blob: db63aef48cc03c148aaa3ebd7dc730fbb50f85aa [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// validateEnv provides the environment for the validate command.
type validateEnv struct {
flagFile string // flag that identifies the input file. If empty stdin will be used.
// getValidateCmd returns the definition of the validate command.
func getValidateCmd() *cobra.Command {
env := &validateEnv{}
// define the validate command
ret := &cobra.Command{
Use: "validate",
Aliases: []string{"va"},
Short: "Validate JSON",
Long: `
Validate JSON input whether it complies with the format required for Gold
Run: env.runValidateCmd,
ret.Flags().StringVarP(&env.flagFile, "file", "f", "", "Input file to use instead of stdin")
ret.Args = cobra.NoArgs
return ret
// runValidateCmd implements validation of JSON files.
func (v *validateEnv) runValidateCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
f, closeFn, err := getFileOrStdin(v.flagFile)
if err != nil {
logErrfAndExit(cmd, "Error opeing input: %s", err)
goldResult, errMessages, err := jsonio.ParseGoldResults(f)
if err != nil {
if len(errMessages) == 0 {
logErrfAndExit(cmd, "Error parsing JSON: %s", err)
logErr(cmd, "JSON validation failed:\n")
for _, msg := range errMessages {
logErrf(cmd, " %s\n", msg)
ifErrLogExit(cmd, closeFn())
logVerbose(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("Result:\n%s\n", spew.Sdump(goldResult)))
logVerbose(cmd, "JSON validation succeeded.\n")