blob: 57bf83e5c9faae28e3f2b29bc5ee540eb2a61c78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package frontend contains structs that represent how the
// frontend expects output from the search package.
package frontend
import (
// SearchResponse is the structure returned by the
// Search(...) function of SearchAPI and intended to be
// returned as JSON in an HTTP response.
type SearchResponse struct {
Digests []*SRDigest `json:"digests"`
// Offset is the offset of the digest into the total list of digests.
Offset int `json:"offset"`
// Size is the total number of Digests that match the current query.
Size int `json:"size"`
Commits []frontend.Commit `json:"commits"`
TraceComments []TraceComment `json:"trace_comments"`
// TriageHistory represents who last triaged a certain digest for a certain test.
type TriageHistory struct {
User string `json:"user"`
TS time.Time `json:"ts"`
// SRDigest is a single search result digest returned by SearchAPI.Search.
type SRDigest struct {
Test types.TestName `json:"test"`
Digest types.Digest `json:"digest"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TriageHistory []TriageHistory `json:"triage_history"`
ParamSet paramtools.ParamSet `json:"paramset"`
Traces *TraceGroup `json:"traces"`
ClosestRef common.RefClosest `json:"closestRef"` // "pos" or "neg"
RefDiffs map[common.RefClosest]*SRDiffDigest `json:"refDiffs"`
// SRDiffDigest captures the diff information between
// a primary digest and the digest given here. The primary
// digest is given by the context where this is used.
type SRDiffDigest struct {
Digest types.Digest `json:"digest"`
Status string `json:"status"`
ParamSet paramtools.ParamSet `json:"paramset"`
OccurrencesInTile int `json:"n"`
// DigestDetails contains details about a digest.
type DigestDetails struct {
Digest *SRDigest `json:"digest"`
Commits []frontend.Commit `json:"commits"`
TraceComments []TraceComment `json:"trace_comments"`
// Trace describes a single trace, used in TraceGroup.
type Trace struct {
// Data represents the index of the digest that was part of the trace. -1 means we did not get
// a digest at this commit. There is one entry per commit. Index 0 is the oldest commit in the
// trace, index N-1 is the most recent.
Data []int `json:"data"`
// The id of the trace. Keep the json as label to be compatible with dots-sk.
ID tiling.TraceID `json:"label"`
Params map[string]string `json:"params"`
// CommentIndices are indices into the TraceComments slice on the final result. For example,
// a 1 means the second TraceComment in the top level TraceComments applies to this trace.
CommentIndices []int `json:"comment_indices"`
// TraceComment is the frontend representation of a trace.Comment
type TraceComment struct {
ID trace.ID `json:"id"`
// CreatedBy is the email address of the user who created this trace comment.
CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"`
// UpdatedBy is the email address of the user who most recently updated this trace comment.
UpdatedBy string `json:"updated_by"`
// CreatedTS is when the comment was created.
CreatedTS time.Time `json:"created_ts"`
// UpdatedTS is when the comment was updated.
UpdatedTS time.Time `json:"updated_ts"`
// Text is an arbitrary string. There can be special rules that only the frontend cares about
// (e.g. some markdown or coordinates).
Text string `json:"text"`
// QueryToMatch represents which traces this trace comment should apply to.
QueryToMatch paramtools.ParamSet `json:"query"`
// ToTraceComment converts a trace.Comment into a TraceComment
func ToTraceComment(c trace.Comment) TraceComment {
return TraceComment{
ID: c.ID,
CreatedBy: c.CreatedBy,
UpdatedBy: c.UpdatedBy,
CreatedTS: c.CreatedTS,
UpdatedTS: c.UpdatedTS,
Text: c.Comment,
QueryToMatch: c.QueryToMatch,
// DigestStatus is a digest and its status, used in TraceGroup.
type DigestStatus struct {
Digest types.Digest `json:"digest"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// TraceGroup is info about a group of traces.
type TraceGroup struct {
// TileSize is how many digests appear in Traces.
// TODO(kjlubick) this is no longer needed, now that Traces are dense and not skipping commits.
TileSize int `json:"tileSize"`
// Traces represents all traces that contain the parent's SRDigest's Digest.
Traces []Trace `json:"traces"`
// Digests represents the triage status of the Digest in the parent SRDigest and the first N-1
// digests that appear in Traces, starting at head on the first trace and then going back in
// time and down for traces. N is search.maxDistinctDigestsToPresent.
Digests []DigestStatus `json:"digests"`
// TotalDigests is the count of all unique digests in the set of Traces. This number can
// exceed search.maxDistinctDigestsToPresent.
TotalDigests int `json:"total_digests"`
// DigestComparison contains the result of comparing two digests.
type DigestComparison struct {
Left *SRDigest `json:"left"` // The left hand digest and its params.
Right *SRDiffDigest `json:"right"` // The right hand digest, its params and the diff result.
// DigestList represents multiple returned digests.
type DigestList struct {
Digests []types.Digest `json:"digests"`
// TS is the time that this data was created. It might be served from a cache, so this time will
// not necessarily be "now".
TS time.Time `json:"ts"`