blob: bf827a3adf16fcc348c3e6918524605c93034014 [file] [log] [blame]
package testutils
import (
// GitBuilder creates commits and branches in a git repo.
type GitBuilder struct {
t sktest.TestingT
dir string
branch string
git string
rng *rand.Rand
// GitInit creates a new git repo in a temporary directory and returns a
// GitBuilder to manage it. Call Cleanup to remove the temporary directory. The
// current branch will be the main branch.
func GitInit(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context) *GitBuilder {
tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
return GitInitWithDir(t, ctx, tmp)
// GitInit creates a new git repo in the specified directory and returns a
// GitBuilder to manage it. Call Cleanup to remove the temporary directory. The
// current branch will be the main branch.
func GitInitWithDir(t sktest.TestingT, ctx context.Context, dir string) *GitBuilder {
gitExec, _, _, err := git_common.FindGit(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
g := &GitBuilder{
t: t,
dir: dir,
branch: git_common.DefaultBranch,
git: gitExec,
rng: rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)),
g.Git(ctx, "init")
// Set the initial branch.
// It is important to set the initial branch explicitly because developer workstations might have
// a value for Git option init.defaultBranch[1] that differs from that of the CQ bots. This can
// cause tests that use GitBuilder to fail locally but pass on the CQ (or vice versa).
// [1]
// TODO(lovisolo): Replace with "git init --initial-branch <git_common.DefaultBranch>" once all
// GCE instances have been upgraded to Git >= v2.28, which introduces flag
// --initial-branch.
// See
g.Git(ctx, "symbolic-ref", "HEAD", "refs/heads/"+g.branch)
g.Git(ctx, "remote", "add", git_common.DefaultRemote, ".")
g.Git(ctx, "config", "--local", "", "test")
g.Git(ctx, "config", "--local", "", "")
return g
// Cleanup removes the directory containing the git repo.
func (g *GitBuilder) Cleanup() {
testutils.RemoveAll(g.t, g.dir)
// Dir returns the directory of the git repo, e.g. for cloning.
func (g *GitBuilder) Dir() string {
return g.dir
// RepoUrl returns a git-friendly URL for the repo.
func (g *GitBuilder) RepoUrl() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("file://%s", g.Dir())
// Seed replaces the random seed used by the GitBuilder.
func (g *GitBuilder) Seed(seed int64) {
func (g *GitBuilder) Git(ctx context.Context, cmd ...string) string {
output, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, g.dir, append([]string{g.git}, cmd...)...)
require.NoError(g.t, err)
return output
func (g *GitBuilder) runCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Command) string {
cmd.InheritEnv = true
cmd.Dir = g.dir
output, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, cmd)
require.NoError(g.t, err)
return output
func (g *GitBuilder) write(filepath, contents string) {
fullPath := path.Join(g.dir, filepath)
dir := path.Dir(fullPath)
if dir != "" {
require.NoError(g.t, os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm))
require.NoError(g.t, ioutil.WriteFile(fullPath, []byte(contents), os.ModePerm))
func (g *GitBuilder) push(ctx context.Context) {
g.Git(ctx, "push", git_common.DefaultRemote, g.branch)
// genString returns a string with arbitrary content.
func (g *GitBuilder) genString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", g.rng.Int())
// Add writes contents to file and adds it to the index.
func (g *GitBuilder) Add(ctx context.Context, file, contents string) {
g.write(file, contents)
g.Git(ctx, "add", file)
// AddGen writes arbitrary content to file and adds it to the index.
func (g *GitBuilder) AddGen(ctx context.Context, file string) {
g.Add(ctx, file, g.genString())
func (g *GitBuilder) lastCommitHash(ctx context.Context) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(g.Git(ctx, "rev-parse", "HEAD"))
// CommitMsg commits files in the index with the given commit message using the
// given time as the commit time. The current branch is then pushed.
// Note that the nanosecond component of time will be dropped. Returns the hash
// of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) CommitMsgAt(ctx context.Context, msg string, time time.Time) string {
g.runCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: g.git,
Args: []string{"commit", "-m", msg},
Env: []string{fmt.Sprintf("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=%d +0000", time.Unix()), fmt.Sprintf("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=%d +0000", time.Unix())},
return g.lastCommitHash(ctx)
// CommitMsg commits files in the index with the given commit message. The
// current branch is then pushed. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) CommitMsg(ctx context.Context, msg string) string {
return g.CommitMsgAt(ctx, msg, time.Now())
// Commit commits files in the index. The current branch is then pushed. Uses an
// arbitrary commit message. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) Commit(ctx context.Context) string {
return g.CommitMsg(ctx, g.genString())
// CommitGen commits arbitrary content to the given file. The current branch is
// then pushed. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) CommitGen(ctx context.Context, file string) string {
s := g.genString()
g.Add(ctx, file, s)
return g.CommitMsg(ctx, s)
// CommitGenAt commits arbitrary content to the given file using the given time
// as the commit time. Note that the nanosecond component of time will be
// dropped. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) CommitGenAt(ctx context.Context, file string, ts time.Time) string {
g.AddGen(ctx, file)
return g.CommitMsgAt(ctx, g.genString(), ts)
// CommitGenMsg commits arbitrary content to the given file and uses the given
// commit message. The current branch is then pushed. Returns the hash of the
// new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) CommitGenMsg(ctx context.Context, file, msg string) string {
g.AddGen(ctx, file)
return g.CommitMsg(ctx, msg)
// CreateBranchTrackBranch creates a new branch tracking an existing branch,
// checks out the new branch, and pushes the new branch.
func (g *GitBuilder) CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx context.Context, newBranch, existingBranch string) {
g.Git(ctx, "checkout", "-b", newBranch, "-t", existingBranch)
g.branch = newBranch
// CreateBranchTrackBranch creates a new branch pointing at the given commit,
// checks out the new branch, and pushes the new branch.
func (g *GitBuilder) CreateBranchAtCommit(ctx context.Context, name, commit string) {
g.Git(ctx, "checkout", "--no-track", "-b", name, commit)
g.branch = name
// CreateOrphanBranch creates a new orphan branch.
func (g *GitBuilder) CreateOrphanBranch(ctx context.Context, newBranch string) {
g.Git(ctx, "checkout", "--orphan", newBranch)
g.branch = newBranch
// Can't push, since the branch doesn't currently point to any commit.
// CheckoutBranch checks out the given branch.
func (g *GitBuilder) CheckoutBranch(ctx context.Context, name string) {
g.Git(ctx, "checkout", name)
g.branch = name
// MergeBranchAt merges the given branch into the current branch at the given
// time and pushes the current branch. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) MergeBranchAt(ctx context.Context, name string, ts time.Time) string {
require.NotEqual(g.t, g.branch, name, "Can't merge a branch into itself.")
args := []string{"merge", name}
_, major, minor, err := git_common.FindGit(ctx)
require.NoError(g.t, err)
if (major == 2 && minor >= 9) || major > 2 {
args = append(args, "--allow-unrelated-histories")
g.runCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: g.git,
Args: args,
Env: []string{fmt.Sprintf("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=%d +0000", ts.Unix()), fmt.Sprintf("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=%d +0000", ts.Unix())},
return g.lastCommitHash(ctx)
// MergeBranch merges the given branch into the current branch and pushes the
// current branch. Returns the hash of the new commit.
func (g *GitBuilder) MergeBranch(ctx context.Context, name string) string {
return g.MergeBranchAt(ctx, name, time.Now())
// Reset runs "git reset" in the repo.
func (g *GitBuilder) Reset(ctx context.Context, args ...string) {
cmd := append([]string{"reset"}, args...)
g.Git(ctx, cmd...)
// UpdateRef runs "git update-ref" in the repo.
func (g *GitBuilder) UpdateRef(ctx context.Context, args ...string) {
cmd := append([]string{"update-ref"}, args...)
g.Git(ctx, cmd...)
// CreateFakeGerritCLGen creates a Gerrit-like ref so that it can be applied like
// a CL on a trybot.
func (g *GitBuilder) CreateFakeGerritCLGen(ctx context.Context, issue, patchset string) {
currentBranch := strings.TrimSpace(g.Git(ctx, "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"))
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "fake-patch", git_common.DefaultBranch)
patchCommit := g.CommitGen(ctx, "somefile")
g.UpdateRef(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("refs/changes/%s/%s/%s", issue[len(issue)-2:], issue, patchset), patchCommit)
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, currentBranch)
g.Git(ctx, "branch", "-D", "fake-patch")
// AcceptPushes allows pushing changes to the repo.
func (g *GitBuilder) AcceptPushes(ctx context.Context) {
// TODO(lovisolo): Consider making GitBuilder point to a bare repository (git init --bare).
// Under this scenario, GitBuilder would push to that bare repository, and GitBuilder.RepoUrl()
// would return the URL for the bare repository. This would remove the need for this method.
g.Git(ctx, "config", "receive.denyCurrentBranch", "ignore")
// GitSetup adds commits to the Git repo managed by g.
// The repo layout looks like this:
// older newer
// c0--c1------c3--c4--
// \-c2-----/
// Returns the commit hashes in order from c0-c4.
func GitSetup(ctx context.Context, g *GitBuilder) []string {
c0 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
c1 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
g.CreateBranchTrackBranch(ctx, "branch2", git_common.DefaultRemoteBranch)
c2 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "anotherfile.txt")
g.CheckoutBranch(ctx, git_common.DefaultBranch)
c3 := g.CommitGen(ctx, "myfile.txt")
c4 := g.MergeBranch(ctx, "branch2")
return []string{c0, c1, c2, c3, c4}