blob: 2f7b336894e6c1581c40fb5f4874fb941832d2d8 [file] [log] [blame]
$(BAZEL) run //comp-ui:pushk_comp-ui-gitcron
export VERSION:=$(shell ../bash/
# This build must be launched from an Ansible playbook which will extract the
# service account keys and base64 encode them into the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY
# environment variable.
# The directory under ./build/Linux/x86_64/ is the name of the secret where the
# service key is stored under.
rm -rf ./build
test -n "${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY}" || (echo "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY must be set by Ansible playbook."; exit 1)
GOOS=darwin \
GOARCH=arm64 \
go build \
-o ./build/Darwin/arm64/comp-ui-cron-job \
-ldflags="-X 'main.Version=${VERSION}' -X 'main.Key=${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY}' " \
build_and_upload_compui: build_compui_ansible
cipd create -pkg-def=comp-ui-cron-job-cipd.yml --tag version:${VERSION}
release_compui: build_and_upload_compui
../bash/ comp-ui-cron-job ${VERSION}