blob: b8f45ee7e4b26d24416009fdeec972d2a9113dc3 [file] [log] [blame]
import { assert, expect } from 'chai';
import { Convert, DebugTrace } from './debug-trace';
describe('DebugTrace JSON parsing', () => {
it('converts a valid JSON string to a DebugTrace struct', () => {
const text = String.raw`
"version": "20220209",
"source": [
"\t// first line",
"// \"second line\"",
"//\\\\//\\\\ third line"
"slots": [
"name": "SkVM_DebugTrace",
"columns": 1,
"rows": 2,
"index": 3,
"kind": 4,
"line": 5
"name": "Unit_Test",
"columns": 6,
"rows": 7,
"index": 8,
"kind": 9,
"line": 10,
"retval": 11
"functions": [{ "name": "void testFunc();" }],
"trace": [[2], [0, 5], [1, 10, 15], [3, 20]]
const trace: DebugTrace = Convert.toDebugTrace(text);
assert.equal(trace.source.length, 3);
assert.equal(trace.slots.length, 2);
assert.equal(trace.functions.length, 1);
assert.equal(trace.trace.length, 4);
assert.equal(trace.source[0], '\t// first line');
assert.equal(trace.source[1], '// "second line"');
assert.equal(trace.source[2], '//\\\\//\\\\ third line');
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].name, 'SkVM_DebugTrace');
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].columns, 1);
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].rows, 2);
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].index, 3);
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].kind, 4);
assert.equal(trace.slots[0].line, 5);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].name, 'Unit_Test');
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].columns, 6);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].rows, 7);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].index, 8);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].kind, 9);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].line, 10);
assert.equal(trace.slots[1].retval, 11);
assert.equal(trace.functions[0].name, 'void testFunc();');
// Verify that trailing zeros are re-added to the trace arrays.
assert.deepEqual(trace.trace[0], [2, 0, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(trace.trace[1], [0, 5, 0]);
assert.deepEqual(trace.trace[2], [1, 10, 15]);
assert.deepEqual(trace.trace[3], [3, 20, 0]);
it('throws when the version is mismatched', () => {
const text = String.raw`
"version": "987654321z",
"source": [],
"slots": [],
"functions": [],
"trace": []
assert.throws(() => Convert.toDebugTrace(text), /Version mismatch.*987654321z.*/);
it('throws when parsing invalid JSON', () => {
// Some trailing bracket close characters have been removed, so the JSON isn't valid.
const text = String.raw`
"version": "20220209",
"source": [
"\t// first line",
"// \"second line\"",
"//\\\\//\\\\ third line"
"slots": [
"name": "SkVM_DebugTrace",
"columns": 1,
"rows": 2,
"index": 3,
"kind": 4,
"line": 5
"name": "Unit_Test",
"columns": 6,
"rows": 7,
"index": 8,
"kind": 9,
"line": 10,
"retval": 11
"functions": [{ "name": "void testFunc();" }],
"trace": [[2], [0, 5], [1, 10, 15], [3, 20
expect(() => { Convert.toDebugTrace(text); }).to.throw();
it('throws when missing a key', () => {
// This is valid JSON, but it is missing a required key ("functions").
const text = String.raw`
"version": "20220209",
"source": [
"\t// first line",
"// \"second line\"",
"//\\\\//\\\\ third line"
"slots": [
"name": "SkVM_DebugTrace",
"columns": 1,
"rows": 2,
"index": 3,
"kind": 4,
"line": 5
"name": "Unit_Test",
"columns": 6,
"rows": 7,
"index": 8,
"kind": 9,
"line": 10,
"retval": 11
"trace": [[2], [0, 5], [1, 10, 15], [3, 20]]
expect(() => { Convert.toDebugTrace(text); }).to.throw();
it('throws when finding an invalid key', () => {
// This is valid JSON, but it has an extra key we don't know about ("bogus").
const text = String.raw`
"version": "20220209",
"source": [
"\t// first line",
"// \"second line\"",
"//\\\\//\\\\ third line"
"slots": [
"name": "SkVM_DebugTrace",
"columns": 1,
"rows": 2,
"index": 3,
"kind": 4,
"line": 5
"name": "Unit_Test",
"columns": 6,
"rows": 7,
"index": 8,
"kind": 9,
"line": 10,
"retval": 11
"trace": [[2], [0, 5], [1, 10, 15], [3, 20]],
"bogus": [9999]
expect(() => { Convert.toDebugTrace(text); }).to.throw();