blob: 0692d1e2039ffcbbde2f7aac029966369c50e82f [file] [log] [blame]
package firestore
import (
assert ""
func TestWithTimeout(t *testing.T) {
errTimeout := errors.New("timeout")
err := withTimeout(200*time.Millisecond, func(ctx context.Context) error {
for {
select {
case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
// ...
case <-ctx.Done():
return errTimeout
assert.Equal(t, errTimeout, err)
func TestWithTimeoutAndRetries(t *testing.T) {
c, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
maxAttempts := 3
timeout := 200 * time.Millisecond
// No retries on success.
attempted := 0
err := c.withTimeoutAndRetries(maxAttempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, attempted)
// Retry whitelisted errors.
attempted = 0
e := status.Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "Retry Me")
err = c.withTimeoutAndRetries(maxAttempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return e
assert.EqualError(t, err, e.Error())
assert.Equal(t, maxAttempts, attempted)
// No retry for non-whitelisted errors.
attempted = 0
err = c.withTimeoutAndRetries(maxAttempts, timeout, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return errors.New("some other error")
assert.EqualError(t, err, "some other error")
assert.Equal(t, 1, attempted)
func setup(t *testing.T) (*Client, func()) {
project := "skia-firestore"
app := "firestore_pkg_tests"
instance := fmt.Sprintf("test-%s", uuid.New())
c, err := NewClient(context.Background(), project, app, instance, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return c, func() {
assert.NoError(t, c.RecursiveDelete(c.ParentDoc, 5, 30*time.Second))
assert.NoError(t, c.Close())
type testEntry struct {
Id string
Index int
Label string
type testEntrySlice []*testEntry
func (s testEntrySlice) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s testEntrySlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].Id < s[j].Id
func (s testEntrySlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func TestIterDocs(t *testing.T) {
c, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
attempts := 3
timeout := 300 * time.Second
coll := c.Collection("TestIterDocs")
labelValue := "my-label"
q := coll.Where("Label", "==", labelValue)
foundEntries := 0
assert.NoError(t, c.IterDocs("TestIterDocs", "", q, attempts, timeout, func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
return nil
assert.Equal(t, 0, foundEntries)
total := 100
for i := 0; i < total; i++ {
doc := coll.NewDoc()
e := &testEntry{
Id: doc.ID,
Index: i,
Label: labelValue,
_, err := c.Create(doc, e, attempts, timeout)
assert.NoError(t, err)
found := make([]*testEntry, 0, total)
appendEntry := func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
var e testEntry
if err := doc.DataTo(&e); err != nil {
return err
found = append(found, &e)
return nil
assert.NoError(t, c.IterDocs("TestIterDocs", "", q, attempts, timeout, appendEntry))
assert.Equal(t, total, len(found))
// Ensure that there were no duplicates.
foundMap := make(map[string]*testEntry, len(found))
for _, e := range found {
_, ok := foundMap[e.Id]
assert.False(t, ok)
foundMap[e.Id] = e
assert.Equal(t, len(found), len(foundMap))
assert.True(t, sort.IsSorted(testEntrySlice(found)))
// Verify that stop and resume works when we hit the timeout.
found = make([]*testEntry, 0, total)
numRestarts, err := c.iterDocsInner(q, attempts, timeout, appendEntry, func(time.Time) bool {
return len(found) == 50
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, numRestarts)
assert.Equal(t, total, len(found))
foundMap = make(map[string]*testEntry, len(found))
for _, e := range found {
_, ok := foundMap[e.Id]
assert.False(t, ok)
foundMap[e.Id] = e
assert.Equal(t, len(found), len(foundMap))
assert.True(t, sort.IsSorted(testEntrySlice(found)))
// Verify that stop and resume works in the case of retried failures.
alreadyFailed := false
found = make([]*testEntry, 0, total)
err = c.IterDocs("TestIterDocs", "", q, attempts, timeout, func(doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
if len(found) == 50 && !alreadyFailed {
alreadyFailed = true
return status.Errorf(codes.ResourceExhausted, "retry me")
} else {
return appendEntry(doc)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, total, len(found))
foundMap = make(map[string]*testEntry, len(found))
for _, e := range found {
_, ok := foundMap[e.Id]
assert.False(t, ok)
foundMap[e.Id] = e
assert.Equal(t, len(found), len(foundMap))
assert.True(t, sort.IsSorted(testEntrySlice(found)))
// Test IterDocsInParallel.
n := 5
sliceSize := total / n
foundSlices := make([][]*testEntry, n)
queries := make([]firestore.Query, 0, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
start := i * sliceSize
end := start + sliceSize
q := coll.Where("Index", ">=", start).Where("Index", "<", end)
queries = append(queries, q)
assert.NoError(t, c.IterDocsInParallel("TestIterDocs", "", queries, attempts, timeout, func(idx int, doc *firestore.DocumentSnapshot) error {
var e testEntry
if err := doc.DataTo(&e); err != nil {
return err
foundSlices[idx] = append(foundSlices[idx], &e)
return nil
// Ensure that there were no duplicates and that each slice of results
// is correct.
foundMap = make(map[string]*testEntry, len(foundSlices))
for _, entries := range foundSlices {
assert.Equal(t, sliceSize, len(entries))
for _, e := range entries {
_, ok := foundMap[e.Id]
assert.False(t, ok)
foundMap[e.Id] = e
assert.Equal(t, total, len(foundMap))
func TestGetAllDescendants(t *testing.T) {
c, cleanup := setup(t)
defer cleanup()
attempts := 3
timeout := 5 * time.Second
// Create some documents.
add := func(coll *firestore.CollectionRef, name string) *firestore.DocumentRef {
doc := coll.Doc(name)
_, err := c.Create(doc, map[string]string{"name": name}, attempts, timeout)
assert.NoError(t, err)
return doc
container := c.Collection("container")
topLevelDoc := add(container, "TopLevel")
states := topLevelDoc.Collection("states")
ny := add(states, "NewYork")
ca := add(states, "California")
nc := add(states, "NorthCarolina")
fl := add(states, "Florida")
addCity := func(state *firestore.DocumentRef, name string) *firestore.DocumentRef {
cities := state.Collection("cities")
return add(cities, name)
nyc := addCity(ny, "NewYork")
la := addCity(ca, "LosAngeles")
sf := addCity(ca, "SanFrancisco")
ch := addCity(nc, "ChapelHill")
// Verify that descendants are found.
check := func(parent *firestore.DocumentRef, expect []*firestore.DocumentRef) {
actual, err := c.GetAllDescendantDocuments(parent, attempts, timeout)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, len(expect), len(actual))
for idx, e := range expect {
assert.Equal(t, e.ID, actual[idx].ID)
check(ny, []*firestore.DocumentRef{nyc})
check(ca, []*firestore.DocumentRef{la, sf})
check(nc, []*firestore.DocumentRef{ch})
check(topLevelDoc, []*firestore.DocumentRef{ca, la, sf, fl, ny, nyc, nc, ch})
// Check that we can find descendants of missing documents.
_, err := c.Delete(ny, attempts, timeout)
assert.NoError(t, err)
check(topLevelDoc, []*firestore.DocumentRef{ca, la, sf, fl, ny, nyc, nc, ch})
_, err = c.Delete(nyc, attempts, timeout)
assert.NoError(t, err)
check(topLevelDoc, []*firestore.DocumentRef{ca, la, sf, fl, nc, ch})
// Also test RecursiveDelete.
del := func(doc *firestore.DocumentRef, expect []*firestore.DocumentRef) {
assert.NoError(t, c.RecursiveDelete(doc, attempts, timeout))
check(topLevelDoc, expect)
del(ca, []*firestore.DocumentRef{fl, nc, ch})
del(fl, []*firestore.DocumentRef{nc, ch})
del(topLevelDoc, []*firestore.DocumentRef{})