blob: 48cc632cf6bdce0c30ab34da664195c374147107 [file] [log] [blame]
SkCQ backend server
package main
import (
var (
// Flags
host = flag.String("host", "", "HTTP service host")
fsNamespace = flag.String("fs_namespace", "", "The namespace this instance should operate in. e.g. staging or prod")
fsProjectID = flag.String("fs_project_id", "skia-firestore", "The project with the firestore instance. Datastore and Firestore can't be in the same project.")
chromeInfraAuthJWT = flag.String("chrome_infra_auth_jwt", "/var/secrets/skia-public-auth/key.json", "The JWT key for the service account that has access to chrome infra auth.")
canModifyCfgsOnTheFly = flag.String("can_modify_cfgs_on_the_fly", "project-skia-committers", "Which go/cria group is allowed to modify skcq.json and tasks.json on the fly.")
pollInterval = flag.Duration("poll_interval", 3*time.Second, "How often the server will poll Gerrit for CR+1 and CQ+1/CQ+2 changes.")
publicFEInstanceURL = flag.String("public_fe_url", "localhost", "The public FE instance URL.")
corpFEInstanceURL = flag.String("corp_fe_url", "localhost", "The corp FE instance URL.")
reposAllowList = common.NewMultiStringFlag("allowed_repo", nil, "Which repos should be processed by SkCQ. If not specified then all repos will be processed.")
reposBlockList = common.NewMultiStringFlag("blocked_repo", nil, "Which repos should not be processed by SkCQ. If not specified then no repos will be skipped.")
debugPort = flag.String("debug_port", "", "Port for debugging pprof (e.g., ':10110')")
// maybeStartDebugServer starts an internal HTTP server for debugging purposes
// if requested.
func maybeStartDebugServer() {
// Start the internal server on the internal port if requested.
if *debugPort != "" {
// Add the profiling endpoints to the internal router.
internalRouter := mux.NewRouter()
// Set up the health check endpoint.
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// Register pprof handlers
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/", pprof.Index)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/symbol", pprof.Symbol)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/profile", pprof.Profile)
internalRouter.HandleFunc("/debug/pprof/{profile}", pprof.Index)
go func() {
sklog.Infof("Internal server on" + *debugPort)
sklog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*debugPort, internalRouter))
func main() {
common.InitWithMust("skcq-be", common.PrometheusOpt(baseapp.PromPort), common.MetricsLoggingOpt())
defer sklog.Flush()
ctx := context.Background()
// Create the token source to use for DB client and HTTP client.
ts, err := auth.NewDefaultTokenSource(*baseapp.Local, datastore.ScopeDatastore, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL, auth.SCOPE_GERRIT)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatal("Could not create token source: %s", err)
// Instantiate DB client.
dbClient, err := db.New(ctx, ts, *fsNamespace, *fsProjectID)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not init DB: %s", err)
// Instantiate authenticated HTTP client.
httpClient := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(ts).With2xxOnly().Client()
// Instantiate codereview.
g, err := codereview.NewGerrit(httpClient, gerrit.ConfigChromium, gerrit.GerritSkiaURL)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not init gerrit client: %s", err)
// Instantiate the cache.
currentChangesCache, err := caches.GetCurrentChangesCache(ctx, dbClient)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not get current changes cache: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("CurrentChangesCache: %+v", currentChangesCache.Get())
// Instantiate client for go/cria.
criaTs, err := auth.NewJWTServiceAccountTokenSource("", *chromeInfraAuthJWT, auth.SCOPE_USERINFO_EMAIL)
if err != nil {
criaClient := httputils.DefaultClientConfig().WithTokenSource(criaTs).With2xxOnly().Client()
cfgModifyAllowed, err := allowed.NewAllowedFromChromeInfraAuth(criaClient, *canModifyCfgsOnTheFly)
if err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not create allowed for go/cria: %s", err)
// Start the poller.
if err := poller.Start(ctx, *pollInterval, g, currentChangesCache, httpClient, criaClient, dbClient, cfgModifyAllowed, *publicFEInstanceURL, *corpFEInstanceURL, *reposAllowList, *reposBlockList); err != nil {
sklog.Fatalf("Could not init SkCQ poller: %s", err)
// Wait forever.
select {}