blob: 42d05d2ba977934f1a8c912acbc555e4303082d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package crd handles Managed Prometheus Custom Resource Definitions.
package crd
import (
// Rules Custom Resource representation.
// In theory we should be able to import this from the Managed Prometheus repo, but
// they don't currently provide a separate repo with just the json annotated structs.
type Rules struct {
Version string `yaml:"apiVersion"`
Kind string `yaml:"kind"`
MetaData MetaData `yaml:"metadata"`
Spec Spec `yaml:"spec"`
// MetaData for the Rules CRD.
type MetaData struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Namespace string `yaml:"namespace,omitempty"`
// Spec for parsing the yaml format of Prometheus alerts.
type Spec struct {
Groups []Group `yaml:"groups"`
// Group of Rules.
type Group struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Interval string `yaml:"interval"`
Rules []Rule `yaml:"rules"`
// Rule is a single Prometheus Alert.
type Rule struct {
Alert string `yaml:"alert"`
Expr string `yaml:"expr"`
Labels map[string]string `yaml:"labels"`
Annotations map[string]string `yaml:"annotations"`
// AddAbsentRules adds an `absent()` alert for each Rule, where possible.
func (r *Rules) AddAbsentRules() {
absentGroups := []Group{}
for _, g := range r.Spec.Groups {
rules := []Rule{}
for _, rule := range g.Rules {
equation, ignore := prom.EquationFromExpr(rule.Expr)
if ignore {
rules = append(rules, Rule{
Alert: "Absent",
Expr: fmt.Sprintf("absent(%s)", equation),
Labels: map[string]string{
"category": "infra",
"severify": "critical",
Annotations: map[string]string{
"abbr": rule.Alert,
"description": fmt.Sprintf("There is no data for the Alert: %q", rule.Alert),
absentGroups = append(absentGroups, Group{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("absent-%s", g.Name),
Interval: g.Interval,
Rules: rules,
r.Spec.Groups = append(r.Spec.Groups, absentGroups...)