blob: 64eb0265c42a0af3e0971edc980826e5a0e9267a [file] [log] [blame]
package db
import (
type ChangesCol string
const (
// For accessing Firestore.
defaultAttempts = 3
getSingleTimeout = 10 * time.Second
putSingleTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// Names of Collections and Documents.
snapshotsCol = "Snapshots"
currentChangesSnapshotDoc = "CurrentChangesSnapshot"
publicChangesCol ChangesCol = "PublicChanges"
internalChangesCol ChangesCol = "InternalChanges"
type DB interface {
// GetCurrentChanges returns the changes that were processed by the last
// iteration. If none is found in DB then an empty map is returned.
GetCurrentChanges(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange, error)
// PutCurrentChanges returns the changes that were processed by the last
// iteration.
PutCurrentChanges(ctx context.Context, currentChangesCache interface{}) error
// GetChangeAttempts returns all ChangeAttempts in the DB for this
// change+patchset.
GetChangeAttempts(ctx context.Context, changeID, patchsetID int64, changesCol ChangesCol) (*types.ChangeAttempts, error)
// UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned marks the specified change attempt as
// abandoned.
UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned(ctx context.Context, changeID, patchsetID int64, changesCol ChangesCol, patchStart int64) error
// PutChangeAttempts adds the specified change attempt to the DB.
PutChangeAttempt(ctx context.Context, newChangeAttempt *types.ChangeAttempt, changesCol ChangesCol) error
// FirestoreDB uses Cloud Firestore for storage and implements the DB
// interface.
type FirestoreDB struct {
client *firestore.Client
// mtx to control access to firestore
mtx sync.RWMutex
// New returns an instance of FirestoreDB.
func New(ctx context.Context, ts oauth2.TokenSource, fsNamespace, fsProjectId string) (DB, error) {
// Instantiate firestore.
fsClient, err := firestore.NewClient(ctx, fsProjectId, "skcq", fsNamespace, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "could not init firestore")
return &FirestoreDB{
client: fsClient,
}, nil
// GetCurrentChanges implements the DB interface.
func (f *FirestoreDB) GetCurrentChanges(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange, error) {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
currentChanges := map[string]*types.CurrentlyProcessingChange{}
col := f.client.Collection(snapshotsCol)
if col == nil {
return currentChanges, nil
docRef := col.Doc(currentChangesSnapshotDoc)
if docRef == nil {
return currentChanges, nil
snapshot, err := docRef.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
if status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound {
return currentChanges, nil
return nil, err
if err := snapshot.DataTo(&currentChanges); err != nil {
return nil, err
return currentChanges, nil
// PutCurrentChanges implements the DB interface.
func (f *FirestoreDB) PutCurrentChanges(ctx context.Context, currentChangesCache interface{}) error {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
col := f.client.Collection(snapshotsCol)
if _, setErr := f.client.Set(ctx, col.Doc(currentChangesSnapshotDoc), currentChangesCache, defaultAttempts, putSingleTimeout); setErr != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Could not set CurrentChangesSnapshot: %s", setErr)
return nil
// GetChangeAttempts implements the DB interface.
func (f *FirestoreDB) GetChangeAttempts(ctx context.Context, changeID, patchsetID int64, changesCol ChangesCol) (*types.ChangeAttempts, error) {
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
col := f.client.Collection(string(changesCol))
if col == nil {
// Collection does not exist yet, this will be the first entry.
return nil, nil
docName := getChangeAttemptsDocName(changeID, patchsetID)
docRef := col.Doc(docName)
if docRef == nil {
// Doc does not exist yet, this will be the first entry.
return nil, nil
ch, err := docRef.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
if status.Code(err) == codes.NotFound {
// Doc does not exist yet, this will be the first entry.
return nil, nil
return nil, err
changeAttempts := types.ChangeAttempts{}
if err := ch.DataTo(&changeAttempts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &changeAttempts, nil
// UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned implements the DB interface.
func (f *FirestoreDB) UpdateChangeAttemptAsAbandoned(ctx context.Context, changeID, patchsetID int64, changesCol ChangesCol, patchStart int64) error {
changeAttempts, err := f.GetChangeAttempts(ctx, changeID, patchsetID, changesCol)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error getting change attempts of %d/%d from DB: %s", changeID, patchsetID, err)
if changeAttempts == nil || len(changeAttempts.Attempts) == 0 {
return nil
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
for _, ca := range changeAttempts.Attempts {
if ca.PatchStartTs == patchStart {
ca.PatchStopTs = time.Now().Unix()
ca.CQAbandoned = true
// Do a pass through of all verifiers and update any states that are in
// VerifierWatitingState to VerifierAbortedState because we are no longer
// waiting for this verifier.
for _, v := range ca.VerifiersStatuses {
if v.State == types.VerifierWaitingState {
v.State = types.VerifierAbortedState
v.StopTs = time.Now().Unix()
col := f.client.Collection(string(changesCol))
docName := getChangeAttemptsDocName(changeID, patchsetID)
if _, err := f.client.Set(ctx, col.Doc(docName), changeAttempts, defaultAttempts, putSingleTimeout); err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Could not set ChangeAttempts: %s", err)
return nil
return skerr.Fmt("Could not find ChangeAttempt with ID %d/%d and start time of %d", changeID, patchsetID, patchStart)
// PutChangeAttempt implements the DB interface.
func (f *FirestoreDB) PutChangeAttempt(ctx context.Context, newChangeAttempt *types.ChangeAttempt, changesCol ChangesCol) error {
changeAttempts, err := f.GetChangeAttempts(ctx, newChangeAttempt.ChangeID, newChangeAttempt.PatchsetID, changesCol)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Error getting change attempts of %d/%d from DB: %s", newChangeAttempt.ChangeID, newChangeAttempt.PatchsetID, err)
defer f.mtx.Unlock()
if changeAttempts == nil || len(changeAttempts.Attempts) == 0 {
changeAttempts = &types.ChangeAttempts{}
changeAttempts.Attempts = []*types.ChangeAttempt{newChangeAttempt}
} else {
// Go through the existing changeAttempts and see if this
// changeAttempt exists.
exists := false
for index, existingChangeAttempt := range changeAttempts.Attempts {
if existingChangeAttempt.PatchStartTs == newChangeAttempt.PatchStartTs {
exists = true
// If it exists then we have to replace the
// change Attempt. But first loop through the
// verifiers and if they have the same state
// then do not replace their end time.
for _, newVerifier := range newChangeAttempt.VerifiersStatuses {
for _, existingVerifier := range existingChangeAttempt.VerifiersStatuses {
if existingVerifier.Name == newVerifier.Name {
if existingVerifier.State == types.VerifierSuccessState && newVerifier.State == types.VerifierSuccessState {
// Reuse the end time of the old verifier.
newVerifier.StopTs = existingVerifier.StopTs
changeAttempts.Attempts[index] = newChangeAttempt
if !exists {
changeAttempts.Attempts = append(changeAttempts.Attempts, newChangeAttempt)
// Commit to DB.
col := f.client.Collection(string(changesCol))
docName := getChangeAttemptsDocName(newChangeAttempt.ChangeID, newChangeAttempt.PatchsetID)
if _, setErr := f.client.Set(ctx, col.Doc(docName), changeAttempts, defaultAttempts, putSingleTimeout); setErr != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Could not set ChangeAttempts: %s", setErr)
return nil
// Utility function to return which changes col name to use based on if the
// change is internal or not.
func GetChangesCol(internal bool) ChangesCol {
changesCol := publicChangesCol
if internal {
changesCol = internalChangesCol
return changesCol
// Utility function to return the name of the ChangeAttempts document.
func getChangeAttemptsDocName(changeID, patchsetID int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", changeID, patchsetID)