blob: b894c4189498e1d8ae5b4ca5e0f78a0b30337568 [file] [log] [blame]
package summary
import (
bug_revert ""
Test outline
We create the following trace data:
id | config | test name | corpus(source_type) | digests
a 8888 test_first gm aaa+, bbb-
b 565 test_first gm ccc?, ddd?
c gpu test_first gm eee+
d 8888 test_second gm fff-, ggg?
e 8888 test_third image jjj?
test_first aaa pos
test_first bbb neg
test_first ccc unt
test_first ddd unt
test_first eee pos
test_second fff neg
Note no entry for test_third or ggg, meaning untriaged.
Then, we test the following conditions and make sure we get
the expected test summaries.
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
source_type=gm includeIgnores=true
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1 unt(ccc, ddd):2
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
source_type=gm includeIgnores=true testName=test_first
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1 unt(ccc, ddd):2
testname = test_first
test_first - pos(aaa, eee):2 neg(bbb):1
testname = test_third
test_third - unt(jjj):1
test_first - pos(aaa):1 neg(bbb):1
test_second - neg(fff):1 unt(ggg):1
test_third - unt(jjj):1
config=565&config=8888 head=true
test_first - neg(bbb):1
test_second - unt(ggg):1
test_third - unt(jjj):1
test_first - pos(eee):1
func TestSummaryMap_AllGMsWithIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 2)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Empty(t, s1.UntHashes)
// The only 2 untriaged digests for this test ignored because they were 565
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 2, 1, 0)
s2 := find(sum, SecondTest)
require.NotNil(t, s2)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, s2.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s2, 0, 1, 1)
// no gms for ThirdTest
func TestSummaryMap_AllGMsFullTile(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeFullTile(), nil, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 2)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"}, s1.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 2, 1, 2)
s2 := find(sum, SecondTest)
require.NotNil(t, s2)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, s2.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s2, 0, 1, 1)
// no gms for ThirdTest
func TestSummaryMap_FirstTestFullTile(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeFullTile(), types.TestNameSet{FirstTest: true}, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"}, s1.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 2, 1, 2)
// Only FirstTest results should be here, rest are known to be nil since map length == 1.
func TestSummaryMap_FirstTestIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), types.TestNameSet{FirstTest: true}, nil, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Empty(t, s1.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 2, 1, 0)
// Only FirstTest results should be here, rest are known to be nil since map length == 1.
func TestSummaryMap_8888Or565Ignores(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"8888", "565"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 3)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Empty(t, s1.UntHashes)
// Even though we queried for the 565, the untriaged ones won't show up because of ignores.
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 1, 1, 0)
s2 := find(sum, SecondTest)
require.NotNil(t, s2)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, s2.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s2, 0, 1, 1)
s3 := find(sum, ThirdTest)
assert.NotNil(t, s3)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"jjj"}, s3.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s3, 0, 0, 1)
func TestSummaryMap_8888Or565IgnoresHead(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"8888", "565"}}, true)
require.Len(t, sum, 3)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Empty(t, s1.UntHashes)
// These numbers are are a bit lower because we are only looking at head.
// Those with missing digests should "pull forward" their last result (see ThirdTest)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 0, 1, 0)
s2 := find(sum, SecondTest)
require.NotNil(t, s2)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"ggg"}, s2.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s2, 0, 0, 1)
s3 := find(sum, ThirdTest)
assert.NotNil(t, s3)
assert.Equal(t, types.DigestSlice{"jjj"}, s3.UntHashes)
triageCountsCorrect(t, s3, 0, 0, 1)
func TestSummaryMap_GPUConfigIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"gpu"}}, false)
require.Len(t, sum, 1)
s1 := find(sum, FirstTest)
require.NotNil(t, s1)
assert.Empty(t, s1.UntHashes)
// Only one digest should be found, and it is positive.
triageCountsCorrect(t, s1, 1, 0, 0)
// No other tests have gpu config
func TestSummaryMap_UnknownConfigIgnores(t *testing.T) {
sum := computeHelper(t, makeTileWithIgnores(), nil, url.Values{"config": {"unknown"}}, false)
require.Empty(t, sum)
func computeHelper(t *testing.T, tile *tiling.Tile, testNames types.TestNameSet, query url.Values, head bool) []*TriageStatus {
dc := digest_counter.New(makeFullTile())
blamer, err := blame.New(makeFullTile(), makeExpectations())
require.NoError(t, err)
d := Data{
Traces: tile.Traces,
Expectations: makeExpectations(),
ByTrace: dc.ByTrace(),
Blamer: blamer,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
return d.Calculate(testNames, query, head)
// TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevert checks the entire return value, rather
// than just the spot checks above.
func TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevert(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, false)
require.Equal(t, []*TriageStatus{
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Pos: 1,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestBravo},
Num: 2,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 1,
Name: bug_revert.TestTwo,
Pos: 2,
Untriaged: 2,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestDelta, bug_revert.UntriagedDigestFoxtrot},
Num: 4,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
}, sum)
// TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevertHead checks the entire return value of a query at head, rather
// than just the spot checks above.
func TestSummaryMap_FullBugRevertHead(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"gm"}}, true)
require.Equal(t, []*TriageStatus{
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Pos: 1,
Untriaged: 0,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{},
Num: 1,
Corpus: "gm",
// TODO(kjlubick): If there's no untriaged images, the blame should
// likely be empty.
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 1,
Name: bug_revert.TestTwo,
Pos: 2,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{bug_revert.UntriagedDigestFoxtrot},
Num: 3,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
}, sum)
func TestSummaryMap_NoMatch(t *testing.T) {
sum := bugRevertHelper(t, url.Values{types.CORPUS_FIELD: {"does-not-exist"}}, false)
require.Empty(t, sum)
func bugRevertHelper(t *testing.T, query url.Values, head bool) []*TriageStatus {
dc := digest_counter.New(bug_revert.MakeTestTile())
blamer, err := blame.New(bug_revert.MakeTestTile(), bug_revert.MakeTestExpectations())
require.NoError(t, err)
d := Data{
Traces: bug_revert.MakeTestTile().Traces,
Expectations: bug_revert.MakeTestExpectations(),
ByTrace: dc.ByTrace(),
Blamer: blamer,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
return d.Calculate(nil, query, head)
// TestSummaryMap_OverlappingCorpora makes sure that if we have two corpora that share a test name,
// we handle things correctly.
func TestSummaryMap_OverlappingCorpora(t *testing.T) {
const corpusOneUntriaged = "1114c84eaa5dde4a247c93d9b93a136e"
const corpusTwoUntriaged = "222b0d44658ad9c451c39e38c9281d47"
const corpusOne = "corpusOne"
const corpusTwo = "corpusTwo"
commits := bug_revert.MakeTestCommits()[:2]
tile := &tiling.Tile{
Commits: commits,
Scale: 0, // tile contains every data point.
TileIndex: 0,
Traces: map[tiling.TraceID]tiling.Trace{
",device=alpha,name=test_one,source_type=corpusOne,": types.NewGoldenTrace(
bug_revert.GoodDigestAlfa, corpusOneUntriaged,
"device": bug_revert.AlphaDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(bug_revert.TestOne),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: corpusOne,
",device=beta,name=test_one,source_type=corpusTwo,": types.NewGoldenTrace(
corpusTwoUntriaged, corpusTwoUntriaged,
"device": bug_revert.BetaDevice,
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(bug_revert.TestOne),
types.CORPUS_FIELD: corpusTwo,
var e expectations.Expectations
e.Set(bug_revert.TestOne, bug_revert.GoodDigestAlfa, expectations.Positive)
dc := digest_counter.New(tile)
blamer, err := blame.New(tile, &e)
require.NoError(t, err)
d := Data{
Traces: tile.Traces,
Expectations: &e,
ByTrace: dc.ByTrace(),
Blamer: blamer,
DiffStore: nil, // diameter is disabled, so this can be nil.
sum := d.Calculate(nil, nil, true)
assert.Len(t, sum, 2)
require.Equal(t, []*TriageStatus{
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{corpusOneUntriaged},
Num: 1,
Corpus: corpusOne,
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Name: bug_revert.TestOne,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{corpusTwoUntriaged},
Num: 1,
Corpus: corpusTwo,
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: bug_revert.InnocentAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
Author: bug_revert.BuggyAuthor,
Prob: 0.5,
}, sum)
// TestMergeSorted ensures we can combine two slices of TriageStatus to make sure
// we merge them correctly
func TestMergeSorted(t *testing.T) {
first := []*TriageStatus{
Name: FirstTest,
Diameter: 4,
Pos: 2,
Neg: 3,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{AlphaDigest},
Num: 6,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 1.00,
Name: SecondTest,
Diameter: 14,
Pos: 12,
Neg: 13,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{BetaDigest},
Num: 26,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
second := []*TriageStatus{
Name: FirstTest,
Diameter: 24,
Pos: 22,
Neg: 23,
Untriaged: 0,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{},
Num: 45,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{},
Name: SecondTest,
Diameter: 14,
Pos: 12,
Neg: 13,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{BetaDigest},
Num: 26,
Corpus: "zzz",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
Author: "",
Prob: 0.5,
Name: ThirdTest,
Diameter: 34,
Pos: 32,
Neg: 33,
Untriaged: 1,
UntHashes: types.DigestSlice{GammaDigest},
Num: 66,
Corpus: "gm",
Blame: []blame.WeightedBlame{
Author: "",
Prob: 1.0,
res := MergeSorted(first, second)
// first and second should remain unchanged
require.Len(t, first, 2)
assert.Equal(t, FirstTest, first[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, SecondTest, first[1].Name)
require.Len(t, second, 3)
assert.Equal(t, FirstTest, second[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, SecondTest, second[1].Name)
assert.Equal(t, ThirdTest, second[2].Name)
require.Equal(t, []*TriageStatus{second[0], first[1], second[1], second[2]}, res)
func find(sum []*TriageStatus, name types.TestName) *TriageStatus {
for _, dft := range sum {
if dft.Name == name {
return dft
return nil
func triageCountsCorrect(t *testing.T, ts *TriageStatus, pos, neg, unt int) {
require.NotNil(t, ts)
assert.Equal(t, pos, ts.Pos, "Positive count wrong")
assert.Equal(t, neg, ts.Neg, "Negative count wrong")
assert.Equal(t, unt, ts.Untriaged, "Untriaged count wrong")
const (
FirstTest = types.TestName("test_first")
SecondTest = types.TestName("test_second")
ThirdTest = types.TestName("test_third")
AlphaDigest = types.Digest("aaaec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570")
BetaDigest = types.Digest("bbb9ee4a034fdeddd1b65be92debe731")
GammaDigest = types.Digest("ccc8f073f388469e0193300623691a36")
// makeFullTile returns a tile that matches the description at the top of the file.
func makeFullTile() *tiling.Tile {
return &tiling.Tile{
Traces: map[tiling.TraceID]tiling.Trace{
// These trace ids have been shortened for test terseness.
// A real trace id would be like "8888:gm:test_first"
"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"aaa", "bbb"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"b": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"ccc", "ddd"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "565",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "gpu",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"fff", "ggg"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(SecondTest),
"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "image",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(ThirdTest),
Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
CommitTime: 42,
Hash: "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
Author: "",
CommitTime: 45,
Hash: "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
Author: "",
Scale: 0,
TileIndex: 0,
// makeTileWithIgnores() returns a tile with the ignore rule
// "config=565" applied (which as removed one trace compared to makeFullTile()).
func makeTileWithIgnores() *tiling.Tile {
return &tiling.Tile{
Traces: map[tiling.TraceID]tiling.Trace{
// These trace ids have been shortened for test terseness.
// A real trace id would be like "8888:gm:test_first"
"a": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"aaa", "bbb"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"c": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"eee", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "gpu",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(FirstTest),
"d": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"fff", "ggg"},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "gm",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(SecondTest),
"e": &types.GoldenTrace{
Digests: types.DigestSlice{"jjj", types.MISSING_DIGEST},
Keys: map[string]string{
"config": "8888",
types.CORPUS_FIELD: "image",
types.PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD: string(ThirdTest),
Commits: []*tiling.Commit{
CommitTime: 42,
Hash: "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
Author: "",
CommitTime: 45,
Hash: "gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg",
Author: "",
Scale: 0,
TileIndex: 0,
func makeExpectations() *expectations.Expectations {
var e expectations.Expectations
e.Set(FirstTest, "aaa", expectations.Positive)
e.Set(FirstTest, "bbb", expectations.Negative)
e.Set(FirstTest, "ccc", expectations.Untriaged)
e.Set(FirstTest, "ddd", expectations.Untriaged)
e.Set(FirstTest, "eee", expectations.Positive)
e.Set(SecondTest, "fff", expectations.Negative)
return &e