blob: 2d28ecd6a9ea626084197d267c0adf81f4ee02d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// The bbstate package tracks the state of tryjobs in BuildBucket and loads
// issues from Gerrit to maintain consistent tryjob information in an instance
// of tryjobstore.TryjobStore.
package bbstate
import (
bb_api ""
// BuildBucketDBSync fetches issue and build information from the relevant services.
// This defines the interfaces of BuildBucketState and is used to mock it in tests.
type BuildIssueSync interface {
// SyncIssueTryjob forces a synchronous fetch of the issue information from
// Gerrit and the Tryjob information from the build system. Return values of
// (nil, nil, nil) indicate that we received a "not found" (404) return status
// when requesting the issue from Gerrit.
SyncIssueTryjob(issueID, buildBucketID int64) (*tryjobstore.Issue, *tryjobstore.Tryjob, error)
const (
// DefaultSkiaBucketName is the name for the Skia BuildBucket.
DefaultSkiaBucketName = "skia.primary"
// DefaultSkiaBuildBucketURL is the default URL for the BuildBucketService used by Skia.
DefaultSkiaBuildBucketURL = ""
// DefaultTimeWindow is the time window we track in build bucket.
DefaultTimeWindow = 5 * time.Hour // Time we look back at the build bucket
// DefaultPollInterval is the interval at which we poll BuildBucket.
DefaultPollInterval = 5 * time.Minute // Interval at which we poll buildbucket
// DefaultTestBuilderRegex is the default regexp that identifies tryjobs that
// run tests/produce images. This will probably only work for Skia.
DefaultTestBuilderRegex = `^Test-`
// maxConcurrentWrites controls how many updates written concurrently to the
// underlying TryjobStore.
maxConcurrentWrites = 1000
// buildWatcherPollInterval is the interval at which builds, that are in a
// (pre)running state, are polled.
buildWatcherPollInterval = 10 * time.Second
// Config defines the configuration options for BuildBucketState.
type Config struct {
// BuildBucketURL is the URL of the BuildBucket instance to poll for tryjobs.
BuildBucketURL string
// BuildBucketName is the name of the BuildBucket to poll.
BuildBucketName string
// Client is an authenticated http client used to connect to BuildBucket.
Client *http.Client
// TryjobStore stores tryjob related data.
TryjobStore tryjobstore.TryjobStore
// GerritClient is used to query Gerrit for issue details.
GerritClient *gerrit.Gerrit
// PollInterval is the interval at which to poll BuildBucket.
PollInterval time.Duration
// TimeWindow is the time delta that defines how far back in time BuildBucket is queried.
TimeWindow time.Duration
// BuilderRegexp is the regular expression that has to match for a builder to be included.
BuilderRegexp string
// BuildBucketState captures all tryjobs that are being run by BuildBucket.
// These are the tryjobs that were run within a time windows.
// It polls the BuildBucket and retrieves Tryjobs as they arrived. As needed
// the corresponding Gerrit issues are loaded. This information is then
// stored in a TryjobStore.
type BuildBucketState struct {
// service client to access buildbucket.
service *bb_api.Service
bucketName string
tryjobStore tryjobstore.TryjobStore
gerritAPI *gerrit.Gerrit
builderRegExp *regexp.Regexp
// currentBuilds keeps track of currently running builds that we are tracking.
// mapping: currentBuilds[build_bucket_id] => status
currentBuilds map[int64]tryjobstore.TryjobStatus
// watchMutex protects currentBuilds
watchMutex sync.Mutex
// NewBuildBucketState creates a new instance of BuildBucketState.
// bbURL is the URL of the target BuildBucket instance and client is an
// authenticated http client.
func NewBuildBucketState(config *Config) (BuildIssueSync, error) {
// TODO(kjlubick): use non-deprecated NewService() instead
service, err := bb_api.New(config.Client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// compile the regular expression to filter builders that should be ingested.
builderRegExp, err := regexp.Compile(config.BuilderRegexp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
service.BasePath = config.BuildBucketURL
ret := &BuildBucketState{
service: service,
bucketName: config.BuildBucketName,
tryjobStore: config.TryjobStore,
gerritAPI: config.GerritClient,
builderRegExp: builderRegExp,
currentBuilds: map[int64]tryjobstore.TryjobStatus{},
if err := ret.startPollers(config.PollInterval, config.TimeWindow); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// SyncIssueTryjob implements the BuildIssueSync interface.
func (b *BuildBucketState) SyncIssueTryjob(issueID, buildBucketID int64) (*tryjobstore.Issue, *tryjobstore.Tryjob, error) {
// Fetch the build information from BuildBucket and convert it to a Tryjob.
tryjob, err := b.fetchBuild(buildBucketID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// The referenced tryjob doesn't exist.
if tryjob == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Tryjob with BuildBucket id %d for issue %d does not exist.", buildBucketID, issueID)
// Update the tryjob information.
if err := b.updateTryjobState(tryjob); err != nil {
// If we got a 404 from Gerrit we signal this back to caller with a nil result.
if err == gerrit.ErrNotFound {
return nil, nil, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Error adding build info to tryjob store. \n%s\nError: %s", spew.Sdump(tryjob), err)
if tryjob.IssueID != issueID {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Issue %d is not referenced by tryjob %d.", issueID, buildBucketID)
issue, err := b.tryjobStore.GetIssue(issueID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if issue == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Issue %d does not exist.", issueID)
return issue, tryjob, nil
// startPollers watches builds that are assumed running (according to the database)
// until they reach a completed state.
// It also starts a poller that continuously queries BuildBucket for newly
// started builds and then watches them the same way.
func (b *BuildBucketState) startPollers(pollInterval, timeWindow time.Duration) error {
// Fetch all tryjobs that we know as running and watch them for completion.
tryjobs, err := b.tryjobStore.RunningTryjobs()
if err != nil {
return sklog.FmtErrorf("Error retrieving running tryjobs: %s", err)
// Watch these tryjobs to make sure we catch when they are finished.
for _, tryjob := range tryjobs {
// Create the channel that will receive the list of running tryjobs.
buildsCh := make(chan *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage)
workPermissions := make(chan bool, maxConcurrentWrites)
// Process the new builds discovered by the poller.
go func() {
for build := range buildsCh {
// Get work permission.
workPermissions <- true
go func(build *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage) {
// Give up work permission at the end.
defer func() { <-workPermissions }()
// Only consider builds that have not completed.
switch build.Status {
case buildbucket.STATUS_SCHEDULED:
case buildbucket.STATUS_STARTED:
// Start the poller.
if err := b.startSearchPoller(buildsCh, pollInterval, timeWindow); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetWatchedBuilds returns the builds that are currently being tracked until
// they complete. Return value: map[build_bucket_id]status
func (b *BuildBucketState) GetWatchedBuilds() map[int64]tryjobstore.TryjobStatus {
defer b.watchMutex.Unlock()
ret := make(map[int64]tryjobstore.TryjobStatus, len(b.currentBuilds))
for k, v := range b.currentBuilds {
ret[k] = v
return ret
// watchBuild ensures that the build with the given BuildBucket id is being watched.
// If the build is not being watched a new go-routine is started that follows its
// state until it completes.
func (b *BuildBucketState) watchBuild(buildBucketID int64) {
// Check if we are already watching this build.
defer b.watchMutex.Unlock()
if _, ok := b.currentBuilds[buildBucketID]; !ok {
b.currentBuilds[buildBucketID] = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_UNKNOWN
go b.watchOneBuild(buildBucketID)
// watchOneBuild tracks the build that corresponds to the given BuildBucket id.
// It assumes it is being run in its own go-routine.
func (b *BuildBucketState) watchOneBuild(buildBucketID int64) {
for {
// fetch the build info
if tryjob, err := b.fetchBuild(buildBucketID); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error fetching build from BuildBucket: %s", err)
} else {
// If the tryjob is ignored or not available we are done.
if tryjob == nil {
// Get the last known status for this id.
lastKnownStatus := b.currentBuilds[buildBucketID]
// If it has changed since then we need to update it.
if tryjob.Status != lastKnownStatus {
if err := b.updateTryjobState(tryjob); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error updating tryjob state: %s", err)
} else {
// If the tryjob has finished we are done watching it.
if tryjob.Status >= tryjobstore.TRYJOB_COMPLETE {
delete(b.currentBuilds, buildBucketID)
b.currentBuilds[buildBucketID] = tryjob.Status
// Wait for a little bit and poll the status again.
// fetchBuild retrieves the build that corresponds to the given BuildBucket id
// and extracts the information into an instance of Tryjob.
// The first return value being nil, indicates that the build does not exist
// of was ignored for some reason.
func (b *BuildBucketState) fetchBuild(buildBucketID int64) (*tryjobstore.Tryjob, error) {
buildResp, err := b.service.Get(buildBucketID).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buildResp == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("buildResp is nil. No result found.")
if buildResp.Build == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Build information is nil. No result found.")
if (buildResp.Error != nil) && (buildResp.Error.Message != "") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve build %d. Got %s", buildBucketID, buildResp.Error.Message)
build := buildResp.Build
// Parse the parameters encoded in the ParametersJson field.
params := &tryjobstore.Parameters{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(build.ParametersJson), params); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error unmarshalling params: %s", err)
// Check if this is a builder we can ignore.
if b.ignoreBuild(build, params) {
return nil, nil
// Extract the tryjob info.
return getTryjobInfo(build, params)
// updateTryjobState adds the provided tryjob information to the TryjobStore.
func (b *BuildBucketState) updateTryjobState(tryjob *tryjobstore.Tryjob) error {
// Find the existing issue in the tryjob store.
issue, err := b.tryjobStore.GetIssue(tryjob.IssueID, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if !issue.HasPatchset(tryjob.PatchsetID) {
// Make sure we have an up to date issue. Note: 'issue' might be nil
// if we didn't find it in the issue store.
if issue, err = b.syncGerritIssue(tryjob.IssueID, tryjob.PatchsetID, issue); err != nil {
// Note: Pass the error directly since it might be gerrit.ErrorNotFound.
return err
// If the issue was not found we have a problem.
if issue == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Issue %d was not found.", tryjob.IssueID)
// Make sure the patchset detail is present.
if !issue.HasPatchset(tryjob.PatchsetID) {
return fmt.Errorf("Found issue %d, but could not find patchset detail %d", tryjob.IssueID, tryjob.PatchsetID)
// Add the Tryjob.
if err := b.tryjobStore.UpdateTryjob(0, tryjob, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error updating issue and tryjob (%d, %d). Got error: %s", tryjob.IssueID, tryjob.BuildBucketID, err)
return nil
// syncGerritIssue makes sure the data between Gerrit and the TryjobStore are
// consistent.
// If the the given 'issue' is nil, it will try and fetch it from Gerrit and
// create a new entry in the TryjobStore.
// If the issue identified by 'issueID' does not exist in Gerrit it will
// return nil.
func (b *BuildBucketState) syncGerritIssue(issueID, patchsetID int64, issue *tryjobstore.Issue) (*tryjobstore.Issue, error) {
// If 'issue' is nil, we need to see if we can find it in Gerrit.
if issue == nil {
var err error
issue, err = b.updateGerritIssue(issueID, issue)
if err != nil {
// We didn't find the issue in Gerrit. So pass the error back.
if err == gerrit.ErrNotFound {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error fetching issue %d: %s", issueID, err)
} else {
// Check if the issue is up to date.
if !issue.HasPatchset(patchsetID) {
var err error
if issue, err = b.updateGerritIssue(issueID, issue); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error updating issue %d: %s", issueID, err)
// Write the update issues to the store.
if err := b.tryjobStore.UpdateIssue(issue, nil); err != nil {
return nil, err
sklog.Infof("Added information for issue %d", issueID)
return issue, nil
// updateGerritIssue fetches issue details from Gerrit and merges them into the
// internal representation of the Gerrit issues. If issue is nil a new instance
// will be allocated and returned.
func (b *BuildBucketState) updateGerritIssue(issueID int64, issue *tryjobstore.Issue) (*tryjobstore.Issue, error) {
changeInfo, err := b.gerritAPI.GetIssueProperties(context.TODO(), issueID)
if err != nil {
// Note: Make sure to pass through the error unchanged since it is tested against
// gerrit.ErrNotFound
return nil, err
if issue == nil {
issue = &tryjobstore.Issue{}
commitInfos := make([]*gerrit.CommitInfo, len(changeInfo.Revisions))
var egroup errgroup.Group
for idx, rev := range changeInfo.Patchsets {
func(idx int, rev *gerrit.Revision) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
var err error
commitInfos[idx], err = b.gerritAPI.GetCommit(context.TODO(), issueID, rev.ID)
return err
}(idx, rev)
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Error retrieving commit info for issue %d: %s", issueID, err)
b.setIssueDetails(issueID, changeInfo, commitInfos, issue)
return issue, nil
// setIssueDetails set the properties of the given IssueDetails from the values
// in the Gerrit ChangeInfo.
func (b *BuildBucketState) setIssueDetails(issueID int64, changeInfo *gerrit.ChangeInfo, commitInfos []*gerrit.CommitInfo, issue *tryjobstore.Issue) {
issue.ID = issueID
issue.Subject = changeInfo.Subject
issue.Owner = changeInfo.Owner.Email
issue.Updated = changeInfo.Updated
issue.URL = b.gerritAPI.Url(issueID)
issue.Status = changeInfo.Status
// extract the patchset detail.
psDetails := make([]*tryjobstore.PatchsetDetail, 0, len(changeInfo.Patchsets))
for idx, revision := range changeInfo.Patchsets {
psDetails = append(psDetails, &tryjobstore.PatchsetDetail{
ID: revision.Number,
Commit: revision.ID,
ParentCommit: getParentCommit(commitInfos[idx]),
// getParentCommit robustly returns the parent commit from the given CommitInfo instance. If that's
// not possible, the empty string is returned.
func getParentCommit(commitInfo *gerrit.CommitInfo) string {
if commitInfo == nil || len(commitInfo.Parents) == 0 {
return ""
return commitInfo.Parents[0].Commit
// pollBuildBucket queries the BuildBucket instance from (now - timeWindow) to now.
func (b *BuildBucketState) searchForNewBuilds(buildsCh chan<- *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage, timeWindow time.Duration) error {
// Search over a specific time window.
searchCall := b.service.Search()
timeWindowStart := time.Now().Add(-timeWindow).UnixNano() / int64(time.Microsecond)
if _, err := searchCall.Run(buildsCh, 0, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error querying build bucket: %s", err)
return nil
// ignoreBuild is the central place to determine whether a build from
// BuildBucket should be ignored. For example, BuildBucket can contain build jobs
// that produce no test output.
func (b *BuildBucketState) ignoreBuild(build *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage, params *tryjobstore.Parameters) bool {
// If BuildResultDetails are there, then parse them and see if
// resultDetails['properties']['skip_test'] exists and is true.
// This will only apply to some clients, but there should not be any false positives.
if build.ResultDetailsJson != "" {
resultDetails := map[string]interface{}{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(build.ResultDetailsJson), &resultDetails); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error unmarshalling generic JSON: %s", err)
} else if props, ok := resultDetails["properties"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
// If skip_test exists and is a bool with value true we need to ignore this build.
if val, ok := props["skip_test"].(bool); ok && val {
return true
// Check whether the builder is ruled out by a regular expression.
return !b.builderRegExp.Match([]byte(params.BuilderName))
// startSearchPoller polls the BuildBucket immediately and starts a poller at the
// given interval with the given time windows. All results are written to buildCh.
// If the first poll fails, an error is returned.
func (b *BuildBucketState) startSearchPoller(buildsCh chan<- *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage, interval, timeWindow time.Duration) error {
// Start the poller in the background. This is necessary to keep startup time to a minimum.
go func() {
// Immediately run a search so we don't have to wait for the passing of the first interval
// below.
if err := b.searchForNewBuilds(buildsCh, timeWindow); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error polling BuildBucket: %s", err)
for range time.Tick(interval) {
if err := b.searchForNewBuilds(buildsCh, timeWindow); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Error polling BuildBucket: %s", err)
return nil
// extractPatchsetRegex is used to extract the patchset ID from BuildBucket builds.
var extractPatchsetRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^refs\/changes\/[0-9]*\/[0-9]*\/(?P<patchset>.+)$`)
// getTryjobInfo extracts tryjob information from the BuildBucket record.
// It translates the status of a BuildBucket build to the status defined for
// Tryjob instances in tryjobstore, which is richer in that it also captures
// whether a tryjob result has been ingested or not.
func getTryjobInfo(build *bb_api.LegacyApiCommonBuildMessage, params *tryjobstore.Parameters) (*tryjobstore.Tryjob, error) {
matchedGroups := extractPatchsetRegex.FindStringSubmatch(params.Properties.GerritPatchset)
if len(matchedGroups) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to extract patchset info from '%s'", params.Properties.GerritPatchset)
patchsetID, err := strconv.ParseInt(matchedGroups[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
issueID := int64(params.Properties.GerritIssue)
// Make sure the relevant ids are correct.
if (issueID <= 0) || (patchsetID <= 0) {
return nil, sklog.FmtErrorf("Invalid issue id (%d) or patchset id (%d).", issueID, patchsetID)
// Translate the two result fields into one for tryjobs.
var status tryjobstore.TryjobStatus = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_UNKNOWN
switch build.Status {
case buildbucket.STATUS_SCHEDULED:
status = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_SCHEDULED
case buildbucket.STATUS_STARTED:
status = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_RUNNING
case buildbucket.STATUS_COMPLETED:
switch build.Result {
case buildbucket.RESULT_CANCELED:
case buildbucket.RESULT_FAILURE:
status = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_FAILED
case buildbucket.RESULT_SUCCESS:
status = tryjobstore.TRYJOB_COMPLETE
if status == tryjobstore.TRYJOB_UNKNOWN {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown tryjob state. Got (status, result): (%s, %s)", build.Status, build.Result)
// UpdateTs is in micro seconds.
// Note: Multiplying by time.Microsecond results in the correct number of nanoseconds.
const microPerSec = int64(time.Second / time.Microsecond)
updated := time.Unix(build.UpdatedTs/microPerSec, (build.UpdatedTs%microPerSec)*int64(time.Microsecond))
ret := &tryjobstore.Tryjob{
IssueID: issueID,
PatchsetID: patchsetID,
Builder: params.BuilderName,
BuildBucketID: build.Id,
Updated: updated,
Status: status,
return ret, nil