blob: cc3f7fcc345b40a21826b75eae6facbf13c2b975 [file] [log] [blame]
package swarming_metrics
Package swarming_metrics generates metrics from Swarming data.
import (
swarming_api ""
const (
MEASUREMENT_SWARMING_TASKS = "swarming_task_events"
STREAM_SWARMING_TASKS_TMPL = "swarming-tasks-%s"
var (
includeDimensions = util.NewStringSet([]string{
errNoValue = fmt.Errorf("no value")
func streamForPool(pool string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(STREAM_SWARMING_TASKS_TMPL, pool)
// loadSwarmingTasks loads the Swarming tasks which were created within the
// given time range, plus any tasks we're explicitly told to load. Inserts all
// completed tasks into the EventDB and perf. Then, it returns any unfinished
// tasks so that they can be revisited later.
func loadSwarmingTasks(s swarming.ApiClient, pool string, edb events.EventDB, perfClient perfclient.ClientInterface, tnp taskname.TaskNameParser, lastLoad, now time.Time, revisit []string) ([]string, error) {
sklog.Info("Loading swarming tasks.")
tasks, err := s.ListTasks(lastLoad, now, []string{fmt.Sprintf("pool:%s", pool)}, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, id := range revisit {
task, err := s.GetTaskMetadata(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tasks = append(tasks, task)
revisitLater := []string{}
loaded := 0
for _, t := range tasks {
// Only include finished tasks. This includes completed success
// and completed failures.
if t.TaskResult.State != swarming.TASK_STATE_COMPLETED {
// Check back on Pending/Running tasks
if t.TaskResult.State == swarming.TASK_STATE_PENDING ||
t.TaskResult.State == swarming.TASK_STATE_RUNNING {
revisitLater = append(revisitLater, t.TaskId)
// Don't send deduped tasks to Perf, since that would double-
// count the deduped-from task.
if t.TaskResult.DedupedFrom == "" {
if err := reportDurationToPerf(t, perfClient, now, tnp); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error reporting task duration to perf: %s", err)
revisitLater = append(revisitLater, t.TaskId)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(t); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to serialize Swarming task: %s", err)
created, err := swarming.Created(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse Created time: %s", err)
if err := edb.Insert(&events.Event{
Stream: streamForPool(pool),
Timestamp: created,
Data: buf.Bytes(),
}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to insert event: %s", err)
sklog.Infof("... loaded %d swarming tasks.", loaded)
return revisitLater, nil
func reportDurationToPerf(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata, perfClient perfclient.ClientInterface, now time.Time, tnp taskname.TaskNameParser) error {
// Pull taskName from tags, because the task name could be changed (e.g. retries)
// and that would make ParseTaskName not happy.
tags, err := swarming.ParseTags(t.Request.Tags)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Can not parse tags for task %q: %s", t.TaskId, err)
return nil
getTag := func(key string) string {
vals := tags[key]
if len(vals) > 0 {
return vals[0]
return ""
taskName := getTag("sk_name")
taskRevision := getTag("sk_revision")
taskIssue := getTag("sk_issue")
taskPatchSet := getTag("sk_patchset")
taskPatchStorage := ""
if getTag("sk_issue_server") == "" {
taskPatchStorage = "gerrit"
repo := getTag("sk_repo")
if repo != common.REPO_SKIA {
// The schema parser only supports the Skia repo, not, for example, the Infra repo
// which would also show up here.
return nil
if taskName == "" || taskRevision == "" {
sklog.Errorf("Task %q has sk_repo tag but not sk_name and sk_revision.", t.TaskId)
// If these tags are missing, there is no useful data.
return nil
parsed, err := tnp.ParseTaskName(taskName)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not parse task name of %s: %s", taskName, err)
// return nil here instead of error because the calling code will attempt to
// retry errors. Presumably parsing the task name would always fail.
return nil
if t.TaskResult.InternalFailure {
// Skip bots that died because of infra reasons (e.g. bot lost power)
return nil
parsed["failure"] = strconv.FormatBool(t.TaskResult.Failure)
isolateOverhead := float64(0.0)
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload != nil {
isolateOverhead += t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload.Duration
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload != nil {
isolateOverhead += t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload.Duration
durations := format.BenchResults{
"task_duration": {
"task_step_s": t.TaskResult.Duration,
"all_overhead_s": t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.BotOverhead,
"isolate_overhead_s": isolateOverhead,
"total_s": t.TaskResult.Duration + t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.BotOverhead,
toReport := format.BenchData{
Hash: taskRevision,
Issue: taskIssue,
PatchSet: taskPatchSet,
Source: "datahopper",
Key: parsed,
Results: map[string]format.BenchResults{
taskName: durations,
PatchStorage: taskPatchStorage,
sklog.Debugf("Reporting that %s had these durations: %#v ms", taskName, durations)
if err := perfClient.PushToPerf(now, taskName, "task_duration", toReport); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Ran into error while pushing task duration to perf: %s", err)
return nil
// decodeTasks decodes a slice of events.Event into a slice of Swarming task
// metadata.
func decodeTasks(ev []*events.Event) ([]*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata, error) {
rv := make([]*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata, 0, len(ev))
for _, e := range ev {
var t swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata
if err := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(e.Data)).Decode(&t); err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, &t)
return rv, nil
// addMetric adds a dynamic metric to the given event stream with the given
// metric name. It aggregates the data points returned by the given helper
// function and computes the mean for each tag set. This simplifies the addition
// of metrics in StartSwarmingTaskMetrics.
func addMetric(s *events.EventStream, metric, pool string, period time.Duration, fn func(*swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error)) error {
tags := map[string]string{
"metric": metric,
"pool": pool,
f := func(ev []*events.Event) ([]map[string]string, []float64, error) {
sklog.Infof("Computing value(s) for metric %q", metric)
if len(ev) == 0 {
return []map[string]string{}, []float64{}, nil
tasks, err := decodeTasks(ev)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tagSets := map[string]map[string]string{}
totals := map[string]int64{}
counts := map[string]int{}
for _, t := range tasks {
// Don't include de-duped tasks, as they'll skew the metrics down.
if t.TaskResult.DedupedFrom != "" {
val, err := fn(t)
if err == errNoValue {
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tags := map[string]string{
"task_name": t.TaskResult.Name,
for d := range includeDimensions {
tags[d] = ""
for _, dim := range swarming.GetTaskRequestProperties(t).Dimensions {
if _, ok := includeDimensions[dim.Key]; ok {
tags[dim.Key] = dim.Value
key, err := util.MD5Sum(tags)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tagSets[key] = tags
totals[key] += val
tagSetsList := make([]map[string]string, 0, len(tagSets))
vals := make([]float64, 0, len(tagSets))
for key, tags := range tagSets {
tagSetsList = append(tagSetsList, tags)
vals = append(vals, float64(totals[key])/float64(counts[key]))
return tagSetsList, vals, nil
return s.DynamicMetric(tags, period, f)
// taskDuration returns the duration of the task in milliseconds.
func taskDuration(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
completedTime, err := swarming.Completed(t)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
startTime, err := swarming.Started(t)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
return int64(completedTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds() * float64(1000.0)), nil
// taskPendingTime returns the pending time of the task in milliseconds.
func taskPendingTime(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
createdTime, err := swarming.Created(t)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
startTime, err := swarming.Started(t)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, err
return int64(startTime.Sub(createdTime).Seconds() * float64(1000.0)), nil
// taskOverheadBot returns the bot overhead for the task in milliseconds.
func taskOverheadBot(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else {
return int64(t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.BotOverhead * float64(1000.0)), nil
// taskOverheadUpload returns the upload overhead for the task in milliseconds.
func taskOverheadUpload(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else {
return int64(t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload.Duration * float64(1000.0)), nil
// taskOverheadDownload returns the download overhead for the task in milliseconds.
func taskOverheadDownload(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else {
return int64(t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload.Duration * float64(1000.0)), nil
// isolateCacheMissDownload returns the download overhead for the task in milliseconds.
func isolateCacheMissDownload(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else {
return int64(t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedDownload.TotalBytesItemsCold), nil
// isolateCacheMissUpload returns the download overhead for the task in milliseconds.
func isolateCacheMissUpload(t *swarming_api.SwarmingRpcsTaskRequestMetadata) (int64, error) {
if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else if t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload == nil {
return 0, errNoValue
} else {
return int64(t.TaskResult.PerformanceStats.IsolatedUpload.TotalBytesItemsCold), nil
// dedupeMetrics generates metrics for deduplicated tasks.
func dedupeMetrics(ev []*events.Event) ([]map[string]string, []float64, error) {
sklog.Info("Computing value(s) for dedupeMetrics")
if len(ev) == 0 {
return []map[string]string{}, []float64{}, nil
tasks, err := decodeTasks(ev)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Total time taken by all tasks. Deduped tasks are not counted.
totalTime := int64(0)
// Total time taken by idempotent tasks. Deduped tasks are not counted.
idempotentTime := int64(0)
// Total time taken by original tasks referenced by deduped tasks.
dedupedTime := int64(0)
// Total number of tasks which ran. Deduped tasks are not counted.
totalCount := int64(0)
// Total number of idempotent tasks which ran. Deduped tasks are not counted.
idempotentCount := int64(0)
// Total number of deduped tasks.
dedupedCount := int64(0)
for _, t := range tasks {
completedTime, err := swarming.Completed(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
startTime, err := swarming.Started(t)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
durationMs := int64(completedTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds() * float64(1000.0))
if t.TaskResult.DedupedFrom == "" {
totalTime += durationMs
if swarming.GetTaskRequestProperties(t).Idempotent {
idempotentTime += durationMs
} else {
dedupedTime += durationMs
tagSets := []map[string]string{
{"metric": "total_count"},
{"metric": "total_time"},
{"metric": "idempotent_count"},
{"metric": "idempotent_time"},
{"metric": "deduped_count"},
{"metric": "deduped_time"},
// Because we're sharing a measurement with the other metrics in this
// file, we have to provide exactly the same set of tags, even if
// they're left empty.
for _, tagSet := range tagSets {
tagSet["task_name"] = ""
for k := range includeDimensions {
tagSet[k] = ""
return tagSets, []float64{
}, nil
// setupMetrics creates the event metrics for Swarming tasks.
func setupMetrics(ctx context.Context, btProject, btInstance, pool string, ts oauth2.TokenSource) (events.EventDB, *events.EventMetrics, error) {
edb, err := events.NewBTEventDB(ctx, btProject, btInstance, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
em, err := events.NewEventMetrics(edb, MEASUREMENT_SWARMING_TASKS)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
s := em.GetEventStream(streamForPool(pool))
// Add metrics.
for _, period := range []time.Duration{24 * time.Hour, 7 * 24 * time.Hour} {
// Duration.
if err := addMetric(s, "duration", pool, period, taskDuration); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Pending time.
if err := addMetric(s, "pending-time", pool, period, taskPendingTime); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Overhead (bot).
if err := addMetric(s, "overhead-bot", pool, period, taskOverheadBot); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Overhead (upload).
if err := addMetric(s, "overhead-upload", pool, period, taskOverheadUpload); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Overhead (download).
if err := addMetric(s, "overhead-download", pool, period, taskOverheadDownload); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Isolate Cache Miss (download).
if err := addMetric(s, "isolate-cache-miss-download", pool, period, isolateCacheMissDownload); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Isolate Cache Miss (upload).
if err := addMetric(s, "isolate-cache-miss-upload", pool, period, isolateCacheMissUpload); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Deduplicated tasks (duration and count).
if err := s.DynamicMetric(map[string]string{
"pool": pool,
}, period, dedupeMetrics); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return edb, em, nil
// startLoadingTasks initiates the goroutine which periodically loads Swarming
// tasks into the EventDB.
func startLoadingTasks(swarm swarming.ApiClient, pool string, ctx context.Context, edb events.EventDB, perfClient perfclient.ClientInterface, tnp taskname.TaskNameParser) {
// Start collecting the metrics.
lv := metrics2.NewLiveness("last_successful_swarming_task_metrics", map[string]string{
"pool": pool,
lastLoad := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute)
revisitTasks := []string{}
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, 10*time.Minute, func(ctx context.Context) {
now := time.Now()
revisit, err := loadSwarmingTasks(swarm, pool, edb, perfClient, tnp, lastLoad, now, revisitTasks)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to load swarming tasks into metrics: %s", err)
} else {
lastLoad = now
revisitTasks = revisit
// StartSwarmingTaskMetrics initiates a goroutine which loads Swarming task
// results and computes metrics.
func StartSwarmingTaskMetrics(ctx context.Context, btProject, btInstance string, swarm swarming.ApiClient, pools []string, perfClient perfclient.ClientInterface, tnp taskname.TaskNameParser, ts oauth2.TokenSource) error {
for _, pool := range pools {
edb, em, err := setupMetrics(ctx, btProject, btInstance, pool, ts)
if err != nil {
return err
startLoadingTasks(swarm, pool, ctx, edb, perfClient, tnp)
return nil