blob: c8e8074f311ebe2c643b0afdba3b5fed40ef2cf4 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
swarming_api ""
Run a specified command on all specified GCE instances.
const (
TMP_ISOLATE_FILE_NAME = "script.isolate"
'variables': {
'files': [
var (
dev = flag.Bool("dev", false, "Run against dev swarming and isolate instances.")
dimensions = common.NewMultiStringFlag("dimension", nil, "Colon-separated key/value pair, eg: \"os:Linux\" Dimensions of the bots on which to run. Can specify multiple times.")
dryRun = flag.Bool("dry_run", false, "List the bots, don't actually run any tasks")
includeBots = common.NewMultiStringFlag("include_bot", nil, "If specified, treated as a white list of bots which will be affected, calculated AFTER the dimensions is computed. Can be simple strings or regexes")
excludeBots = common.NewMultiStringFlag("exclude_bot", nil, "If specified, treated as a blacklist of bots which will not run the task, calculated AFTER the dimensions are computed and after --include_bot is applied. Can be simple strings or regexes.")
internal = flag.Bool("internal", false, "Run against internal swarming and isolate instances.")
pool = flag.String("pool", swarming.DIMENSION_POOL_VALUE_SKIA, "Which Swarming pool to use.")
script = flag.String("script", "", "Path to a Python script to run.")
taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task to run.")
workdir = flag.String("workdir", os.TempDir(), "Working directory. Optional, but recommended not to use CWD.")
func main() {
// Setup, parse args.
ctx := context.Background()
if *internal && *dev {
sklog.Fatal("Both --internal and --dev cannot be specified.")
scriptName := path.Base(*script)
if *taskName == "" {
*taskName = fmt.Sprintf("run_%s", scriptName)
dims, err := swarming.ParseDimensionsSingleValue(*dimensions)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Problem parsing dimensions: %s", err)
dims["pool"] = *pool
*workdir, err = filepath.Abs(*workdir)
if err != nil {
includeRegs, err := parseRegex(*includeBots)
if err != nil {
excludeRegs, err := parseRegex(*excludeBots)
if err != nil {
// validate isolate is on PATH
if err := exec.Run(context.Background(), &exec.Command{
Name: "isolate",
Args: []string{"version"},
}); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf(`isolated not found on PATH. Checkout the README for installation details.`)
sklog.Info("isolate detected on PATH")
// validate isolated is on PATH
if err := exec.Run(context.Background(), &exec.Command{
Name: "isolated",
Args: []string{"version"},
}); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf(`isolated not found on PATH. Checkout the README for installation details.`)
sklog.Info("isolated detected on PATH")
isolateServer := isolate.ISOLATE_SERVER_URL
swarmingServer := swarming.SWARMING_SERVER
if *internal {
isolateServer = isolate.ISOLATE_SERVER_URL_PRIVATE
swarmingServer = swarming.SWARMING_SERVER_PRIVATE
} else if *dev {
isolateServer = isolate.ISOLATE_SERVER_URL_DEV
swarmingServer = swarming.SWARMING_SERVER_DEV
// Authenticated HTTP client.
ts, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(true, swarming.AUTH_SCOPE)
if err != nil {
httpClient := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(ts).With2xxOnly().Client()
// Swarming API client.
swarmApi, err := swarming.NewApiClient(httpClient, swarmingServer)
if err != nil {
// Obtain the list of bots.
bots, err := swarmApi.ListBots(dims)
if err != nil {
var hashes []string
if !*dryRun {
if *script == "" {
sklog.Fatal("--script is required if not running in dry run mode.")
// Copy the script to the workdir.
isolateDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(*workdir, "run_on_swarming_bots")
if err != nil {
defer util.RemoveAll(isolateDir)
dstScript := path.Join(isolateDir, scriptName)
if err := util.CopyFile(*script, dstScript); err != nil {
// Create an isolate file.
isolateFile := path.Join(isolateDir, TMP_ISOLATE_FILE_NAME)
if err := util.WithWriteFile(isolateFile, func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(TMP_ISOLATE_FILE_CONTENTS, scriptName)))
return err
}); err != nil {
// Upload to isolate server.
isolateClient, err := isolate.NewClient(*workdir, isolateServer)
if err != nil {
isolateTask := &isolate.Task{
BaseDir: isolateDir,
Blacklist: isolate.DEFAULT_BLACKLIST,
IsolateFile: isolateFile,
hashes, _, err = isolateClient.IsolateTasks(ctx, []*isolate.Task{isolateTask})
if err != nil {
// Trigger the task on each bot.
cmd := []string{"python", "-u", scriptName}
group := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", *taskName, uuid.New())
tags := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("group:%s", group),
if *dryRun {
sklog.Info("Dry run mode. Would run on following bots:")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, bot := range bots {
if len(includeRegs) > 0 && !matchesAny(bot.BotId, includeRegs) {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because it does not match --include_bot", bot.BotId)
if matchesAny(bot.BotId, excludeRegs) {
sklog.Debugf("Skipping %s because it matches --exclude_bot", bot.BotId)
if *dryRun {
go func(id string) {
defer wg.Done()
dims := []*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsStringPair{
Key: "pool",
Value: *pool,
Key: "id",
Value: id,
sklog.Infof("Triggering on %s", id)
req := &swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsNewTaskRequest{
Name: *taskName,
Priority: swarming.HIGHEST_PRIORITY,
TaskSlices: []*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskSlice{
ExpirationSecs: int64((120 * time.Minute).Seconds()),
Properties: &swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskProperties{
Caches: []*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsCacheEntry{
Name: "vpython",
Path: "cache/vpython",
CipdInput: swarming.ConvertCIPDInput(cipd.PkgsPython),
Command: cmd,
Dimensions: dims,
EnvPrefixes: []*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsStringListPair{
Key: "PATH",
Value: []string{"cipd_bin_packages", "cipd_bin_packages/bin"},
Value: []string{"cache/vpython"},
ExecutionTimeoutSecs: int64((120 * time.Minute).Seconds()),
Idempotent: false,
InputsRef: &swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsFilesRef{
Isolated: hashes[0],
Isolatedserver: isolateServer,
Namespace: isolate.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE,
IoTimeoutSecs: int64((120 * time.Minute).Seconds()),
Tags: tags,
if _, err := swarmApi.TriggerTask(req); err != nil {
if !*dryRun {
tasksLink := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/tasklist?f=group:%s", swarmingServer, group)
sklog.Infof("Triggered Swarming tasks. Visit this link to track progress:\n%s", tasksLink)
func parseRegex(flags []string) (retval []*regexp.Regexp, e error) {
for _, s := range flags {
r, err := regexp.Compile(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
retval = append(retval, r)
return retval, nil
func matchesAny(s string, xr []*regexp.Regexp) bool {
for _, r := range xr {
if r.MatchString(s) {
return true
return false