blob: 90d46ad68fb74b219df485b3eb760464fbbc06c1 [file] [log] [blame]
loadtest is a simple loadtesting tool.
The tool spins up N workers to make requests, then pumps M requests through
those workers and reports how long that took.
package main
import (
// flags
var (
numWorkers = flag.Int("num_workers", 100, "Maximum number of parallel inflight requests.")
numFetches = flag.Int("num_requests", 1000, "Total number of requests to make.")
// Targets to exercise.
var targets = []Target{
URL: "",
Code: 200,
// Target defines a request to make to the server under load test.
type Target struct {
URL string
Code int
// SimpleStats is simple point statistics for an array of float64s.
type SimpleStats struct {
Min float64
Max float64
Mean float64
StdDev float64
name string
samples []float64
// NewSimpleStats creates a SimpleStats from a []float64 and a display name.
func NewSimpleStats(a []float64, name string) *SimpleStats {
sum := 0.0
for _, x := range a {
sum += x
mean := sum / float64(len(a))
sum = 0.0
for _, x := range a {
sum += (x - mean) * (x - mean)
stddev := math.Sqrt(sum / float64(len(a)))
return &SimpleStats{
Min: a[0],
Max: a[len(a)-1],
Mean: mean,
StdDev: stddev,
samples: a,
name: name}
// Percentile returns the sample at the given percent from the beginning of the sorted
// samples.
func (s SimpleStats) Percentile(p float64) float64 {
return s.samples[int(p*float64(len(s.samples)))]
// String returns a nicely formatted representation of the SimpleStats.
func (s SimpleStats) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v -- Min: %.2f Max: %.2f Mean: %.2f σ: %.2f 95%%: %.2f",, s.Min, s.Max, s.Mean, s.StdDev, s.Percentile(0.95))
// startWorkers creates a worker pool of numWorkers workers to make requests.
// Requests to make arrive over the targetCh channel, latency measurements in
// millis go out over the latencies channel, and wg is used to synchronize the
// workers' completion.
func startWorkers(targets <-chan Target, latencies chan<- float64, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
for i := 0; i < *numWorkers; i++ {
c := httputils.NewTimeoutClient()
go func(c *http.Client) {
for t := range targets {
t0 := time.Now()
resp, err := c.Get(t.URL)
t1 := time.Now()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failure for Get: %v %v\n", t.URL, err)
// TODO(jcgregorio) Add stats for failures if we start seeing them.
if resp.StatusCode != t.Code {
fmt.Printf("Wrong status code expected %v, got %v at %v\n", t.Code, resp.StatusCode, t.URL)
duration := t1.Sub(t0)
latencies <- float64(duration.Nanoseconds() / 1000000)
return nil
func main() {
var err error
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Make a channel to deliver work.
targetCh := make(chan Target)
// Record the latency measurements in millis for each request.
latencySamples := make([]float64, 0)
latencies := make(chan float64)
go func() {
for m := range latencies {
latencySamples = append(latencySamples, m)
err = startWorkers(targetCh, latencies, &wg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failure starting workers: %v\n", err)
b0 := time.Now()
// Pump requests out to all the workers to do.
for i := 0; i < *numFetches; i++ {
t := targets[rand.Int()%len(targets)]
targetCh <- t
// Wait for all HTTP requests to complete.
b1 := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Total time of run: %v\n", b1.Sub(b0))
fmt.Printf("Average QPS: %.2f\n", float64(*numFetches)/b1.Sub(b0).Seconds())
fmt.Println(NewSimpleStats(latencySamples, "Latency").String())