blob: 526279fe2199d9d5e2e0c72226c60eea2764a0b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module email-chooser-sk
* @description <h2><code>email-chooser-sk</code></h2>
* <p>
* This element pops up a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. Its open method returns a Promise
* which will resolve when the user clicks OK after selecting
* an email or reject when the user clicks Cancel.
* </p>
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { html, render, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import { $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import 'elements-sk/styles/buttons';
import 'elements-sk/styles/select';
export class EmailChooserSk extends HTMLElement {
private dialog: HTMLDialogElement | null = null;
private resolve: ((value: string | undefined)=> void) | null = null;
private emails: string[] = [];
private owner: string = '';
private selected: string = '';
private static template = (ele: EmailChooserSk) => html`<dialog>
<select size=10 @input=${ele.input} @keyup=${ele.keyup}>
<option value='' ?selected=${!ele.owner}>(un-assign)</option>
${ string) => ele.displayEmail(email))}
<div class=buttons>
<button @click=${ele.dismiss}>Cancel</button>
<button @click=${ele.confirm}>OK</button>
connectedCallback(): void {
this.dialog = $$('dialog', this);
* Display the dialog.
* @param emails List of emails to choose from.
* @param owner The owner of this incident if available. Optional.
* @returns Returns a Promise that resolves on OK, and rejects on Cancel.
public open(emails: string[], owner: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
this.emails = emails;
this.owner = owner;
($$('select', this) as HTMLSelectElement).focus();
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
private displayEmail(email: string): TemplateResult {
if (this.owner === email) {
this.selected = this.owner;
return html`<option value=${email} selected>${email} (owner)</option>`;
return html`<option value=${email}>${email}</option>`;
private input(e: Event): void {
this.selected = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
private dismiss(): void {
private confirm(): void {
private keyup(e: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
private _render(): void {
render(EmailChooserSk.template(this), this, { eventContext: this });
define('email-chooser-sk', EmailChooserSk);