blob: 4d61f4367e4845ff91b793ab80adbf67c16a6bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package query contains the logic involving parsing queries to
// Gold's search endpoints.
package query
import (
const (
// SortAscending indicates that we want to sort in ascending order.
SortAscending = "asc"
// SortDescending indicates that we want to sort in descending order.
SortDescending = "desc"
// ParseSearch parses the request parameters from the URL query string or from the
// form parameters and stores the parsed and validated values in query.
func ParseSearch(r *http.Request, q *Search) error {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "parsing form")
// Parse the list of fields that need to match and ensure the
// test name is in it.
var ok bool
if q.Match, ok = r.Form["match"]; ok {
if !util.In(types.PrimaryKeyField, q.Match) {
q.Match = append(q.Match, types.PrimaryKeyField)
} else {
q.Match = []string{types.PrimaryKeyField}
validate := shared.Validation{}
// Parse the query strings.
q.TraceValues = validate.QueryFormValue(r, "query")
q.RightTraceValues = validate.QueryFormValue(r, "rquery")
q.Limit = int32(validate.Int64FormValue(r, "limit", 50))
q.Offset = int32(validate.Int64FormValue(r, "offset", 0))
q.Offset = util.MaxInt32(q.Offset, 0)
validate.StrFormValue(r, "metric", &q.Metric, diff.GetDiffMetricIDs(), diff.CombinedMetric)
validate.StrFormValue(r, "sort", &q.Sort, []string{SortDescending, SortAscending}, SortDescending)
// Parse and validate the filter values.
q.RGBAMinFilter = int32(validate.Int64FormValue(r, "frgbamin", 0))
q.RGBAMaxFilter = int32(validate.Int64FormValue(r, "frgbamax", 255))
q.DiffMaxFilter = float32(validate.Float64FormValue(r, "fdiffmax", -1.0))
// Parse out the issue and patchsets.
q.PatchSets = validate.Int64SliceFormValue(r, "patchsets", nil)
q.ChangeListID = r.FormValue("issue")
// Check whether any of the validations failed.
if err := validate.Errors(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "validating params")
q.BlameGroupID = r.FormValue("blame")
q.IncludePositiveDigests = r.FormValue("pos") == "true"
q.IncludeNegativeDigests = r.FormValue("neg") == "true"
q.IncludeUntriagedDigests = r.FormValue("unt") == "true"
q.OnlyIncludeDigestsProducedAtHead = r.FormValue("head") == "true"
q.IncludeIgnoredTraces = r.FormValue("include") == "true"
q.IncludeDigestsProducedOnMaster = r.FormValue("master") == "true"
// Extract the filter values.
q.CommitBeginFilter = r.FormValue("fbegin")
q.CommitEndFilter = r.FormValue("fend")
q.GroupTestFilter = r.FormValue("fgrouptest")
q.MustIncludeReferenceFilter = r.FormValue("fref") == "true"
// Check if we want diffs.
q.NoDiff = r.FormValue("nodiff") == "true"
return nil