blob: f36258d40c9ebdb8a3de7e9b6c6050c7c57f3a01 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module enter-tree-status-sk
* @description <h2><code>enter-tree-status-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* Displays a text field to enter the desired tree status into.
* Also contains the list-autorollers-sk element to update status with
* list of autorollers to wait for.
* </p>
* @evt new-tree-status Sent when the user is done entering a new tree status.
* The detail includes the tree status message and the list of selected
* autorollers.
* <pre>
* detail {
* message: "Tree is open",
* rollers: "Chrome, Flutter",
* }
* </pre>
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import '../list-autorollers-sk';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import { AutorollerSnapshot } from '../json';
import { ListAutorollersSk } from '../list-autorollers-sk/list-autorollers-sk';
export class EnterTreeStatus extends ElementSk {
private autorollersData: AutorollerSnapshot[] = [];
private statusValue: string = '';
constructor() {
private static template = (ele: EnterTreeStatus) => html`
<input id='tree_status' size=60 placeholder='Add tree status with text containing either of (open/close/caution)' value=${ele.status_value}></input>
<button @click=${ele.addTreeStatus}>Submit</button>
${ele.autorollersSpecified() ? html`
<button id='display_autorollers' @click=${ele.toggleAutorollers}>Caution/Close till Roll Lands</button>
: html``}
<list-autorollers-sk .autorollers=${ele.autorollers} collapsable collapsed></list-autorollers-sk>
connectedCallback(): void {
$$('#tree_status')!.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => this.submitIfEnter(e as KeyboardEvent));
$$('list-autorollers-sk')!.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => this.submitIfEnter(e as KeyboardEvent));
private submitIfEnter(e: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
// The list of autorollers.
get autorollers(): AutorollerSnapshot[] {
return this.autorollersData;
set autorollers(val: AutorollerSnapshot[]) {
this.autorollersData = val;
// String to prefill the tree status text field with.
get status_value(): string {
return this.statusValue;
set status_value(val: string) {
($$('#tree_status', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = val;
this.statusValue = val;
private autorollersSpecified(): boolean {
return this.autorollersData.length !== 0;
// Toggles the autorollers element. The status field is cleared and enabled
// when the element is collapsed. When the element is displayed the status
// field is disabled.
private toggleAutorollers() {
const autorollersTable = $$('list-autorollers-sk') as ListAutorollersSk;
const treeStatusField = $$('#tree_status') as HTMLInputElement;
if (autorollersTable.hasAttribute('collapsed')) {
treeStatusField.setAttribute('disabled', '');
} else {
// Sends the new-tree-status event with the tree status message and list of
// autorollers when called.
private addTreeStatus() {
const treeStatus = $$('#tree_status', this) as HTMLInputElement;
const autorollersTable = $$('list-autorollers-sk') as ListAutorollersSk;
const detail = { message: treeStatus.value, rollers: autorollersTable.getSelectedRollerNames() };
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('new-tree-status', { detail: detail, bubbles: true }));
define('enter-tree-status-sk', EnterTreeStatus);