blob: 01a015da826330c3a78b50f99a96a9d672dc9dff [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines rules for building Skia Infrastructure web applications."""
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", _nodejs_test = "nodejs_test")
load("@npm//@bazel/rollup:index.bzl", "rollup_bundle")
load("@npm//@bazel/terser:index.bzl", "terser_minified")
load("@npm//html-insert-assets:index.bzl", "html_insert_assets")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:flatten.bzl", "container_flatten")
load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_binary", _sass_library = "sass_library")
load("//bazel/test_on_env:test_on_env.bzl", "test_on_env")
load("//infra-sk/html_insert_nonce_attribute:index.bzl", "html_insert_nonce_attribute")
load("//infra-sk/karma_test:index.bzl", _karma_test = "karma_test")
load("//infra-sk/sk_demo_page_server:index.bzl", _sk_demo_page_server = "sk_demo_page_server")
load(":ts_library.bzl", _ts_library = "ts_library")
# Re-export these common rules so we only have to load this .bzl file from our BUILD.bazel files.
karma_test = _karma_test
sass_library = _sass_library
sk_demo_page_server = _sk_demo_page_server
ts_library = _ts_library
def sk_element(
sass_srcs = [],
ts_deps = [],
sass_deps = [],
sk_element_deps = [],
visibility = None):
"""Defines a custom element for Skia Infrastructure web applications.
This is just a convenience macro that generates the ts_library and sass_library targets
required to build a custom element.
This macro generates a "ghost" Sass stylesheet which includes `@import` statements for each
sk_element dependency (sk_element_deps argument), and for any elements-sk modules imported from
the TypeScript sources (ts_srcs argument). This ghost stylesheet will be included in the CSS
bundles produced by any sk_page targets that depend on this element (directly or transitively).
It is therefore *not* necessary to explicitly import the stylesheets of any depended on
sk_elements or elements-sk modules.
name: The name of the target.
ts_srcs: TypeScript source files.
sass_srcs: Sass source files.
ts_deps: Any ts_library dependencies.
sass_deps: Any sass_library dependencies.
sk_element_deps: Any sk_element dependencies. Equivalent to adding the ts_library and
sass_library of each sk_element to ts_deps and sass_deps, respectively.
visibility: Visibility of the generated ts_library and sass_library targets.
# Generate a Sass stylesheet with import statements for each elements-sk module required by the
# TypeScript sources (ts_srcs argument).
name = name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss",
ts_srcs = ts_srcs,
scss_output_file = name + "__generated_elements_sk_deps.scss",
# Generate a "ghost" Sass entry-point stylesheet with import statements for the following
# files:
# - Each file in the sass_srcs argument.
# - The generated Sass stylesheet with elements-sk imports.
# - The "ghost" entry-point stylesheets of each sk_element in the sk_element_deps argument.
# This stylesheet will be included in the CSS bundles generated by any sk_page targets that
# depend on this sk_element directly or transitively.
name = name + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss",
scss_files_to_import = sass_srcs + [name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss"] +
make_label_target_explicit(dep) + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss"
for dep in sk_element_deps
scss_output_file = name + "__generated_ghost_entrypoint.scss",
visibility = visibility,
# Extend ts_deps and sass_deps with the ts_library and sass_library targets produced by each
# sk_element dependency in the sk_element_deps argument.
all_ts_deps = [dep for dep in ts_deps]
all_sass_deps = [dep for dep in sass_deps]
for sk_element_dep in sk_element_deps:
all_sass_deps.append(make_label_target_explicit(sk_element_dep) + "_styles")
name = name,
srcs = ts_srcs,
deps = all_ts_deps,
visibility = visibility,
name = name + "_styles",
srcs = sass_srcs + [
name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss",
name + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss",
deps = all_sass_deps,
visibility = visibility,
def generate_sass_stylesheet_with_elements_sk_imports_from_typescript_sources(
"""Generates a .scss file with `@import` statements for the elements-sk imports in the ts_srcs.
name: The name of the target.
ts_srcs: A list of .ts files.
scss_output_file: Name of the .scss file to generate.
name = name,
srcs = ts_srcs + ["//infra-sk/generate_elements_sk_scss_imports"],
outs = [scss_output_file],
cmd = "$(location //infra-sk/generate_elements_sk_scss_imports) $(SRCS) > $@",
def generate_sass_stylesheet_with_imports(name, scss_files_to_import, scss_output_file, visibility = None):
"""Generates a .scss file with one `@import` statement for each file in scss_files_to_import.
name: The name of the target.
scss_files_to_import: A list of .scss files.
scss_output_file: Name of the .scss file to generate.
visibility: Visibility of the target.
# Build a list of shell commands to generate the output stylesheet.
cmds = ["touch $@"]
for scss_file in scss_files_to_import:
import_statement = "@import '$(rootpath %s)';" % scss_file
cmds.append("echo \"%s\" >> $@" % import_statement)
name = name,
srcs = scss_files_to_import,
outs = [scss_output_file],
cmd = " && ".join(cmds),
visibility = visibility,
def make_label_target_explicit(label):
"""Takes a label with a potentially implicit target name, and makes the target name explicit.
For example, if the label is "//path/to/pkg", this macro will return "//path/to/pkg:pkg". If the
label is already in the latter form, the label will be returned unchanged.
label: A Bazel label.
The given label, expanded to make the target name explicit.
if label.find(":") != -1:
return label
pkg_name = label.split("/").pop()
return label + ":" + pkg_name
def nodejs_test(
deps = [],
tags = [],
visibility = None,
_internal_skip_naming_convention_enforcement = False):
"""Runs a Node.js unit test using the Mocha test runner.
For tests that should run in the browser, please use karma_test instead.
name: Name of the target.
src: A single TypeScript source file.
deps: Any ts_library dependencies.
tags: Tags for the generated nodejs_test rule.
visibility: Visibility of the generated nodejs_test rule.
_internal_skip_naming_convention_enforcement: Not part of the public API - do not use.
# This macro is called by sk_element_puppeteer_test, which uses a different naming convention.
if not _internal_skip_naming_convention_enforcement and not src.endswith("_nodejs_test.ts"):
fail("Node.js tests must end with \"_nodejs_test.ts\".")
mocha_deps = [
name = name,
entry_point = "@npm//:node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha",
data = [src] + deps + [dep for dep in mocha_deps if dep not in deps],
templated_args = [
"--require ts-node/register/transpile-only",
"--timeout 60000",
# See
"$(rootpath %s)" % src,
tags = tags,
visibility = visibility,
def sk_element_puppeteer_test(name, src, sk_demo_page_server, deps = []):
"""Defines a Puppeteer test for the demo page served by an sk_demo_page_server.
Puppeteer tests should save any screenshots inside the $TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR directory.
To reduce the chances of name collisions, tests must save their screenshots under the
$TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR/puppeteer-test-screenshots subdirectory. This convention will
allow us to recover screenshots from multiple tests in a consistent way.
Screenshots, and any other undeclared outputs of a test, can be found under //_bazel-testlogs
bundled as a single .zip file per test target. For example, if we run a Puppeteer test with e.g.
"bazel test //path/to/my:puppeteer_test", any screenshots taken by this test will be found
inside //_bazel-testlogs/path/to/my/puppeteer_test/test.outputs/
To read more about undeclared test outputs, please see the following link:
name: Name of the rule.
src: A single TypeScript source file.
sk_demo_page_server: Label for the sk_demo_page_server target.
deps: Any ts_library dependencies.
if not src.endswith("_puppeteer_test.ts"):
fail("Puppeteer tests must end with \"_puppeteer_test.ts\".")
name = name + "_test_only",
src = src,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcards, e.g. "bazel test all".
deps = deps,
_internal_skip_naming_convention_enforcement = True,
name = name,
env = sk_demo_page_server,
test = name + "_test_only",
def copy_file(name, src, dst):
"""Copies a single file to a destination path, making parent directories as needed."""
name = name,
srcs = [src],
outs = [dst],
cmd = "mkdir -p $$(dirname $@) && cp $< $@",
def sk_page(
scss_entry_point = None,
ts_deps = [],
sass_deps = [],
sk_element_deps = [],
assets_serving_path = "/",
nonce = None):
"""Builds a static HTML page, and its CSS and JavaScript development and production bundles.
This macro generates the following files, where <name> is the given target name:
The <name> target defined by this macro generates all of the above files.
Tags <script> and <link> will be inserted into the output HTML pointing to the generated
bundles. The serving path for said bundles defaults to "/" and can be overridden via the
assets_serving_path argument.
A timestamp will be appended to the URLs for any referenced assets for cache busting purposes,
e.g. <script src="/index.js?v=27396986"></script>.
If the nonce argument is provided, a nonce attribute will be inserted to all <link> and <script>
tags. For example, if the nonce argument is set to "{% .Nonce %}", then the generated HTML will
contain tags such as <script nonce="{% .Nonce %}" src="/index.js?v=27396986"></script>.
This macro is designed to work side by side with the existing Webpack build without requiring
any major changes to the pages in question.
name: The prefix used for the names of all the targets generated by this macro.
html_file: The page's HTML file.
ts_entry_point: TypeScript file used as the entry point for the JavaScript bundles.
scss_entry_point: Sass file used as the entry point for the CSS bundles.
ts_deps: Any ts_library dependencies.
sass_deps: Any sass_library dependencies.
sk_element_deps: Any sk_element dependencies. Equivalent to adding the ts_library and
sass_library of each sk_element to deps and sass_deps, respectively.
assets_serving_path: Path prefix for the inserted <script> and <link> tags.
nonce: If set, its contents will be added as a "nonce" attributes to any inserted <script> and
<link> tags.
# Extend ts_deps and sass_deps with the ts_library and sass_library targets produced by each
# sk_element dependency in the sk_element_deps argument.
all_ts_deps = [dep for dep in ts_deps]
all_sass_deps = [dep for dep in sass_deps]
for sk_element_dep in sk_element_deps:
all_sass_deps.append(make_label_target_explicit(sk_element_dep) + "_styles")
# Output directories.
DEV_OUT_DIR = "development"
PROD_OUT_DIR = "production"
# JavaScript bundles. #
name = "%s_ts_lib" % name,
srcs = [ts_entry_point],
deps = all_ts_deps,
# Generates file <name>_js_bundle.js. Intermediate result; do not use.
name = "%s_js_bundle" % name,
deps = [
":%s_ts_lib" % name,
entry_point = ts_entry_point,
format = "umd",
config_file = "//infra-sk:rollup.config.js",
# Generates file <name>_js_bundle_minified.js. Intermediate result; do not use.
name = "%s_js_bundle_minified" % name,
src = "%s_js_bundle.js" % name,
sourcemap = False,
# Generates file development/<name>.js.
name = "%s_js_dev" % name,
src = "%s_js_bundle.js" % name,
dst = "%s/%s.js" % (DEV_OUT_DIR, name),
# Generates file production/<name>.js.
name = "%s_js_prod" % name,
# For some reason the output of the terser_minified rule above is not directly visible as a
# source file, so we use the rule name instead (i.e. we drop the ".js" extension).
src = "%s_js_bundle_minified" % name,
dst = "%s/%s.js" % (PROD_OUT_DIR, name),
# CSS Bundles. #
# Generate a blank Sass entry-point file to appease the sass_library rule, if one is not given.
if not scss_entry_point:
scss_entry_point = name + "__generated_empty_scss_entry_point"
name = scss_entry_point,
outs = [scss_entry_point + ".scss"],
cmd = "touch $@",
# Generate a Sass stylesheet with any elements-sk imports required by the TypeScript
# entry-point file.
name = name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss",
ts_srcs = [ts_entry_point],
scss_output_file = name + "__generated_elements_sk_deps.scss",
# Create a sass_library including the scss_entry_point file, and all the Sass dependencies.
name = name + "_styles",
srcs = [
name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss",
deps = all_sass_deps,
# Generate a "ghost" Sass entry-point stylesheet with import statements for the following
# files:
# - This page's Sass entry-point file (scss_entry_point argument).
# - The generated Sass stylesheet with elements-sk imports.
# - The "ghost" entry-point stylesheets of each sk_element in the sk_element_deps argument.
# We will use this generated stylesheet as the entry-points for the sass_binaries below.
name = name + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss",
scss_files_to_import = ([scss_entry_point] if scss_entry_point else []) +
[name + "_elements_sk_deps_scss"] +
make_label_target_explicit(dep) + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss"
for dep in sk_element_deps
scss_output_file = name + "__generated_ghost_entrypoint.scss",
# Notes:
# - Sass compilation errors are not visible unless "bazel build" is invoked with flag
# "--strategy=SassCompiler=sandboxed" (now set by default in //.bazelrc). This is due to a
# known issue with sass_binary. For more details please see
# Generates file development/<name>.css.
name = "%s_css_dev" % name,
src = name + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss",
output_name = "%s/%s.css" % (DEV_OUT_DIR, name),
deps = [name + "_styles"],
include_paths = ["//node_modules"],
output_style = "expanded",
sourcemap = True,
sourcemap_embed_sources = True,
# Generates file production/<name>.css.
name = "%s_css_prod" % name,
src = name + "_ghost_entrypoint_scss",
output_name = "%s/%s.css" % (PROD_OUT_DIR, name),
deps = [name + "_styles"],
include_paths = ["//node_modules"],
output_style = "compressed",
sourcemap = False,
# HTML files. #
# Generates file <name>.with_assets.html. Intermediate result; do not use.
# See
name = "%s_html" % name,
outs = ["%s.with_assets.html" % name],
args = [
"--html=$(location %s)" % html_file,
# This is OK because html-insert-assets normalizes paths with successive slashes.
"%s/%s.js" % (assets_serving_path, name),
"%s/%s.css" % (assets_serving_path, name),
data = [
# This rule does not use the bundles directly, but by declaring them as dependencies via
# the "data" argument, we guarantee that Bazel will rebuild <name>.with_assets.html any
# time the bundles change. This refreshes the asset URL query parameters added by this
# rule for cache busting purposes.
"%s_js_dev" % name,
"%s_js_prod" % name,
"%s_css_dev" % name,
"%s_css_prod" % name,
if nonce:
# Generates file <name>.with_assets_and_nonce.html. Intermediate result; do not use.
name = "%s_html_nonce" % name,
src = "%s.with_assets.html" % name,
out = "%s.with_assets_and_nonce.html" % name,
nonce = nonce,
instrumented_html = ("%s.with_assets_and_nonce.html" if nonce else "%s.with_assets.html") % name
# Generates file development/<name>.html.
name = "%s_html_dev" % name,
src = instrumented_html,
dst = "%s/%s.html" % (DEV_OUT_DIR, name),
# Generates file production/<name>.html.
name = "%s_html_prod" % name,
src = instrumented_html,
dst = "%s/%s.html" % (PROD_OUT_DIR, name),
# Convenience filegroups. #
# Generates all output files (that is, the development and production bundles).
name = name,
srcs = [
":%s_dev" % name,
":%s_prod" % name,
# Generates the development bundle.
name = "%s_dev" % name,
srcs = [
"development/%s.html" % name,
"development/%s.js" % name,
"development/%s.css" % name,
"development/" % name,
# Generates the production bundle.
name = "%s_prod" % name,
srcs = [
"production/%s.html" % name,
"production/%s.js" % name,
"production/%s.css" % name,
def extract_files_from_skia_wasm_container(name, container_files, outs):
"""Extracts files from the Skia WASM container image (
This macro takes as inputs a list of paths inside the Docker container (container_files
argument), and a list of the same length with the destination paths for each of the files to
extract (outs argument), relative to the directory where the macro is instantiated.
name: Name of the target.
container_files: List of absolute paths inside the Docker container to extract.
outs: Destination paths for each file to extract, relative to the target's directory.
if len(container_files) != len(outs):
fail("Arguments container_files and outs must have the same length.")
# Generates a .tar file with the contents of the image's filesystem (and a .json metadata file
# which we ignore).
# See the rule implementation here:
# Notes:
# - It is unclear whether container_flatten is part of the public API because it is not
# documented. But the fact that container_flatten is re-exported along with other, well
# documented rules in rules_docker suggests that it might indeed be part of the public API
# (see [1] and [2]).
# - If they ever make breaking changes to container_flatten, then it is probably best to fork
# it. The rule itself is relatively small; it is just a wrapper around a Go program that does
# all the heavy lifting.
# - This rule was chosen because most other rules in the rules_docker repository produce .tar
# files with layered outputs, which means we would have to do the flattening ourselves.
# [1]
# [2]
name = name + "_skia_wasm_container_filesystem",
image = "@container_pull_skia_wasm//image",
# Name of the .tar file produced by the container_flatten target.
skia_wasm_filesystem_tar = name + "_skia_wasm_container_filesystem.tar"
# Shell command that returns the directory of the BUILD file where this macro was instantiated.
# This works because:
# - The $< variable[1] is expanded by the below genrule to the path of its only input file.
# - The only input file to the genrule is the .tar file produced by the above container_flatten
# target (see the genrule's srcs attribute).
# - Said .tar file is produced in the directory of the BUILD file where this macro was
# instantiated.
# [1]
output_dir = "$$(dirname $<)"
# Directory where we will untar the .tar file produced by the container_flatten target.
skia_wasm_filesystem_dir = output_dir + "/" + skia_wasm_filesystem_tar + "_untarred"
name = name,
srcs = [skia_wasm_filesystem_tar],
outs = outs,
cmd = " && ".join([
# Untar the .tar file produced by the container_flatten rule.
"mkdir -p " + skia_wasm_filesystem_dir,
"tar xf $< -C " + skia_wasm_filesystem_dir,
] + [
# Copy each requested file from the container filesystem to its desired destination.
"cp %s/%s %s/%s" % (skia_wasm_filesystem_dir, src, output_dir, dst)
for src, dst in zip(container_files, outs)