blob: f099ce54c401ffe47e3ee717183f26ddc2854d4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Package shortcut handles storing and retrieving shortcuts.
package shortcut
import (
// Shortcut is a list of Trace ids, it is used in the Store interface.
type Shortcut struct {
Keys []string `json:"keys"`
// Store is an interface for things that persists Shortcuts.
type Store interface {
// Insert adds the shortcut content into the database. The id of the
// shortcut is returned.
Insert(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) (string, error)
// InsertShortcut adds the shortcut content into the database. The id of the
// shortcut is returned.
InsertShortcut(ctx context.Context, shortcut *Shortcut) (string, error)
// Get retrieves a parsed shortcut for the given id.
Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Shortcut, error)
// GetAll returns a channel that provides all the Shortcuts stored. This is
// used to migrate between backends.
GetAll(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *Shortcut, error)
// DeleteShortcut deletes the shortcut from the table. Use with caution.
DeleteShortcut(ctx context.Context, id string, tx pgx.Tx) error
// IDFromKeys returns a unique ID for the set of keys found
// in the given Shortcut.
func IDFromKeys(s *Shortcut) string {
if s == nil {
return "X"
h := md5.New()
for _, s := range s.Keys {
_, _ = io.WriteString(h, s)
// Prefix the hash with an X. This is a holdover from a previous storage
// system that we keep alive so that all old shortcuts work and new ones
// look the same.
return fmt.Sprintf("X%x", h.Sum(nil))