blob: c0471130d2cde411e6325eadf6b3e9ac11739e44 [file] [log] [blame]
package analyzer
import (
stat ""
apipb ""
cpb ""
cabe_stats ""
const maxReadCASPoolWorkers = 100
// Options configure one or more fields of an Analyzer instance.
type Options func(*Analyzer)
// WithCASResultReader configures an Analyzer instance to use the given CASResultReader.
func WithCASResultReader(r backends.CASResultReader) Options {
return func(e *Analyzer) {
e.readCAS = r
// WithTaskResultsReader configures an Analyzer instance to use the given TaskResultsReader.
func WithSwarmingTaskReader(r backends.SwarmingTaskReader) Options {
return func(e *Analyzer) {
e.readSwarmingTasks = r
// WithExperimentSpec configures an Analyzer instance to use the given ExperimentSpec.
func WithExperimentSpec(s *cpb.ExperimentSpec) Options {
return func(e *Analyzer) {
e.experimentSpec = s
// New returns a new instance of Analyzer. Set either pinpointJobID, or controlDigests and treatmentDigests.
func New(pinpointJobID string, opts ...Options) *Analyzer {
ret := &Analyzer{
pinpointJobID: pinpointJobID,
diagnostics: newDiagnostics(),
for _, opt := range opts {
return ret
// Analyzer encapsulates the state of an Analyzer process execution. Its lifecycle follows a request
// to process all of the output of an A/B benchmark experiment run.
// Users of Analyzer must instantiate and attach the necessary service dependencies.
type Analyzer struct {
pinpointJobID string
readCAS backends.CASResultReader
readSwarmingTasks backends.SwarmingTaskReader
experimentSpec *cpb.ExperimentSpec
diagnostics *Diagnostics
results []Results
func (a *Analyzer) Diagnostics() *Diagnostics {
return a.diagnostics
// Results encapsulates a response from the Go statistical package after it has processed
// swarming task data and verified the experimental setup is valid for analysis.
type Results struct {
// Benchmark is the name of a perf benchmark suite, such as Speedometer2 or JetStream
Benchmark string
// Workload is the name of a benchmark-specific workload, such as TodoMVC-ReactJS
WorkLoad string
// BuildConfig is the name of a build configuration, e.g. "Mac arm Builder Perf PGO"
BuildConfig string
// RunConfig is the name of a run configuration, e.g. "Macmini9,1_arm64-64-Apple_M1_16384_1_4744421.0"
RunConfig string
// Statistics summarizes the difference between the treatment and control arms for the given
// Benchmark and Workload on the hardware described by RunConfig, using the binary built using
// the given BuildConfig.
Statistics *cabe_stats.BerfWilcoxonSignedRankedTestResult
// AnalysisResults returns a slice of AnalysisResult protos populated with data from the
// experiment.
func (a *Analyzer) AnalysisResults() []*cpb.AnalysisResult {
ret := []*cpb.AnalysisResult{}
// Because ExperimentSpec will have so many identical
// values across individual results, we'll build a template here
// then clone and override the distinct per-result values for the
// response proto below.
// Note that for most Pinpoint A/B tryjobs, the ExperimentSpec will
// have a Common RunSpec set, and Treatment and Control will have different BuildSpec values.
// That is, compare two different builds executing on the same hardware/OS.
experimentSpecTemplate := a.experimentSpec
if experimentSpecTemplate.Analysis == nil {
experimentSpecTemplate.Analysis = &cpb.AnalysisSpec{}
experimentSpecTemplate.Analysis.Benchmark = nil
for _, res := range a.results {
experimentSpec := proto.Clone(experimentSpecTemplate).(*cpb.ExperimentSpec)
benchmark := []*cpb.Benchmark{
Name: res.Benchmark,
Workload: []string{res.WorkLoad},
experimentSpec.Analysis.Benchmark = benchmark
ret = append(ret, &cpb.AnalysisResult{
ExperimentSpec: experimentSpec,
Statistic: &cpb.Statistic{
Upper: res.Statistics.UpperCi,
Lower: res.Statistics.LowerCi,
PValue: res.Statistics.PValue,
ControlMedian: res.Statistics.YMedian,
TreatmentMedian: res.Statistics.XMedian,
return ret
type byBenchmarkAndWorkload []Results
func (a byBenchmarkAndWorkload) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a byBenchmarkAndWorkload) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a byBenchmarkAndWorkload) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].Benchmark != a[j].Benchmark {
return a[i].Benchmark < a[j].Benchmark
return a[i].WorkLoad < a[j].WorkLoad
func (a *Analyzer) ExperimentSpec() *cpb.ExperimentSpec {
return a.experimentSpec
// Run executes the whole Analyzer process for a single, complete experiment.
// TODO(seanmccullough): break this up into distinct, testable stages with one function per stage.
func (a *Analyzer) Run(ctx context.Context) ([]Results, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Analyzer_Run")
defer span.End()
var control, treatment []float64
var benchmark, workload, buildspec, runspec []string
var replicas []int
res := []Results{}
allTaskInfos, err := a.readSwarmingTasks(ctx, a.pinpointJobID)
if err != nil {
return res, err
// TODO(seanmccullough): choose different process<Foo>Tasks implementations based on AnalysisSpec values.
processedArms, err := a.processPinpointTryjobTasks(allTaskInfos)
if err != nil {
return res, err
err = a.extractTaskOutputs(ctx, processedArms)
if err != nil {
return res, err
// TODO(seanmccullough): include pairing order information so we keep track of which arm executed first in
// every pairing.
pairs, err := processedArms.pairedTasks(a.diagnostics.ExcludedSwarmingTasks)
if err != nil {
return res, err
if a.experimentSpec == nil {
ieSpec, err := a.inferExperimentSpec(pairs)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("while trying to infer experiment spec: %v", err)
return res, err
a.experimentSpec = ieSpec
transformType := cabe_stats.LogTransform
for replicaNumber, pair := range pairs {
// Check task result codes to identify and handle task failures (which are expected; lab hardware is inherently unreliable).
if pair.hasTaskFailures() {
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, "one or both tasks failed")
pairIsOk := true
for _, benchmarkSpec := range a.experimentSpec.Analysis.Benchmark {
controlResults, crOk := pair.control.parsedResults[benchmarkSpec.Name]
treatmentResults, trOk := pair.treatment.parsedResults[benchmarkSpec.Name]
if !crOk || !trOk {
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, fmt.Sprintf("one or both tasks are missing output for entire benchmark %q", benchmarkSpec.Name))
pairIsOk = false
expectedWorkloads := util.NewStringSet(benchmarkSpec.Workload)
missingFromCtrl := expectedWorkloads.Complement(util.NewStringSet(controlResults.NonEmptyHistogramNames()))
missingFromTrt := expectedWorkloads.Complement(util.NewStringSet(treatmentResults.NonEmptyHistogramNames()))
if len(missingFromCtrl) != 0 {
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, fmt.Sprintf("control task %s on bot %s is missing output for benchmark %s: workload(s) %v",
pair.control.taskID, pair.control.taskInfo.TaskResult.BotId, benchmarkSpec.Name, missingFromCtrl))
pairIsOk = false
if len(missingFromTrt) != 0 {
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, fmt.Sprintf("treatment task %s on bot %s is missing output for benchmark %s workload(s) %v",
pair.treatment.taskID, pair.treatment.taskInfo.TaskResult.BotId, benchmarkSpec.Name, missingFromTrt))
pairIsOk = false
if !pairIsOk {
controlTask, treatmentTask := pair.control, pair.treatment
runSpecName := pair.control.runConfig
buildSpecName := pair.control.buildConfig
for _, benchmarkSpec := range a.experimentSpec.GetAnalysis().GetBenchmark() {
cRes := controlTask.parsedResults[benchmarkSpec.GetName()]
tRes := treatmentTask.parsedResults[benchmarkSpec.GetName()]
for _, workloadName := range benchmarkSpec.GetWorkload() {
cValues := cRes.GetSampleValues(workloadName)
if len(cValues) == 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("control task %s is missing %q/%q or reported an empty list of samples", pair.control.taskID, benchmarkSpec.GetName(), workloadName)
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, msg)
tValues := tRes.GetSampleValues(workloadName)
if len(tValues) == 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("treatment task %s is missing %q/%q or reported an empty list of samples", pair.control.taskID, benchmarkSpec.GetName(), workloadName)
a.diagnostics.excludeReplica(replicaNumber, pair, msg)
a.diagnostics.includeReplica(replicaNumber, pair)
cMean := stat.Mean(cValues)
tMean := stat.Mean(tValues)
if tMean <= 0.0 || cMean <= 0.0 {
sklog.Infof("detected values less than or equal to zero in measurement data, using NomralizeResult instead of LogTransform")
transformType = cabe_stats.NormalizeResult
benchmark = append(benchmark, benchmarkSpec.GetName())
workload = append(workload, workloadName)
buildspec = append(buildspec, buildSpecName)
runspec = append(runspec, runSpecName)
replicas = append(replicas, replicaNumber)
control = append(control, cMean)
treatment = append(treatment, tMean)
// Group control/treatment pairs by [benchmark, workload, buildspec, runspec], aggregated over [replicas]
// such that we end up with a map of [benchmark, workload, buildspec, runspec] to lists of [control, treatment] ordered by replica number within the lists
type groupKey struct{ benchmark, workload, buildspec, runspec string }
type tcPair struct{ control, treatment float64 }
aggregateOverReplicas := map[groupKey]map[int]*tcPair{}
for i, replicaNumber := range replicas {
gk := groupKey{benchmark[i], workload[i], buildspec[i], runspec[i]}
tcps := aggregateOverReplicas[gk]
if tcps == nil {
tcps = map[int]*tcPair{}
aggregateOverReplicas[gk] = tcps
if tcps[replicaNumber] != nil {
return res, fmt.Errorf("should not have a treatment/control pair aggregate for replica %d yet", replicaNumber)
tcps[replicaNumber] = &tcPair{control: control[i], treatment: treatment[i]}
for gk, tcps := range aggregateOverReplicas {
ctrls, trts := []float64{}, []float64{}
for _, tcp := range tcps {
ctrls = append(ctrls, tcp.control)
trts = append(trts, tcp.treatment)
r, err := cabe_stats.BerfWilcoxonSignedRankedTest(trts, ctrls, cabe_stats.TwoSided, transformType)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("cabe_stats.BerfWilcoxonSignedRankedTest returned an error (%q), "+
"printing the table of parameters passed to it below:",
return res, errors.Wrap(err, "problem reported by cabe_stats.BerfWilcoxonSignedRankedTest")
res = append(res, Results{
Benchmark: gk.benchmark,
WorkLoad: gk.workload,
BuildConfig: gk.buildspec,
RunConfig: gk.runspec,
Statistics: r,
a.results = res
return res, nil
// RunChecker verifies some assumptions we need to make about the experiment data input for
// our analyses.
func (a *Analyzer) RunChecker(ctx context.Context, c Checker) error {
allTaskInfos, err := a.readSwarmingTasks(ctx, a.pinpointJobID)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, taskInfo := range allTaskInfos {
processedTasks, err := a.processPinpointTryjobTasks(allTaskInfos)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("RunChecker: processPinpointTryjobTasks returned %v", err)
return err
err = a.extractTaskOutputs(ctx, processedTasks)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("RunChecker: extractTaskOutputs returned %v", err)
return err
pairs, err := processedTasks.pairedTasks(a.diagnostics.ExcludedSwarmingTasks)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("RunChecker: processedTasks.pairedTasks() returned %v", err)
return err
if a.experimentSpec == nil {
ieSpec, err := a.inferExperimentSpec(pairs)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("while trying to infer experiment spec: %v", err)
return err
a.experimentSpec = ieSpec
for _, taskInfo := range allTaskInfos {
c.CheckArmComparability(processedTasks.control, processedTasks.treatment)
return nil
func (a *Analyzer) inferExperimentSpec(pairs []pairedTasks) (*cpb.ExperimentSpec, error) {
controlTaskResults, treatmentTaskResults := []map[string]perfresults.PerfResults{}, []map[string]perfresults.PerfResults{}
controlArmSpecs, treatmentArmSpecs := []*cpb.ArmSpec{}, []*cpb.ArmSpec{}
for replicaNumber, pair := range pairs {
if pair.hasTaskFailures() {
sklog.Infof("excluding replica %d from spec inference because it contains failures", replicaNumber)
controlTaskResults = append(controlTaskResults, pair.control.parsedResults)
treatmentTaskResults = append(treatmentTaskResults, pair.treatment.parsedResults)
cSpec, err := inferArmSpec(pair.control.taskInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
controlArmSpecs = append(controlArmSpecs, cSpec)
tSpec, err := inferArmSpec(pair.treatment.taskInfo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
treatmentArmSpecs = append(treatmentArmSpecs, tSpec)
experimentSpec, err := inferExperimentSpec(controlArmSpecs, treatmentArmSpecs, controlTaskResults, treatmentTaskResults)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return experimentSpec, nil
func (a *Analyzer) extractTaskOutputs(ctx context.Context, processedArms *processedExperimentTasks) error {
// This is currently un-sliced. As in, it lumps all runconfigs together. This is fine if you only
// have one runconfig (say, you only asked to analyze Mac results).
// TODO(seanmccullough): add slicing, which will nest the code below inside an iterator over the slices.
// Fetch outputs from control and treatment arms in parallel since there is no data dependency between them.
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
g.Go(func() error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Analyzer_extractTaskOutputs_control")
defer span.End()
controlDigests := map[int]*apipb.CASReference{}
for n, t := range processedArms.control.tasks {
if t.taskInfo.TaskResult.State != apipb.TaskState_COMPLETED {
controlDigests[n] = t.taskInfo.TaskResult.CasOutputRoot
controlReplicaOutputs, err := a.fetchOutputsFromReplicas(ctx, controlDigests)
if err != nil {
return err
for replica, results := range controlReplicaOutputs {
processedArms.control.tasks[replica].parsedResults = results
return nil
g.Go(func() error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Analyzer_extractTaskOutputs_treatment")
defer span.End()
treatmentDigests := map[int]*apipb.CASReference{}
for n, t := range processedArms.treatment.tasks {
if t.taskInfo.TaskResult.State != apipb.TaskState_COMPLETED {
treatmentDigests[n] = t.taskInfo.TaskResult.CasOutputRoot
treatmentReplicaOutputs, err := a.fetchOutputsFromReplicas(ctx, treatmentDigests)
if err != nil {
return err
for replica, results := range treatmentReplicaOutputs {
processedArms.treatment.tasks[replica].parsedResults = results
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// returns a slice of maps of perfresults.PerfResults files keyed by benchmark name.
func (a *Analyzer) fetchOutputsFromReplicas(ctx context.Context, outputs map[int]*apipb.CASReference) (map[int]map[string]perfresults.PerfResults, error) {
ret := make(map[int]map[string]perfresults.PerfResults, len(outputs))
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
if len(outputs) > maxReadCASPoolWorkers {
} else {
retMu := &sync.Mutex{}
for replica, casRef := range outputs {
replica := replica
casRef := casRef
g.Go(func() error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "Analyzer_fetchOutputsFromReplicas_readOutput")
defer span.End()
if casRef.Digest == nil {
sklog.Error("missing CAS reference for replica %d", replica)
return fmt.Errorf("missing CAS reference for replica %d", replica)
casDigest, err := digest.New(casRef.Digest.Hash, casRef.Digest.SizeBytes)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("digest.New: %v", err)
return err
span.AddAttributes(trace.StringAttribute("digest", casDigest.String()))
res, err := a.readCAS(ctx, casRef.CasInstance, casDigest.String())
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("e.readCAS: %v", err)
return err
defer retMu.Unlock()
ret[replica] = res
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("fetchOutputsFromReplicas: %v", err)
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// Split apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponses into experiment arms and pair tasks according to how they should be
// compared in the analysis/hypothesis testing phase.
// The slice of tasks should be a complete list of all the tasks for an experiment, and they should
// all have completed executing successfully.
func (a *Analyzer) processPinpointTryjobTasks(tasks []*apipb.TaskRequestMetadataResponse) (*processedExperimentTasks, error) {
ret := &processedExperimentTasks{
treatment: &processedArmTasks{},
control: &processedArmTasks{},
buildTasks := map[string]*buildInfo{}
sklog.Infof("splitting %d swarming tasks into control and treatment arms", len(tasks))
for _, task := range tasks {
// First check if we have a build task. It doesn't run any benchmarks, but it does build the
// binaries for running benchmarks. So we need to keep track of it for BuildSpec details later.
buildInfo, err := buildInfoForTask(task)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("task.buildInfo(): %v", err)
a.diagnostics.excludeSwarmingTask(task, msg)
if buildInfo != nil {
buildTasks[task.TaskId] = buildInfo
// Just move on to processing the next task now that we know this was a build task.
// err should not be nil if the task is not a run task.
runInfo, err := runInfoForTask(task)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("runInfoForTask: %v", err)
a.diagnostics.excludeSwarmingTask(task, msg)
if task.TaskResult.State != apipb.TaskState_COMPLETED {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("task result is in state %q, not %q", task.TaskResult.State, taskCompletedState)
a.diagnostics.excludeSwarmingTask(task, msg)
} else {
// If it's not a build task, assume it's a test runner task.
// Get the CAS digest for the task output so we can fetch it later.
if task.TaskResult.CasOutputRoot == nil || task.TaskResult.CasOutputRoot.Digest == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("run task result missing CasOutputRoot: %+v", task)
t := &armTask{
taskID: task.TaskId,
resultOutput: task.TaskResult.CasOutputRoot,
buildInfo: buildInfo,
runConfig: runInfo.String(),
taskInfo: task,
// For pinpoint tryjobs, the following assumptions should hold true:
// treatment has a tag like "change:exp: chromium@d879632 + 0dd4ae0 (Variant: 1)"
// control has a tag like "change:base: chromium@d879632 (Variant: 0)"
change := pinpointChangeTagForTask(task)
if change == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing pinpoint change tag: %+v", task)
if strings.HasPrefix(change, "exp:") {
if ret.treatment.pinpointChangeTag == "" {
ret.treatment.pinpointChangeTag = change
if change != ret.treatment.pinpointChangeTag {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched change tag for treatment arm. Got %q but expected %q", change, ret.treatment.pinpointChangeTag)
ret.treatment.tasks = append(ret.treatment.tasks, t)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(change, "base:") {
if ret.control.pinpointChangeTag == "" {
ret.control.pinpointChangeTag = change
if change != ret.control.pinpointChangeTag {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched change tag for control arm. Got %q but expected %q", change, ret.control.pinpointChangeTag)
ret.control.tasks = append(ret.control.tasks, t)
} else if len(strings.Split(change, "@")) == 2 {
// This might be from a bisect job, where control and treatment are builds from two different commit positions on a main branch.
// TODO(seanmccullough): also check for "comparison_mode:performance" tags on these tasks.
parts := strings.Split(change, "@")
repo := parts[0]
cp := parts[1]
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported yet: changes that only identify repo and commit position: %v @ %v", repo, cp)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized change tag: %q", change)
return ret, nil