blob: ec03268ae27be0a8f9abe9dbe4db80cb60adff63 [file] [log] [blame]
package parent
import (
var (
// REGitHubForkRepoURL is a regular expression which matches a GitHub fork
// repo URL.
REGitHubForkRepoURL = regexp.MustCompile(`^(|file:///)(.*)/(.*?)(\.git)?$`)
// GitCheckoutUploadGithubRollFunc returns
func GitCheckoutUploadGithubRollFunc(githubClient *github.GitHub, userName, rollerName, forkRepoURL string) git_common.UploadRollFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, co *git.Checkout, upstreamBranch, hash string, emails []string, dryRun bool, commitMsg string) (int64, error) {
// Generate a fork branch name with unique id and creation timestamp.
forkBranchName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", rollerName, uuid.New().String(), time.Now().Unix())
// Find forkRepo owner and name.
forkRepoMatches := REGitHubForkRepoURL.FindStringSubmatch(forkRepoURL)
forkRepoOwner := forkRepoMatches[2]
forkRepoName := forkRepoMatches[3]
// Find SHA of main branch to use when creating the fork branch. It does not really
// matter which SHA we use, we just have to use one that exists on the server. Always
// get the SHA from the main branch because it should always exist.
forkMainRef, err := githubClient.GetReference(forkRepoOwner, forkRepoName, git.DefaultRef)
if err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Create the fork branch.
if err := githubClient.CreateReference(forkRepoOwner, forkRepoName, fmt.Sprintf("refs/heads/%s", forkBranchName), *forkMainRef.Object.SHA); err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
sklog.Infof("Created branch %s in %s with SHA %s", forkBranchName, forkRepoURL, *forkMainRef.Object.SHA)
// Make sure the forked repo is at the same hash as the target repo
// before creating the pull request.
if _, err := co.Git(ctx, "push", "-f", github_common.GithubForkRemoteName, fmt.Sprintf("origin/%s", upstreamBranch)); err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Push the changes to the forked repository.
if _, err := co.Git(ctx, "push", "-f", github_common.GithubForkRemoteName, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", git_common.RollBranch, forkBranchName)); err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Build the commit message.
commitMsg = strings.ReplaceAll(commitMsg, "", "")
commitMsgLines := strings.Split(commitMsg, "\n")
// Grab the first line of the commit msg to use as the title of the pull
// request.
title := commitMsgLines[0]
// Use the remaining part of the commit message as the pull request
// description.
descComment := commitMsgLines[1:]
if len(commitMsgLines) > 50 {
// Truncate too large description comment because Github API cannot
// handle large comments.
descComment = append(commitMsgLines[:50], "...")
// Create a pull request.
headBranch := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", userName, forkBranchName)
pr, err := githubClient.CreatePullRequest(title, upstreamBranch, headBranch, strings.Join(descComment, "\n"))
if err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Add appropriate label to the pull request.
if !dryRun {
if err := githubClient.AddLabel(pr.GetNumber(), github.WAITING_FOR_GREEN_TREE_LABEL); err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Wrap(err)
return int64(pr.GetNumber()), nil
// NewGitCheckoutGithub returns an implementation of Parent which uses a local
// git checkout and uploads pull requests to Github.
func NewGitCheckoutGithub(ctx context.Context, c *config.GitCheckoutGitHubParentConfig, reg *config_vars.Registry, serverURL, workdir, rollerName string, cr codereview.CodeReview, createRoll git_common.CreateRollFunc) (*GitCheckoutParent, error) {
if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
githubClient, ok := cr.Client().(*github.GitHub)
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("GitCheckoutGithub must use GitHub for code review.")
// See documentation for GitCheckoutUploadRollFunc.
uploadRoll := GitCheckoutUploadGithubRollFunc(githubClient, cr.UserName(), rollerName, c.ForkRepoUrl)
// Create the GitCheckout Parent.
p, err := NewGitCheckout(ctx, c.GitCheckout, reg, workdir, cr, nil, createRoll, uploadRoll)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := github_common.SetupGithub(ctx, p.Checkout.Checkout, c.ForkRepoUrl); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return p, nil