rhs *Regression) *Regression {
if rhs.Low != nil {
if r.Low != nil && (rhs.Low.StepFit.Regression > r.Low.StepFit.Regression) {
r.Low = rhs.Low
r.LowStatus = rhs.LowStatus
r.Frame = rhs.Frame
} else {
r.Low = rhs.Low
r.LowStatus = rhs.LowStatus
r.Frame = rhs.Frame
if rhs.High != nil {
if r.High != nil && (rhs.High.StepFit.Regression < r.High.StepFit.Regression) {
r.High = rhs.High
r.HighStatus = rhs.HighStatus
r.Frame = rhs.Frame
} else {
r.High = rhs.High
r.HighStatus = rhs.HighStatus
r.Frame = rhs.Frame
return r
// Triaged returns true if triaged.
func (r *Regression) Triaged() bool {
ret := true
ret = ret && (r.HighStatus.Status != UNTRIAGED)
ret = ret && (r.LowStatus.Status != UNTRIAGED)
return ret
// SetLow sets the cluster for a low regression.
// Returns true if this is a new regression.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) SetLow(alertid string, df *dataframe.FrameResponse, low *clustering2.ClusterSummary) bool {
ret := false
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
reg, ok := r.ByAlertID[alertid]
if !ok {
reg = NewRegression()
r.ByAlertID[alertid] = reg
if reg.Frame == nil {
reg.Frame = df
ret = true
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add checks so that we only overwrite a cluster if the new
// cluster is 'better', for some definition of 'better'.
reg.Low = low
if reg.LowStatus.Status == NONE {
reg.LowStatus.Status = UNTRIAGED
return ret
// SetHigh sets the cluster for a high regression.
// Returns true if this is a new regression.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) SetHigh(alertid string, df *dataframe.FrameResponse, high *clustering2.ClusterSummary) bool {
ret := false
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
reg, ok := r.ByAlertID[alertid]
if !ok {
reg = NewRegression()
r.ByAlertID[alertid] = reg
ret = true
if reg.Frame == nil {
reg.Frame = df
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add checks so that we only overwrite a cluster if the new
// cluster is 'better', for some definition of 'better'.
reg.High = high
if reg.HighStatus.Status == NONE {
reg.HighStatus.Status = UNTRIAGED
return ret
// TriageLow sets the triage status for the low cluster.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) TriageLow(alertid string, tr TriageStatus) error {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
reg, ok := r.ByAlertID[alertid]
if !ok {
return ErrNoClusterFound
if reg.Low == nil {
return ErrNoClusterFound
reg.LowStatus = tr
return nil
// TriageHigh sets the triage status for the high cluster.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) TriageHigh(alertid string, tr TriageStatus) error {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
reg, ok := r.ByAlertID[alertid]
if !ok {
return ErrNoClusterFound
if reg.High == nil {
return ErrNoClusterFound
reg.HighStatus = tr
return nil
// Triaged returns true if all clusters are triaged.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) Triaged() bool {
ret := true
for _, reg := range r.ByAlertID {
ret = ret && (reg.HighStatus.Status != UNTRIAGED)
ret = ret && (reg.LowStatus.Status != UNTRIAGED)
return ret
// JSON returns the Regressions serialized as JSON. Use this instead of
// serializing Regression directly as it holds the mutex while serializing.
func (r *AllRegressionsForCommit) JSON() ([]byte, error) {
defer r.mutex.Unlock()
return json.Marshal(r)