blob: 2ec7e7124e237a01f2bc2576fe76ef5c37c62b26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Utilities for autoroll frontend modules.
import { html, TemplateResult } from 'lit-html';
import { diffDate } from '../../infra-sk/modules/human';
import { AutoRollMiniStatus } from './rpc';
* lastCheckInTooOldThresholdMs is the threshold at which we consider a roller's
* last check-in time to be too old.
const lastCheckInTooOldThresholdMs = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 12 hours.
* checkInTimesAddedAt is the approximate Date at which timestamps were added to
* the autoroller status check-ins. It is used in case a roller has not checked
* in since before the timestamps were added.
const checkInTimesAddedAt = new Date(1666296000000);
* GetLastCheckInTime returns the Date at which the roller last checked in.
export function GetLastCheckInTime(st: AutoRollMiniStatus): Date {
// If the timestamp is missing or is zero or less, then the roller has not
// checked in since before timestamps were added to the status updates. Use
// the timestamp at which timestamps were added as an approximation.
if (!st || !st.timestamp) {
return checkInTimesAddedAt;
let lastCheckedIn = new Date(st.timestamp);
if (lastCheckedIn.getTime() <= 0) {
lastCheckedIn = checkInTimesAddedAt;
return lastCheckedIn;
* LastCheckInMessage returns a string indicating the last check-in time of the
* roller, if it checked in longer than lastCheckInTooOldThresholdMs ago.
export function LastCheckInMessage(
st: AutoRollMiniStatus | null | undefined
): string {
if (!st || !st.timestamp) {
return '';
const lastedCheckedIn = GetLastCheckInTime(st).getTime();
const now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - lastedCheckedIn > lastCheckInTooOldThresholdMs) {
return `last checked in ${diffDate(lastedCheckedIn, now)} ago`;
return '';
* LastCheckInSpan returns a TemplateResult indicating the last check-in time of
* the roller, if it checked in longer than lastCheckInTooOldThresholdMs ago.
export function LastCheckInSpan(
st: AutoRollMiniStatus | null | undefined
): TemplateResult {
const msg = LastCheckInMessage(st);
if (msg) {
return html`<span class="fg-failure">${msg}</span>`;
return html``;