blob: 1b388a24452427cf744f90ded72de30f190d58c5 [file] [log] [blame]
package imgmatching
import (
// MakeMatcher takes a map of optional keys and returns the specified image matching algorithm
// name, and the corresponding Matcher instance (or nil if none is specified).
// It returns a non-nil error if the specified image matching algorithm is invalid, or if any
// required parameters are not found, or if the parameter values are not valid.
func MakeMatcher(optionalKeys map[string]string) (AlgorithmName, Matcher, error) {
algorithmNameStr, ok := optionalKeys[AlgorithmNameOptKey]
algorithmName := AlgorithmName(algorithmNameStr)
// Exact matching by default.
if !ok {
algorithmName = ExactMatching
switch algorithmName {
case ExactMatching:
return ExactMatching, &exact.Matcher{}, nil
case FuzzyMatching:
matcher, err := makeFuzzyMatcher(optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return FuzzyMatching, matcher, nil
case PositiveIfOnlyImageMatching:
return PositiveIfOnlyImageMatching, &positive_if_only_image.Matcher{}, nil
case SampleAreaMatching:
matcher, err := makeSampleAreaMatcher(optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return SampleAreaMatching, matcher, nil
case SobelFuzzyMatching:
matcher, err := makeSobelFuzzyMatcher(optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return SobelFuzzyMatching, matcher, nil
return "", nil, skerr.Fmt("unrecognized image matching algorithm: %q", algorithmName)
// makeFuzzyMatcher returns a fuzzy.Matcher instance set up with the parameter values in the
// given optional keys map.
func makeFuzzyMatcher(optionalKeys map[string]string) (*fuzzy.Matcher, error) {
maxDifferentPixels, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(MaxDifferentPixels, 0, math.MaxInt32, true /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// The maximum value corresponds to the maximum possible per-channel delta sum. This assumes four
// channels (R, G, B, A), each represented with 8 bits; hence 1020 = 255*4.
pixelDeltaThreshold, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(PixelDeltaThreshold, 0, 1020, false /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// The maximum value corresponds to the maximum possible channel value. This assumes 8 bits with
// a max of 255 for a single channel.
pixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(
PixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold, 0, 255, false /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Ensure that at most one of the sum or per-channel options is set.
if pixelDeltaThreshold > 0 && pixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold > 0 {
return nil, skerr.Fmt(
"only one of %s and %s can be set", PixelDeltaThreshold, PixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold)
ignoredBorderThickness, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(IgnoredBorderThickness, 0, math.MaxInt32, false /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &fuzzy.Matcher{
MaxDifferentPixels: maxDifferentPixels,
PixelDeltaThreshold: pixelDeltaThreshold,
PixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold: pixelPerChannelDeltaThreshold,
IgnoredBorderThickness: ignoredBorderThickness,
}, nil
// makeSampleAreaMatcher returns a sample_area.Matcher instance set up with the
// parameter values in the given optional keys map.
func makeSampleAreaMatcher(optionalKeys map[string]string) (*sample_area.Matcher, error) {
// Determine the width/height of each sample that will be compared between the
// two images. We need to set the max lower since we will be squaring the
// value later.
maxIntSqrt := math.Sqrt(math.MaxInt32)
sampleAreaWidth, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(
SampleAreaWidth, 1, int(maxIntSqrt), true /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Determine how many pixels in the sample area are allowed to differ and
// still be treated as a successful comparison.
maxDifferentPixels, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(
MaxDifferentPixelsPerArea, 0, sampleAreaWidth*sampleAreaWidth,
true /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// Determine what the tolerance is for slightly different pixels. This is the
// maximum per-pixel, per-channel delta allowed. Defaults to 0 if not
// specified.
sampleAreaChannelDeltaThreshold, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(
SampleAreaChannelDeltaThreshold, 0, 255, false /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &sample_area.Matcher{
SampleAreaWidth: sampleAreaWidth,
MaxDifferentPixelsPerArea: maxDifferentPixels,
SampleAreaChannelDeltaThreshold: sampleAreaChannelDeltaThreshold,
}, nil
// makeSobelFuzzyMatcher returns a sobel.Matcher instance set up with the parameter
// values in the given optional keys map.
func makeSobelFuzzyMatcher(optionalKeys map[string]string) (*sobel.Matcher, error) {
// Instantiate the fuzzy.Matcher that will be embedded in the sobel.Matcher.
fuzzyMatcher, err := makeFuzzyMatcher(optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
// This assumes the Sobel operator returns an 8-bit per-pixel value indicating how likely a pixel
// is to be part of an edge.
edgeThreshold, err := getAndValidateIntParameter(EdgeThreshold, 0, 255, true /* =required */, optionalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, skerr.Wrap(err)
return &sobel.Matcher{
Matcher: *fuzzyMatcher,
EdgeThreshold: edgeThreshold,
}, nil
// getAndValidateIntParameter extracts and validates the given required integer parameter from the
// given map of optional keys.
// Minimum and maximum value validation can be disabled by setting parameters min and max to
// math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, respectively.
// If required is false and the parameter is not present in the map of optional keys, a value of 0
// will be returned.
func getAndValidateIntParameter(name AlgorithmParamOptKey, min, max int, required bool, optionalKeys map[string]string) (int, error) {
// Validate bounds.
if min >= max {
// This is almost surely a programming error.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("min must be strictly less than max, min was %d, max was %d", min, max))
// Validate presence.
stringVal, ok := optionalKeys[string(name)]
if !ok {
if required {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("required image matching parameter not found: %q", name)
return 0, nil
// Value cannot be empty.
if strings.TrimSpace(stringVal) == "" {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("image matching parameter %q cannot be empty", name)
// Value must be a valid 32-bit integer.
// Note: The "int" type in Go has a platform-specific bit size of *at least* 32 bits, so we
// explicitly parse the value as a 32-bit int to keep things deterministic across platforms.
// Additionally, this ensures the math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32 sentinel values for the mix and
// max parameters work as expected.
int64Val, err := strconv.ParseInt(stringVal, 0, 32)
if err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("parsing integer value for image matching parameter %q: %q", name, err.Error())
intVal := int(int64Val)
// Value must be between bounds.
if intVal < min || intVal > max {
// No lower bound, so value must be violating the upper bound.
if min == math.MinInt32 {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("image matching parameter %q must be at most %d, was: %d", name, max, int64Val)
// No upper bound, so value must be violating the lower bound.
if max == math.MaxInt32 {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("image matching parameter %q must be at least %d, was: %d", name, min, int64Val)
// Value has both an upper and lower bound.
return 0, skerr.Fmt("image matching parameter %q must be between %d and %d, was: %d", name, min, max, int64Val)
return intVal, nil