blob: df11628eb71bc193978caefb30f8666061f78831 [file] [log] [blame]
// This program serves content that is mostly static and needs to be highly
// available. The content comes from highly available backend services like
// GCS. It needs to be deployed in a redundant way to ensure high uptime.
// It is read-only; it does not create new baselines or update expectations.
package main
import (
gstorage ""
func main() {
// Command line flags.
var (
fsNamespace = flag.String("fs_namespace", "", "Typically the instance id. e.g. 'flutter', 'skia', etc")
fsProjectID = flag.String("fs_project_id", "skia-firestore", "The project with the firestore instance. Datastore and Firestore can't be in the same project.")
hashesGSPath = flag.String("hashes_gs_path", "", "GS path, where the known hashes file should be stored. This should match the same flag in skiacorrectness which writes the hashes. Format: <bucket>/<path>.")
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "if running local (not in production)")
port = flag.String("port", ":9000", "HTTP service address (e.g., ':9000')")
promPort = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':10110')")
// Parse the options. So we can configure logging.
if *fsNamespace == "" {
sklog.Fatalf("--fs_namespace must be set")
// Set up the logging options.
logOpts := []common.Opt{
_, appName := filepath.Split(os.Args[0])
common.InitWithMust(appName, logOpts...)
// Auth note: the underlying firestore.NewClient looks at the
// GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable, so we don't need to supply
// a token source.
fsClient, err := firestore.NewClient(context.Background(), *fsProjectID, "gold", *fsNamespace, nil)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to configure Firestore: %s", err)
expStore, err := fs_expstore.New(fsClient, nil, fs_expstore.ReadOnly)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to initialize fs_expstore: %s", err)
// Initialize the Baseliner instance from the values set above.
baseliner := simple_baseliner.New(expStore)
gsClientOpt := storage.GCSClientOptions{
HashesGSPath: *hashesGSPath,
tokenSource, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(*local, gstorage.CloudPlatformScope)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not create token source: %s", err)
client := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(tokenSource).Client()
gsClient, err := storage.NewGCSClient(client, gsClientOpt)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Unable to create GCSClient: %s", err)
// We only need to fill in the WebHandlers struct with the following subset, since the baseline
// server only supplies a subset of the functionality.
handlers := web.WebHandlers{
GCSClient: gsClient,
Baseliner: baseliner,
// Set up a router for all the application endpoints which are part of the Gold API.
appRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Serve the known hashes from GCS.
appRouter.HandleFunc(shared.KNOWN_HASHES_ROUTE, handlers.TextKnownHashesProxy).Methods("GET")
appRouter.HandleFunc(shared.LEGACY_KNOWN_HASHES_ROUTE, handlers.TextKnownHashesProxy).Methods("GET")
// Serve the expectations for the master branch and for CLs in progress.
appRouter.HandleFunc(shared.EXPECTATIONS_ROUTE, handlers.JsonBaselineHandler).Methods("GET")
appRouter.HandleFunc(shared.EXPECTATIONS_ISSUE_ROUTE, handlers.JsonBaselineHandler).Methods("GET")
// Only log and compress the app routes, but not the health check.
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// Start the server
sklog.Infof("Serving on" + *port)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*port, router))