blob: f0bcf8e167745659a09adc2c151bc79d1e1723f7 [file] [log] [blame]
package test2json
import (
var (
eventsFail = []*Event{
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("--- FAIL: %s (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf(" test2json_test.go:6: %s\n", FailText),
Action: ActionFail,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("FAIL\n"),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("FAIL\t%s\t0.00s\n", PackageFullPath),
Action: ActionFail,
Package: PackageFullPath,
eventsPass = []*Event{
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("--- PASS: %s (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf(" test2json_test.go:6: %s\n", passText),
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: "PASS\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("ok \t%s\t0.00s\n", PackageFullPath),
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
eventsSkip = []*Event{
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("--- SKIP: %s (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: " test2json_test.go:6: no thanks!\n",
Action: ActionSkip,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: "PASS\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("ok \t%s\t0.00s\n", PackageFullPath),
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
eventsNested = []*Event{
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s\n", TestName),
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1",
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s/1\n", TestName),
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2",
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s/1/2\n", TestName),
Action: ActionRun,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: fmt.Sprintf("=== RUN %s/1/2/3\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("--- PASS: %s (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Output: " test2json_test.go:6: test-level log, before sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1",
Output: fmt.Sprintf(" --- PASS: %s/1 (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1",
Output: " test2json_test.go:8: nested 1 log, before sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2",
Output: fmt.Sprintf(" --- PASS: %s/1/2 (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2",
Output: " test2json_test.go:10: nested 2 log, before sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: fmt.Sprintf(" --- PASS: %s/1/2/3 (0.00s)\n", TestName),
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: " test2json_test.go:12: nested 3 log\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
// TODO(borenet): Unfortunately, it seems that output is
// attributed to the most recently started sub-test,
// despite using t.Log() on the testing.T instance for
// a specific sub-step. In this case, we should see
// `Test: TestName + "/1/2"` The same is true of eg.
// fmt.Println. If this becomes a problem, we should
// write additional tests to check the behavior of
// t.Log, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, etc, and come up with a
// way to ensure that they're attributed to the correct
// test.
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: " test2json_test.go:14: nested 2 log, after sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
// TODO(borenet): Unfortunately, it seems that output is
// attributed to the most recently started sub-test,
// despite using t.Log() on the testing.T instance for
// a specific sub-step. In this case, we should see
// `Test: TestName + "/1"` The same is true of eg.
// fmt.Println. If this becomes a problem, we should
// write additional tests to check the behavior of
// t.Log, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, etc, and come up with a
// way to ensure that they're attributed to the correct
// test.
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: " test2json_test.go:16: nested 1 log, after sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
// TODO(borenet): Unfortunately, it seems that output is
// attributed to the most recently started sub-test,
// despite using t.Log() on the testing.T instance for
// a specific sub-step. In this case, we should see
// `Test: TestName` The same is true of eg. fmt.Println.
// If this becomes a problem, we should write additional
// tests to check the behavior of t.Log, os.Stdout,
// os.Stderr, etc, and come up with a way to ensure that
// they're attributed to the correct test.
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Output: " test2json_test.go:18: test-level log, after sub-steps\n",
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2/3",
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1/2",
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName + "/1",
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Test: TestName,
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: "PASS\n",
Action: ActionOutput,
Package: PackageFullPath,
Output: fmt.Sprintf("ok \t%s\t0.00s\n", PackageFullPath),
Action: ActionPass,
Package: PackageFullPath,
tsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\d+\.\d+s`)
func runTest(t sktest.TestingT, w io.Writer, content TestContent) {
// Setup.
testDir, cleanup, err := SetupTest(content)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer cleanup()
// Ignore the error, since some cases expect it.
_, _ = exec.RunCommand(context.Background(), &exec.Command{
Name: "go",
Args: []string{"test", "-json", "./..."},
Dir: testDir,
Stdout: w,
func runTestAndCompare(t sktest.TestingT, expectEvents []*Event, content TestContent) {
r, w := io.Pipe()
go func() {
defer testutils.AssertCloses(t, w)
runTest(t, w, content)
i := 0
for actual := range EventStream(r) {
expect := expectEvents[i]
// Fake out some fields.
require.False(t, util.TimeIsZero(actual.Time))
actual.Time = expect.Time
actual.Output = tsRegex.ReplaceAllString(actual.Output, "0.00s")
actual.Elapsed = 0.0
// Compare to the expected event.
assertdeep.Equal(t, expect, actual)
func TestEventStreamFail(t *testing.T) {
runTestAndCompare(t, eventsFail, ContentFail)
func TestEventStreamPass(t *testing.T) {
runTestAndCompare(t, eventsPass, ContentPass)
func TestEventStreamSkip(t *testing.T) {
runTestAndCompare(t, eventsSkip, ContentSkip)
func TestEventStreamNested(t *testing.T) {
runTestAndCompare(t, eventsNested, ContentNested)