blob: 732800f1a73cf18ffbde4421eb3496a11e192aa7 [file] [log] [blame]
package td
import (
type TestingRun struct {
t sktest.TestingT
ctx context.Context
wd string
report *ReportReceiver
cleanup func()
// StartTestRun returns a root-level Step to be used for testing. This is
// an alternative so that we don't need to call Init() in testing.
func StartTestRun(t sktest.TestingT) *TestingRun {
wd, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
output := filepath.Join(wd, "output.json")
report := newReportReceiver(output)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &TestingRun{
t: t,
ctx: newRun(ctx, report, "fake-task-id", "fake-test-task", &RunProperties{Local: true}),
wd: wd,
report: report,
cleanup: func() {
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(wd))
// Finish the test Step and return its results.
func (r *TestingRun) EndRun(expectPanic bool, err *error) *StepReport {
return r.finishRun(expectPanic, err, recover())
func (r *TestingRun) finishRun(expectPanic bool, err *error, recovered interface{}) (rv *StepReport) {
defer func() {
require.NoError(r.t, getCtx(r.ctx).run.Close())
if expectPanic {
require.NotNil(r.t, recovered)
} else {
require.Nil(r.t, recovered)
// stepFinished re-raises panics, to ensure that they continue to
// propagate. Since this is the top level and we don't want our tests
// to die, recover the panic.
if expectPanic {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
sklog.Infof("Recovered panic: %v", rec)
rv =
finishStep(r.ctx, recovered)
// Cleanup the TestingRun.
func (r *TestingRun) Cleanup() {
// Return the root-level Step.
func (r *TestingRun) Root() context.Context {
return r.ctx
// Return the temporary dir used for this TestingRun.
func (r *TestingRun) Dir() string {
return r.wd
// Run testing steps inside the given context.
func RunTestSteps(t sktest.TestingT, expectPanic bool, fn func(context.Context) error) (rv *StepReport) {
tr := StartTestRun(t)
defer tr.Cleanup()
var err error
defer func() {
rv = tr.finishRun(expectPanic, &err, recover())
ctx := tr.Root()
err = fn(ctx)