blob: bee2bac0fff313b0b56d72ba93daa2b8dd66f1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package search2 encapsulates various queries we make against Gold's data. It is backed
// by the SQL database and aims to replace the current search package.
package search
import (
lru ""
ttlcache ""
type API interface {
// NewAndUntriagedSummaryForCL returns a summarized look at the new digests produced by a CL
// (that is, digests not currently on the primary branch for this grouping at all) as well as
// how many of the newly produced digests are currently untriaged.
NewAndUntriagedSummaryForCL(ctx context.Context, qCLID string) (NewAndUntriagedSummary, error)
// ChangelistLastUpdated returns the timestamp that the given CL was updated. It returns an
// error if the CL does not exist.
ChangelistLastUpdated(ctx context.Context, qCLID string) (time.Time, error)
// Search queries the current tile based on the parameters specified in
// the instance of the *query.Search.
Search(context.Context, *query.Search) (*frontend.SearchResponse, error)
// GetPrimaryBranchParamset returns all params that are on the most recent few tiles. If
// this is public view, it will only return the params on the traces which match the publicly
// visible rules.
GetPrimaryBranchParamset(ctx context.Context) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error)
// GetChangelistParamset returns all params that were produced by the given CL. If
// this is public view, it will only return the params on the traces which match the publicly
// visible rules.
GetChangelistParamset(ctx context.Context, crs, clID string) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error)
// GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests finds all untriaged digests at head and then tries to determine
// which commits first introduced those untriaged digests. It returns a list of commits or
// commit ranges that are believed to have caused those untriaged digests.
GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests(ctx context.Context, corpus string) (BlameSummaryV1, error)
// GetCluster returns all digests from the traces matching the various filters compared to
// all other digests in that set, so they can be drawn as a 2d cluster. This helps visualize
// patterns in the images, which can identify errors in triaging, among other things.
GetCluster(ctx context.Context, opts ClusterOptions) (frontend.ClusterDiffResult, error)
// GetCommitsInWindow returns the commits in the configured window.
GetCommitsInWindow(ctx context.Context) ([]frontend.Commit, error)
// GetDigestsForGrouping returns all digests that were produced in a given grouping in the most
// recent window of data.
GetDigestsForGrouping(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params) (frontend.DigestListResponse, error)
// GetDigestDetails returns information about the given digest as produced on the given
// grouping. If the CL and CRS are provided, it will include information specific to that CL.
GetDigestDetails(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, digest types.Digest, clID, crs string) (frontend.DigestDetails, error)
// GetDigestsDiff returns comparison and triage information about the left and right digest.
GetDigestsDiff(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, left, right types.Digest, clID, crs string) (frontend.DigestComparison, error)
// CountDigestsByTest summarizes the counts of digests according to some limited filtering
// and breaks it down by test.
CountDigestsByTest(ctx context.Context, q frontend.ListTestsQuery) (frontend.ListTestsResponse, error)
// ComputeGUIStatus looks at all visible traces at head and returns a summary of how many are
// untriaged for each corpus, as well as the most recent commit for which we have data.
ComputeGUIStatus(ctx context.Context) (frontend.GUIStatus, error)
// NewAndUntriagedSummary is a summary of the results associated with a given CL. It focuses on
// the untriaged and new images produced.
type NewAndUntriagedSummary struct {
// ChangelistID is the nonqualified id of the CL.
ChangelistID string
// PatchsetSummaries is a summary for all Patchsets for which we have data.
PatchsetSummaries []PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary
// LastUpdated returns the timestamp of the CL, which corresponds to the last datapoint for
// this CL.
LastUpdated time.Time
// Outdated is set to true if the value that was previously cached was out of date and is
// currently being recalculated. We do this to return something quickly to the user (even if
// something like the
Outdated bool
// PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary is the summary for a specific PS. It focuses on the untriaged
// and new images produced.
type PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary struct {
// NewImages is the number of new images (digests) that were produced by this patchset by
// non-ignored traces and not seen on the primary branch.
NewImages int
// NewUntriagedImages is the number of NewImages which are still untriaged. It is less than or
// equal to NewImages.
NewUntriagedImages int
// TotalUntriagedImages is the number of images produced by this patchset by non-ignored traces
// that are untriaged. This includes images that are untriaged and observed on the primary
// branch (i.e. might not be the fault of this CL/PS). It is greater than or equal to
// NewUntriagedImages.
TotalUntriagedImages int
// PatchsetID is the nonqualified id of the patchset. This is usually a git hash.
PatchsetID string
// PatchsetOrder is represents the chronological order the patchsets are in. It starts at 1.
PatchsetOrder int
type BlameSummaryV1 struct {
Ranges []BlameEntry
// BlameEntry represents a commit or range of commits that is responsible for some amount of
// untriaged digests. It allows us to identify potentially problematic commits and coordinate with
// the authors as necessary.
type BlameEntry struct {
// CommitRange is either a single commit id or two commit ids separated by a colon indicating
// a range. This string can be used as the "blame id" in the search.
CommitRange string
// TotalUntriagedDigests is the number of digests that are believed to be first untriaged
// in this commit range.
TotalUntriagedDigests int
// AffectedGroupings summarize the untriaged digests affected in the commit range.
AffectedGroupings []*AffectedGrouping
// Commits is one or two commits corresponding to the CommitRange.
Commits []frontend.Commit
type AffectedGrouping struct {
Grouping paramtools.Params
UntriagedDigests int
SampleDigest types.Digest
// groupingID is used as an intermediate step in combineIntoRanges, and to search by blame ID.
groupingID schema.MD5Hash
// traceIDsAndDigests is used to search by blame ID.
traceIDsAndDigests []traceIDAndDigest
type traceIDAndDigest struct {
id schema.TraceID
digest schema.DigestBytes
type ClusterOptions struct {
Grouping paramtools.Params
Filters paramtools.ParamSet
IncludePositiveDigests bool
IncludeNegativeDigests bool
IncludeUntriagedDigests bool
CodeReviewSystem string
ChangelistID string
PatchsetID string
const (
commitCacheSize = 5_000
optionsGroupingCacheSize = 50_000
traceCacheSize = 1_000_000
type Impl struct {
db *pgxpool.Pool
windowLength int
// Lets us create links from CL data to the Code Review System that produced it.
reviewSystemMapping map[string]string
// mutex protects the caches, e.g. digestsOnPrimary and publiclyVisibleTraces
mutex sync.RWMutex
// This caches the digests seen per grouping on the primary branch.
digestsOnPrimary map[groupingDigestKey]struct{}
// This caches the trace ids that are publicly visible.
publiclyVisibleTraces map[schema.MD5Hash]struct{}
// This caches the corpora names that are publicly visible.
publiclyVisibleCorpora map[string]struct{}
isPublicView bool
commitCache *lru.Cache
optionsGroupingCache *lru.Cache
traceCache *lru.Cache
paramsetCache *ttlcache.Cache
materializedViews map[string]bool
cacheManager *caching.SearchCacheManager
dbType config.DatabaseType
// New returns an implementation of API.
func New(sqlDB *pgxpool.Pool, windowLength int, cacheClient cache.Cache, cache_corpora []string) *Impl {
cc, err := lru.New(commitCacheSize)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should only happen if commitCacheSize is negative.
gc, err := lru.New(optionsGroupingCacheSize)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should only happen if optionsGroupingCacheSize is negative.
tc, err := lru.New(traceCacheSize)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // should only happen if traceCacheSize is negative.
pc := ttlcache.New(time.Minute, 10*time.Minute)
return &Impl{
db: sqlDB,
windowLength: windowLength,
digestsOnPrimary: map[groupingDigestKey]struct{}{},
commitCache: cc,
optionsGroupingCache: gc,
traceCache: tc,
paramsetCache: pc,
reviewSystemMapping: map[string]string{},
cacheManager: caching.New(cacheClient, sqlDB, cache_corpora, windowLength),
// SetDatabaseType sets the database type for the current configuration.
func (s *Impl) SetDatabaseType(dbType config.DatabaseType) {
s.dbType = dbType
// SetReviewSystemTemplates sets the URL templates that are used to link to the code review system.
// The Changelist ID will be substituted in using fmt.Sprintf and a %s placeholder.
func (s *Impl) SetReviewSystemTemplates(m map[string]string) {
s.reviewSystemMapping = m
type groupingDigestKey struct {
groupingID schema.MD5Hash
digest schema.MD5Hash
// StartCacheProcess loads the caches used for searching and starts a goroutine to keep those
// up to date.
func (s *Impl) StartCacheProcess(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration, commitsWithData int) error {
if err := s.updateCaches(ctx, commitsWithData); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "setting up initial cache values")
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, interval, func(ctx context.Context) {
err := s.updateCaches(ctx, commitsWithData)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Could not update caches: %s", err)
return nil
// updateCaches loads the digestsOnPrimary cache.
func (s *Impl) updateCaches(ctx context.Context, commitsWithData int) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_UpdateCaches", trace.WithSampler(trace.AlwaysSample()))
defer span.End()
tile, err := s.getStartingTile(ctx, commitsWithData)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "geting tile to search")
onPrimary, err := s.getDigestsOnPrimary(ctx, tile)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting digests on primary branch")
s.digestsOnPrimary = onPrimary
sklog.Infof("Digests on Primary cache refreshed with %d entries", len(onPrimary))
return nil
// getStartingTile returns the commit ID which is the beginning of the tile of interest (so we
// get enough data to do our comparisons).
func (s *Impl) getStartingTile(ctx context.Context, commitsWithDataToSearch int) (schema.TileID, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getStartingTile")
defer span.End()
if commitsWithDataToSearch <= 0 {
return 0, nil
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `SELECT tile_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC
LIMIT 1 OFFSET $1`, commitsWithDataToSearch)
var tileID int
if s.dbType == config.CockroachDB {
var lc pgtype.Int4
if err := row.Scan(&lc); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return 0, nil // not enough commits seen, so start at tile 0.
return 0, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting latest commit")
if lc.Status == pgtype.Null {
// There are no commits with data, so start at tile 0.
return 0, nil
tileID = int(lc.Int)
} else {
var lc pgtype.Int8
if err := row.Scan(&lc); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return 0, nil // not enough commits seen, so start at tile 0.
return 0, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting latest commit")
if lc.Status == pgtype.Null {
// There are no commits with data, so start at tile 0.
return 0, nil
tileID = int(lc.Int)
return schema.TileID(tileID), nil
// getDigestsOnPrimary returns a map of all distinct digests on the primary branch.
func (s *Impl) getDigestsOnPrimary(ctx context.Context, tile schema.TileID) (map[groupingDigestKey]struct{}, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDigestsOnPrimary")
defer span.End()
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, `
SELECT DISTINCT grouping_id, digest FROM
TiledTraceDigests WHERE tile_id >= $1`, tile)
if err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return map[groupingDigestKey]struct{}{}, nil
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
rv := map[groupingDigestKey]struct{}{}
var digest schema.DigestBytes
var grouping schema.GroupingID
var key groupingDigestKey
keyGrouping := key.groupingID[:]
keyDigest := key.digest[:]
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&grouping, &digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(keyGrouping, grouping)
copy(keyDigest, digest)
rv[key] = struct{}{}
return rv, nil
const (
unignoredRecentTracesView = "traces"
byBlameView = "byblame"
// StartMaterializedViews creates materialized views for non-ignored traces belonging to the
// given corpora. It starts a goroutine to keep these up to date.
func (s *Impl) StartMaterializedViews(ctx context.Context, corpora []string, updateInterval time.Duration) error {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "StartMaterializedViews", trace.WithSampler(trace.AlwaysSample()))
defer span.End()
if len(corpora) == 0 {
sklog.Infof("No materialized views configured")
return nil
sklog.Infof("Initializing materialized views")
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
var mutex sync.Mutex
s.materializedViews = map[string]bool{}
for _, c := range corpora {
corpus := c
eg.Go(func() error {
mvName, err := s.createUnignoredRecentTracesView(eCtx, corpus)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer mutex.Unlock()
s.materializedViews[mvName] = true
return nil
eg.Go(func() error {
mvName, err := s.createByBlameView(eCtx, corpus)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer mutex.Unlock()
s.materializedViews[mvName] = true
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "initializing materialized views %q", corpora)
sklog.Infof("Initialized %d materialized views", len(s.materializedViews))
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, updateInterval, func(ctx context.Context) {
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for v := range s.materializedViews {
view := v
eg.Go(func() error {
statement := `REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW ` + view
_, err := s.db.Exec(eCtx, statement)
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "updating %s", view)
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Could not refresh material views: %s", err)
return nil
func (s *Impl) createUnignoredRecentTracesView(ctx context.Context, corpus string) (string, error) {
mvName := "mv_" + corpus + "_" + unignoredRecentTracesView
statement += `
BeginningOfWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC
OFFSET ` + strconv.Itoa(s.windowLength-1) + ` LIMIT 1
SELECT trace_id, grouping_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN BeginningOfWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= BeginningOfWindow.commit_id
WHERE corpus = '` + corpus + `' AND matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement)
return mvName, skerr.Wrap(err)
func (s *Impl) createByBlameView(ctx context.Context, corpus string) (string, error) {
mvName := "mv_" + corpus + "_" + byBlameView
statement += `
BeginningOfWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC
OFFSET ` + strconv.Itoa(s.windowLength-1) + ` LIMIT 1
UntriagedDigests AS (
SELECT grouping_id, digest FROM Expectations
WHERE label = 'u'
UnignoredDataAtHead AS (
SELECT trace_id, grouping_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN BeginningOfWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= BeginningOfWindow.commit_id
WHERE matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE AND corpus = '` + corpus + `'
SELECT UnignoredDataAtHead.trace_id, UnignoredDataAtHead.grouping_id, UnignoredDataAtHead.digest FROM
JOIN UnignoredDataAtHead ON UntriagedDigests.grouping_id = UnignoredDataAtHead.grouping_id AND
UntriagedDigests.digest = UnignoredDataAtHead.digest
_, err := s.db.Exec(ctx, statement)
return mvName, skerr.Wrap(err)
// getMaterializedView returns the name of the materialized view if it has been created, or empty
// string if there is not such a view.
func (s *Impl) getMaterializedView(viewName, corpus string) string {
if len(s.materializedViews) == 0 {
return ""
mv := "mv_" + corpus + "_" + viewName
if s.materializedViews[mv] {
return mv
return ""
// StartApplyingPublicParams loads the cached set of traces which are publicly visible and then
// starts a goroutine to update this cache as per the provided interval.
func (s *Impl) StartApplyingPublicParams(ctx context.Context, matcher publicparams.Matcher, interval time.Duration) error {
_, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "StartApplyingPublicParams", trace.WithSampler(trace.AlwaysSample()))
defer span.End()
s.isPublicView = true
cycle := func(ctx context.Context) error {
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, `SELECT trace_id, keys FROM Traces AS OF SYSTEM TIME '-0.1s'`)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
publiclyVisibleCorpora := map[string]struct{}{}
publiclyVisibleTraces := map[schema.MD5Hash]struct{}{}
var yes struct{}
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var traceID schema.TraceID
var keys paramtools.Params
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &keys); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if matcher.Matches(keys) {
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey] = yes
publiclyVisibleCorpora[keys[types.CorpusField]] = yes
defer s.mutex.Unlock()
s.publiclyVisibleTraces = publiclyVisibleTraces
s.publiclyVisibleCorpora = publiclyVisibleCorpora
return nil
if err := cycle(ctx); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "initializing cache of visible traces")
sklog.Infof("Successfully initialized visible trace cache.")
go util.RepeatCtx(ctx, interval, func(ctx context.Context) {
err := cycle(ctx)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Could not update map of public traces: %s", err)
return nil
// NewAndUntriagedSummaryForCL queries all the patchsets in parallel (to keep the query less
// complex). If there are no patchsets for the provided CL, it returns an error.
func (s *Impl) NewAndUntriagedSummaryForCL(ctx context.Context, qCLID string) (NewAndUntriagedSummary, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_NewAndUntriagedSummaryForCL")
defer span.End()
patchsets, err := s.getPatchsets(ctx, qCLID)
if err != nil {
return NewAndUntriagedSummary{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if len(patchsets) == 0 {
return NewAndUntriagedSummary{}, skerr.Fmt("CL %q not found", qCLID)
eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
rv := make([]PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary, len(patchsets))
for i, p := range patchsets {
idx, ps := i, p
eg.Go(func() error {
sum, err := s.getSummaryForPS(ctx, qCLID,
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
sum.PatchsetID = sql.Unqualify(
sum.PatchsetOrder = ps.order
rv[idx] = sum
return nil
var updatedTS time.Time
eg.Go(func() error {
var err error
updatedTS, err = s.ChangelistLastUpdated(ctx, qCLID)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return NewAndUntriagedSummary{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Getting counts for CL %q and %d PS", qCLID, len(patchsets))
return NewAndUntriagedSummary{
ChangelistID: sql.Unqualify(qCLID),
PatchsetSummaries: rv,
LastUpdated: updatedTS.UTC(),
}, nil
type psIDAndOrder struct {
id string
order int
// getPatchsets returns the qualified ids and orders of the patchsets sorted by ps_order.
func (s *Impl) getPatchsets(ctx context.Context, qualifiedID string) ([]psIDAndOrder, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getPatchsets")
defer span.End()
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, `SELECT patchset_id, ps_order
FROM Patchsets WHERE changelist_id = $1 ORDER BY ps_order ASC`, qualifiedID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting summary for cl %q", qualifiedID)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []psIDAndOrder
for rows.Next() {
var row psIDAndOrder
if err := rows.Scan(&, &row.order); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv = append(rv, row)
return rv, nil
// getSummaryForPS looks at all the data produced for a given PS and returns the a summary of the
// newly produced digests and untriaged digests.
func (s *Impl) getSummaryForPS(ctx context.Context, clid, psID string) (PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getSummaryForPS")
defer span.End()
const statement = `WITH
CLDigests AS (
SELECT secondary_branch_trace_id, digest, grouping_id
FROM SecondaryBranchValues
WHERE branch_name = $1 and version_name = $2
NonIgnoredCLDigests AS (
-- We only want to count a digest once per grouping, no matter how many times it shows up
-- because group those together (by trace) in the frontend UI.
SELECT DISTINCT digest, CLDigests.grouping_id
FROM CLDigests
JOIN Traces
ON secondary_branch_trace_id = trace_id
WHERE Traces.matches_any_ignore_rule = False
CLExpectations AS (
SELECT grouping_id, digest, label
FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE branch_name = $1
LabeledDigests AS (
SELECT NonIgnoredCLDigests.grouping_id, NonIgnoredCLDigests.digest, COALESCE(CLExpectations.label, COALESCE(Expectations.label, 'u')) as label
FROM NonIgnoredCLDigests
LEFT JOIN Expectations
ON NonIgnoredCLDigests.grouping_id = Expectations.grouping_id AND
NonIgnoredCLDigests.digest = Expectations.digest
LEFT JOIN CLExpectations
ON NonIgnoredCLDigests.grouping_id = CLExpectations.grouping_id AND
NonIgnoredCLDigests.digest = CLExpectations.digest
SELECT * FROM LabeledDigests;`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, clid, psID)
if err != nil {
return PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting summary for ps %q in cl %q", psID, clid)
defer rows.Close()
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
var digest schema.DigestBytes
var grouping schema.GroupingID
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
var key groupingDigestKey
keyGrouping := key.groupingID[:]
keyDigest := key.digest[:]
var rv PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&grouping, &digest, &label); err != nil {
return PatchsetNewAndUntriagedSummary{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(keyGrouping, grouping)
copy(keyDigest, digest)
_, isExisting := s.digestsOnPrimary[key]
if !isExisting {
if label == schema.LabelUntriaged {
if !isExisting {
return rv, nil
// ChangelistLastUpdated implements the API interface.
func (s *Impl) ChangelistLastUpdated(ctx context.Context, qCLID string) (time.Time, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_ChangelistLastUpdated")
defer span.End()
var updatedTS time.Time
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `WITH
LastSeenData AS (
SELECT last_ingested_data as ts FROM Changelists
WHERE changelist_id = $1
LatestTriageAction AS (
SELECT triage_time as ts FROM ExpectationRecords
WHERE branch_name = $1
ORDER BY triage_time DESC LIMIT 1
SELECT ts FROM LastSeenData
SELECT ts FROM LatestTriageAction
`, qCLID)
if err := row.Scan(&updatedTS); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return time.Time{}, nil
return time.Time{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Getting last updated ts for cl %q", qCLID)
return updatedTS.UTC(), nil
// Search implements the SearchAPI interface.
func (s *Impl) Search(ctx context.Context, q *query.Search) (*frontend.SearchResponse, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_Search")
defer span.End()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.QueryKey, *q)
ctx, err := s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if q.ChangelistID != "" {
if q.CodeReviewSystemID == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Code Review System (crs) must be specified")
return s.searchCLData(ctx)
commits, err := s.getCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Find all digests and traces that match the given search criteria.
// This will be filtered according to the publiclyAllowedParams as well.
traceDigests, err := s.getMatchingDigestsAndTraces(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if len(traceDigests) == 0 {
return &frontend.SearchResponse{
Commits: commits,
}, nil
// Lookup the closest diffs to the given digests. This returns a subset according to the
// limit and offset in the query.
closestDiffs, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, err := s.getClosestDiffs(ctx, traceDigests)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Go fetch history and paramset (within this grouping, and respecting publiclyAllowedParams).
paramsetsByDigest, err := s.getParamsetsForRightSide(ctx, closestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Flesh out the trace history with enough data to draw the dots diagram on the frontend.
results, err := s.fillOutTraceHistory(ctx, closestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Populate the LabelBefore fields of the extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos with expectations from
// the primary branch.
if err := s.populateLabelBefore(ctx, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Fill in the paramsets of the reference images.
for _, sr := range results {
for _, srdd := range sr.RefDiffs {
if srdd != nil {
srdd.ParamSet = paramsetsByDigest[srdd.Digest]
// Populate the optionsIDs fields of each extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo.
if err := s.populateExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosOptionsIDs(ctx, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
bulkTriageDeltaInfos, err := s.prepareExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosForFrontend(ctx, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &frontend.SearchResponse{
Results: results,
Offset: q.Offset,
Size: len(extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos),
BulkTriageDeltaInfos: bulkTriageDeltaInfos,
Commits: commits,
}, nil
// addCommitsData finds the current sliding window of data (The last N commits) and adds the
// derived data to the given context and returns it.
func (s *Impl) addCommitsData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
return common.AddCommitsData(ctx, s.db, s.windowLength)
type digestWithTraceAndGrouping struct {
traceID schema.TraceID
groupingID schema.GroupingID
digest schema.DigestBytes
// optionsID will be set for CL data only; for primary data we have to look it up from a
// different table and the options could change over time.
optionsID schema.OptionsID
// getMatchingDigestsAndTraces returns the tuples of digest+traceID that match the given query.
// The order of the result is arbitrary.
func (s *Impl) getMatchingDigestsAndTraces(ctx context.Context) ([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getMatchingDigestsAndTraces")
defer span.End()
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
corpus := q.TraceValues[types.CorpusField][0]
if corpus == "" {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("must specify corpus in search of left side.")
if q.BlameGroupID != "" {
results, err := s.getTracesForBlame(ctx, corpus, q.BlameGroupID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "searching for blame %q in corpus %q", q.BlameGroupID, corpus)
return results, nil
statement := `WITH
MatchingDigests AS (
SELECT grouping_id, digest FROM Expectations
WHERE label = ANY($1)
tracesBlock, args := s.matchingTracesStatement(ctx)
statement += tracesBlock
statement += `
SELECT trace_id, MatchingDigests.grouping_id, MatchingTraces.digest FROM
MatchingTraces ON MatchingDigests.grouping_id = MatchingTraces.grouping_id AND
MatchingDigests.digest = MatchingTraces.digest`
var triageStatuses []schema.ExpectationLabel
if q.IncludeUntriagedDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelUntriaged)
if q.IncludeNegativeDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelNegative)
if q.IncludePositiveDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelPositive)
arguments := append([]interface{}{triageStatuses}, args...)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, arguments...)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "searching for query %v with args %v", q, arguments)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for rows.Next() {
var row digestWithTraceAndGrouping
if err := rows.Scan(&row.traceID, &row.groupingID, &row.digest); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.publiclyVisibleTraces != nil {
copy(traceKey[:], row.traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; !ok {
rv = append(rv, row)
return rv, nil
// getTracesForBlame returns the traces that match the given blameID. It mirrors the behavior of
// method GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests. See function combineIntoRanges for details.
func (s *Impl) getTracesForBlame(ctx context.Context, corpus string, blameID string) ([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTracesForBlame")
defer span.End()
// Find untriaged digests at head and the traces that produced them.
tracesByDigest, err := s.getTracesWithUntriagedDigestsAtHead(ctx, corpus)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.isPublicView {
tracesByDigest = s.applyPublicFilter(ctx, tracesByDigest)
var traces []schema.TraceID
for _, xt := range tracesByDigest {
traces = append(traces, xt...)
if len(traces) == 0 {
return nil, nil // No data, we can stop here
ctx, err = s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Return the trace histories for those traces, as well as a mapping of the unique
// digest+grouping pairs in order to get expectations.
histories, _, err := s.getHistoriesForTraces(ctx, tracesByDigest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Expand grouping_ids into full params.
groupings, err := s.expandGroupings(ctx, tracesByDigest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
commits, err := s.getCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Look at trace histories and identify ranges of commits that caused us to go from drawing
// triaged digests to untriaged digests.
ranges := combineIntoRanges(ctx, histories, groupings, commits)
var rv []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
for _, r := range ranges {
if r.CommitRange == blameID {
for _, ag := range r.AffectedGroupings {
for _, traceIDAndDigest := range ag.traceIDsAndDigests {
rv = append(rv, digestWithTraceAndGrouping{
groupingID: ag.groupingID[:],
digest: traceIDAndDigest.digest,
return rv, nil
type filterSets struct {
key string
values []string
// matchingTracesStatement returns a SQL snippet that includes a WITH table called MatchingTraces.
// This table will have rows containing trace_id, grouping_id, and digest of traces that match
// the given search criteria. The second parameter is the arguments that need to be included
// in the query. This code knows to start using numbered parameters at 2.
func (s *Impl) matchingTracesStatement(ctx context.Context) (string, []interface{}) {
var keyFilters []filterSets
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
for key, values := range q.TraceValues {
if key == types.CorpusField {
if key != sql.Sanitize(key) {
sklog.Infof("key %q did not pass sanitization", key)
keyFilters = append(keyFilters, filterSets{key: key, values: values})
ignoreStatuses := []bool{false}
if q.IncludeIgnoredTraces {
ignoreStatuses = append(ignoreStatuses, true)
corpus := sql.Sanitize(q.TraceValues[types.CorpusField][0])
materializedView := s.getMaterializedView(unignoredRecentTracesView, corpus)
if q.OnlyIncludeDigestsProducedAtHead {
if len(keyFilters) == 0 {
if materializedView != "" && !q.IncludeIgnoredTraces {
return "MatchingTraces AS (SELECT * FROM " + materializedView + ")", nil
// Corpus is being used as a string
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx), ignoreStatuses, corpus}
return `
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT trace_id, grouping_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
WHERE most_recent_commit_id >= $2 AND
matches_any_ignore_rule = ANY($3) AND
corpus = $4
)`, args
if materializedView != "" && !q.IncludeIgnoredTraces {
return joinedTracesStatement(keyFilters, corpus) + `
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT JoinedTraces.trace_id, grouping_id, digest FROM ` + materializedView + `
JOIN JoinedTraces ON JoinedTraces.trace_id = ` + materializedView + `.trace_id
)`, nil
// Corpus is being used as a JSONB value here
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx), ignoreStatuses}
return joinedTracesStatement(keyFilters, corpus) + `
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT ValuesAtHead.trace_id, grouping_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN JoinedTraces ON ValuesAtHead.trace_id = JoinedTraces.trace_id
WHERE most_recent_commit_id >= $2 AND
matches_any_ignore_rule = ANY($3)
)`, args
} else {
if len(keyFilters) == 0 {
if materializedView != "" && !q.IncludeIgnoredTraces {
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstTileID(ctx)}
return `MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT DISTINCT TiledTraceDigests.trace_id, TiledTraceDigests.grouping_id, TiledTraceDigests.digest
FROM TiledTraceDigests
JOIN ` + materializedView + ` ON ` + materializedView + `.trace_id = TiledTraceDigests.trace_id
WHERE tile_id >= $2
)`, args
// Corpus is being used as a string
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx), ignoreStatuses, corpus, common.GetFirstTileID(ctx)}
return `
TracesOfInterest AS (
SELECT trace_id, grouping_id FROM ValuesAtHead
WHERE matches_any_ignore_rule = ANY($3) AND
most_recent_commit_id >= $2 AND
corpus = $4
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT DISTINCT TiledTraceDigests.trace_id, TracesOfInterest.grouping_id, TiledTraceDigests.digest
FROM TiledTraceDigests
JOIN TracesOfInterest ON TracesOfInterest.trace_id = TiledTraceDigests.trace_id
WHERE tile_id >= $5
`, args
if materializedView != "" && !q.IncludeIgnoredTraces {
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstTileID(ctx)}
return joinedTracesStatement(keyFilters, corpus) + `
TracesOfInterest AS (
SELECT JoinedTraces.trace_id, grouping_id FROM ` + materializedView + `
JOIN JoinedTraces ON JoinedTraces.trace_id = ` + materializedView + `.trace_id
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT DISTINCT TiledTraceDigests.trace_id, TracesOfInterest.grouping_id, TiledTraceDigests.digest
FROM TiledTraceDigests
JOIN TracesOfInterest on TracesOfInterest.trace_id = TiledTraceDigests.trace_id
WHERE tile_id >= $2
)`, args
// Corpus is being used as a JSONB value here
args := []interface{}{common.GetFirstTileID(ctx), ignoreStatuses}
return joinedTracesStatement(keyFilters, corpus) + `
TracesOfInterest AS (
SELECT Traces.trace_id, grouping_id FROM Traces
JOIN JoinedTraces ON Traces.trace_id = JoinedTraces.trace_id
WHERE matches_any_ignore_rule = ANY($3)
MatchingTraces AS (
SELECT DISTINCT TiledTraceDigests.trace_id, TracesOfInterest.grouping_id, TiledTraceDigests.digest
FROM TiledTraceDigests
JOIN TracesOfInterest on TracesOfInterest.trace_id = TiledTraceDigests.trace_id
WHERE tile_id >= $2
)`, args
// joinedTracesStatement returns a SQL snippet that includes a WITH table called JoinedTraces.
// This table contains just the trace_ids that match the given filters. filters is expected to
// have keys which passed sanitization (it will sanitize the values). The snippet will include
// other tables that will be unioned and intersected to create the appropriate rows. This is
// similar to the technique we use for ignore rules, chosen to maximize consistent performance
// by using the inverted key index. The keys and values are hardcoded into the string instead
// of being passed in as arguments because kjlubick@ was not able to use the placeholder values
// to compare JSONB types removed from a JSONB object to a string while still using the indexes.
func joinedTracesStatement(filters []filterSets, corpus string) string {
statement := ""
for i, filter := range filters {
statement += fmt.Sprintf("U%d AS (\n", i)
for j, value := range filter.values {
if j != 0 {
statement += "\tUNION\n"
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE keys -> '%s' = '%q'\n", filter.key, sql.Sanitize(value))
statement += "),\n"
statement += "JoinedTraces AS (\n"
for i := range filters {
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM U%d\n\tINTERSECT\n", i)
// Include a final intersect for the corpus. The calling logic will make sure a JSONB value
// (i.e. a quoted string) is in the arguments slice.
statement += "\tSELECT trace_id FROM Traces where keys -> 'source_type' = '\"" + corpus + "\"'\n),\n"
return statement
type digestAndClosestDiffs struct {
leftDigest schema.DigestBytes
groupingID schema.GroupingID
rightDigests []schema.DigestBytes
traceIDs []schema.TraceID
optionsIDs []schema.OptionsID // will be set for CL data only
closestDigest *frontend.SRDiffDigest // These won't have ParamSets yet
closestPositive *frontend.SRDiffDigest
closestNegative *frontend.SRDiffDigest
// extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo extends the frontend.BulkTriageDeltaInfo struct with the information
// needed to populate the LabelBefore field in a separate SQL query.
type extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo struct {
traceIDs []schema.TraceID
groupingID schema.GroupingID
digest schema.DigestBytes
optionsIDs []schema.OptionsID // Will be set for CL data only.
// getClosestDiffs returns information about the closest triaged digests for each result in the
// input. We are able to batch the queries by grouping and do so for better performance.
// While this returns a subset of data as defined by the query, it also returns sufficient
// information to bulk-triage all of the inputs. Note that this function does not populate the
// LabelBefore fields of the returned extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo structs; these need to be
// populated by the caller.
func (s *Impl) getClosestDiffs(ctx context.Context, inputs []digestWithTraceAndGrouping) ([]digestAndClosestDiffs, []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getClosestDiffs")
defer span.End()
byGrouping := map[schema.MD5Hash][]digestWithTraceAndGrouping{}
// Even if two groupings draw the same digest, we want those as two different results because
// they could be triaged differently.
byDigestAndGrouping := map[groupingDigestKey]digestAndClosestDiffs{}
var mutex sync.Mutex
for _, input := range inputs {
gID := sql.AsMD5Hash(input.groupingID)
byGrouping[gID] = append(byGrouping[gID], input)
key := groupingDigestKey{
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(input.digest),
groupingID: sql.AsMD5Hash(input.groupingID),
bd := byDigestAndGrouping[key]
bd.leftDigest = input.digest
bd.groupingID = input.groupingID
bd.traceIDs = append(bd.traceIDs, input.traceID)
if input.optionsID != nil {
bd.optionsIDs = append(bd.optionsIDs, input.optionsID)
byDigestAndGrouping[key] = bd
// Look up the diffs in parallel by grouping, as we only want to compare the images to other
// images produced by traces in the same grouping.
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for g, i := range byGrouping {
groupingID, inputs := g, i
eg.Go(func() error {
// Aggregate and deduplicate digests from the stage one results.
digests := make([]schema.DigestBytes, 0, len(inputs))
duplicates := map[schema.MD5Hash]bool{}
var key schema.MD5Hash
for _, input := range inputs {
copy(key[:], input.digest)
if duplicates[key] {
duplicates[key] = true
digests = append(digests, input.digest)
resultsByDigest, err := s.getDiffsForGrouping(eCtx, groupingID, digests)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Combine those results into our search results.
defer mutex.Unlock()
for key, diffs := range resultsByDigest {
// combine this map with the other
digestAndClosestDiffs := byDigestAndGrouping[key]
for _, srdd := range diffs {
digestBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(srdd.Digest)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
digestAndClosestDiffs.rightDigests = append(digestAndClosestDiffs.rightDigests, digestBytes)
if srdd.Status == expectations.Positive {
digestAndClosestDiffs.closestPositive = srdd
} else {
digestAndClosestDiffs.closestNegative = srdd
if digestAndClosestDiffs.closestNegative != nil && digestAndClosestDiffs.closestPositive != nil {
if digestAndClosestDiffs.closestPositive.CombinedMetric < digestAndClosestDiffs.closestNegative.CombinedMetric {
digestAndClosestDiffs.closestDigest = digestAndClosestDiffs.closestPositive
} else {
digestAndClosestDiffs.closestDigest = digestAndClosestDiffs.closestNegative
} else {
// there is only one type of diff, so it defaults to the closest.
digestAndClosestDiffs.closestDigest = srdd
byDigestAndGrouping[key] = digestAndClosestDiffs
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
var extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo
results := make([]digestAndClosestDiffs, 0, len(byDigestAndGrouping))
for _, s2 := range byDigestAndGrouping {
// Filter out any results without a closest triaged digest (if that option is selected).
if q.MustIncludeReferenceFilter && s2.closestDigest == nil {
grouping, err := s.expandGrouping(ctx, sql.AsMD5Hash(s2.groupingID))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
triageDeltaInfo := extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo{
// We do not populate the LabelBefore field, as that is the caller's responsibility.
// However, we will populate the ClosestDiffLabel field if there is a closest digest.
BulkTriageDeltaInfo: frontend.BulkTriageDeltaInfo{
Grouping: grouping,
Digest: types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(s2.leftDigest)),
traceIDs: s2.traceIDs,
groupingID: s2.groupingID,
digest: s2.leftDigest,
optionsIDs: s2.optionsIDs,
if s2.closestDigest != nil {
// Apply RGBA Filter here - if the closest digest isn't within range, we remove it.
maxDiff := util.MaxInt(s2.closestDigest.MaxRGBADiffs[:]...)
if maxDiff < q.RGBAMinFilter || maxDiff > q.RGBAMaxFilter {
closestLabel := s2.closestDigest.Status
triageDeltaInfo.ClosestDiffLabel = frontend.ClosestDiffLabel(closestLabel)
} else {
triageDeltaInfo.ClosestDiffLabel = frontend.ClosestDiffLabelNone
results = append(results, s2)
extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos = append(extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, triageDeltaInfo)
// Sort for determinism.
sort.Slice(extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, func(i, j int) bool {
groupIDComparison := bytes.Compare(extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[i].groupingID, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[j].groupingID)
return groupIDComparison < 0 || (groupIDComparison == 0 && extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[i].Digest < extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[j].Digest)
if q.Offset >= len(results) {
return nil, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, nil
sortAsc := q.Sort == query.SortAscending
sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
if results[i].closestDigest == nil && results[j].closestDigest != nil {
return true // sort results with no reference image to the top
if results[i].closestDigest != nil && results[j].closestDigest == nil {
return false
if (results[i].closestDigest == nil && results[j].closestDigest == nil) ||
results[i].closestDigest.CombinedMetric == results[j].closestDigest.CombinedMetric {
// Tiebreak using digest in ascending order, followed by groupingID.
c := bytes.Compare(results[i].leftDigest, results[j].leftDigest)
if c != 0 {
return c < 0
return bytes.Compare(results[i].groupingID, results[j].groupingID) < 0
if sortAsc {
return results[i].closestDigest.CombinedMetric < results[j].closestDigest.CombinedMetric
return results[i].closestDigest.CombinedMetric > results[j].closestDigest.CombinedMetric
if q.Limit <= 0 {
for i := range extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos {
extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[i].InCurrentSearchResultsPage = true
return results, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, nil
end := util.MinInt(len(results), q.Offset+q.Limit)
for i := q.Offset; i < end; i++ {
extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos[i].InCurrentSearchResultsPage = true
return results[q.Offset:end], extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, nil
// getDiffsForGrouping returns the closest positive and negative diffs for the provided digests
// in the given grouping.
func (s *Impl) getDiffsForGrouping(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.MD5Hash, leftDigests []schema.DigestBytes) (map[groupingDigestKey][]*frontend.SRDiffDigest, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDiffsForGrouping")
defer span.End()
rtv := common.GetQuery(ctx).RightTraceValues
digestsInGrouping, err := s.getDigestsForGrouping(ctx, groupingID[:], rtv)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
statement := `
PositiveOrNegativeDigests AS (
SELECT digest, label FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND (label = 'n' OR label = 'p')
ComparisonBetweenUntriagedAndObserved AS (
SELECT DiffMetrics.* FROM DiffMetrics
WHERE left_digest = ANY($2) AND right_digest = ANY($3)
-- This will return the right_digest with the smallest combined_metric for each left_digest + label
SELECT DISTINCT ON (left_digest, label)
label, left_digest, right_digest, num_pixels_diff, percent_pixels_diff, max_rgba_diffs,
combined_metric, dimensions_differ
JOIN PositiveOrNegativeDigests
ON ComparisonBetweenUntriagedAndObserved.right_digest = PositiveOrNegativeDigests.digest
ORDER BY left_digest, label, combined_metric ASC, max_channel_diff ASC, right_digest ASC
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, groupingID[:], leftDigests, digestsInGrouping)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
results := map[groupingDigestKey][]*frontend.SRDiffDigest{}
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
var row schema.DiffMetricRow
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&label, &row.LeftDigest, &row.RightDigest, &row.NumPixelsDiff,
&row.PercentPixelsDiff, &row.MaxRGBADiffs, &row.CombinedMetric,
&row.DimensionsDiffer); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
srdd := &frontend.SRDiffDigest{
Digest: types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(row.RightDigest)),
Status: label.ToExpectation(),
CombinedMetric: row.CombinedMetric,
DimDiffer: row.DimensionsDiffer,
MaxRGBADiffs: row.MaxRGBADiffs,
NumDiffPixels: row.NumPixelsDiff,
PixelDiffPercent: row.PercentPixelsDiff,
QueryMetric: row.CombinedMetric,
key := groupingDigestKey{
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(row.LeftDigest),
groupingID: groupingID,
results[key] = append(results[key], srdd)
return results, nil
// getDigestsForGrouping returns the digests that were produced in the given range by any traces
// which belong to the grouping and match the provided paramset (if provided). It returns digests
// from traces regardless of the traces' ignore statuses. As per usual with a ParamSet, we use
// a union on values associated with a given key and an intersect across multiple keys.
func (s *Impl) getDigestsForGrouping(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.GroupingID, traceKeys paramtools.ParamSet) ([]schema.DigestBytes, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDigestsForGrouping")
defer span.End()
tracesForGroup, err := s.getTracesForGroup(ctx, groupingID, traceKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
beginTile, endTile := common.GetFirstTileID(ctx), common.GetLastTileID(ctx)
tilesInRange := make([]schema.TileID, 0, endTile-beginTile+1)
for i := beginTile; i <= endTile; i++ {
tilesInRange = append(tilesInRange, i)
// See diff/worker for explanation of this faster query.
const statement = `
SELECT DISTINCT digest FROM TiledTraceDigests
WHERE tile_id = ANY($1) AND trace_id = ANY($2)`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, tilesInRange, tracesForGroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching digests")
defer rows.Close()
var rv []schema.DigestBytes
for rows.Next() {
var d schema.DigestBytes
if err := rows.Scan(&d); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv = append(rv, d)
return rv, nil
// getTracesForGroup returns all traces that match the given groupingID and the provided key/values
// in traceKeys, if any. It may return an error if traceKeys contains invalid characters that we
// cannot safely turn into a SQL query.
func (s *Impl) getTracesForGroup(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.GroupingID, traceKeys paramtools.ParamSet) ([]schema.TraceID, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTracesForGroup")
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num trace keys", int64(len(traceKeys))))
defer span.End()
statement, err := observedDigestsStatement(traceKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "Could not make valid query for %#v", traceKeys)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, groupingID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "fetching trace ids")
defer rows.Close()
var rv []schema.TraceID
for rows.Next() {
var t schema.TraceID
if err := rows.Scan(&t); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv = append(rv, t)
return rv, nil
// observedDigestsStatement returns a SQL query that returns all trace ids, regardless of ignore
// status, that matches the given paramset and belongs to the given grouping. We put the keys and
// values directly into the query because the pgx driver does not handle the placeholders well
// when used like key -> $2; it has a hard time deducing the appropriate types.
func observedDigestsStatement(ps paramtools.ParamSet) (string, error) {
if len(ps) == 0 {
return `SELECT trace_id FROM Traces
WHERE grouping_id = $1`, nil
statement := "WITH\n"
unionIndex := 0
keys := make([]string, 0, len(ps))
for key := range ps {
keys = append(keys, key)
sort.Strings(keys) // sort for determinism
for _, key := range keys {
if key != sql.Sanitize(key) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query key %q", key)
if unionIndex > 0 {
statement += ",\n"
statement += fmt.Sprintf("U%d AS (\n", unionIndex)
for j, value := range ps[key] {
if value != sql.Sanitize(value) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query value %q", value)
if j != 0 {
statement += "\tUNION\n"
// It is important to use -> and not --> to correctly make use of the keys index.
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE keys -> '%s' = '%q'\n", key, value)
statement += ")"
statement += "\n"
for i := 0; i < unionIndex; i++ {
statement += fmt.Sprintf("SELECT trace_id FROM U%d\nINTERSECT\n", i)
statement += `SELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE grouping_id = $1`
return statement, nil
// getParamsetsForRightSide fetches all the traces that produced the digests in the data and
// the keys for these traces as ParamSets. The ParamSets are mapped according to the digest
// which produced them in the given window (or the tiles that approximate this).
func (s *Impl) getParamsetsForRightSide(ctx context.Context, inputs []digestAndClosestDiffs) (map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getParamsetsForRightSide")
defer span.End()
digestToTraces, err := s.addRightTraces(ctx, inputs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
traceToOptions, err := s.getOptionsForTraces(ctx, digestToTraces)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv, err := s.expandTracesIntoParamsets(ctx, digestToTraces, traceToOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return rv, nil
// addRightTraces finds the traces that draw the given digests. We do not need to consider the
// ignore rules or other search constraints because those only apply to the search results
// (that is, the left side).
func (s *Impl) addRightTraces(ctx context.Context, inputs []digestAndClosestDiffs) (map[types.Digest][]schema.TraceID, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "addRightTraces")
defer span.End()
digestToTraces := map[types.Digest][]schema.TraceID{}
var mutex sync.Mutex
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
totalDigests := 0
for _, input := range inputs {
groupingID := input.groupingID
rightDigests := input.rightDigests
totalDigests += len(input.rightDigests)
eg.Go(func() error {
const statement = `SELECT DISTINCT encode(digest, 'hex') AS digest, trace_id
FROM TiledTraceDigests@grouping_digest_idx
WHERE digest = ANY($1) AND grouping_id = $2 AND tile_id >= $3
rows, err := s.db.Query(eCtx, statement, rightDigests, groupingID, common.GetFirstTileID(ctx))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
defer mutex.Unlock()
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for rows.Next() {
var digest types.Digest
var traceID schema.TraceID
if err := rows.Scan(&digest, &traceID); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.publiclyVisibleTraces != nil {
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; !ok {
digestToTraces[digest] = append(digestToTraces[digest], traceID)
return nil
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num_right_digests", int64(totalDigests)))
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return digestToTraces, nil
// getOptionsForTraces returns the most recent option map for each given trace.
func (s *Impl) getOptionsForTraces(ctx context.Context, digestToTraces map[types.Digest][]schema.TraceID) (map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getOptionsForTraces")
defer span.End()
byTrace := map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params{}
placeHolder := paramtools.Params{}
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for _, traces := range digestToTraces {
for _, traceID := range traces {
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
byTrace[traceKey] = placeHolder
// we now have a set of the traces we need to lookup
traceIDs := make([]schema.TraceID, 0, len(byTrace))
for trID := range byTrace {
traceIDs = append(traceIDs, sql.FromMD5Hash(trID))
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, options_id FROM ValuesAtHead
WHERE trace_id = ANY($1)`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, traceIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traceID schema.TraceID
var optionsID schema.OptionsID
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &optionsID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
opts, err := s.expandOptionsToParams(ctx, optionsID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
byTrace[traceKey] = opts
return byTrace, nil
// expandOptionsToParams returns the params that correspond to a given optionsID. The returned
// params should not be mutated, as it is not copied (for performance reasons).
func (s *Impl) expandOptionsToParams(ctx context.Context, optionsID schema.OptionsID) (paramtools.Params, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "expandOptionsToParams")
defer span.End()
if keys, ok := s.optionsGroupingCache.Get(string(optionsID)); ok {
return keys.(paramtools.Params), nil
// cache miss
const statement = `SELECT keys FROM Options WHERE options_id = $1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, optionsID)
var keys paramtools.Params
if err := row.Scan(&keys); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.optionsGroupingCache.Add(string(optionsID), keys)
return keys, nil
// expandTracesIntoParamsets effectively returns a map detailing "who drew a given digest?". This
// is done by looking up the keys associated with each trace and combining them.
func (s *Impl) expandTracesIntoParamsets(ctx context.Context, toLookUp map[types.Digest][]schema.TraceID, traceToOptions map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params) (map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "expandTracesIntoParamsets")
defer span.End()
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num_trace_sets", int64(len(toLookUp))))
rv := map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet{}
for digest, traces := range toLookUp {
paramset, err := s.lookupOrLoadParamSetFromCache(ctx, traces)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for _, traceID := range traces {
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
ps := traceToOptions[traceKey]
rv[digest] = paramset
return rv, nil
// lookupOrLoadParamSetFromCache takes a slice of traces and returns a ParamSet combining all their
// keys. It will use the traceCache or query the DB and fill the cache on a cache miss.
func (s *Impl) lookupOrLoadParamSetFromCache(ctx context.Context, traces []schema.TraceID) (paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "lookupOrLoadParamSetFromCache")
defer span.End()
paramset := paramtools.ParamSet{}
var cacheMisses []schema.TraceID
for _, traceID := range traces {
if keys, ok := s.traceCache.Get(string(traceID)); ok {
} else {
cacheMisses = append(cacheMisses, traceID)
if len(cacheMisses) > 0 {
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, keys FROM Traces WHERE trace_id = ANY($1)`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, cacheMisses)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traceID schema.TraceID
for rows.Next() {
var keys paramtools.Params
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &keys); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.traceCache.Add(string(traceID), keys)
return paramset, nil
// expandTraceToParams will return a traces keys from the cache. On a cache miss, it will look
// up the trace from the DB and add it to the cache.
func (s *Impl) expandTraceToParams(ctx context.Context, traceID schema.TraceID) (paramtools.Params, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "expandTraceToParams")
defer span.End()
if keys, ok := s.traceCache.Get(string(traceID)); ok {
return keys.(paramtools.Params).Copy(), nil // Return a copy to protect cached value
// cache miss
const statement = `SELECT keys FROM Traces WHERE trace_id = $1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, traceID)
var keys paramtools.Params
if err := row.Scan(&keys); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.traceCache.Add(string(traceID), keys)
return keys.Copy(), nil // Return a copy to protect cached value
// fillOutTraceHistory returns a slice of SearchResults that are mostly filled in, particularly
// including the history of the traces for each result.
func (s *Impl) fillOutTraceHistory(ctx context.Context, inputs []digestAndClosestDiffs) ([]*frontend.SearchResult, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "fillOutTraceHistory")
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("results", int64(len(inputs))))
defer span.End()
// Fill out these histories in parallel. We avoid race conditions by writing to a prescribed
// index in the results slice.
results := make([]*frontend.SearchResult, len(inputs))
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for i, j := range inputs {
idx, input := i, j
eg.Go(func() error {
sr := &frontend.SearchResult{
Digest: types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(input.leftDigest)),
RefDiffs: map[frontend.RefClosest]*frontend.SRDiffDigest{
frontend.PositiveRef: input.closestPositive,
frontend.NegativeRef: input.closestNegative,
if input.closestDigest != nil && input.closestDigest.Status == expectations.Positive {
sr.ClosestRef = frontend.PositiveRef
} else if input.closestDigest != nil && input.closestDigest.Status == expectations.Negative {
sr.ClosestRef = frontend.NegativeRef
tg, err := s.traceGroupForTraces(eCtx, input.traceIDs, input.optionsIDs, sr.Digest)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if err := s.fillInExpectations(eCtx, &tg, input.groupingID); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
th, err := s.getTriageHistory(eCtx, input.groupingID, input.leftDigest)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
sr.TriageHistory = th
if err := s.fillInTraceParams(eCtx, &tg); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
sr.TraceGroup = tg
if len(tg.Digests) > 0 {
// The first digest in the trace group is this digest.
sr.Status = tg.Digests[0].Status
} else {
// We assume untriaged if digest is not in the window.
sr.Status = expectations.Untriaged
if len(tg.Traces) > 0 {
// Grab the test name from the first trace, since we know all the traces are of
// the same grouping, which includes test name.
sr.Test = types.TestName(tg.Traces[0].Params[types.PrimaryKeyField])
leftPS := paramtools.ParamSet{}
for _, tr := range tg.Traces {
sr.ParamSet = leftPS
results[idx] = sr
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return results, nil
type traceDigestCommit struct {
commitID schema.CommitID
digest types.Digest
optionsID schema.OptionsID
// traceGroupForTraces gets all the history for a slice of traces within the given window and
// turns it into a format that the frontend can render. If latestOptions is provided, it is assumed
// to be a parallel slice to traceIDs - those options will be used as the options for each trace
// instead of the ones that were searched.
func (s *Impl) traceGroupForTraces(ctx context.Context, traceIDs []schema.TraceID, latestOptions []schema.OptionsID, primary types.Digest) (frontend.TraceGroup, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "traceGroupForTraces")
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num_traces", int64(len(traceIDs))))
defer span.End()
traceData := make(map[schema.MD5Hash][]traceDigestCommit, len(traceIDs))
// Make sure there's an entry for each trace. That way, even if the trace is not seen on
// the primary branch (e.g. newly added in a CL), we can show something for it.
for i := range traceIDs {
key := sql.AsMD5Hash(traceIDs[i])
traceData[key] = nil
if latestOptions != nil {
traceData[key] = append(traceData[key], traceDigestCommit{optionsID: latestOptions[i]})
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, commit_id, encode(digest, 'hex'), options_id
FROM TraceValues WHERE trace_id = ANY($1) AND commit_id >= $2
ORDER BY trace_id, commit_id`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, traceIDs, common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx))
if err != nil {
return frontend.TraceGroup{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var key schema.MD5Hash
var traceID schema.TraceID
for rows.Next() {
var row traceDigestCommit
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &row.commitID, &row.digest, &row.optionsID); err != nil {
return frontend.TraceGroup{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(key[:], traceID)
traceData[key] = append(traceData[key], row)
return makeTraceGroup(ctx, traceData, primary)
// fillInExpectations looks up all the expectations for the digests included in the given
// TraceGroup and updates the passed in TraceGroup directly.
func (s *Impl) fillInExpectations(ctx context.Context, tg *frontend.TraceGroup, groupingID schema.GroupingID) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "fillInExpectations")
defer span.End()
digests := make([]interface{}, 0, len(tg.Digests))
for _, digestStatus := range tg.Digests {
dBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(digestStatus.Digest)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("invalid digest: %s", digestStatus.Digest)
digests = append(digests, dBytes)
arguments := []interface{}{groupingID, digests}
statement := `
SELECT encode(digest, 'hex'), label FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 and digest = ANY($2)`
if qCLID := common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx); qCLID != "" {
// We use a full outer join to make sure we have the triage status from both tables
// (with the CL expectations winning if triaged in both places)
statement = `WITH
CLExpectations AS (
SELECT digest, label
FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE branch_name = $3 AND grouping_id = $1 AND digest = ANY($2)
PrimaryExpectations AS (
SELECT digest, label FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND digest = ANY($2)
SELECT encode(COALESCE(CLExpectations.digest, PrimaryExpectations.digest), 'hex'),
COALESCE(CLExpectations.label, COALESCE(PrimaryExpectations.label, 'u')) FROM
CLExpectations FULL OUTER JOIN PrimaryExpectations ON
CLExpectations.digest = PrimaryExpectations.digest`
arguments = append(arguments, qCLID)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, arguments...)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var digest types.Digest
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
if err := rows.Scan(&digest, &label); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
for i, ds := range tg.Digests {
if ds.Digest == digest {
tg.Digests[i].Status = label.ToExpectation()
return nil
func (s *Impl) getTriageHistory(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.GroupingID, digest schema.DigestBytes) ([]frontend.TriageHistory, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTriageHistory")
defer span.End()
qCLID := common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx)
const statement = `WITH
PrimaryRecord AS (
SELECT expectation_record_id FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND digest = $2
SecondaryRecord AS (
SELECT expectation_record_id FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND digest = $2 AND branch_name = $3
CombinedRecords AS (
SELECT expectation_record_id FROM PrimaryRecord
SELECT expectation_record_id FROM SecondaryRecord
SELECT user_name, triage_time FROM ExpectationRecords
JOIN CombinedRecords ON ExpectationRecords.expectation_record_id = CombinedRecords.expectation_record_id
ORDER BY triage_time DESC LIMIT 1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, groupingID, digest, qCLID)
var user string
var ts time.Time
if err := row.Scan(&user, &ts); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return nil, nil
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return []frontend.TriageHistory{{
User: user,
TS: ts.UTC(),
}}, nil
// fillInTraceParams looks up the keys (params) for each trace and fills them in on the passed in
// TraceGroup.
func (s *Impl) fillInTraceParams(ctx context.Context, tg *frontend.TraceGroup) error {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "fillInTraceParams")
defer span.End()
for i, tr := range tg.Traces {
traceID, err := hex.DecodeString(string(tr.ID))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrapf(err, "invalid trace id %q", tr.ID)
ps, err := s.expandTraceToParams(ctx, traceID)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
if tr.RawTrace.OptionsID != nil {
opts, err := s.expandOptionsToParams(ctx, tr.RawTrace.OptionsID)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
tg.Traces[i].Params = ps
tg.Traces[i].RawTrace = nil // Done with this temporary data.
return nil
// makeGroupingAndDigestWhereClause builds the part of a "WHERE" clause that filters by grouping ID
// and digest. It returns the SQL clause and a list of parameter values.
func makeGroupingAndDigestWhereClause(triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo, startingPlaceholderNum int) (string, []interface{}) {
var parts []string
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 2*len(triageDeltaInfos))
placeholderNum := startingPlaceholderNum
for _, bulkTriageDeltaInfo := range triageDeltaInfos {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("(grouping_id = $%d AND digest = $%d)", placeholderNum, placeholderNum+1))
args = append(args, bulkTriageDeltaInfo.groupingID, bulkTriageDeltaInfo.digest)
placeholderNum += 2
sort.Strings(parts) // Make the query string deterministic for easier debugging.
return strings.Join(parts, " OR "), args
// findPrimaryBranchLabels returns the primary branch labels for the digests corresponding to the
// passed in extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo structs.
func (s *Impl) findPrimaryBranchLabels(ctx context.Context, triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) (map[groupingDigestKey]schema.ExpectationLabel, error) {
labels := map[groupingDigestKey]schema.ExpectationLabel{}
if len(triageDeltaInfos) == 0 {
return labels, nil
whereClause, whereArgs := makeGroupingAndDigestWhereClause(triageDeltaInfos, 1)
statement := "SELECT grouping_id, digest, label FROM Expectations WHERE " + whereClause
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, whereArgs...)
if err != nil {
sklog.Warningf("Error for triage delta infos %+v", triageDeltaInfos)
return nil, skerr.Wrapf(err, "with statement %s", statement)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var groupingID schema.GroupingID
var digest schema.DigestBytes
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
if err := rows.Scan(&groupingID, &digest, &label); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
groupingID: sql.AsMD5Hash(groupingID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(digest),
}] = label
return labels, nil
// findSecondaryBranchLabels returns the primary branch labels for the digests corresponding to the
// passed in extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo structs.
func (s *Impl) findSecondaryBranchLabels(ctx context.Context, triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) (map[groupingDigestKey]schema.ExpectationLabel, error) {
labels := map[groupingDigestKey]schema.ExpectationLabel{}
if len(triageDeltaInfos) == 0 {
return labels, nil
whereClause, whereArgs := makeGroupingAndDigestWhereClause(triageDeltaInfos, 2)
statement := `
SELECT grouping_id,
FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE branch_name = $1 AND (` + whereClause + ")"
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, append([]interface{}{common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx)}, whereArgs...)...)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var groupingID schema.GroupingID
var digest schema.DigestBytes
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
if err := rows.Scan(&groupingID, &digest, &label); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
groupingID: sql.AsMD5Hash(groupingID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(digest),
}] = label
return labels, nil
// populateLabelBefore populates the LabelBefore field of each passed in
// extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo with expectations for the primary branch.
// It mirrors the verifyPrimaryBranchLabelBefore function in web.go
// (
func (s *Impl) populateLabelBefore(ctx context.Context, triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) error {
// Gather the relevant labels from the Expectations table.
primaryBranchLabels, err := s.findPrimaryBranchLabels(ctx, triageDeltaInfos)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Place extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos in a map for faster querying.
byKey := map[groupingDigestKey]*extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo{}
for i := range triageDeltaInfos {
groupingID: sql.AsMD5Hash(triageDeltaInfos[i].groupingID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(triageDeltaInfos[i].digest),
}] = &triageDeltaInfos[i]
for key, triageDeltaInfo := range byKey {
label, ok := primaryBranchLabels[key]
if !ok {
label = schema.LabelUntriaged
triageDeltaInfo.LabelBefore = label.ToExpectation()
return nil
// populateLabelBeforeForCL populates the LabelBefore field of each passed in
// extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo with expectations for a CL.
// It mirrors the verifySecondaryBranchLabelBefore function in web.go
// (
func (s *Impl) populateLabelBeforeForCL(ctx context.Context, triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) error {
// Gather the relevant labels from the Expectations table.
primaryBranchLabels, err := s.findPrimaryBranchLabels(ctx, triageDeltaInfos)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Gather the relevant labels from the SecondaryBranchExpectations table.
secondaryBranchLabels, err := s.findSecondaryBranchLabels(ctx, triageDeltaInfos)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// Place extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos in a map for faster querying.
byKey := map[groupingDigestKey]*extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo{}
for i := range triageDeltaInfos {
groupingID: sql.AsMD5Hash(triageDeltaInfos[i].groupingID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(triageDeltaInfos[i].digest),
}] = &triageDeltaInfos[i]
for key, triageDeltaInfo := range byKey {
label, ok := secondaryBranchLabels[key]
if !ok {
label, ok = primaryBranchLabels[key]
if !ok {
label = schema.LabelUntriaged
triageDeltaInfo.LabelBefore = label.ToExpectation()
return nil
type traceDigestKey struct {
traceID schema.MD5Hash
digest schema.MD5Hash
// populateExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosOptionsIDs populates the optionsIDs field of the given
// extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos.
func (s *Impl) populateExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosOptionsIDs(ctx context.Context, triageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) error {
// Map triageDeltaInfos by trace ID and digest for faster querying, and gather all trace IDs.
var allTraceIDs []schema.TraceID
triageDeltaInfosByTraceAndDigest := map[traceDigestKey]*extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo{}
for i := range triageDeltaInfos {
allTraceIDs = append(allTraceIDs, triageDeltaInfos[i].traceIDs...)
for _, traceID := range triageDeltaInfos[i].traceIDs {
key := traceDigestKey{
traceID: sql.AsMD5Hash(traceID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(triageDeltaInfos[i].digest),
triageDeltaInfosByTraceAndDigest[key] = &triageDeltaInfos[i]
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, digest, options_id FROM TraceValues
WHERE trace_id = ANY($1) AND commit_id >= $2`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, allTraceIDs, common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traceID schema.TraceID
var digest schema.DigestBytes
var optionsID schema.OptionsID
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &digest, &optionsID); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
key := traceDigestKey{
traceID: sql.AsMD5Hash(traceID),
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(digest),
if triageDeltaInfo, ok := triageDeltaInfosByTraceAndDigest[key]; ok {
triageDeltaInfo.optionsIDs = append(triageDeltaInfo.optionsIDs, optionsID)
return nil
// prepareExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosForFrontend turns extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo structs into
// frontend.BulkTriageDeltaInfo structs, and filters out those with disallow_triaging=true.
func (s *Impl) prepareExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosForFrontend(ctx context.Context, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos []extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfo) ([]frontend.BulkTriageDeltaInfo, error) {
// The frontend expects a non-null array.
bulkTriageDeltaInfos := []frontend.BulkTriageDeltaInfo{}
for _, triageDeltaInfo := range extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos {
disallowTriaging := false
for _, optionsID := range triageDeltaInfo.optionsIDs {
options, err := s.expandOptionsToParams(ctx, optionsID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if options["disallow_triaging"] == "true" {
disallowTriaging = true
if !disallowTriaging {
bulkTriageDeltaInfos = append(bulkTriageDeltaInfos, triageDeltaInfo.BulkTriageDeltaInfo)
return bulkTriageDeltaInfos, nil
// expandGrouping returns the params associated with the grouping id. It will use the cache - if
// there is a cache miss, it will look it up, add it to the cache and return it.
func (s *Impl) expandGrouping(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.MD5Hash) (paramtools.Params, error) {
var groupingKeys paramtools.Params
if gk, ok := s.optionsGroupingCache.Get(groupingID); ok {
return gk.(paramtools.Params), nil
} else {
const statement = `SELECT keys FROM Groupings WHERE grouping_id = $1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, groupingID[:])
if err := row.Scan(&groupingKeys); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.optionsGroupingCache.Add(groupingID, groupingKeys)
return groupingKeys, nil
// getCommits returns the front-end friendly version of the commits within the searched window.
func (s *Impl) getCommits(ctx context.Context) ([]frontend.Commit, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getCommits")
defer span.End()
rv := make([]frontend.Commit, common.GetActualWindowLength(ctx))
commitIDs := common.GetCommitToIdxMap(ctx)
for commitID, idx := range commitIDs {
var commit frontend.Commit
if c, ok := s.commitCache.Get(commitID); ok {
commit = c.(frontend.Commit)
} else {
if isStandardGitCommitID(commitID) {
const statement = `SELECT git_hash, commit_time, author_email, subject
FROM GitCommits WHERE commit_id = $1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, commitID)
var dbRow schema.GitCommitRow
if err := row.Scan(&dbRow.GitHash, &dbRow.CommitTime, &dbRow.AuthorEmail, &dbRow.Subject); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
commit = frontend.Commit{
CommitTime: dbRow.CommitTime.UTC().Unix(),
ID: string(commitID),
Hash: dbRow.GitHash,
Author: dbRow.AuthorEmail,
Subject: dbRow.Subject,
s.commitCache.Add(commitID, commit)
} else {
commit = frontend.Commit{
ID: string(commitID),
s.commitCache.Add(commitID, commit)
rv[idx] = commit
return rv, nil
// isStandardGitCommitID detects our standard commit ids for git repos (monotonically increasing
// integers). It returns false if that is not being used (e.g. for instances that don't use that
// as their ID)
func isStandardGitCommitID(id schema.CommitID) bool {
_, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(id), 10, 64)
return err == nil
// searchCLData returns the search response for the given CL's data (or an error if no such data
// exists). It reuses much of the same pipeline structure as the normal search, with a few key
// differences. It prepends the data to all traces, pretending as if the CL were to land and the
// new data would be drawn at ToT (this can be confusing for CLs which already landed).
func (s *Impl) searchCLData(ctx context.Context) (*frontend.SearchResponse, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "searchCLData")
defer span.End()
var err error
ctx, err = s.addCLData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
commits, err := s.getCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if commits, err = s.addCLCommit(ctx, commits); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Find all digests and traces that match the given search criteria.
// This will be filtered according to the publiclyAllowedParams as well.
traceDigests, err := s.getMatchingDigestsAndTracesForCL(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Lookup the closest diffs on the primary branch to the given digests. This returns a subset
// according to the limit and offset in the query.
// TODO(kjlubick) perhaps we want to include the digests produced by this CL/PS as well?
closestDiffs, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos, err := s.getClosestDiffs(ctx, traceDigests)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Go fetch history and paramset (within this grouping, and respecting publiclyAllowedParams).
paramsetsByDigest, err := s.getParamsetsForRightSide(ctx, closestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Flesh out the trace history with enough data to draw the dots diagram on the frontend.
results, err := s.fillOutTraceHistory(ctx, closestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Populate the LabelBefore fields of the extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos with expectations from
// the CL.
if err := s.populateLabelBeforeForCL(ctx, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Fill in the paramsets of the reference images.
for _, sr := range results {
for _, srdd := range sr.RefDiffs {
if srdd != nil {
srdd.ParamSet = paramsetsByDigest[srdd.Digest]
bulkTriageDeltaInfos, err := s.prepareExtendedBulkTriageDeltaInfosForFrontend(ctx, extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &frontend.SearchResponse{
Results: results,
Offset: common.GetQuery(ctx).Offset,
Size: len(extendedBulkTriageDeltaInfos),
BulkTriageDeltaInfos: bulkTriageDeltaInfos,
Commits: commits,
}, nil
// addCLData returns a context with some CL-specific data added as values. If the data can not be
// verified, an error is returned.
func (s *Impl) addCLData(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "addCLData")
defer span.End()
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
qCLID := sql.Qualify(q.CodeReviewSystemID, q.ChangelistID)
const statement = `SELECT patchset_id FROM Patchsets WHERE
changelist_id = $1 AND system = $2 AND ps_order = $3`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, qCLID, q.CodeReviewSystemID, q.Patchsets[0])
var qPSID string
if err := row.Scan(&qPSID); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("CL %q has no PS with order %d: %#v", qCLID, q.Patchsets[0], q)
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.QualifiedCLIDKey, qCLID)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.QualifiedPSIDKey, qPSID)
return ctx, nil
// addCLCommit adds a fake commit to the end of the trace data to represent the data for this CL.
func (s *Impl) addCLCommit(ctx context.Context, commits []frontend.Commit) ([]frontend.Commit, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "addCLCommit")
defer span.End()
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
urlTemplate, ok := s.reviewSystemMapping[q.CodeReviewSystemID]
if !ok {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("unknown CRS %s", q.CodeReviewSystemID)
qCLID := sql.Qualify(q.CodeReviewSystemID, q.ChangelistID)
const statement = `SELECT owner_email, subject, last_ingested_data FROM Changelists
WHERE changelist_id = $1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, qCLID)
var cl schema.ChangelistRow
if err := row.Scan(&cl.OwnerEmail, &cl.Subject, &cl.LastIngestedData); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return append(commits, frontend.Commit{
CommitTime: cl.LastIngestedData.UTC().Unix(),
Hash: q.ChangelistID,
Author: cl.OwnerEmail,
Subject: cl.Subject,
ChangelistURL: fmt.Sprintf(urlTemplate, q.ChangelistID),
}), nil
// getMatchingDigestsAndTracesForCL returns all data produced at the specified Changelist and
// Patchset that matches the provided query. One key difference from searching on the primary
// branch is the fact that the "AtHead" option is meaningless. Another is that we can filter out
// data seen on the primary branch. We have this as an in-memory cache because it is much much
// faster than querying it live (even with good indexing).
func (s *Impl) getMatchingDigestsAndTracesForCL(ctx context.Context) ([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getMatchingDigestsAndTracesForCL")
defer span.End()
q := common.GetQuery(ctx)
statement := `WITH
CLDigests AS (
SELECT secondary_branch_trace_id, digest, grouping_id, options_id
FROM SecondaryBranchValues
WHERE branch_name = $1 and version_name = $2
mt, err := matchingCLTracesStatement(q.TraceValues, q.IncludeIgnoredTraces)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
statement += mt
statement += `
MatchingCLDigests AS (
SELECT trace_id, digest, grouping_id, options_id
FROM CLDigests JOIN MatchingTraces
ON CLDigests.secondary_branch_trace_id = MatchingTraces.trace_id
CLExpectations AS (
SELECT grouping_id, digest, label
FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE branch_name = $1
SELECT trace_id, MatchingCLDigests.grouping_id, MatchingCLDigests.digest, options_id
FROM MatchingCLDigests
LEFT JOIN Expectations
ON MatchingCLDigests.grouping_id = Expectations.grouping_id AND
MatchingCLDigests.digest = Expectations.digest
LEFT JOIN CLExpectations
ON MatchingCLDigests.grouping_id = CLExpectations.grouping_id AND
MatchingCLDigests.digest = CLExpectations.digest
WHERE COALESCE(CLExpectations.label, COALESCE(Expectations.label, 'u')) = ANY($3)
var triageStatuses []schema.ExpectationLabel
if q.IncludeUntriagedDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelUntriaged)
if q.IncludeNegativeDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelNegative)
if q.IncludePositiveDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelPositive)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx), common.GetQualifiedPS(ctx), triageStatuses)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
var key groupingDigestKey
keyGrouping := key.groupingID[:]
keyDigest := key.digest[:]
for rows.Next() {
var row digestWithTraceAndGrouping
if err := rows.Scan(&row.traceID, &row.groupingID, &row.digest, &row.optionsID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.publiclyVisibleTraces != nil {
copy(traceKey[:], row.traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; !ok {
if !q.IncludeDigestsProducedOnMaster {
copy(keyGrouping, row.groupingID)
copy(keyDigest, row.digest)
if _, existsOnPrimary := s.digestsOnPrimary[key]; existsOnPrimary {
rv = append(rv, row)
return rv, nil
// matchingCLTracesStatement returns
func matchingCLTracesStatement(ps paramtools.ParamSet, includeIgnored bool) (string, error) {
corpora := ps[types.CorpusField]
if len(corpora) == 0 {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Corpus must be specified: %v", ps)
corpus := corpora[0]
if corpus != sql.Sanitize(corpus) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid corpus: %q", corpus)
corpusStatement := `SELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE corpus = '` + corpus + `' AND (matches_any_ignore_rule `
if includeIgnored {
corpusStatement += "IS NOT NULL)"
} else {
corpusStatement += "= FALSE OR matches_any_ignore_rule is NULL)"
if len(ps) == 1 {
return "MatchingTraces AS (\n\t" + corpusStatement + "\n),", nil
statement := ""
unionIndex := 0
keys := make([]string, 0, len(ps))
for key := range ps {
keys = append(keys, key)
sort.Strings(keys) // sort for determinism
for _, key := range keys {
if key == types.CorpusField {
if key != sql.Sanitize(key) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query key %q", key)
statement += fmt.Sprintf("U%d AS (\n", unionIndex)
for j, value := range ps[key] {
if value != sql.Sanitize(value) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query value %q", value)
if j != 0 {
statement += "\tUNION\n"
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE keys -> '%s' = '%q'\n", key, value)
statement += "),\n"
statement += "MatchingTraces AS (\n"
for i := 0; i < unionIndex; i++ {
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM U%d\n\tINTERSECT\n", i)
// Include a final intersect for the corpus
statement += "\t" + corpusStatement + "\n),\n"
return statement, nil
// makeTraceGroup converts all the trace+digest+commit triples into a TraceGroup. On the frontend,
// we only show the top 9 digests before fading them to grey - this handles that logic.
// It is assumed that the slices in the data map are in ascending order of commits.
func makeTraceGroup(ctx context.Context, data map[schema.MD5Hash][]traceDigestCommit, primary types.Digest) (frontend.TraceGroup, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "makeTraceGroup")
defer span.End()
isCL := common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx) != ""
tg := frontend.TraceGroup{}
if len(data) == 0 {
return tg, nil
traceLength := common.GetActualWindowLength(ctx)
if isCL {
traceLength++ // We will append the current data to the end.
indexMap := common.GetCommitToIdxMap(ctx)
for trID, points := range data {
currentTrace := frontend.Trace{
ID: tiling.TraceID(hex.EncodeToString(trID[:])),
DigestIndices: emptyIndices(traceLength),
RawTrace: tiling.NewEmptyTrace(traceLength, nil, nil),
for _, dp := range points {
if dp.optionsID != nil {
// We want to report the latest options, so always update this if non-nil.
currentTrace.RawTrace.OptionsID = dp.optionsID
idx, ok := indexMap[dp.commitID]
if !ok {
currentTrace.RawTrace.Digests[idx] = dp.digest
tg.Traces = append(tg.Traces, currentTrace)
// Sort traces by ID for determinism
sort.Slice(tg.Traces, func(i, j int) bool {
return tg.Traces[i].ID < tg.Traces[j].ID
// Find the most recent / important digests and assign them an index. Everything else will
// be given the sentinel value.
digestIndices, totalDigests := computeDigestIndices(&tg, primary)
tg.TotalDigests = totalDigests
tg.Digests = make([]frontend.DigestStatus, len(digestIndices))
for digest, idx := range digestIndices {
tg.Digests[idx] = frontend.DigestStatus{
Digest: digest,
Status: expectations.Untriaged,
for _, tr := range tg.Traces {
for j, digest := range tr.RawTrace.Digests {
if j == len(tr.RawTrace.Digests)-1 && isCL {
// Put the CL Data (the primary digest here, aka index 0) as happening most
// recently at head.
tr.DigestIndices[j] = 0
if digest == tiling.MissingDigest {
continue // There is already the missing index there.
idx, ok := digestIndices[digest]
if ok {
tr.DigestIndices[j] = idx
} else {
// Fold everything else into the last digest index (grey on the frontend).
tr.DigestIndices[j] = maxDistinctDigestsToPresent - 1
return tg, nil
// emptyIndices returns an array of the given length with placeholder values for "missing data".
func emptyIndices(length int) []int {
rv := make([]int, length)
for i := range rv {
rv[i] = missingDigestIndex
return rv
// GetPrimaryBranchParamset returns a possibly cached ParamSet of all visible traces over the last
// N tiles that correspond to the windowLength.
func (s *Impl) GetPrimaryBranchParamset(ctx context.Context) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetPrimaryBranchParamset")
defer span.End()
const primaryBranchKey = "primary_branch"
if val, ok := s.paramsetCache.Get(primaryBranchKey); ok {
return val.(paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet), nil
ctx, err := s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.isPublicView {
roPS, err := s.getPublicParamsetForPrimaryBranch(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.paramsetCache.Set(primaryBranchKey, roPS, 5*time.Minute)
return roPS, nil
const statement = `SELECT DISTINCT key, value FROM PrimaryBranchParams
WHERE tile_id >= $1`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetFirstTileID(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
ps := paramtools.ParamSet{}
var key string
var value string
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&key, &value); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
ps[key] = append(ps[key], value) // We rely on the SQL query to deduplicate values
roPS := paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet(ps)
s.paramsetCache.Set(primaryBranchKey, roPS, 5*time.Minute)
return roPS, nil
func (s *Impl) getPublicParamsetForPrimaryBranch(ctx context.Context) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getPublicParamsetForPrimaryBranch")
defer span.End()
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, keys FROM ValuesAtHead WHERE most_recent_commit_id >= $1`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
combinedParamset := paramtools.ParamSet{}
var ps paramtools.Params
var traceID schema.TraceID
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &ps); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
return paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet(combinedParamset), nil
// GetChangelistParamset returns a possibly cached ParamSet of all visible traces seen in the
// given changelist. It returns an error if no data has been seen for the given CL.
func (s *Impl) GetChangelistParamset(ctx context.Context, crs, clID string) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetChangelistParamset")
defer span.End()
qCLID := sql.Qualify(crs, clID)
if val, ok := s.paramsetCache.Get(qCLID); ok {
return val.(paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet), nil
if s.isPublicView {
roPS, err := s.getPublicParamsetForCL(ctx, qCLID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
s.paramsetCache.Set(qCLID, roPS, 5*time.Minute)
return roPS, nil
const statement = `SELECT DISTINCT key, value FROM SecondaryBranchParams
WHERE branch_name = $1`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, qCLID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
ps := paramtools.ParamSet{}
var key string
var value string
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&key, &value); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
ps[key] = append(ps[key], value) // We rely on the SQL query to deduplicate values
if len(ps) == 0 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt("Could not find params for CL %q in system %q", clID, crs)
roPS := paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet(ps)
s.paramsetCache.Set(qCLID, roPS, 5*time.Minute)
return roPS, nil
func (s *Impl) getPublicParamsetForCL(ctx context.Context, qualifiedCLID string) (paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getPublicParamsetForCL")
defer span.End()
const statement = `SELECT secondary_branch_trace_id FROM SecondaryBranchValues
WHERE branch_name = $1
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, qualifiedCLID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traceID schema.TraceID
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
var traceIDsToExpand []schema.TraceID
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(traceKey[:], traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
traceIDsToExpand = append(traceIDsToExpand, traceID)
combinedParamset := paramtools.ParamSet{}
for _, traceID := range traceIDsToExpand {
ps, err := s.expandTraceToParams(ctx, traceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return paramtools.ReadOnlyParamSet(combinedParamset), nil
// GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests implements the API interface.
func (s *Impl) GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests(ctx context.Context, corpus string) (BlameSummaryV1, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetBlamesForUntriagedDigests")
defer span.End()
ctx, err := s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Find untriaged digests at head and the traces that produced them.
tracesByDigest, err := s.getTracesWithUntriagedDigestsAtHead(ctx, corpus)
if err != nil {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.isPublicView {
tracesByDigest = s.applyPublicFilter(ctx, tracesByDigest)
if len(tracesByDigest) == 0 {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, nil // No data, we can stop here
// Return the trace histories for those traces, as well as a mapping of the unique
// digest+grouping pairs in order to get expectations.
histories, _, err := s.getHistoriesForTraces(ctx, tracesByDigest)
if err != nil {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Expand grouping_ids into full params
groupings, err := s.expandGroupings(ctx, tracesByDigest)
if err != nil {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
commits, err := s.getCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return BlameSummaryV1{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Look at trace histories and identify ranges of commits that caused us to go from drawing
// triaged digests to untriaged digests.
ranges := combineIntoRanges(ctx, histories, groupings, commits)
return BlameSummaryV1{
Ranges: ranges,
}, nil
type traceData []types.Digest
// getTracesWithUntriagedDigestsAtHead identifies all untriaged digests being produced at head
// within the current window and returns all traces responsible for that behavior, clustered by the
// digest+grouping at head. This clustering allows us to better identify the commit(s) that caused
// the change, even with sparse data.
func (s *Impl) getTracesWithUntriagedDigestsAtHead(ctx context.Context, corpus string) (map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTracesWithUntriagedDigestsAtHead")
defer span.End()
byBlameData, err := s.cacheManager.GetByBlameData(ctx, string(common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx)), corpus)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error encountered when retrieving ByBlame data from cache: %v", err)
return nil, err
sklog.Debugf("Retrieved %d items from search cache for corpus %s", len(byBlameData), corpus)
rv := map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID{}
var key groupingDigestKey
groupingKey := key.groupingID[:]
digestKey := key.digest[:]
for _, data := range byBlameData {
copy(groupingKey, data.GroupingID)
copy(digestKey, data.Digest)
rv[key] = append(rv[key], data.TraceID)
return rv, nil
// applyPublicFilter filters the traces according to the publicly visible traces map.
func (s *Impl) applyPublicFilter(ctx context.Context, data map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID) map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "applyPublicFilter")
defer span.End()
filtered := make(map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID, len(data))
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
traceID := traceKey[:]
for gdk, traces := range data {
for _, tr := range traces {
copy(traceID, tr)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
filtered[gdk] = append(filtered[gdk], tr)
return filtered
// untriagedDigestAtHead represents a single untriaged digest in a particular grouping observed
// at head. It includes the histories of all traces that are
type untriagedDigestAtHead struct {
atHead groupingDigestKey
traces []traceIDAndData
type traceIDAndData struct {
id schema.TraceID
data traceData
// getHistoriesForTraces looks up the commits in the current window (aka the trace history) for all
// traces in the provided map. It returns them associated with the digest+grouping that was
// produced at head, as well as a map corresponding to all unique digests seen in these histories
// (to look up expectations).
func (s *Impl) getHistoriesForTraces(ctx context.Context, traces map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID) ([]untriagedDigestAtHead, map[groupingDigestKey]bool, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getHistoriesForTraces")
defer span.End()
tracesToDigest := map[schema.MD5Hash]groupingDigestKey{}
var tracesToLookup []schema.TraceID
for gdk, traceIDs := range traces {
for _, traceID := range traceIDs {
tracesToDigest[sql.AsMD5Hash(traceID)] = gdk
tracesToLookup = append(tracesToLookup, traceID)
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num_traces", int64(len(tracesToLookup))))
const statement = `SELECT trace_id, commit_id, digest FROM TraceValues
WHERE commit_id >= $1 and trace_id = ANY($2)
ORDER BY trace_id`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx), tracesToLookup)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
traceLength := common.GetActualWindowLength(ctx)
commitIdxMap := common.GetCommitToIdxMap(ctx)
tracesByDigest := make(map[groupingDigestKey][]traceIDAndData, len(traces))
uniqueDigestsByGrouping := map[groupingDigestKey]bool{}
var currentTraceID schema.TraceID
var currentTraceData traceData
var key schema.MD5Hash
for rows.Next() {
var traceID schema.TraceID
var commitID schema.CommitID
var digest schema.DigestBytes
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &commitID, &digest); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(key[:], traceID)
gdk := tracesToDigest[key]
// Note that we've seen this digest on this grouping so we can look up the expectations.
groupingID: gdk.groupingID,
digest: sql.AsMD5Hash(digest),
}] = true
if !bytes.Equal(traceID, currentTraceID) || currentTraceData == nil {
currentTraceID = traceID
// Make a new slice of digests (traceData) and associated it with the correct
// grouping+digest
currentTraceData = make(traceData, traceLength)
tracesByDigest[gdk] = append(tracesByDigest[gdk], traceIDAndData{
id: currentTraceID,
data: currentTraceData,
idx, ok := commitIdxMap[commitID]
if !ok {
continue // commit is out of range or too new
currentTraceData[idx] = types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(digest))
// Flatten the map into a sorted slice for determinism
var rv []untriagedDigestAtHead
for key, traces := range tracesByDigest {
rv = append(rv, untriagedDigestAtHead{
atHead: key,
traces: traces,
sort.Slice(rv, func(i, j int) bool {
return bytes.Compare(rv[i].atHead.digest[:], rv[j].atHead.digest[:]) <= 0
return rv, uniqueDigestsByGrouping, nil
// expectationKey represents a digest+grouping in a way that is easier to look up from the data
// in a trace history (e.g. a hex-encoded digest).
type expectationKey struct {
groupingID schema.MD5Hash
digest types.Digest
// getExpectations looks up the expectations for the given pairs of digests+grouping.
func (s *Impl) getExpectations(ctx context.Context, digests map[groupingDigestKey]bool) (map[expectationKey]expectations.Label, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getExpectations")
defer span.End()
byGrouping := map[schema.MD5Hash][]schema.DigestBytes{}
for gdk := range digests {
byGrouping[gdk.groupingID] = append(byGrouping[gdk.groupingID], sql.FromMD5Hash(gdk.digest))
exp := map[expectationKey]expectations.Label{}
var mutex sync.Mutex
eg, eCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for g, d := range byGrouping {
groupingKey, digests := g, d
eg.Go(func() error {
const statement = `SELECT encode(digest, 'hex'), label FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1 and digest = ANY($2)`
rows, err := s.db.Query(eCtx, statement, groupingKey[:], digests)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
defer mutex.Unlock()
var digest types.Digest
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
for rows.Next() {
if err := rows.Scan(&digest, &label); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
groupingID: groupingKey,
digest: digest,
}] = label.ToExpectation()
return nil
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return exp, nil
// expandGroupings returns a map of schema.GroupingIDs (as md5 hashes) to their related params.
func (s *Impl) expandGroupings(ctx context.Context, groupings map[groupingDigestKey][]schema.TraceID) (map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getHistoriesForTraces")
defer span.End()
rv := map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params{}
for gdk := range groupings {
if _, ok := rv[gdk.groupingID]; ok {
grouping, err := s.expandGrouping(ctx, gdk.groupingID)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv[gdk.groupingID] = grouping
return rv, nil
// combineIntoRanges looks at the histories for all the traces provided starting at the earliest
// (head) and working backwards. It looks for the change from drawing the untriaged digests at head
// to drawing a different digest, and tries to identify which commits caused that. There could be
// multiple commits in the window that have affected different tests, so this algorithm combines
// ranges and returns them as a slice, with the commits that produced the most untriaged digests
// coming first. It is recommended to look at the tests for this function to see some examples.
func combineIntoRanges(ctx context.Context, digests []untriagedDigestAtHead, groupings map[schema.MD5Hash]paramtools.Params, commits []frontend.Commit) []BlameEntry {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "combineIntoRanges")
defer span.End()
type tracesByBlameRange map[string][]schema.TraceID
entriesByRange := map[string]BlameEntry{}
for _, data := range digests {
key := data.atHead
// The digest in key represents an untriaged digest seen at head.
// traces represents all the traces that are drawing that untriaged digest at head.
// We would like to identify the narrowest range that this change could have happened.
latestUntriagedDigest := types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(sql.FromMD5Hash(key.digest)))
// Last commit before the untriaged digest at head was first produced.
blameStartIdx := -1
// First commit to produce the untriaged digest at head.
blameEndIdx := len(commits)
// (trace ID, digest) pairs for all traces that are drawing the untriaged digest at head.
var traceIDsAndDigests []traceIDAndDigest
for _, tr := range data.traces {
traceIDsAndDigests = append(traceIDsAndDigests, traceIDAndDigest{
digest: key.digest[:],
// Identify the range at which the latest untriaged digest first occurred. For example,
// the range at which the latest untriaged digest "c" first occurred in trace
// "AAA-b--cc-" is 5:7.
latestUntriagedDigestFound := false
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx := -1
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx := len(commits)
for i := len( - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
digest :=[i]
if !latestUntriagedDigestFound {
if digest == tiling.MissingDigest {
} else if digest == latestUntriagedDigest {
latestUntriagedDigestFound = true
} else {
if digest == latestUntriagedDigest {
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx = i
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx = i
} else if digest == tiling.MissingDigest {
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx = i
} else {
// If the current blame range, and the range at which the latest untriaged digest first
// occurred are disjoint, use the earliest of the two as the new blame range.
// Example traces:
// AA--cccccc
// BABABB--cc
// In this example, the second trace is very flaky, and the untriaged digest is not
// produced until several commits after the offending commit landed. The resulting
// ranges are 2:4 and 6:8.
// We use the earliest range as the new blame range (2:4 in the above example) as that
// is where the offending commit is likely found.
disjointRanges := blameEndIdx < latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx ||
latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx < blameStartIdx+1
if disjointRanges {
if latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx < blameStartIdx+1 {
// Update blame range to equal the earliest of the two ranges.
blameStartIdx = latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx - 1
blameEndIdx = latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx
} else {
// Nothing to do, as the current blame range is the earliest of the two ranges.
} else {
if blameStartIdx < latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx-1 {
blameStartIdx = latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceStartIdx - 1
if blameEndIdx > latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx {
blameEndIdx = latestUntriagedDigestEarliestOccurrenceEndIdx
// blameStartIdx is now either -1 (for beginning of tile) or the index of the last known
// digest that was different from the untriaged digest at head.
if blameStartIdx == -1 && blameEndIdx == len(commits) {
continue // We didn't find any untriaged digests on this trace
// We know have identified a blame range that has accounted for one additional untriaged
// digest at head (and possibly others before that).
blameRange, blameCommits := getRangeAndBlame(commits, blameStartIdx, blameEndIdx)
entry, ok := entriesByRange[blameRange]
if !ok {
entry.CommitRange = blameRange
entry.Commits = blameCommits
// Find the grouping associated with this digest if it already is in the list.
found := false
for _, ag := range entry.AffectedGroupings {
if ag.groupingID == key.groupingID {
found = true
ag.traceIDsAndDigests = append(ag.traceIDsAndDigests, traceIDsAndDigests...)
if !found {
entry.AffectedGroupings = append(entry.AffectedGroupings, &AffectedGrouping{
Grouping: groupings[key.groupingID],
UntriagedDigests: 1,
SampleDigest: types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(key.digest[:])),
groupingID: key.groupingID,
traceIDsAndDigests: traceIDsAndDigests,
entriesByRange[blameRange] = entry
// Sort data so the "biggest changes" come first (and perform other cleanups)
blameEntries := make([]BlameEntry, 0, len(entriesByRange))
for _, entry := range entriesByRange {
sort.Slice(entry.AffectedGroupings, func(i, j int) bool {
if entry.AffectedGroupings[i].UntriagedDigests == entry.AffectedGroupings[j].UntriagedDigests {
// Tiebreak on sample digest
return entry.AffectedGroupings[i].SampleDigest < entry.AffectedGroupings[j].SampleDigest
// Otherwise, put the grouping with the most digests first
return entry.AffectedGroupings[i].UntriagedDigests > entry.AffectedGroupings[j].UntriagedDigests
for _, ag := range entry.AffectedGroupings {
// Sort the traceIDsAndDigests to ensure a deterministic response.
sort.Slice(ag.traceIDsAndDigests, func(i, j int) bool {
traceComparison := bytes.Compare(ag.traceIDsAndDigests[i].id, ag.traceIDsAndDigests[j].id)
if traceComparison == -1 {
return true
} else if traceComparison == 0 {
// Tiebreak on the digest.
if bytes.Compare(ag.traceIDsAndDigests[i].digest, ag.traceIDsAndDigests[j].digest) == -1 {
return true
return false
return false
blameEntries = append(blameEntries, entry)
// Sort so those ranges with more untriaged digests come first.
sort.Slice(blameEntries, func(i, j int) bool {
if blameEntries[i].TotalUntriagedDigests == blameEntries[j].TotalUntriagedDigests {
// tie break on the commit range
return blameEntries[i].CommitRange < blameEntries[j].CommitRange
return blameEntries[i].TotalUntriagedDigests > blameEntries[j].TotalUntriagedDigests
return blameEntries
// getRangeAndBlame returns a range identifier (either a single commit id or a start and end
// commit id separated by a colon) and the corresponding web commit objects.
func getRangeAndBlame(commits []frontend.Commit, startIndex, endIndex int) (string, []frontend.Commit) {
endCommit := commits[endIndex]
// If the indexes are within 1 (or rarely, equal), we have pinned the range down to one commit.
// If startIndex is -1, then we have no data all the way to the beginning of the window - this
// commonly happens when a new test is added.
if (endIndex-startIndex) == 1 || startIndex == endIndex || startIndex == -1 {
return endCommit.ID, []frontend.Commit{endCommit}
// Add 1 because startIndex is the last known "good" index, and we want our blamelist to only
// encompass "bad" commits.
startCommit := commits[startIndex+1]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", startCommit.ID, endCommit.ID), commits[startIndex+1 : endIndex+1]
// GetCluster implements the API interface.
// TODO(kjlubick) Handle CL data (frontend currently does not).
func (s *Impl) GetCluster(ctx context.Context, opts ClusterOptions) (frontend.ClusterDiffResult, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetCluster")
defer span.End()
ctx, err := s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ClusterDiffResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Fetch all digests and traces that match the options. If this is a public view, those traces
// will be filtered.
digestsAndTraces, err := s.getDigestsAndTracesForCluster(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ClusterDiffResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
nodes, links, err := s.getLinks(ctx, digestsAndTraces)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ClusterDiffResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
byDigest, combined, err := s.getParamsetsForCluster(ctx, digestsAndTraces)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ClusterDiffResult{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
return frontend.ClusterDiffResult{
Nodes: nodes,
Links: links,
Test: types.TestName(opts.Grouping[types.PrimaryKeyField]),
ParamsetByDigest: byDigest,
ParamsetsUnion: combined,
}, nil
type digestClusterInfo struct {
label schema.ExpectationLabel
traceIDs []schema.TraceID
optionsIDs []schema.OptionsID
// getDigestsAndTracesForCluster returns the digests, traces, and options *at head* that match the
// given cluster options.
func (s *Impl) getDigestsAndTracesForCluster(ctx context.Context, opts ClusterOptions) (map[schema.MD5Hash]*digestClusterInfo, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDigestsAndTracesForCluster")
defer span.End()
statement := "WITH "
dataOfInterest, err := clusterDataOfInterestStatement(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
statement += dataOfInterest + `
SELECT DataOfInterest.*, label
FROM DataOfInterest JOIN Expectations
ON Expectations.grouping_id = $1 and DataOfInterest.digest = Expectations.digest
WHERE label = ANY($3)
var triageStatuses []schema.ExpectationLabel
if opts.IncludeUntriagedDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelUntriaged)
if opts.IncludeNegativeDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelNegative)
if opts.IncludePositiveDigests {
triageStatuses = append(triageStatuses, schema.LabelPositive)
if len(triageStatuses) == 0 {
return nil, nil // If no triage status is set, there can be no results.
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(opts.Grouping)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, groupingID, common.GetFirstCommitID(ctx), triageStatuses)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var digestKey schema.MD5Hash
var digest schema.DigestBytes
rv := map[schema.MD5Hash]*digestClusterInfo{}
for rows.Next() {
var traceID schema.TraceID
var optionsID schema.OptionsID
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &optionsID, &digest, &label); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(digestKey[:], digest)
info := rv[digestKey]
if info == nil {
info = &digestClusterInfo{
label: label,
rv[digestKey] = info
info.traceIDs = append(info.traceIDs, traceID)
info.optionsIDs = append(info.optionsIDs, optionsID)
if s.isPublicView {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
for _, info := range rv {
var filteredTraceIDs []schema.TraceID
var filteredOptionIDs []schema.OptionsID
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
tr := traceKey[:]
for i := range info.traceIDs {
copy(tr, info.traceIDs[i])
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
filteredTraceIDs = append(filteredTraceIDs, info.traceIDs[i])
filteredOptionIDs = append(filteredOptionIDs, info.optionsIDs[i])
info.traceIDs = filteredTraceIDs
info.optionsIDs = filteredOptionIDs
return rv, nil
// clusterDataOfInterestStatement returns a statement called DataOfInterest that contains
// the trace_id, options_id, digest from the ValuesAtHead table from the traces that match
// the given options. It will make use of the $1 placeholder for grouping_id and $2 for
// most_recent_commit_id
func clusterDataOfInterestStatement(opts ClusterOptions) (string, error) {
if len(opts.Filters) == 0 {
return `
DataOfInterest AS (
SELECT trace_id, options_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE AND most_recent_commit_id >= $2
)`, nil
keys := make([]string, 0, len(opts.Filters))
for key := range opts.Filters {
keys = append(keys, key)
sort.Strings(keys) // sort for determinism
statement := "\n"
unionIndex := 0
for _, key := range keys {
if key != sql.Sanitize(key) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query key %q", key)
statement += fmt.Sprintf("U%d AS (\n", unionIndex)
for j, value := range opts.Filters[key] {
if value != sql.Sanitize(value) {
return "", skerr.Fmt("Invalid query value %q", value)
if j != 0 {
statement += "\tUNION\n"
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE keys -> '%s' = '%q'\n", key, value)
statement += "),\n"
statement += "TracesOfInterest AS (\n"
for i := 0; i < unionIndex; i++ {
statement += fmt.Sprintf("\tSELECT trace_id FROM U%d\n\tINTERSECT\n", i)
// Include a final intersect for the corpus
statement += ` SELECT trace_id FROM Traces WHERE grouping_id = $1 AND matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE
DataOfInterest AS (
SELECT ValuesAtHead.trace_id, options_id, digest FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN TracesOfInterest ON ValuesAtHead.trace_id = TracesOfInterest.trace_id
WHERE most_recent_commit_id >= $2
return statement, nil
// getLinks returns the nodes and links that correspond to the digests and how each compares to
// the other digests.
func (s *Impl) getLinks(ctx context.Context, digests map[schema.MD5Hash]*digestClusterInfo) ([]frontend.Node, []frontend.Link, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDigestsAndTracesForCluster")
defer span.End()
var digestsToLookup []schema.DigestBytes
nodes := make([]frontend.Node, 0, len(digestsToLookup))
for digest, info := range digests {
if len(info.traceIDs) > 0 {
digestsToLookup = append(digestsToLookup, sql.FromMD5Hash(digest))
nodes = append(nodes, frontend.Node{
Digest: types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(digest[:])),
Status: info.label.ToExpectation(),
if len(digestsToLookup) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
// sort the nodes by digest for determinism.
sort.Slice(nodes, func(i, j int) bool {
return nodes[i].Digest < nodes[j].Digest
// Make a map so we can easily go from digest to index as we go through our results.
digestToIndex := make(map[types.Digest]int, len(digestsToLookup))
for i, n := range nodes {
digestToIndex[n.Digest] = i
span.AddAttributes(trace.Int64Attribute("num_digests", int64(len(digestsToLookup))))
const statement = `SELECT encode(left_digest, 'hex'), encode(right_digest, 'hex'), percent_pixels_diff
FROM DiffMetrics AS OF SYSTEM TIME '-0.1s'
WHERE left_digest = ANY($1) AND right_digest = ANY($1) AND left_digest < right_digest
ORDER BY 1, 2`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, digestsToLookup)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var leftDigest types.Digest
var rightDigest types.Digest
links := make([]frontend.Link, 0, len(nodes)*(len(nodes)-1)/2)
for rows.Next() {
var link frontend.Link
if err := rows.Scan(&leftDigest, &rightDigest, &link.Distance); err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
link.LeftIndex = digestToIndex[leftDigest]
link.RightIndex = digestToIndex[rightDigest]
links = append(links, link)
return nodes, links, nil
// getParamsetsForCluster looks up all the params for the given traces and options and returns
// them grouped by digest and in totality.
func (s *Impl) getParamsetsForCluster(ctx context.Context, digests map[schema.MD5Hash]*digestClusterInfo) (map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getParamsetsForCluster")
defer span.End()
if len(digests) == 0 {
return nil, nil, nil
byDigest := make(map[types.Digest]paramtools.ParamSet, len(digests))
combined := paramtools.ParamSet{}
for d, info := range digests {
digest := types.Digest(hex.EncodeToString(d[:]))
thisDigestsParamset, ok := byDigest[digest]
if !ok {
thisDigestsParamset = paramtools.ParamSet{}
byDigest[digest] = thisDigestsParamset
for _, traceID := range info.traceIDs {
p, err := s.expandTraceToParams(ctx, traceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
for _, optID := range info.optionsIDs {
p, err := s.expandOptionsToParams(ctx, optID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Normalize the paramsets for determinism
for _, ps := range byDigest {
return byDigest, combined, nil
// GetCommitsInWindow implements the API interface
func (s *Impl) GetCommitsInWindow(ctx context.Context) ([]frontend.Commit, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "addCommitsData")
defer span.End()
// TODO(kjlubick) will need to handle non-git repos as well.
const statement = `WITH
RecentCommits AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
SELECT git_hash, GitCommits.commit_id, commit_time, author_email, subject FROM GitCommits
JOIN RecentCommits ON GitCommits.commit_id = RecentCommits.commit_id
ORDER BY commit_id ASC`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, s.windowLength)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []frontend.Commit
for rows.Next() {
var ts time.Time
var commit frontend.Commit
if err := rows.Scan(&commit.Hash, &commit.ID, &ts, &commit.Author, &commit.Subject); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
commit.CommitTime = ts.UTC().Unix()
rv = append(rv, commit)
return rv, nil
// GetDigestsForGrouping implements the API interface.
func (s *Impl) GetDigestsForGrouping(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params) (frontend.DigestListResponse, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetDigestsForGrouping")
defer span.End()
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(grouping)
const statement = `WITH
RecentCommits AS (
SELECT tile_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
FirstTileInWindow AS (
SELECT tile_id FROM RecentCommits
SELECT DISTINCT encode(digest, 'hex') FROM TiledTraceDigests JOIN
FirstTileInWindow ON TiledTraceDigests.tile_id >= FirstTileInWindow.tile_id AND
TiledTraceDigests.grouping_id = $2
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, s.windowLength, groupingID)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestListResponse{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "getting digests for grouping %x - %#v", groupingID, grouping)
defer rows.Close()
var resp frontend.DigestListResponse
for rows.Next() {
var digest types.Digest
if err := rows.Scan(&digest); err != nil {
return frontend.DigestListResponse{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
resp.Digests = append(resp.Digests, digest)
return resp, nil
// GetDigestDetails is very similar to the Search() function, but it only has one digest, so
// there is only one result.
func (s *Impl) GetDigestDetails(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, digest types.Digest, clID, crs string) (frontend.DigestDetails, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_GetDigestDetails")
defer span.End()
ctx, err := s.addCommitsData(ctx)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
commits, err := s.getCommits(ctx)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Fill in a few values to allow us to use the same methods as Search.
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.QueryKey, query.Search{
CodeReviewSystemID: crs, ChangelistID: clID,
Offset: 0, Limit: 1, RGBAMaxFilter: 255,
var digestWithTraceAndGrouping []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
if clID == "" {
digestWithTraceAndGrouping, err = s.getTracesForGroupingAndDigest(ctx, grouping, digest)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
} else {
if crs == "" {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Fmt("Code Review System (crs) must be specified")
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, common.QualifiedCLIDKey, sql.Qualify(crs, clID))
digestWithTraceAndGrouping, err = s.getTracesFromCLThatProduced(ctx, grouping, digest)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if commits, err = s.addCLCommit(ctx, commits); err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if s.isPublicView {
digestWithTraceAndGrouping = s.applyPublicFilterToDigestWithTraceAndGrouping(digestWithTraceAndGrouping)
// Lookup the closest diffs to the given digests. This returns a subset according to the
// limit and offset in the query.
digestAndClosestDiffs, _, err := s.getClosestDiffs(ctx, digestWithTraceAndGrouping)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if len(digestAndClosestDiffs) == 0 {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Fmt("No results found")
// Go fetch history and paramset (within this grouping, and respecting publiclyAllowedParams).
paramsetsByDigest, err := s.getParamsetsForRightSide(ctx, digestAndClosestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Flesh out the trace history with enough data to draw the dots diagram on the frontend.
// The returned slice should be length 1 because we had only 1 digest and 1
// digestAndClosestDiffs.
resultSlice, err := s.fillOutTraceHistory(ctx, digestAndClosestDiffs)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestDetails{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
result := *resultSlice[0]
// Fill in the paramsets of the reference images.
for _, srdd := range result.RefDiffs {
if srdd != nil {
srdd.ParamSet = paramsetsByDigest[srdd.Digest]
// Make sure the Test is set, even if the digest wasn't seen in the current window
// The frontend relies on this field to be able to triage the results.
result.Test = types.TestName(grouping[types.PrimaryKeyField])
return frontend.DigestDetails{
Commits: commits,
Result: result,
}, nil
// applyPublicFilterToDigestWithTraceAndGrouping filters out any digestWithTraceAndGrouping for
// traces that are not publicly visible.
func (s *Impl) applyPublicFilterToDigestWithTraceAndGrouping(results []digestWithTraceAndGrouping) []digestWithTraceAndGrouping {
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
filteredResults := make([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, 0, len(results))
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for _, result := range results {
copy(traceKey[:], result.traceID)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
filteredResults = append(filteredResults, result)
return filteredResults
// getTracesForGroupingAndDigest finds the traces on the primary branch which produced the given
// digest in the provided grouping. If no such trace exists (recently), a single result will be
// added with no trace, to all the UI to at least show the image and possible diff data.
func (s *Impl) getTracesForGroupingAndDigest(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, digest types.Digest) ([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTracesForGroupingAndDigest")
defer span.End()
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(grouping)
digestBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
const statement = `SELECT trace_id FROM TiledTraceDigests@grouping_digest_idx
WHERE tile_id >= $1 AND grouping_id = $2 AND digest = $3
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetFirstTileID(ctx), groupingID, digestBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var results []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
for rows.Next() {
var traceID schema.TraceID
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
results = append(results, digestWithTraceAndGrouping{
traceID: traceID,
groupingID: groupingID,
digest: digestBytes,
if len(results) == 0 {
// Add in a result that has at least the digest and groupingID. This can be helpful for
// when an image was produced a long time ago, but not in recent traces. It allows the UI
// to at least show the image and some diff information.
results = append(results, digestWithTraceAndGrouping{
groupingID: groupingID,
digest: digestBytes,
return results, nil
// getTracesFromCLThatProduced returns a digestWithTraceAndGrouping for all traces that produced
// the provided digest in the given grouping on the most recent PS for the given CL.
func (s *Impl) getTracesFromCLThatProduced(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, digest types.Digest) ([]digestWithTraceAndGrouping, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getTracesFromCLThatProduced")
defer span.End()
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(grouping)
digestBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
const statement = `WITH
MostRecentPS AS (
SELECT patchset_id FROM Patchsets WHERE changelist_id = $1
ORDER BY created_ts DESC, ps_order DESC
SELECT secondary_branch_trace_id, options_id FROM SecondaryBranchValues
JOIN MostRecentPS ON SecondaryBranchValues.version_name = MostRecentPS.patchset_id
WHERE branch_name = $1 AND grouping_id = $2 AND digest = $3`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, common.GetQualifiedCL(ctx), groupingID, digestBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var results []digestWithTraceAndGrouping
for rows.Next() {
var traceID schema.TraceID
var optionsID schema.OptionsID
if err := rows.Scan(&traceID, &optionsID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
results = append(results, digestWithTraceAndGrouping{
traceID: traceID,
groupingID: groupingID,
digest: digestBytes,
optionsID: optionsID,
return results, nil
// GetDigestsDiff implements the API interface.
func (s *Impl) GetDigestsDiff(ctx context.Context, grouping paramtools.Params, left, right types.Digest, clID, crs string) (frontend.DigestComparison, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "web_GetDigestsDiff")
defer span.End()
_, groupingID := sql.SerializeMap(grouping)
leftBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(left)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
rightBytes, err := sql.DigestToBytes(right)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
metrics, err := s.getDiffBetween(ctx, leftBytes, rightBytes)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrapf(err, "missing diff information for %s-%s", left, right)
leftLabel, err := s.getExpectationsForDigest(ctx, groupingID, leftBytes, crs, clID)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
rightLabel, err := s.getExpectationsForDigest(ctx, groupingID, rightBytes, crs, clID)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
leftParamset, err := s.getParamsetsForTracesProducing(ctx, groupingID, leftBytes, crs, clID)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
rightParamset, err := s.getParamsetsForTracesProducing(ctx, groupingID, rightBytes, crs, clID)
if err != nil {
return frontend.DigestComparison{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
metrics.Digest = right
metrics.Status = rightLabel
metrics.ParamSet = rightParamset
return frontend.DigestComparison{
Left: frontend.LeftDiffInfo{
Test: types.TestName(grouping[types.PrimaryKeyField]),
Digest: left,
Status: leftLabel,
TriageHistory: nil, // TODO(kjlubick)
ParamSet: leftParamset,
Right: metrics,
}, nil
// getDiffBetween returns the diff metrics for the given digests.
func (s *Impl) getDiffBetween(ctx context.Context, left, right schema.DigestBytes) (frontend.SRDiffDigest, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getDiffBetween")
defer span.End()
const statement = `SELECT num_pixels_diff, percent_pixels_diff, max_rgba_diffs,
combined_metric, dimensions_differ
FROM DiffMetrics WHERE left_digest = $1 and right_digest = $2 LIMIT 1`
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, left, right)
var rv frontend.SRDiffDigest
if err := row.Scan(&rv.NumDiffPixels, &rv.PixelDiffPercent, &rv.MaxRGBADiffs,
&rv.CombinedMetric, &rv.DimDiffer); err != nil {
return frontend.SRDiffDigest{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
return rv, nil
// getExpectationsForDigest returns the expectations for the given digest and grouping pair. It
// assumes that the given digest is valid. If the provided digest was triaged on the given CL (and
// the CL is valid), the expectation from that CL takes precedence over the expectation from the
// primary branch. If no expectation is found, we assume that 1) the digest was ingested from a CL,
// 2) the digest was never seen before, and 3) the digest has not yet been triaged; therefore we
// return expectations.Untriaged. It is the caller's responsibility to detect whether the digest is
// valid in this case, if applicable (e.g. by inspecting the SecondaryBranchValues table).
// Defaulting to expectations.Untriaged is consistent with the way CL ingestion works: we do not
// populate the SecondaryBranchExpectations table with untriaged entries during ingestion.
func (s *Impl) getExpectationsForDigest(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.GroupingID, digest schema.DigestBytes, crs, clID string) (expectations.Label, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getExpectationsForDigest")
defer span.End()
const statement = `WITH
-- If the CRS and CLID are blank here, this will be empty, but the COALESCE will fix things up.
ExpectationsFromCL AS (
SELECT label, digest FROM SecondaryBranchExpectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1
AND digest = $2
AND branch_name = $3
ExpectationsFromPrimary AS (
SELECT label, digest FROM Expectations
WHERE grouping_id = $1
AND digest = $2
Digest AS (
SELECT $2 AS digest
SELECT COALESCE(ExpectationsFromCL.label, ExpectationsFromPrimary.label, 'u') AS label
-- This ensures that the query result is never empty, which is necessary to generate the
-- potentially NULL expectations passed to COALESCE.
FROM Digest
FULL OUTER JOIN ExpectationsFromCL USING (digest)
FULL OUTER JOIN ExpectationsFromPrimary USING (digest)
qCLID := sql.Qualify(crs, clID)
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, statement, groupingID, digest, qCLID)
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
if err := row.Scan(&label); err != nil {
if err == pgx.ErrNoRows {
return "", skerr.Wrapf(err, "while querying expectations for %x on primary branch or cl %s for grouping %x: query returned 0 rows, which should never happen (this is a bug)", digest, qCLID, groupingID)
return "", skerr.Wrap(err)
return label.ToExpectation(), nil
// getParamsetsForTracesProducing returns the paramset of the traces on the primary branch which
// produced the digest at the given grouping. If a valid CRS and CLID are provided, the traces
// on that will also be included.
func (s *Impl) getParamsetsForTracesProducing(ctx context.Context, groupingID schema.GroupingID, digest schema.DigestBytes, crs, clID string) (paramtools.ParamSet, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getParamsetsForTracesProducing")
defer span.End()
const statement = `WITH
RecentCommits AS (
SELECT commit_id, tile_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
OldestTileInWindow AS (
SELECT tile_id FROM RecentCommits
ORDER BY commit_id ASC LIMIT 1
TracesThatProducedDigestOnPrimary AS (
SELECT DISTINCT trace_id FROM TiledTraceDigests
JOIN OldestTileInWindow ON TiledTraceDigests.tile_id >= OldestTileInWindow.tile_id AND
TiledTraceDigests.grouping_id = $2 AND TiledTraceDigests.digest = $3
TracesAndOptionsFromPrimary AS (
SELECT TracesThatProducedDigestOnPrimary.trace_id, ValuesAtHead.options_id
FROM TracesThatProducedDigestOnPrimary JOIN ValuesAtHead
ON TracesThatProducedDigestOnPrimary.trace_id = ValuesAtHead.trace_id
-- If the crs and clID are empty or do not exist, this will be the empty set.
TracesAndOptionsThatProducedDigestOnCL AS (
SELECT DISTINCT secondary_branch_trace_id AS trace_id, options_id FROM SecondaryBranchValues WHERE
grouping_id = $2 AND digest = $3 AND branch_name = $4
SELECT trace_id, options_id FROM TracesAndOptionsFromPrimary
SELECT trace_id, options_id FROM TracesAndOptionsThatProducedDigestOnCL
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, s.windowLength, groupingID, digest, sql.Qualify(crs, clID))
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traces []schema.TraceID
var opts []schema.OptionsID
for rows.Next() {
var trID schema.TraceID
var optID schema.OptionsID
if err := rows.Scan(&trID, &optID); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// trace ids should be unique due to the query we made
traces = append(traces, trID)
// There are generally few options, so a linear search to avoid duplicates is sufficient
// to avoid a lot of cache lookups.
existsAlready := false
for _, o := range opts {
if bytes.Equal(o, optID) {
existsAlready = true
if !existsAlready {
opts = append(opts, optID)
paramset, err := s.lookupOrLoadParamSetFromCache(ctx, traces)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
for _, o := range opts {
ps, err := s.expandOptionsToParams(ctx, o)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return paramset, nil
// CountDigestsByTest counts only the digests at head that match the given query.
func (s *Impl) CountDigestsByTest(ctx context.Context, q frontend.ListTestsQuery) (frontend.ListTestsResponse, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "countDigestsByTest")
defer span.End()
statement := `WITH
CommitsInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id, tile_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
OldestCommitInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id, tile_id FROM CommitsInWindow
ORDER BY commit_id ASC LIMIT 1
digestsStatement, digestsArgs, err := digestCountTracesStatement(q)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ListTestsResponse{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
statement += digestsStatement
statement += `DigestsWithLabels AS (
SELECT Groupings.grouping_id, Groupings.keys AS grouping, label, DigestsOfInterest.digest
FROM DigestsOfInterest
JOIN Expectations ON DigestsOfInterest.grouping_id = Expectations.grouping_id
AND DigestsOfInterest.digest = Expectations.digest
JOIN Groupings ON DigestsOfInterest.grouping_id = Groupings.grouping_id
SELECT encode(grouping_id, 'hex'), grouping, label, COUNT(digest) FROM DigestsWithLabels
GROUP BY grouping_id, grouping, label ORDER BY grouping->>'name'`
arguments := []interface{}{s.windowLength}
arguments = append(arguments, digestsArgs...)
sklog.Infof("query: %#v", q)
sklog.Infof("statement: %s", statement)
sklog.Infof("arguments: %s", arguments)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, arguments...)
if err != nil {
return frontend.ListTestsResponse{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var currentSummary *frontend.TestSummary
var currentSummaryGroupingID string
var summaries []*frontend.TestSummary
for rows.Next() {
var groupingID string
var grouping paramtools.Params
var label schema.ExpectationLabel
var count int
if err := rows.Scan(&groupingID, &grouping, &label, &count); err != nil {
return frontend.ListTestsResponse{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
if currentSummary == nil || currentSummaryGroupingID != groupingID {
currentSummary = &frontend.TestSummary{Grouping: grouping}
currentSummaryGroupingID = groupingID
summaries = append(summaries, currentSummary)
if label == schema.LabelNegative {
currentSummary.NegativeDigests = count
} else if label == schema.LabelPositive {
currentSummary.PositiveDigests = count
} else {
currentSummary.UntriagedDigests = count
withTotals := make([]frontend.TestSummary, 0, len(summaries))
for _, s := range summaries {
s.TotalDigests = s.UntriagedDigests + s.PositiveDigests + s.NegativeDigests
withTotals = append(withTotals, *s)
return frontend.ListTestsResponse{Tests: withTotals}, nil
// digestCountTracesStatement returns a statement and arguments that will return all tests,
// digests and their grouping ids. The results will be in a table called DigestsWithLabels.
func digestCountTracesStatement(q frontend.ListTestsQuery) (string, []interface{}, error) {
arguments := []interface{}{q.Corpus}
statement := `DigestsOfInterest AS (
SELECT DISTINCT keys->>'name' AS test_name, digest, grouping_id FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN OldestCommitInWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= OldestCommitInWindow.commit_id
WHERE corpus = $2`
if q.IgnoreState == types.ExcludeIgnoredTraces {
statement += ` AND matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE`
if len(q.TraceValues) > 0 {
jObj := map[string]string{}
for key, values := range q.TraceValues {
if len(values) != 1 {
return "", nil, skerr.Fmt("not implemented: we only support one value per key")
jObj[key] = values[0]
statement += ` AND keys @> $3`
arguments = append(arguments, jObj)
statement += "),"
return statement, arguments, nil
// ComputeGUIStatus implements the API interface. It has special logic for public views vs the
// normal views to avoid leaking.
func (s *Impl) ComputeGUIStatus(ctx context.Context) (frontend.GUIStatus, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "search2_ComputeGUIStatus")
defer span.End()
var gs frontend.GUIStatus
row := s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY CommitsWithData.commit_id DESC LIMIT 1`)
if err := row.Scan(&gs.LastCommit.ID); err != nil {
return frontend.GUIStatus{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
row = s.db.QueryRow(ctx, `SELECT git_hash, commit_time, author_email, subject
FROM GitCommits WHERE GitCommits.commit_id = $1`, gs.LastCommit.ID)
var ts time.Time
if err := row.Scan(&gs.LastCommit.Hash, &ts, &gs.LastCommit.Author, &gs.LastCommit.Subject); err != nil {
// TODO(kjlubick) make this work for MetadataCommits
sklog.Infof("Error getting git info for commit_id %s - %s", gs.LastCommit.ID, err)
} else {
gs.LastCommit.CommitTime = ts.UTC().Unix()
if s.isPublicView {
xcs, err := s.getPublicViewCorporaStatuses(ctx)
if err != nil {
return frontend.GUIStatus{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
gs.CorpStatus = xcs
return gs, nil
xcs, err := s.getCorporaStatuses(ctx)
if err != nil {
return frontend.GUIStatus{}, skerr.Wrap(err)
gs.CorpStatus = xcs
return gs, nil
// getCorporaStatuses counts the untriaged digests for all corpora.
func (s *Impl) getCorporaStatuses(ctx context.Context) ([]frontend.GUICorpusStatus, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getCorporaStatuses")
defer span.End()
const statement = `WITH
CommitsInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
OldestCommitInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsInWindow
ORDER BY commit_id ASC LIMIT 1
DistinctNotIgnoredDigests AS (
SELECT DISTINCT corpus, digest, grouping_id FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN OldestCommitInWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= OldestCommitInWindow.commit_id
WHERE matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE
CorporaWithAtLeastOneTriaged AS (
SELECT corpus, COUNT(DistinctNotIgnoredDigests.digest) AS num_untriaged FROM DistinctNotIgnoredDigests
JOIN Expectations ON DistinctNotIgnoredDigests.grouping_id = Expectations.grouping_id AND
DistinctNotIgnoredDigests.digest = Expectations.digest AND label = 'u'
GROUP BY corpus
AllCorpora AS (
-- Corpora with no untriaged digests will not show up in CorporaWithAtLeastOneTriaged.
-- We still want to include them in our status, so we do a separate query and union it in.
SELECT DISTINCT corpus, 0 AS num_untriaged FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN OldestCommitInWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= OldestCommitInWindow.commit_id
SELECT corpus, max(num_untriaged) FROM (
SELECT corpus, num_untriaged FROM AllCorpora
SELECT corpus, num_untriaged FROM CorporaWithAtLeastOneTriaged
) AS all_corpora GROUP BY corpus`
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, s.windowLength)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var rv []frontend.GUICorpusStatus
for rows.Next() {
var cs frontend.GUICorpusStatus
if err := rows.Scan(&cs.Name, &cs.UntriagedCount); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
rv = append(rv, cs)
sort.Slice(rv, func(i, j int) bool {
return rv[i].Name < rv[j].Name
return rv, nil
// getPublicViewCorporaStatuses counts the untriaged digests belonging to only those traces which
// match the public view matcher. It filters the traces using the cached publiclyVisibleTraces.
func (s *Impl) getPublicViewCorporaStatuses(ctx context.Context) ([]frontend.GUICorpusStatus, error) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "getCorporaStatuses")
defer span.End()
const statement = `WITH
CommitsInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsWithData
ORDER BY commit_id DESC LIMIT $1
OldestCommitInWindow AS (
SELECT commit_id FROM CommitsInWindow
ORDER BY commit_id ASC LIMIT 1
NotIgnoredDigests AS (
SELECT trace_id, corpus, digest, grouping_id FROM ValuesAtHead
JOIN OldestCommitInWindow ON ValuesAtHead.most_recent_commit_id >= OldestCommitInWindow.commit_id
WHERE matches_any_ignore_rule = FALSE AND corpus = ANY($2)
SELECT trace_id, corpus FROM NotIgnoredDigests
JOIN Expectations ON NotIgnoredDigests.grouping_id = Expectations.grouping_id AND
NotIgnoredDigests.digest = Expectations.digest AND label = 'u'
defer s.mutex.RUnlock()
corpusCount := map[string]int{}
var corporaArgs []string
for corpus := range s.publiclyVisibleCorpora {
corpusCount[corpus] = 0 // make sure we include all corpora, even those with 0 untriaged.
corporaArgs = append(corporaArgs, corpus)
rows, err := s.db.Query(ctx, statement, s.windowLength, corporaArgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
defer rows.Close()
var traceKey schema.MD5Hash
for rows.Next() {
var tr schema.TraceID
var corpus string
if err := rows.Scan(&tr, &corpus); err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
copy(traceKey[:], tr)
if _, ok := s.publiclyVisibleTraces[traceKey]; ok {
var rv []frontend.GUICorpusStatus
for corpus, count := range corpusCount {
rv = append(rv, frontend.GUICorpusStatus{
Name: corpus,
UntriagedCount: count,
sort.Slice(rv, func(i, j int) bool {
return rv[i].Name < rv[j].Name
return rv, nil
type digestCountAndLastSeen struct {
digest types.Digest
// count is how many times a digest has been seen in a TraceGroup.
count int
// lastSeenIndex refers to the commit index that this digest was most recently seen. That is,
// a higher number means it was seen more recently. This digest might have seen much much earlier
// than this index, but only the latest occurrence affects this value.
lastSeenIndex int
const (
// maxDistinctDigestsToPresent is the maximum number of digests we want to show
// in a dotted line of traces. We assume that showing more digests yields
// no additional information, because the trace is likely to be flaky.
maxDistinctDigestsToPresent = 9
// 0 is always the primary digest, no matter where (or if) it appears in the trace.
primaryDigestIndex = 0
// The frontend knows to handle -1 specially and show no dot.
missingDigestIndex = -1
mostRecentNDigests = 3
// ComputeDigestIndices assigns distinct digests an index ( up to MaxDistinctDigestsToPresent).
// This index
// maps to a color of dot on the frontend when representing traces. The indices are assigned to
// some of the most recent digests and some of the most common digests. All digests not in this
// map will be grouped under the highest index (represented by a grey color on the frontend).
// This hybrid approach was adapted in an effort to minimize the "interesting" digests that are
// globbed together under the grey color, which is harder to inspect from the frontend.
// See for more context.
func computeDigestIndices(traceGroup *frontend.TraceGroup, primary types.Digest) (map[types.Digest]int, int) {
// digestStats is a slice that has one entry per unique digest. This could be a map, but
// we are going to sort it later, so it's cleaner to just use a slice initially especially
// when the vast vast majority (99.9% of Skia's data) of our traces have fewer than 30 unique
// digests. The worst case would be a few hundred unique digests, for which Ω(n) lookup isn't
// terrible.
digestStats := make([]digestCountAndLastSeen, 0, 5)
// Populate digestStats, iterating over the digests from all traces from oldest to newest.
// By construction, all traces in the TraceGroup will have the same length.
traceLength := len(traceGroup.Traces[0].RawTrace.Digests)
sawPrimary := false
for idx := 0; idx < traceLength; idx++ {
for _, tr := range traceGroup.Traces {
digest := tr.RawTrace.Digests[idx]
// Don't bother counting up data for missing digests.
if digest == tiling.MissingDigest {
if digest == primary {
sawPrimary = true
// Go look up the entry for this digest. The sentinel value -1 will tell us if we haven't
// seen one and need to add one.
dsIdxToUpdate := -1
for i, ds := range digestStats {
if ds.digest == digest {
dsIdxToUpdate = i
if dsIdxToUpdate == -1 {
dsIdxToUpdate = len(digestStats)
digestStats = append(digestStats, digestCountAndLastSeen{
digest: digest,
digestStats[dsIdxToUpdate].lastSeenIndex = idx
// Sort in order of highest last seen index, with tiebreaks being higher count and then
// lexicographically by digest.
sort.Slice(digestStats, func(i, j int) bool {
statsA, statsB := digestStats[i], digestStats[j]
if statsA.lastSeenIndex != statsB.lastSeenIndex {
return statsA.lastSeenIndex > statsB.lastSeenIndex
if statsA.count != statsB.count {
return statsA.count > statsB.count
return statsA.digest < statsB.digest
// Assign the primary digest the primaryDigestIndex.
digestIndices := make(map[types.Digest]int, maxDistinctDigestsToPresent)
digestIndices[primary] = primaryDigestIndex
// Go through the slice until we have either added the n most recent digests or have run out
// of unique digests. We are careful not to add a digest we've already added (e.g. the primary
// digest). We start with the most recent digests to preserve a little bit of backwards
// compatibility with the assigned colors (e.g. developers are used to green and orange being the
// more recent digests).
digestIndex := 1
for i := 0; i < len(digestStats) && len(digestIndices) < 1+mostRecentNDigests; i++ {
ds := digestStats[i]
if _, ok := digestIndices[ds.digest]; ok {
digestIndices[ds.digest] = digestIndex
// Re-sort the slice in order of highest count, with tiebreaks being a higher last seen index
// and then lexicographically by digest.
sort.Slice(digestStats, func(i, j int) bool {
statsA, statsB := digestStats[i], digestStats[j]
if statsA.count != statsB.count {
return statsA.count > statsB.count
if statsA.lastSeenIndex != statsB.lastSeenIndex {
return statsA.lastSeenIndex > statsB.lastSeenIndex
return statsA.digest < statsB.digest
// Assign the rest of the indices in order of most common digests.
for i := 0; i < len(digestStats) && len(digestIndices) < maxDistinctDigestsToPresent; i++ {
ds := digestStats[i]
if _, ok := digestIndices[ds.digest]; ok {
digestIndices[ds.digest] = digestIndex
totalDigests := len(digestStats)
if !sawPrimary {
return digestIndices, totalDigests
// Make sure Impl implements the API interface.
var _ API = (*Impl)(nil)