blob: eee6609adedb2ef83ab7a5612c2e6e1f1c893ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
package types
import (
const (
// PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD is the field that uniquely identifies a key.
// CORPUS_FIELD is the field that contains the corpus identifier.
CORPUS_FIELD = "source_type"
// MAXIMUM_NAME_LENGTH is the maximum length in bytes a test name can be.
// Strings are used a lot, so these type "aliases" can help document
// which are meant where. See also tiling.TraceID
// Of note, Digest exclusively means a unique image, identified by
// the MD5 hash of its pixels.
type Digest string
type TestName string
// The IgnoreState enum gives a human-readable way to determine if the
// tile or whatever is dealing with the full amount of information
// (IncludeIgnoredTraces) or the information with the ignore rules applied
// (ExcludeIgnoredTraces).
type IgnoreState int
const (
ExcludeIgnoredTraces IgnoreState = iota
IncludeIgnoredTraces // i.e. all digests
var IgnoreStates = []IgnoreState{ExcludeIgnoredTraces, IncludeIgnoredTraces}
const (
// No digest available.
// GoldenTrace represents all the Digests of a single test across a series
// of Commits. GoldenTrace implements the Trace interface.
type GoldenTrace struct {
// The JSON keys are named this way to maintain backwards compatibility
// with JSON already written to disk.
Keys map[string]string `json:"Params_"`
Digests []Digest `json:"Values"`
// cache these values so as not to incur the non-zero map lookup cost (~15 ns) repeatedly.
testName TestName
corpus string
// NewEmptyGoldenTrace allocates a new Trace set up for the given number of samples.
// The Trace Digests are pre-filled in with the missing data sentinel since not
// all tests will be run on all commits.
func NewEmptyGoldenTrace(n int, keys map[string]string) *GoldenTrace {
g := &GoldenTrace{
Digests: make([]Digest, n),
Keys: keys,
// Prefetch these now, while we have the chance.
testName: TestName(keys[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]),
corpus: keys[CORPUS_FIELD],
for i := range g.Digests {
g.Digests[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
return g
// NewGoldenTrace creates a new GoldenTrace with the given data.
func NewGoldenTrace(digests []Digest, keys map[string]string) *GoldenTrace {
return &GoldenTrace{
Digests: digests,
Keys: keys,
// Prefetch these now, while we have the chance.
testName: TestName(keys[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD]),
corpus: keys[CORPUS_FIELD],
// Params implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Params() map[string]string {
return g.Keys
// TestName is a helper for extracting just the test name for this
// trace, of which there should always be exactly one.
func (g *GoldenTrace) TestName() TestName {
if g.testName == "" {
g.testName = TestName(g.Keys[PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD])
return g.testName
// Corpus is a helper for extracting just the corpus key for this
// trace, of which there should always be exactly one.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Corpus() string {
if g.corpus == "" {
g.corpus = g.Keys[CORPUS_FIELD]
return g.corpus
// Len implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Len() int {
return len(g.Digests)
// IsMissing implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) IsMissing(i int) bool {
return g.Digests[i] == MISSING_DIGEST
// DeepCopy implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) DeepCopy() tiling.Trace {
nd := make([]Digest, len(g.Digests))
copy(nd, g.Digests)
nk := make(map[string]string, len(g.Keys))
for k, v := range g.Keys {
nk[k] = v
return NewGoldenTrace(nd, nk)
// Merge implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Merge(next tiling.Trace) tiling.Trace {
nextGold := next.(*GoldenTrace)
n := len(g.Digests) + len(nextGold.Digests)
n1 := len(g.Digests)
merged := NewEmptyGoldenTrace(n, g.Keys)
for k, v := range nextGold.Keys {
merged.Keys[k] = v
copy(merged.Digests, g.Digests)
for i, v := range nextGold.Digests {
merged.Digests[n1+i] = v
return merged
// Grow implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Grow(n int, fill tiling.FillType) {
if n < len(g.Digests) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Grow must take a value (%d) larger than the current Trace size: %d", n, len(g.Digests)))
delta := n - len(g.Digests)
newDigests := make([]Digest, n)
if fill == tiling.FILL_AFTER {
copy(newDigests, g.Digests)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newDigests[i+len(g.Digests)] = MISSING_DIGEST
} else {
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
newDigests[i] = MISSING_DIGEST
copy(newDigests[delta:], g.Digests)
g.Digests = newDigests
// Trim implements the tiling.Trace interface.
func (g *GoldenTrace) Trim(begin, end int) error {
if end < begin || end > g.Len() || begin < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Trim range [%d, %d) of [0, %d]", begin, end, g.Len())
n := end - begin
newDigests := make([]Digest, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
newDigests[i] = g.Digests[i+begin]
g.Digests = newDigests
return nil
// LastIndex returns the index of last non-empty value in this trace and -1 if
// if the entire trace is empty.
func (g *GoldenTrace) LastIndex() int {
for i := len(g.Digests) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if g.Digests[i] != MISSING_DIGEST {
return i
return -1
// String prints a human friendly version of this trace.
func (g *GoldenTrace) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Keys: %#v, Digests: %q", g.Keys, g.Digests)
// TracePair represents a single Golden trace and its ID. A slice of TracePair is faster to
// iterate over than a map of TraceID -> Trace
type TracePair struct {
ID tiling.TraceID
Trace *GoldenTrace