blob: aca32efb2168d5e9081963ccb737325e20ef5612 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//docker/util:run.bzl", "container_run_and_commit_layer")
name = "base",
base = "@basealpine//image",
tags = [
"manual", # Exclusion from presubmit and RBE as it requires docker.
user = "root",
workdir = "/etc/temporal",
name = "config",
# Temporal will need to generate yml file under config folder using
# environment vars. It needs root and access to the folder config.
commands = [
"mkdir -p /etc/temporal/config",
"chmod ugo+w /etc/temporal/config",
"wget -O - | tar xzf - -C /usr/bin",
image = ":base.tar",
tags = [
"manual", # Exclusion from presubmit and RBE as it requires docker.
# Docker image with Temporal server and tools to admin the server.
name = "temporal-server",
base = ":base.tar",
empty_files = [
# The default dynamic config placeholder with empty content.
entrypoint = "/",
files = glob([
layers = [
tags = [
"manual", # Exclusion from presubmit and RBE as it requires docker.
tars = [
# Docker image with Temporal UI
# Launch with TEMPORAL_ADDRESS set to Temporal server, defaults to localhost.
name = "temporal-ui",
base = ":base.tar",
entrypoint = "sh /etc/temporal/",
layers = [
tags = [
"manual", # Exclusion from presubmit and RBE as it requires docker.
tars = [
name = "temporal-cli",
srcs = [
outs = ["temporal-cli-bin"],
cmd = """
tar -x -f $(location @com_github_temporal_cli//:temporal-cli) ./etc/temporal/temporal;
cp ./etc/temporal/temporal $@;
executable = True,
tags = [
"manual", # Exclusion from presubmit and RBE as it requires docker.