blob: dd13bf6730eaa1457362891dbf711308ef7dcc66 [file] [log] [blame]
package ingestion_processors
import (
const (
firestoreTryJobIngester = "gold-tryjob-fs"
firestoreProjectIDParam = "FirestoreProjectID"
firestoreNamespaceParam = "FirestoreNamespace"
codeReviewSystemParam = "CodeReviewSystem"
gerritURLParam = "GerritURL"
githubRepoParam = "GitHubRepo"
githubCredentialsPathParam = "GitHubCredentialsPath"
continuousIntegrationSystemsParam = "ContinuousIntegrationSystems"
gerritCRS = "gerrit"
githubCRS = "github"
buildbucketCIS = "buildbucket"
cirrusCIS = "cirrus"
// Register the ingestion Processor with the ingestion framework.
func init() {
ingestion.Register(firestoreTryJobIngester, newModularTryjobProcessor)
// goldTryjobProcessor implements the ingestion.Processor interface to ingest tryjob results.
type goldTryjobProcessor struct {
reviewClient code_review.Client
cisClients map[string]continuous_integration.Client
changeListStore clstore.Store
tryJobStore tjstore.Store
crsName string
// newModularTryjobProcessor returns an ingestion.Processor which is modular and can support
// different CodeReviewSystems (e.g. "Gerrit", "GitHub") and different ContinuousIntegrationSystems
// (e.g. "BuildBucket", "CirrusCI"). This particular implementation stores the data in Firestore.
func newModularTryjobProcessor(ctx context.Context, _ vcsinfo.VCS, config *sharedconfig.IngesterConfig, client *http.Client) (ingestion.Processor, error) {
crsName := config.ExtraParams[codeReviewSystemParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(crsName) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing code review system (e.g. 'gerrit')")
crs, err := codeReviewSystemFactory(crsName, config, client)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not create client for CRS %q", crsName)
cisNames := strings.Split(config.ExtraParams[continuousIntegrationSystemsParam], ",")
if len(cisNames) == 0 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing CI system (e.g. 'buildbucket')")
cisClients := make(map[string]continuous_integration.Client, len(cisNames))
for _, cisName := range cisNames {
cis, err := continuousIntegrationSystemFactory(cisName, config, client)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not create client for CIS %q", cisName)
cisClients[cisName] = cis
fsProjectID := config.ExtraParams[firestoreProjectIDParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(fsProjectID) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing firestore project id")
fsNamespace := config.ExtraParams[firestoreNamespaceParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(fsNamespace) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing firestore namespace")
fsClient, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, fsProjectID, "gold", fsNamespace, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not init firestore in project %s, namespace %s", fsProjectID, fsNamespace)
expStore := fs_expectationstore.New(fsClient, nil, fs_expectationstore.ReadOnly)
if err := expStore.Initialize(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "initializing expectation store")
return &goldTryjobProcessor{
reviewClient: crs,
cisClients: cisClients,
changeListStore: fs_clstore.New(fsClient, crsName),
tryJobStore: fs_tjstore.New(fsClient),
crsName: crsName,
}, nil
func codeReviewSystemFactory(crsName string, config *sharedconfig.IngesterConfig, client *http.Client) (code_review.Client, error) {
if crsName == gerritCRS {
gerritURL := config.ExtraParams[gerritURLParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(gerritURL) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing URL for the Gerrit code review system")
gerritClient, err := gerrit.NewGerrit(gerritURL, client)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "creating gerrit client for %s", gerritURL)
return gerrit_crs.New(gerritClient), nil
if crsName == githubCRS {
githubRepo := config.ExtraParams[githubRepoParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(githubRepo) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing repo for the GitHub code review system")
githubCredPath := config.ExtraParams[githubCredentialsPathParam]
if strings.TrimSpace(githubCredPath) == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("missing credentials path for the GitHub code review system")
gBody, err := ioutil.ReadFile(githubCredPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "reading githubToken in %s", githubCredPath)
gToken := strings.TrimSpace(string(gBody))
githubTS := oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: gToken})
c := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().With2xxOnly().WithTokenSource(githubTS).Client()
return github_crs.New(c, githubRepo), nil
return nil, skerr.Fmt("CodeReviewSystem %q not recognized", crsName)
func continuousIntegrationSystemFactory(cisName string, _ *sharedconfig.IngesterConfig, client *http.Client) (continuous_integration.Client, error) {
if cisName == buildbucketCIS {
bbClient := buildbucket.NewClient(client)
return buildbucket_cis.New(bbClient), nil
if cisName == cirrusCIS {
return dummy_cis.New(cisName), nil
return nil, skerr.Fmt("ContinuousIntegrationSystem %q not recognized", cisName)
// Process implements the Processor interface.
func (g *goldTryjobProcessor) Process(ctx context.Context, rf ingestion.ResultFileLocation) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
gr, err := processGoldResults(rf)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error processing result: %s", err)
return ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
clID := ""
psOrder := 0
psID := ""
crs := gr.CodeReviewSystem
if crs == "" {
// Default to Gerrit
crs = gerritCRS
if crs == g.crsName {
clID = gr.ChangeListID
psOrder = gr.PatchSetOrder
psID = gr.PatchSetID
} else {
sklog.Warningf("Result %s said it was for crs %q, but this ingester is configured for %s", rf.Name(), crs, g.crsName)
// We only support one CRS and one CIS at the moment, but if needed, we can have
// multiple configured and pivot to the one we need.
return ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
tjID := ""
cisName := gr.ContinuousIntegrationSystem
if cisName == "" {
// Default to BuildBucket
cisName = buildbucketCIS
var cisClient continuous_integration.Client
if ci, ok := g.cisClients[cisName]; ok {
tjID = gr.TryJobID
cisClient = ci
} else {
sklog.Warningf("Result %s said it was for cis %q, but this ingester wasn't configured for it", rf.Name(), cisName)
// We only support one CRS and one CIS at the moment, but if needed, we can have
// multiple configured and pivot to the one we need.
return ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
// Fetch CL from clstore if we have seen it before, from CRS if we have not.
cl, err := g.changeListStore.GetChangeList(ctx, clID)
if err == clstore.ErrNotFound {
cl, err = g.reviewClient.GetChangeList(ctx, clID)
if err == code_review.ErrNotFound {
sklog.Warningf("Unknown %s CL with id %q", crs, clID)
// Try again later - maybe the input was created before the CL?
return ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
} else if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching CL from %s with id %q", crs, clID)
// This is a new CL, but we'll be storing it to the clstore down below when
// we confirm that the TryJob is valid.
} else if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching CL from clstore with id %q", clID)
ps, err := g.getPatchSet(ctx, psOrder, psID, clID, crs)
if err != nil {
// Do not wrap this error - this returns IgnoreResultsFileErr sometimes.
return err
combinedID := tjstore.CombinedPSID{CL: clID, PS: ps.SystemID, CRS: crs}
// We now need to 1) verify the TryJob is valid (either we've seen it before and know it's valid
// or we check now with the CIS) and 2) update the ChangeList's timestamp and store it to
// clstore. This "refreshes" the ChangeList, making it appear higher up on search results, etc.
_, err = g.tryJobStore.GetTryJob(ctx, tjID, cisName)
if err == tjstore.ErrNotFound {
tj, err := cisClient.GetTryJob(ctx, tjID)
if err == tjstore.ErrNotFound {
sklog.Warningf("Unknown %s Tryjob with id %q", cisName, tjID)
// Try again later - maybe there's some lag with the Integration System?
return ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
} else if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching tryjob from %s with id %q", cisName, tjID)
err = g.tryJobStore.PutTryJob(ctx, combinedID, tj)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "storing tryjob %q to tryjobstore", tjID)
// If we are seeing that a CL was marked as Abandoned, it probably means the CL was
// re-opened. If this is incorrect (e.g. TryJob was triggered, CL was abandoned, commenter
// noticed CL was abandoned, and then the TryJob results started being processed), this
// is fine to mark it as Open, because commenter will correctly mark it as abandoned again.
// This approach makes fewer queries to the CodeReviewSystem than, for example, querying
// the CRS *here* if the CL is really open. Keeping CRS queries to a minimum is important,
// because our quota of them is not high enough to potentially check a CL is abandoned for
// every TryJobResult that is being streamed in.
if cl.Status == code_review.Abandoned {
cl.Status = code_review.Open
} else if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching TryJob with id %s", tjID)
defer shared.NewMetricsTimer("put_tryjobstore_entries").Stop()
// Store the results from the file.
tjr := toTryJobResults(gr)
if err := g.changeListStore.PutPatchSet(ctx, ps); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not store PS %s of CL %q to clstore", psID, clID)
err = g.tryJobStore.PutResults(ctx, combinedID, tjID, cisName, tjr)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "putting %d results for CL %s, PS %d (%s), TJ %s, file %s", len(tjr), clID, psOrder, psID, tjID, rf.Name())
// Be sure to update this time now, so that other processes can use the cl.Update timestamp
// to determine if any changes have happened to the CL or any children PSes in a given time
// period.
cl.Updated = time.Now()
if err = g.changeListStore.PutChangeList(ctx, cl); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "updating CL with id %q to clstore", clID)
return nil
// getPatchSet looks up a PatchSet either by id or order from our changeListStore. If it's not
// there, it looks it up from the CRS and then stores it to the changeListStore before returning it.
func (g *goldTryjobProcessor) getPatchSet(ctx context.Context, psOrder int, psID, clID, crs string) (code_review.PatchSet, error) {
// Try looking up patchset by ID first, then fall back to order.
if psID != "" {
// Fetch PS from clstore if we have seen it before, from CRS if we have not.
ps, err := g.changeListStore.GetPatchSet(ctx, clID, psID)
if err == clstore.ErrNotFound {
xps, err := g.reviewClient.GetPatchSets(ctx, clID)
if err != nil {
return code_review.PatchSet{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not get patchsets for %s cl %s", crs, clID)
// It should be ok to overwrite any PatchSets we've seen before - they should be
// immutable.
for _, p := range xps {
if p.SystemID == psID {
return p, nil
sklog.Warningf("Unknown %s PS %s for CL %q", crs, psID, clID)
// Try again later - maybe the input was created before the CL uploaded its PS?
return code_review.PatchSet{}, ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
} else if err != nil {
return code_review.PatchSet{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching PS from clstore with id %s for CL %q", psID, clID)
// already found the PS in the store
return ps, nil
// Fetch PS from clstore if we have seen it before, from CRS if we have not.
ps, err := g.changeListStore.GetPatchSetByOrder(ctx, clID, psOrder)
if err == clstore.ErrNotFound {
xps, err := g.reviewClient.GetPatchSets(ctx, clID)
if err != nil {
return code_review.PatchSet{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not get patchsets for %s cl %s", crs, clID)
// It should be ok to put any PatchSets we've seen before - they should be immutable.
for _, p := range xps {
if p.Order == psOrder {
return p, nil
sklog.Warningf("Unknown %s PS with order %d for CL %q", crs, psOrder, clID)
// Try again later - maybe the input was created before the CL uploaded its PS?
return code_review.PatchSet{}, ingestion.IgnoreResultsFileErr
} else if err != nil {
return code_review.PatchSet{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching PS from clstore with order %d for CL %q", psOrder, clID)
// already found the PS in the store
return ps, nil
// toTryJobResults converts the JSON file to a slice of TryJobResult.
func toTryJobResults(j *jsonio.GoldResults) []tjstore.TryJobResult {
var tjr []tjstore.TryJobResult
for _, r := range j.Results {
tjr = append(tjr, tjstore.TryJobResult{
GroupParams: j.Key,
ResultParams: r.Key,
Options: r.Options,
Digest: r.Digest,
return tjr